Seifer Almasy stared across the room. His eyes were fixed on Fujin Sanada. She turned, and smiled breifly at Seifer, and turned away, wondering why he was staring at her. He looked away quickly, without much of a response to her smile. He glanced over at Raijin, who was attempting to flirt with a girl... So stupid. Seifer heard a loud buzz, that he recognized as the end of the day bell. He stood, and Fujin and Raijin walked over to him, and they walked. Together. A posse. The posse. Seifer Almasy's posse. Seifer stopped two junior classmen for running. The usual... What if one wanted to make it unusal? What if they couldn't? The hung out for awhile, then retired to their dorms. Seifer immediatly fell asleep. "Fujin...?" "YES?" "I love you." Fujin kicked Seifer, calling him several names. Seifer woke up the next morning, and wiped the cold sweat away from his face. Same dream. Same nightmare. Same... He was glad today was Saturday, since he had gotten up late. He pulled on his normal attire, and stepped out the door, where he seen Fujin and Raijin waiting for him. "Late sleeping, ya know?!" "Shut up, Raijin." "GOOD MORNING. SEIFER." "Thanks, Fujin." Fujin nodded, and stepped behind Seifer along with Raijin, and they walked to the Cafeteria. "SEIFER, WANT DRINK?" "Yeah, get me the usual." He said. "I'll have a-" Raijin cut in. "NOT YOU." She kicked him and walked up to the cafeteria counter. Raijin and Seifer sat at their usual seat. "Seifer, is something botherin' ya?" "Nah, Raijin. Just had some weird dreams." "WEIRD DREAMS?" Fujin handed Seifer the bottle. Seifer felt uneasy, suddenly. "Its nothing." Seifer took a sip of the soda and sighed. Everything was quiet. No one moved, just for that minute. Seifer wanted it to stay like that forever. Raijin stared at some girl across the cafeteria, Seifer stared at Fujin, who was in deep thought, and staring out the window... So perfect. "Hot dogs?! Any hot dogs?!" Zell Dincht came running by. Seifer was the first to stand up. "Dincht. No running. For the millionth friggin' time." "Man..." Zell groaned. Seifer stood, angry at Zell for ruining his perfect moment. "Fujin! Add Zell Dincht to the list." Seifer said. "Dammit!" And Zell walked away, sadly. Fujin pulled out a peice of paper, and scrawled Zell's name on it, then offense 117. Seifer walked back to his seat. "Damned chicken-wuss." Raijin stifled a laugh and got up. "I'm goin' to the training center, ya know?!" "Okay, Raijin. Catch up with ya later." Seifer said. He took a long swig of the soda in his hand. "RAIJIN. TRAIN MUCH LATELY." "Yeah, I wonder what's up..." Fujin shrugged and stared down at the coffee that was in front of her. Seifer tossed his empty drink in the trash, which was around ten feet away. Everything Seifer did had to be perfect, and if it wasn't, it was made perfect. Fujin sighed, and stood up. She walked over to the trash and tossed her half cup of coffee into the trash can. She walked over to Seifer, who stood up. And walked out of the cafeteria. Fujin followed him, then went off of to the training center to find Raijin. Seifer walked around GARDEN for about a half hour, and stopped several people for running, or food in the library. The usual boring stuff. He decided to go see the rest of his posse in the Training Center. When he got there, he found them fighting off a Grat. They finished it, and then turned to Seifer. "Yo, Seifer!" Raijin said as he jogged over to Seifer, and was followed by Fujin. "Hey. Raijin, what's with you and you're sudden obsession with training?" "Gotta impress the girls, ya know?!" Seifer shook his head. "Alright. Lets, uh, go fishing!" Seifer announced. Raijin smiled and Fujin groaned slightly, but it wasn't all too noticable. "Yeah, man!" Raijin exclaimed. When they got to Balamb, Raijin and Seifer took their usual spots at the dock, and Fujin stood behind Raijin, watching both of the men in disgust, wondering how they could just sit there... And not even catch anything. Fujin crossed her arms and stood there. That's the way things always went... It never changed. About an hour later, no one had caught any thing. "Alright, lets just head back ta Garden." Seifer said, standing up and casting his fishing pole aside. Raijin decided to stay a little longer, and Fujin jumped at the chance to go back to Garden. Seifer was unusally quiet as the two walked toward GARDEN. "SEIFER?" "Yeah?" "SOMETHING WRONG?" "No." "SURE?" She moved in front of him and turned to face him. "Yeah, I'm sure, Fuu." "DOESN'T SEEM..." Seifer touched her shoulder and smiled. "Don't worry about me, Fujin." She just nodded, and they continued walking. At around midnight, Seifer was sitting on