Oh, please, Seifer. Everything will be fine. He probably... doesn't even care about me anymore!" "Yeah, right. It was because of you he was put in jail, he's gonna want revenge..." "I didn't report him! Someone else did!" Quistis protested... 'Oh no... What if I am in danger? My child...' "Yeah, well, you never know." "Seifer, you're being silly. Stop it..." "I'm... serious, Quistis..." "Don't worry, Seifer." "...Yeah... Anyway, you should get some rest." "Yeah, I am sorta tired." "Okay then. I'll be in later." "Alright..." Quistis yawned and went into the bedroom. As she peered into her closet to get a sweatshirt, for it was cold, she eyed all the shirts that wouldn't fit her anymore... She sighed, and hopped into bed. Seifer yawned. His eyelids felt heavy, but he'd stay awake. It was around two AM, and the reason he was still awake was that he had to think. 'Father... I'm gonna be a father... damn. I wouldn't make a good father... Or husband, for that matter... I'm screwed.' "Seifer?" Quistis stepped out of the bedroom and into the living room. "Hey, Quisty. What are you doing awake...?" "I always wake up around this time of night... Heh... Seifer, you really need your sleep... I mean, you have hardly gotten any sleep..." "Thats fine..." "No, its not. Come on, please?" Quistis frowned at Seifer. "Alright, Alright!" Seifer stood up and walked toward Quistis. Seifer pulled off his shirt and got into bed. "Seifer, do me a favor?" "Anything." "Take a shower in the morning." Quistis said, patting him on the back. He laughed. "Alright." Seifer smiled and put his arm around Quistis. She was happy, for it felt good for him to hold her... 'Oh, Seifer... I love you...' She thought. Then she fell asleep. The next morning, when Seifer woke up, Quistis was already awake. "I'm sorry..." "What for?" "Sleeping so late." "Its no problem..." "You look sorta pale, you okay?" "Yeah, Seifer, I'm fine." "Okay... I'm gonna go take a shower... So, uh... later." "Yeah, alright, Seifer." She watched Seifer disapear into the bathroom and sighed. 'We both know he won't make a good father.. but maybe if I were to help him... Oh Hyne...' "QUISTIS! WHERE'S THE DAMNED SOAP...?!" 'So impatient... Seifer..." "I'll get it..." Quistis walked into the steamy bathroom and opened the cabinet. She found a bar of white soap. "Here..." She held it out. "Thanks. Can you put my clothes in the washing machine?" "Sure..." She sighed, and stepped out of the bathroom, grabbing his clothes. 'Seifer... Oh, Hyne, I wish you could understand... I really do...' After she put the clothes in, she sat in the kitchen, sipping her coffee, and thinking about Seifer, mainly. 'Could I ever get you to understand...? Oh, Seifer...' "Quistis?" Seifer stepped out of the bathroom, towel around his waist. "In the kitchen..." "Oh." He walked in and looked at Quistis. "You look upset... Are you sure you're okay?" "I'm fine." Seifer sat next to Quistis. "You know, you can tell me... You don't always have to be 'fine.'" He said, taking her hand into his. Quistis glanced up at him and smiled. "I'm just afraid..." "Of what?" "What's going to happen next. I mean, I'd want to stay here with you, just sitting next to you, with my hand in yours forever. But I know I can't, and I'm afraid of what happens when I let go..." "Quistis..." He hugged her gently. "You don't have to be afraid, because nothing has to change. We can stay here for ever... until we grow old." He ran his fingers through her hair... wondering what she would say, how she would reply . "I want to... I want to stay with you forever, Seifer..." He kissed her, and she smiled. 'Quistis... you're my everything... Hyne, I didn't think I was able to become so attached... to someone.' 'Seifer, oh... My life has begun to revolve around you. You're my only concern... You... My thoughts no longer consist of my future, and what I'll be , but of what we'll be... Seifer...' "Oh, Quistis, I love you..." "Love you too, Seifer." Quistis stared at him. Peaceful. He looked peaceful. Like how he looked when he was sleeping . Those green eyes, they were no longer intimidating, but tranquil... She ran her hand down his face, wiping away stray drops of water from his shower. His eyes, she loved those eyes. A buzzer went off somewhere in the house. "You're clothes are done." "Heheh, oh..." Seifer smiled, and stood up. "Where are they?" "To your left, next to the bathroom..." "Thanks." He disapeared into the small laundry room. Everytime Seifer was away from Quistis, she got so afraid he wouldn't come back, even if he was just going into the next room. Honestly, Quistis was afraid of fate, and what it could do to destroy people's lives. She shuddered, and drank down the rest of her coffee. She glanced outside through the doors that lead to a small balcony. "Seifer... its raining?" Seifer walked into the room, fully dressed. "That's weird... Its January." "Mmhm..." Quistis shrugged. Seifer walked into the living room and flicked on the TV. He walked back over to Quistis , and hugged her. "Hey, what do you think we should do today?" He asked. "I dunno, not much *to* do..." She yawned. "Whats the weather going to do?" "I'm not sure. I'll go check." Seifer walked into the living room, and Quistis walked over