THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA Chapter #6 By: Jbond007 E-mail: ICQ #: 9910141 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After one week of studying and one week of relaxing, I have finally finished Chapter #6. This one took me longer, cause I wanted to inspire a bit more and also had final tests in my school, so I was pretty busy. But donīt worry, now I have more time to write, so expect reading more of Alpha & Omega. I hope you like this chapter as youīve liked the other ones. =) **Note: I really want you people to e-mail me saying what you think of this chapter and also giving me your comments and critics of this story. The end of this fan fiction draws near, and I want to know what you think of it. Please give me your comments and opinions =) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Krelian was about to stab Quistis with his staff, Rinoa called for Angelo. She used "Angelo Cannon", in order to hit Krelian, thus preventing him to hit Quistis. Krelian fell to the floor dizzy from the attack(but not too dizzy.) "Nice shot Rinoa!!" shouted Irvine. "Way to go!" said Selphie. "This is no time to be happy. We have a couple of seconds until Krelian heals from that attack," said Rinoa. "Iīll make the jump to where Krelian is. Selphie,hurry and give me Float magic while he is still on the floor," said Squall desperately. "There you go. Be carefull Squall," said Selphie very concerned. "Squall, please take care and save her," said Rinoa with sad voice. "I will," said Squall. Squall got outside of the Ragnarok. He casted float and made a very powerfull jump to the temple.... "Damn it. I forgot Float is very slow. QUISTIS, hang on!" shouted Squall. "Hurry! Krelian is regaining conciousness, and my magic doesnīt affect him," said Quistis very nervous. "HMM..HMMM. WHat was that?.... A dog hitting me in my face? HAHAHA. That was funny though," said Krelian standing up. Krelian hit Quistis with his staff in her leg. Quistis fell abruptly... "Squall??? Are you really thinking you can come here at that speed? You know, with one of my powerfull magic attacks I could kill you in a second," said Krelian laughing. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO," shouted Rinoa from the Ragnarok. "Krelian you bastard!!!! If I come to where you are Im surely going to kill you!" shouted Squall. "HAHAHAH. It will take you still a while to come here, so in the meantime, Iīll do what I should have done minutes ago," said Krelian confidently. Krelian made Quistis stand up, grabbed her and kissed her. Quistis was trying to avoid him, but it was impossible. Krelian used some magic that paralyzed her body. Poor Quistis couldnīt do anything about it.... "You bastard, HOW DARE YOU DO THAT," shouted Squall. "Krelian how dare you do that!!!!!" shouted Aerith also. Krelian paused Quistis for 3 seconds and said... "It feels very good Squall. It sure does. Ainīt she a cutie????" Krelian then resumed his kissing. Suddenly, a strange aura started to appear from within Aerith. The earth started to shake and the wind started to blow very fast. The once red sky that Krelian had made had returned to its normal color... "How dare you do that to me??? I love you and besides being evil you dare kiss her in my prescence," said Aerith fiercely. "Yes my dear...Get more angry," said Krelian pausing. "Stop it you bastard," kept Squall shouting. Aerithīs aura grew bigger and bigger. Her feet soon left Balamb as she floated very high in the sky. Her dress changed to a white cape and a beautifull yellow dress. The whole atmosphere felt tranquil and peacefull. In the Ragnarok, wings grew from within Rinoaīs back... "Rinoa, what is happening to you," asked Selphie amazed. "I donīt know. I havenīt used any attack," said Rinoa. Rinoaīs wings made her flew outside of the Ragnarok. Rinoa was not controlling them. After a while of flying(of course being watched by everyone), she stopped right where Aerith was... "What is happening Aerith??? Who are you really?? Why I am by your side?" asked Rinoa. "Rinoa, sweet Rinoa, you are the angel who always have protected me," said Aerith. "But who are...." said Rinoa being interrupted by Krelian. "She is the Goddess īELLYī. She is the one that created this world and have watched over īusī for the past thousand