"What should we name her, Seifer?" Quistis stared down at the baby in her arms and smiled. "I dunno, what do you think?" "Well, I was thinking Tara. What do you think?" "That's a pretty name." Seifer smiled. It was nine months later, September 9th, and the child had just been born. It was cute, as most babies are, the only thing was that it was crying loudly. "I wish it would shut up though." Seifer said, rubbing his head. "Seifer..!" Quistis smiled. A few minutes later, a doctor came into the room and took the child away, saying that Quistis needed her rest. "I'm gonna let you rest, Quisty. I'll be back in a half hour, alright?" "Okay, Seifer." Seifer walked out of the room, and shut the door behind him. Quistis slowly closed her eyes, and fell into a deep sleep. Seifer walked down to the cafeteria and looked around. Zell was there, eating a hot dog. 'Why in Hyne's name did she tell Zell to come? I mean, Zell, of all people!' "Yo, Seifa! What are you doing here?" "What am I doing here? ...I think the proper question is what are *you* doing here...?" "Well, I come here every afternoon. They got some great hotdogs goin' on...!" 'Oh, so he doesn't know. Might as well tell him. "Do ya know why I'm here?" Seifer asked, taking a seat next to him. "For the hot dogs...?" "No, chicken-wuss. It just so happens, that you are now talking to a father..." "Say WHAT?!" "Yeah, thats what I said..." Seifer laughed. "Erm, anyway, you wanna come see the baby? It's name is Tara." "Oh, yeah, man! I love kids! So, erm, who's the mother?" Zell asked, as they walked towards the Maternity Ward. Seifer paused. "Quistis..." "WHAT?! Yo, yo, yo. Wait a minute. Back at the hotel in Esthar, you really were..." "No... well, yes... but... after you came in..." "Hehe! Whoa!" "Man, chicken-wuss, you tell a soul, I'll bash your head in." "Yeah, yeah. I won't... Hey, where's my four hundred gil?" "What four hundred gil...?" ~~~ Quistis woke up, and looked around her. Was it just a dream? No... She was officially a mother... Wow. Seifer walked into the room, with Zell Dincht following. "Hey, Quistis, look who I found in the cafeteria." "Yo, Quistis!" "Hello, Zell." "So, erm, Seifer and you... are you guys married?" "Yes... We were married in June." "Really?! You didn't invite me..!?" "It was sort of a private occassion..." "Oh. Well, I seen the baby. She's so cute!" Zell said, jumping up and down. "Stop that, Zell." Seifer snapped. "Y, yeah. Okay." "Zell?" Quistis asked. "What's up?" "Can you ask the doctor if I can see my baby?" "Sure thing!" Zell jogged out of the room, leaving Quistis and Seifer alone. "Seifer...?" "What is it?" "Do you mind if I ask you something...? I mean, it may sound a little late, but I've been biulding up the courage to say it, and since they gave me some drug... Heh." "Go ahead..." "Seifer, you didn't just marry me because of the baby... I mean, just out of pity...?" "No! Of course not. I'd love you with or without the baby. I'll always love you, no matter what." ~The End.