"SAY WHAT?!" Seifer jumped out of his seat and glared at the doctor as if it were the doctor's fault. "Yes, she is pregnant. Now, it is very, very early in the pregnancy, so... abortion is still an option, but you can tell her that. She seems upset." "Yeah, whatever." 'She's upset? Shit... Well, of course she's upset, she's fucking pregnant!' "How long has she been pregnant?" Seifer asked, hoping it wasn't him. "Just a couple of days." He said. 'Shit...' "I'll send her out." The doctor left and Seifer ran his hand down his face. Three minutes later, he looked up to see Quistis glare at him and walk out the door. He got up and followed her. Quistis stared up at the sky as she walked. 'I don't want to have his child. I don't want... Oh Hyne... He won't commit to me, dammit... He's Seifer, he probably will never see me again after I bail him out... I don't want ..." "Quistis!" Seifer jogged up to her, and she could hear snow crunching below both of their feet now. She ignored him, and kept walking. She felt him place his hand on her shoulder and turn her around. "Stop avoiding me!" "What, Seifer? What? What? What the fuck do you want NOW? I really don't want to talk to you. So just leave me alone ." Quistis entered the hotel, and Seifer stayed outside, slumping on a bench. '...Why...? Why do I screw everything up?' He asked himself, not able to find an answer. About a half hour later, the door next to him opened, and Quistis stepped out. "Seifer, why don't you come inside. Its cold." "Yeah. I know its cold, Quistis." He looked up at her and shook his head. She looked upset, but less than she had before. Seifer stood up and walked inside with Quistis. They walked up the stairs to their room where Quistis just plopped on the bed, not saying anything. "Quistis, I think we need to talk." "I don't want to talk." "But we have to talk." "I don't care!" She rolled over, facing away from Seifer. "Quistis, come on..." "Seifer, I don't want..." "Abortion... that's an option..." "No! ...I just..." She took a deep breath and turned to face Seifer. "Don't... Oh Hyne, forget it." "Quis-tis!" "Seifer, I need sleep. We have to wake up at five, so we can go to GALBADIA and bail YOU out of jail." "Forget it. Okay? I'll just go back. You don't need to waste your money on me, we, erm, you need it for the child." "Seifer, we need to get you out of jail. Because, at this point, your more important than this child." Quistis rolled back over, upset again. Seifer stayed silent after she said that, and just sat in the kitchen. "Seifer, get your ass in bed." Quistis said, getting more upset by the second. "Er... ok." He walked over and plopped on the bed. 'What a fool, I am... Love? Do I love her? Yes... without a doubt . But I can't tell her that... I just can't.' The next morning when Seifer woke up, Quistis was already awake. She was sipping a cup of coffee, she didn't look so great either. Hoping it was just a dream, he walked over to her and asked her how she was feeling. "Not too great..." She muttered. 'No dream... dammit!' He thought. "We need to leave now, Seifer. Come on." "You sure you're up to it?" "Yes. Go on, get the money... and your coat." ~~~ At six am, the two were on board a train bound for Deling, where they would rent a car, and drive to the prison. The train was empty, as the early morning ones always were. "Seifer, I'm tired, I'm gonna sleep. Wake me when we get there." She yawned and rested her head on Seifer's shoulder. "Alright." Quistis was awakened by Seifer, who shook her gently. "Quistis? Hey, Quistis! We gotta go now." She opened her eyes, and looked up at him. "No, Seifer, I wanna go back to sleep..." "Quistis! We HAVE to get off the train now." "Nah uhn..." "Quisty, come on!" "...Fine... Fine..." She muttered. Quistis trudged off the train and in the direction of the car rental. It was around five PM. Quistis fell asleep in the car, and Seifer was greatful that she was not driving... 'Where do we go after this...? Oh Hyne... I don't know what to do...' At two-thirty, they arrived one mile away from the prison. He wondered if she could still do this. "Quistis? Are you alright?" He shook her. "Oh... Seifer, I'm sorry. You should, um, go now. I'll head in in an hour, ok?" "Yeah, sure..." "Good luck." "Thanks." "Bye." He left, and ran towards the prison. He snuck in the back, and killed off a Glabadian guard. He stripped the Galbadian soldier of his unform, and placed it on his body. Quistis was right, it was itchy, and... hot, and sweaty. .. He'd deal. He walked into the building, but was stopped by an officer. "Where are you going?" "To check on Seifer Almasy, I hear someone is looking to bail him out. I gotta make sure he is fit to be seen. You know, don't want the public to know how we REALLY treat our prisoners." The officer laughed, but Seifer was serious. He kept going, and finally came to his old cell. Nothing had changed. Good... An hour later, Quistis walked to the front gates. "How can I help you?" "Yes, hi. I called earlier... Wanted to bail out Almasy." "Oh yeah, come talk to Bill, he's the one who spoke to ya." "Alright, thank you." She was led into the building, which hadn't changed much since the SeeD incident. "Hi, mam!" "Hello, sir... I'm in a rush really, I have to get to work. So, um, I have the gil..." "Oh, okay, sure, no problem!" It was obvious to Quistis that the man was flirting with