-Healing- I can feel myself breathing again. I don't know how much time has passed since Seifer died. I think I'm in a hospital. I don't bother to open my eye. I don't want to be alive... Seifer... Oh Hyne, Seifer... Why? I never want to open my eye again. Never want to see anything but you again Seifer... but I never will... Then I hear a male voice. "...Well, she's been in a coma for three months! There is no way she makes it." Its Squall's voice. I'm alive. And I'll make it... So, three months... Damn, it doesn't feel that long. There's in IV in my arm, I can feel it. So, they are keeping me in Garden... I guess the hospital threw me out after so long. I stand up, still not opening my eye, and toss the IV to the ground. I hear voices. Someone hugs me. Leave me alone, you bastard. I think. I don't say anything, or react. Whoever it is is crying on me. Get away from me. You bastard. I don't say anything. I hear Squall again. "Well, erm, she isn't reacting." The crying of whoever is holding me stops, and whoever it is lets go. "Fujin?" I recognize the voice, but can't place who it is. I guess I'm still a bit distorted. Finally I muster up two precious words. "GO AWAY." I'm surprised I'm able to talk like that. "Fujin, just open your eye! ...What if she doesn't remember?" He asks. "She should..." Squall replies. I do remember... I just want Seifer. That's all. I can never have Seifer though. I wonder who was crying... I feel someone holding me again, and they sit me on the bed. Seifer... Seifer... Please... I don't want to open my eyes, and see that the man holding me is some odd person I've never seen before. Probably a new male doctor. I sigh. "KILL ME." I say. Thats all I want. I can't have Seifer... So there is no point in living. "Say what...?" Squall asks. "Fuu, don't say that..." Seifer. Seifer was the only one who ever called me Fuu. Who was this bastard who called me Fuu?! I open my eye. It meets with the familar green eyes of... Seifer Almasy. "SEIFER!" I practically yell. I hug him. "Fujin...!" He kisses me on my forehead. "Seifer... I thought you were dead." I say. So Seifer was crying... over me... Oh, Seifer. "Close to it... Fuu. You don't know... These last three months... I just got out of the hospital myself... two weeks ago... I wasn't in a coma though. Hm." Seifer, shh. I just want you to hold me. He does, and I smile. Seifer, I need you. Maybe you need me too. You won't ever leave me, right? You did mend those pains in my heart. I'm not breaking. I stand tall... with Seifer. ~The end. {Author's note: I know, that ending was sort of unrealistic... But, I couldn't bear to see those two die! Dammit.}