his bed, studying for some History Exam, when he heard a knock at the door. "Who the hell is it?" "FUJIN." He smiled, and shook his head, wondering what she could want at this time of night. "Come in..." Fujin stepped in, wearing a loose and baggy pair of blue pants, along with an olive green tank top. She was barefoot. "RAIJIN? WHERE?" "I dunno. Did-you-try-his-dorm?" Seifer said in a cocky manner. "YES. NOT THERE." "Damned kid. Uh, try the Training Center." "THANK YOU." She exited, and Seifer couldn't help but think to himself what an idiot he was. Why'd he have to be so cocky around Fujin...? She just asked for his help... Seifer decided to go after her, apologize, help her find Raijin, or something... When he got there, he seen the two trying to fight a T-Rexsaur. He seen that Raijin had low HP, so he ran toward them. Figured he'd help.But he would never get there in time. "Fujin! Cure Raijin!" He yelled, still running. Fujin fumbled through her inventory for a potion, trying to find one . Nothing. She looked through her magic inventory, searching for some sort of cure. Too late. The T-Rexsaur attacked Raijin, K.Oing him, and leaving a deep gash across his chest. Seifer finished off the T-Rexsaur, and walked over to Raijin. "Fujin! Why are you so fucking slow?! Get the frickin' doctor." Fujin nodded and ran off towards the Infirmary. When she got back, she pointed toward Seifer and Raijin. She was going to stay, Seifer could tell, but his icy green eyes glared at her angrily, so she left. They took Raijin into the Balamb hospital, promising Seifer that he would be fine, it would just leave a scar. Seifer had wrongly blamed Fujin. It was around 3 AM, and Fujin was probably sleeping by now. He decided to go to her dorm anyway. He glanced outside the window on his way to Fujin's dorm, and realized it was raining. A bolt of lightening lit up the hall way of the Women's Dorms, and he found Fujin's dorm. It was unlocked, and empty, he found . He looked all over the GARDEN for Fujin, but couldn't find her. He snuck out the front gate, and went out into the rain. "Fujin?!" Another bolt of lightening lit the outside, and he seen a figure, it had to be her. "Fujin?!" She turned, and seen that is was Seifer, and turned back. He walked up to her, and sighed. "Fujin?!" Water ran down his face, and his hair was turning a dark blonde color, due to the liquid that poured from the skies. "WHAT?!" Her hair was wet, and clung to her face... It looked black, almost. "What the hell... are you doing?" She paused, and just breathed for a moment. "Fujin?!" "SEIFER.. CAME OUT TO BE ALONE. LEAVE ME." "N, no, Fuu... You're soaked..." Seifer pulled off his trenchcoat and placed it over her shoulders, leaving him wearing just a vest. Fujin stared at his golden arms, illuminated by a passing flash of lightening, bulging with muscle... His skin so smooth... and now wet. "I APOLOGIZE. RAIJIN... OKAY?" "He'll be fine, it'll just leave a scar." He said. Fujin clutched the trenchcoat that had been placed over her. "...MY FAULT. SO SLOW... DAMN." "No, Fujin, its not your fault at all. Its not your fault that you didn't have any support magic on you..." "YES. WAS." To the utter shock of Fujin, Seifer reached over and hugged her. She loosly place her arms around him, and felt the cold, wet leather of the back of his vest. "Fujin... you don't know how long I've wanted to hold you..." He whispered softly into her ear. "Seifer..." Her whole body just collapsed into him as she hugged him tighter. The rain poured down harder and a bolt of lightening lit the sky, and Seifer looked down at Fujin's face. He noticed her eye was red, but he couldn't be sure... He had only seen it for a split second. "Fujin... what's wrong?" "I never thought..." The trenchcoat was slipped off of her shoulders. "Lets go inside... Fujin." She nodded, and Seifer led her inside. They went into his dorm, and Seifer could not help but wonder what he was doing... He reached over to her, and slipped off her shirt, it was tossed on the floor, revealing her naked breasts. She looked at Seifer, who tossed his sopping wet vest to the floor. Slowly they peeled their clothes off, and Seifer went over to Fujin and held her. He stared at her, awaiting her approval, and she nodded. Seifer wasn't concerned about being pleased, he just wanted to prove to Fujin that he loved her, and nothing less... He licked her nipple, and it hardened. She moaned and looked up at him as he continued to kiss her everywhere. Finally, he took her toward the bed. She layed down, and her eye looked innocent for once, and it closed , as he thrust into her, breaking whatever innocence she had left. End Chapter 1.