her, trying to play it nice, or something. Hah. The man called for someone to bring prisoner 077 to the front, and Quistis handed him the gil. "Wow, you must really need to study this man..." "Yeah, he is crucial to my research." Seifer stepped out of the shadows, along with an officer, and Quistis nodded. "Hello, Mr. Almasy. How are you feeling today?" "Just fine." He replied. "Good, you two are allowed out now." "Thank you, sir." Quistis said, smiling. The two walked out of the prison, and back to their car, pleased that everything had gone so smoothly. The car ride was silent, and Quistis was sleeping again. Seifer parked the car outside of Deling, and watched Quistis sleep. "Seifer... Where are we?" "We're very close to Deling." "Oh..." "So, did you want me to drive you... um, back to Dollet?" "Sure... that'd be nice..." Quistis muttered. 'So, thats it... I knew it. He's leaving." They drove in silence, and they got to Dollet. Seifer drove Quistis to her apartment building, and he stopped the car, waiting for her to get out. "Bye... Seifer." Quistis swallowed. She felt tingling in her eyes, and tears forming. She shut the door of the car. It started to rain. Rain in the winter. Then the tears came, as she watched him speed off into the the distance. ~~~ "Quistis. Quistis, you should wake up now! Its eight o'clock...PM." "Seifer?! ..." 'Oh... just a dream...' "You okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine..." "Quistis... I know, this is probably late, but, I realized I had better say it." "Hmm? What is it, Seifer?" "I have something to tell you..." "What..?" 'Oh no, he's hiding something...' She thought to herself. Seifer paused. 'Go on, say it, before its too late...' Seifer thought. "I love you, Quistis..." He said, looking up at her, awaiting her reaction. "Seifer... is this is a... sudden emotion, or...?" "I've loved you since... well, before you said you loved me. But, I was afraid to say anything. I thought as long as I knew, we'd be all set, but we weren't..." "To be completly honest with you, I'm... shocked." Quistis said, staring at Seifer without blinking once. "Why?" "I just thought that you just cared for me... Even the sex, I thought it was just... sex to you, nothing else." "Oh, it was more, much more... turned out to be too." He said, sounding sure of himself. "Yeah, unfortunetly." "What's wrong?" "I'm not sure... I guess I wasn't ready for this... you know, having a child..." "I know, but, Quistis. Listen, this child will be special, cuz its gonna be yours, and mine... its our love." Quistis had never heard Seifer sound so affectionate before. She liked it. "Seifer..." Quistis said, smiling. Seifer leaned over and kissed Quistis. "Quistis, let's take you home." "Alright..." They drove in silence, and they arrived at Dollet. Seifer stopped the car in front of her apartment. "Hey, uh, do you mind if I spend the night...?" "No, not at all." "Thanks..." "Yeah, sure." The two entered the apartment building, and slowly made their way up the stairs. Quistis walked into her kitchen, and made herself coffee, then downed three aspirins. "Seifer, I'm gonna take a shower..." "Alright." Quistis headed for the shower, and when she got back out, she was stopped by Seifer. "Hey, Quistis...?" "Mmhm?" "I have to talk to you..." "Sure... um, what is it?" She joined him, sitting on the sofa. He was watching the news, nothing special. "This child..." He got her full attention. "Yeah?" "You know how its mine..." "Erm, yes..." She replied, getting curious. 'Aw, damn, can I really say this?' Seifer asked himself. 'No.' "...Dammit, nevermind..." "Seifer..." "Anyway, I'm sorry, Quistis." "For what?" "Doing this to you..." "Oh, Seifer! Stop it, this isn't your fault." "I never should have..." "Stop this! I don't regret any of it, okay?!" "Sure, Quistis." Seifer shook his head and stared at the ground. After a long pause, Quistis finally broke the silence. "Um, Seifer?" "What is it...?" Seifer asked. Quistis took a long pause. "...Oh, Hyne, forget it." "...Quistis, I think we both... uh, have got the same thing on our minds..." 'Oh? Could that really be possible?" Quistis thought. "Oh? ..." "... I don't quite have an answer for it either." 'Damn, are we even thinking the same thing?' "... Do you even know what I'm thinking?" She asked. 'Probably not...' She thought. "Your worried that the baby won't have a father. Heh." 'How does he know these things?!' "...Oh." Quistis nodded. They stayed silent, and Quistis stared at the TV. The newscaster was saying something about "Juan Heraldo and jail." The name rang a bell in Quistis' head, but she could not put her finger on it. "Hey, Quistis, wasn't that Juan guy a SeeD?" Seifer asked. Suddenly, it all came together. He had been a member of the Trepies... Sent to jail? "Yeah, he was a Trepie." "Oh..." Seifer turned up the volume. "I wonder why he was sent to jail..." Quistis thought aloud. "Shh... Maybe they'll mention it..." "Heraldo was sent to jail for a serious obessession with a women named Quistis Trepe. It seemed rather life threatening for Trepe. It came to a surprise when he escaped from jail, he seemed rather timid, but he is armed and dangerous, so keep an eye out for him, and inform authorities immediately..." The newscaster read. "Oh... wow... Seifer, I never knew that he was sent to jail...!" "...I don't like this. Not one bit." End Chapter 5.