years. One day, she wanted to know how it felt to be īhumanī so she used Aerithīs body and programmed herself to wake up when Aerith reached the age of 25. . If the Goddess was to wake up sooner, she wouldnīt have the amount of power she usually has, thus giving me a chance of defeating her and obtaining her power thus increasing my strenght," said Krelian. "A Goddess???" asked Quistis finally able to move away from Krelian. "Yes my dear Quistis. In order for her to wake up, she needed to feel a strong emotion. I knew she would be jealous when we kissed," said Krelian. Squall finally reached the place where Krelian and Quistis where. He draw his gunblade and was about to execute Lionheart, but... "Donīt do it Squall. Krelian hear me, surrender your power now. Everyone here wants to defeat you and bring peace back to this world. You canīt handle everyone," said Elly(Aerith) trying to convince Krelian. "Have you forgotten my Weapons?? They are the ones in charge of protecting me and defeating all the low lifes like Squall and the others," said Krelian confidently. "Please Krelian surrender. I donīt want anything bad to happen to you," said Elly. "Enough!!!!!!!Itīs time for me to defeat you and steal all your power Elly," said Krelian very confident of his desires. "I wonīt let you do anything!!!!" shouted Squall. Squall attacked Krelian with his gunblade. Krelian fought back using his golden staff. It seemed that Squall had the same power/strenght that Krelian had, but... "I donīt have time to waste with you Squall. SHOAT, I summon you to come and solidify Squall!!!! !!!!" shouted Krelian. Shoat appeared in front of Squall. Shoatīs eyes started to glow red, and when the red flash was going to stone Squall, Quistis jumped in front of Squall, making her receive the attack and being stoned. "QUISTISSSS" shouted Squall. "Why did she had to do that??? Well, the only thing she did was make your life a bit longer, because now Iīll kill you with my staff," said Krelian moving towards Squall. " Murderer you will feel my wrath now bastard," shouted Squall drawing his sword. Squall and Krelian began to fight again. Squall was so full of hatred towards Krelian for what Krelian do to Quistis. After they both received an amount of considerable damage, they paused... "You are very strong indeed Squall, but I canīt play more. Iīve got something more important to do," said Krelian running away. "I wonīt let you get away Krelian," said Squall chasing him. Krelian made a jump to where Elly and Rinoa where. Squall also made the jump following him using Float Magic again. Suddenly when Krelian was halfway there, a white shadow appeared behind Squall. A very large and misterious shadow that surprised everyone... "WATCH OUT SQUALL!!!!!!!!!" shouted Rinoa. Squall and Krelian looked back. Omega Weapon used "Terra Break" to get rid of Squall. That attack was more powerfull than last time. Squall fell fastly to the ground, receiving a terrible amount of damage. He entered comma... Selphie managed to repair the Ragnarok and flew the aircraft to where Squall fell. "SQUALL!!!!!!" shouted both Elly and Rinoa. "Nice job Omega Weapon! Didnīt expect you to come. Now, get rid of Squallīs friends that are in that aircraft," said Krelian pointing the Ragnarok with his middle finger. Omega didnīt move at all. It seemed as if he was waiting for something or someone. Krelian then faced again and resumed his flying to meet Elly but... "KRELIAN WATCH OUT!!!!!!!" shouted Elly. Omega waited for Krelian to face Elly to cast Light Pillar on him. His HPīs lowered to critical. That attack could have killed a normal human, but with the new powers he had, he could resist that attack. "WHAT the f*ck is wrong with you Omega????? Do you want to test my power on you God Dammed Weapon???? Then so be it!!!!" said Krelian raising his golden staff. At the speed of light a yellow shadow passed through Krelianīs body. The shadow stopped right beside Omega Weapon. It was... "ALPHA!! How could yoooooou..arggggg" said Krelian dying and losing consiousness. Alpha cut Krelianīs body in half. The golden staff which was the only thing that could control the Weapons was also cut in half. Now there was nothing that could stop the powerfull and almighty Weapons led by Alpha & Omega. Krelian fell slowly to the ground. He