Quistis Trepe glared at Seifer Almasy. Out of all of the staring SeeDs, Quistis' look was the coldest of all. Her cold blue eyes were directed at him with utter hatred, and he scowled back at the crowd and crossed his arms. His trenchcoat was gone, exposing his golden, muscular arms. Cid continued. "And, Mr. Almasy, you will be banned from GARDEN forever. Your two companions, Fujin Sanada and Raijin Hefton are allowed to stay. You will be sent to Galbadia prison for eight years." It was after the final battle, and Seifer was just getting his punishment for fighting on the wrong side... ~~~ Quistis woke up with sweat running down her face. It was four years later and Quistis was living in a small apartment in Dollet. She had an occupation of an instructor to teens at some center in town. She hated it. The former SeeD had had this nightmare several times a week for the past four years. She couldn't help wonder why, Seifer would be in prison for another four years. Good. "One AM. I'll never be able to get back to sleep." She stood up and shivered when her legs were exposed to the coldness of Dollet's winters. She fixed the strap of her tank top as she walked into the kitchen for some coffee. Quistis put the coffee on and went to take a shower. She woke up immediately and walked out of the house, fully dressed in a leather jacket, and her normal attire. It was the same as her pinkish-orange outfit, except black. She clutched the jacket against her body as she walked through the cold and soulless streets of Dollet. There was no one around, not even a car; everyone was sleeping. Actually, Quistis had no idea where she was going, probably to a bar... She closed her eyes and continued walking as a cold wind blew in her face. She felt herself bump into someone . She landed on the ground. "Fuck! Watch it!" Said a husky male voice. Quistis rubbed her eyes and looked up to see a blonde man, who was dressed all in black in front of her. She stood up and brushed herself off. "I'm sorry..." She muttered. Then she seen it. Something about him. She looked at him for awhile, not able to place name and face. "Erm, if you don't mind my asking... what's your name...?" "I do mind your asking." He said. "Oh, well, what the hell are you doing out at two in the morning?" Asked Quistis. "Well, uh... Same could be asked about yourself." He said. Quistis crossed her arms. "I couldn't sleep, whats your excuse?!" "I, uh... couldn't sleep either..." "Why?" "Um, look, we are gonna wake up people, lets go in this bar place." The man said pointing to a bar. Quistis nodded, that was where she was going anyway. They walked in and took a seat at the bar. "What can I get ya, Quistis?" Quistis ordered something light, and then the man ordered. "I'll have the strongest you got!" He said. Quistis looked over at the man, fully intrigued. Something about his voice... "So," Quistis asked. "Whats your name?" "Eh..." "Oh, you sort of... private?" She asked. The man just nodded. "Well, I'm Quistis Trepe..." The man's green eyes widened, as if some thought had been confirmed. "Oh." He muttered as he gulped down a sip of the brownish liquid that had been put down before him. "Yeah... is there something wrong?" Quistis asked in a concerned voice. "Quistis, I need to... Nevermind." The man shook his head, and drank some more of his drink. "This stuff tastes like shit...." "Seifer?!" Quistis' eyes widened and she covered her mouth. Those words... Sounded so much like Seifer Almasy. "I'm sorry... nevermind..." Quistis gulped down a huge portion of her drink, wishing she'd ordered something much stronger. "Who's this Seifer...? Tell me about him..." He asked, staring at her, and motioning for the bar tender to bring them another round. For some reason, Quistis felt as if she was able to trust this man... with her most inner thoughts, and besides, she was half drunk- why not? "Back... back when I was a SeeD... I fought in the sorceress battles... Surely you have heard of him... Seifer Almasy?" "Oh! That Seifer Almasy... What about him?" "I guess I liked him... for a time, then he joined the other side and..." Quistis took her newly arrived drink and gulped it all down. The man nodded. "Go on." "Thats it. You just resemble him a bit, but you couldn't