to the cabinet, going to make herself more coffee. "Dammit..." She muttered, realizing she had no more coffee. "What's wrong?" "No more coffee... Anyway, what's the weather gonna do?" "Thunderstorms. Do you believe that? Thunderstorms..." "Well, Dollet is known for its odd weather." "Oh yeah." At around 8pm, Quistis went in the kitchen for some aspirin, for her returning headache, and coffee. She didn't have either. "Seifer, I'm gonna go down the street and get some aspirin and coffee. I'll be back." "You aren't going anywhere in this weather." Seifer said motioning to the window, where rain was pelting down. "Oh please, there is a store right down on the corner." "I'll go." "You don't have to." "I know." Seifer pulled on his trenchcoat. "I'll be back." "Bye, Seifer..." Seifer walked out the door, and Quistis sat, staring out the two glass doors that led outside into the rain. She never used the balcony out there for anything. She sighed. Lightening flashed, and then a loud clap of thunder... "Hyne, this is weird weather." She muttered to herself. She stood up and walked towards the door. More lightening... She seen a figure of a person out of the corner of her eye. It was only there for second... Was it even there...? She searched around for her, whip, but was unable to find it. So, she just grabbed a knife and walked over towards the doors. A sudden gust of wind blew them open, and more lightening revealed the familar face of a Trepie. Juan. "Juan!?" He walked in silently. "Quistis... long time no see... I don't get you. I did everything for you... And I'm sent to jail for it...?" "Get the fuck out of my apartment, Juan." Quistis said in warning tone, holding the knife behind her back. "Give me the knife Quistis... Your slim figure reveals it... Oh, you have gained weight... Just a little, you are as beautiful as ever... Marry me, Quistis..." "Are you INSANE?! Get out of here!" Juan stepped close to Quistis, and with one sweep of motion, had grabbed the knife, and had his lips pressed to hers. She kicked him foward on to the floor. "Oh, Quistis, ...That was wrong, you'll regret it." "What?!" 'Oh no... Oh Hyne, Seifer.. Seifer...' "Yes, when I pull this trigger," He held up a gun. "You'll be mine, dead or alive... We'll be someplace together..." "Juan, you're crazy... Stop this..." "No..." He held up the gun, and aimed. "Stop it, Juan! Oh Hyne, please...!" Quistis heard a large bang... 'Thunder?' She felt a pain in her left shoulder, and fell towards the ground... 'No... No... Seifer... our baby... I can't die.. no.' She heard a another bang shortly after. Juan... had shot himself...? She tasted a familar taste in her mouth. She remembered it vaguely... a thick liquid. Lightening illuminated the room, just for long enough for Quistis to see that it was blood... 'Seifer...' Everything faded slowly... so slowly. The roomed was filled with a deadly silence, and then a large clap of thunder. Seifer noticed all of the lights had gone out in the city, and when he heard the silence of the apartment, he dropped the things he had purchased, and walked in. Lightening. He seen Quistis, laying on the floor in an akward position. Blood. On her shoulder, on her face. "QUISTIS!" He rushed toward her, ignoring the other body, and kneeled beside her. "Quistis... Oh Hyne, Quistis say something!" Seifer waited in the hosptial waiting room, his head throbbing. He had taken four aspirins. 'Quistis is right. Fucking aspirin doesn't work.' The hospital was near to empty, and Seifer finally got the strength to walk up to the front desk. "Do you know her condition?!" "No, sir, but I'll go ask the docta." "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Hurry..." Three minutes later, the nurse walked back in. "Well, good news and bad news..." "Yeah, what the fuck is it already!? Damn, so fucking slow..." "Um, sir... Control your anger. She's gonna be okay, but, we aren't sure about the baby... You did know she was pregnant..." "Yeah, what about the baby...?" "Well, the docta's gonna check on that... He already took the tests and such, we're just waiting for the results..." "When can I see her...?" "Oh, in around a half hour, they're still fixing her..." "Ah, alright..." Twenty-five minutes later, the doctor walked up to Seifer. "Well... we have the information, if that's what you want. You can go see her now too..." "Yeah, okay... explain..." "The baby is going to be fine... No damage was done, it won't affect anything, but... Ms. Trepe will have to stay here for a few days." "Alright... What room is she in...?" "C14." "Thanks..." Seifer walked quickly down the hall to room C14. He opened the door, and stepped in. She was laying there, staring out the window. Her upper torso was wrapped up in white gauze. "Quistis?" "Seifer...!" She turned to face him, and made a painful noise when turning her body. 