be, he is still in prison." "Unless he escaped." The man added. Quistis was too drunk to get the hint. "Yeah..." "And was sitting next to you now..." He said, seductive look in his eyes. Quistis stood up, and backed away, a shocked look on her face. "Seifer, what the hell are you... doing here?!" "Sit down, Quisty, you'll cause a scene." "The bar is empty, Seifer!" "Oh yeah. Uh, Quistis, just sit down." Quistis sat next to Seifer, and grabbed his drink, gulping the brown nastiness down. "Seifer, you escaped?! They are going to catch you... or something... Or, even better, I'll-" "Don't you dare!" Seifer tossed some gil on the counter and slipped his arm around Quistis' waist and walked her out of the bar. "Seifer... How the hell!?"" "Easy... I was at the prison, WORKING there." Seifer said. Quistis took his arm from around her waist. "... I have to inform the authorities..." "Quistis, stop acting like a bitch. You don't want to inform the authorities, to you, its just 'the right thing to do.'" "Seifer Almasy! You get you and your ego out of here!" "...Tch, fine." Seifer walked away from her, and Quistis stood where he left her, and then the alcohol kicked in. 'Quists Trepe' She thought to herself ' you are an arrant fool. Look at this. This man had been invading your dreams for a reason not even you know, and you kick him out of your sight!' Quistis clutched her head, rubbing her temples. She felt light-headed. Ah, the feeling of being drunk. She looked at Seifer's disapearing figure and sighed. She was dissapointed in herself. She kicked at the sidewalk, but ended up almost falling, and feeling dizzy. She had never really been so drunk before, just an occasional alcoholic beverage, but she had two drinks, plus Seifer's 'strongest ya got' drink. Her head started to throb. "SEIFER! WAIT!" 'What I am I doing?!" She thought to herself as she ran up to the man. "...What?" He turned. She straightened her vision, squinting at Seifer. "I... erm, thanks for paying for my drink..." She said. She hit her head with her hand, realizing that she had just screwed up all of her efforts. "Yeah, whatever." He kept walking. Quistis decided that she needed to sit down somewhere, and she walked away, toward a small, public park, and sat on a bench. She fell asleep. When Quistis woke up, it was around four AM. She was never able to sleep for more than an hour at a time lately. It was still dark out, being winter. She looked around, and seen a figure standing next to the bench... Seifer? "Hey..." She said, rubbing her head. "I have a favor to ask of you." "What?" "I need you to buy me a ticket to... Esthar... train ticket." "Why can't you?" "These asshole train people know me by face." "So, won't you just be noticed on the train...?" "Fuck..." "Here... I have an idea." Quistis stood up, nearly falling down, still half drunk. "You okay?" "Y, yeah." She said, a little embarassed. 'Why am I helping him... some who betrayed me... and my friends...?' She picked up a pay phone, and tossed 5gil in the slot. She dialed her work number and left a message. "Hi, this is Quistis Trepe, I won't be able to come into work for the next three days... I apologize. Bye." "What the hell was that for...?" Seifer asked. "You." She tucked a lock of blonde hair behind her ear. "What are you doing?" "Just come with me, dammit." Quistis snapped. "Alright..." Quistis could tell Seifer felt uneasy, since he was used to taking care of himself. Quistis walked toward her apartment, and Seifer followed silently. She opened the door, and he walked in. "Ah, nice place ya got!" "Thanks..." "So, what are we doing here?" "I'm getting some gil... And, Seifer? I'm gonna leave at around five to get the tickets-" "Tickets?" He said, emphasizing the plural sound. "How the hell else are you going to get on a train? It'll work... ok?" She said, tossing her leather jacket on a chair. "Why are you helping me anyway?" Seifer asked, plopping on Quistis' bed. Quistis froze, she had no idea... She ignored the question, pretending she didn't hear it. "Go take a shower, you're filthy." "I don't need your help..." "Sure, you don't need my help getting back INto prison, but staying out... thats another thing." Seifer sighed, and walked into the bathroom, semi-slamming the door behind him. Quistis sat on the bed, and sighed... 