'Oh, Seifer... There you are... what took you so long...?' "Hey... How are ya?" "I'm doing okay. Its much less worse than it looks... Good thing Juan has bad aim..." "Hah... Hyne, I've never been so scared before..." "Heheh... what about me? I was so scared I'd never see you ever again... So scared I'd never see your eyes... Seifer ..." Seifer pulled up a chair next to Quistis' bed. "Quistis... Oh Quistis... I don't think I could live without you now..." "Seifer." Seifer ran his fingers through her hair. He stared at her, wanting this to last forever. He now understood what Quistis felt when she said that she was afraid of what would happen when she let go... Seifer was afraid now too... Love... it was so scary. Quistis reached over and ran her hand down his face. She loved him. She seen a flash \ of light out of the corner of her eye, and she looked up. The press...? Of course, it was a suicide attempt murder ... 'Not the press.... dammit.' Seifer looked over at Quistis, who groaned. "Hey!" He yelled, standing up. "Get the fuck away. She doesn't want to see you assholes. Don't you think she's had enough for one friggin' night??!" Now, Seifer can be pretty scary when he's upset. The reporters stared, and the cameras's were turned off. They walked away slowly. Quistis smiled. "Thank you, Seifer...." "Its nothing.... I really hate the press..." There was a pause. "Seifer, I'm so afraid that all of this is a dream, and I'll wake up alone..." "I sure hope not..." "Why is that...?" "Can't imagine life with out you, Quistis..." He said. She smiled. "I'd hug ya, but erm..." He motioned toward her shoulder and she giggled. "When do you think they'll let me out of here, Seifer?" "Well, the doctor said a few days..." "Serious?" "Yeah..." "Dammit..." She muttered. "Hey, Seifer... can you get me my hair clip...? Its over in my pocket..." "...Sure." Seifer went over to her clothes, which were laid out on a shelf, and pulled the clip out of her pocket. He walked back over and handed it to her. "Thanks... Its so hot in here..." "No its not..." Seifer placed his hand on Quistis' forehead. "Honey, you feel hot. Maybe you've got a fever. I'm gonna get the doctor..." 'Honey?' Quistis asked herself. "No, Seifer, I'm fine..." "No you're not." Seifer walked out the door. He seen the doctor flirting with one of the other nurses. Seifer cleared his throat loudly. "Oh. Sir, can I help you...?" "Yeah, go check on Quistis. I think she's got a fever." "Oh, right." The doctor left and walked toward Quistis' room. Seifer watched from the window as he took her temperature. "Yes, Ms. Trepe. You do have a fever, but it should pass. Nothing to worry about. I'll get you some medicine..." The doctor left the room and Seifer entered. "Hyne damned doctor doesn't know what he's talkin' about." Seifer said, taking his seat next to Quistis again. Quistis chuckled. "Quistis... can you tell me what happened... back there?" Quistis sighed. "You can wait, if you are still uncomfortable about it..." Seifer said, taking her hand. 'Maybe you will make a good father, Seifer...' Quistis thought to herself. "No, I can explain it now... Just let me put my hair up, ok?" "Sure..." Quistis reached behind her and gathered her hair, placing it against the back of her head, then reached up with her left hand, but dropped it immediatly and winced in pain. "You okay?!" "Heheh, yeah, I'm fine." Seifer reached over and took the clip from Quistis' hands, then gently turned her head to face away from him. He clipped her hair up for her, it didn't come out perfect, but it was okay-looking. Quistis turned back around and smiled at Seifer, who smiled back sheepishly. "Okay... Well, he came in through those two doors that lead to my balcony... and... I told him to leave. He wouldn't . Then he told me that when he killed me, we'd be together. Then he shot me. I guess he shot himself afterwards... I was so scared." "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you, Quistis." "Its alright... not your fault." Quistis said. The doctor returned, and gave Quistis two pills. She gulped them down , along with some water, and the doctor was about to leave, but he stepped back. "Sir, I think you should leave now." "Why?" "Visiting hour is over." "I don't care. I'm not a visitor." "Oh? Then are you a patient?" "Don't mess with me." Seifer sneered at the doctor, his eyes blazing. "I'll stay here as long as she stays here. Do you fucking understand?" "Y, yessir." The doctor walked nervously out of the room. Seifer smiled slyly, and Quistis laughed. "You know, you don't have to stay here. I mean, I can handle being alone..." "I don't want you to, though." Seifer said. Quistis smiled. 'You will make a good father, Seifer... you will... you just have to put your head to it... Oh, Seifer...' "Alright, Seifer... I'm gonna sleep now, can you turn off the lamp...?" "Sure." Seifer stood up and walked over to the lamp. He shut it off, and Quistis adjusted the bed to lay flat. "Good night, Seifer." "I love you, Quistis..." Quistis smiled to herself. She loved that phrase... coming from Seifer, that is. Quistis woke up the next morning at eight AM. She seen Seifer, his head rested on her lap. Still sitting on the chair. He had been there all night. She sighed, shaking her head and smiling. A doctor entered the room. "How are you feeling Ms. Trepe?" "I'm feeling... fine." "You don't mind this man being here... do you? If so, we can remove him..." He said, staring down at Seifer. And then a deep and tired voice was heard. "...You just try." Seifer muttered, sitting up. "He's no problem. I enjoy his presence." Quistis smiled softly. End Chapter 6.