'Helping a fugitive... who betrayed you, grew up with you... Nice.' In about five minutes, Seifer walked out of the bathroom, his hair blonde again, instead of the brownish color it had turned due to dirt and the like. She stared at him for a minute, then realized she was staring, and looked away. "I have to go. I'll be back." She said, grabbing her jacket and walking out the door. When Quistis arrived at the train station, it was just opening. "Hi, how can I help you!?" Asked an all too happy girl from behind the desk. "I'd like two tickets to Timber." "What time...?" "Around nine." "Well, we have a train leaving at 7:30am... and 11:00 am, but thats all for this morning." "7:30." "Alright. We'll need to take your picture, just for verification... and fingerprints as well, its just procedure for Esthar." "Sure." Quistis pressed her fingers on the black ink pad, and pressed them on a sheet of paper. The woman took the picture, and it was placed on a ticket, which was handed to Quistis. "I asked for two tickets..." Quistis said. "Well, I can't give you the other one... unless they are related." "He's my... husband." It just slipped out. Suddenly, her headache came rushing back with a powerful punch. "Ugh..." "Oh, okay! Here ya go!" The woman scrawled something on another ticket and handed it to Quistis. "400gil!" Quistis' headache worsened as she took out 400 gil from her small, black purse. "Have a nice day!" The woman said, smiling widely. "Sure..." Quistis replied dully as she shoved the two tickets in her pocket and headed back to her apartment... Would he still be there? She arrived, and opened the door. Everything was silent... Empty? "Seifer?!" "What? I'm in here." Said a voice coming from the bathroom. "I've got the tickets..." "You know, you don't need to come with me..." He said as Quistis walked into the bathroom. Seifer was slicking back his hair to perfection. "Yeah, I do, they ran all sorta of verification tests on me... I mean... even fingerprints." Quistis held up her hand, revealing black fingertips. "So, how the hell do I get on the train, this way?!" "I said you were my husband. No verification needed." "...Okay." Quistis stayed silent as she pushed Seifer away from the mirror above the sink, so she could wash her hands of the ink. She dried them on a towel, once she realized that not all of the ink would come off. She sighed and grabbed a small, red barette, and pulled her hair up behind her head, and just as she was about to slip the barette in, she heard Seifer. "Leave it down." And he walked out of the bathroom. Quistis contemplated whether to leave it down or not... She decided to do what Seifer said, besides, she didn't have time to worry about her hair. She thought she seen Seifer smile when she walked back into the bedroom, but she couldn't be sure... She walked into her small kitchen, and poured the leftovers of the coffee that she had made at around one in a green mug, and sat alone at the kitchen table. Quistis glanced over at Seifer, who was lying on her bed, now sleeping. He must not have slept in a few days. It was odd, to Quistis, he looked so peaceful in sleep, but when he was awake, he was hot-headed and arrogant... She stood up and grabbed her coffee, and walked over to the bed. She watched him sleep for awhile. 'Why... why did you come to Dollet, Seifer? Why did you trust me...? Why did you betray me...?' Quistis nearly dropped her mug of coffee when his green eyes opened. He got a cold look in his eye immediately, but for a spilt second, before Seifer realized he was awake, she seen something peaceful in those eyes, she liked it. "What're ya doing?" "I was, um, just coming over here to wake you up. We have to go." Quistis lied. She had come over here to watch him sleep, she just hoped he didn't know. Quistis walked over and grabbed her jacket, but decided not to wear it. She just tossed it in the closet... "What was that?!" "What was what?" Quistis asked innocently. "That!" Seifer stood up demandingly and walked over to the coat closet, and opened the door. "Wait! Don't go in there. Privacy!" Seifer smiled mockingly as he pulled out a familar grey trenchcoat, with tattered ends. End Chapter 1.