was already dead by the time he reached the ground. The golden staff vaporized. "KREELIAN!!!" shouted Elly continously while she cried. "Squall and Krelian are down! Everythingīs over," said Rinoa sadly. "Donīt say that angel. Iīll bring peace to my world," said Elly. "Why did Alpha do that?" asked Selphie in the Ragnarok. "I donīt know. Maybe they were afraid of him," said Irvine. "I think we better pick up Krelian too or whats left of him," said Zell. "You are right Zell. Letīs go and hurry to Balamb Infirmary," said Selphie turning on the Ragnarok. Selphie picked Krelian(both parts of his body) and went as fast as she could to Balamb Garden. Meanwhile Alpha & Omega didnīt move an inch. They both were staring at Elly and Rinoa. It seemed like if their were waiting for something to happen. "They are planning to do something," said Rinoa alarmed. "Donīt move Rinoa. It seems they are waiting for any movement we do. Please watch my back while I plan what to do with them," said Elly. "But you are a Goddess. You have the power to defeat them in a minute," said Rinoa moving to Aerithīs back. "I know. But I still donīt have my regular amount of power. Until I live in this world 25 years, I can use all my power," said Elly dissapointed. "What are we going to do!!!!" shouted Rinoa. "Calm down. Right now im thinking of a way to reach Quistis before the Weapons go and break her. Remember she is stoned and if she falls, she will break up and die," said Elly. "The Weapons are in front of the temple, in other words, we will have to pass through the Weapons to reach her," said Rinoa. "I know Rinoa. I think we will have to battle them both," said Elly. Elly and Rinoa started to fly slowly where Alpha & Omega where. Still the Weapons didnīt move. "RUBY FLAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" heard Aerith and Rinoa. Ruby Weapon came up from the ground without notice. HE used his attack to burn Rinoa. Her wings got burned as well as her cloth and part of her body. Elly tried to grab her when she was going to fall, but she couldnīt. She knew that if she lowered her defense, Alpha or Omega could kill her. She was so desperate and mad that she couldnīt do anything to protect Rinoa. Rinoa fell on some trees that help her fall be more gentle. The lovely angel was there, naked and with her body seriously burned. She used the last amount of energy to cast Water on her thus receiving some comfort. Then she lost conciusness. "First Seifer, then Quistis, Squall, Krelian, and now Rinoa...I Canīt stand this anymore!!!!" shouted Elly. Suddenly Ultima Weapon tried to cut Elly in half, but she noticed he was comming from behind and could avoid the attack. Ultima went to meet the other 2 Weapons as well as Ruby. Ruby had developed some new skill that enabled him to fly. Elly, was now facing 4 Weapons at the same time. "Damn. I canīt battle 4 Weapons at the same time. If only I had my normal amount of power, I could defeat them in a minute. The only thing now I can do is ask them if I can battle one at a time," thought Elly. "I know you Weapons arenīt cowards enough to battle me all at the same time. I know you Weapons like challenges, so I challenge each of you to battle me, one at a time," shouted Elly. None of the Weapons moved or seemed they get the message. Elly was sweating terribly and couldnīt stop thinking of Squall, Krelian, Quistis, and Rinoa. She was there facing the strongest monsters in the entire world. To make matters worst, the last remaining Weapons arrived at the place. Diamond walked all the way from Island Closes to Hell to Balamb, and when he arrived, he used some new skill(like Ruby) to fly where the other Weapons where. Emerald, on the other hand, came from the sea(duh!), but didnīt use any magic to fly. He remained there in the shores near Balamb. Again, all the Weapons didnīt take their eyes off of Elly... The Weapons suddenly dissappeared. Elly was not more prepared for any suprise attack from them. The fact that the Weapons had dissapeared, didnīt mean they where not around, so she need to keep a good eye on her surroundings. 20 minutes passed. Selphie and the others where in the infirmary helping the Dr. cure Squall and store both parts of Krelian in a special room where it wouldnīt decompose. Selphie,Irvine, and Zell didnīt know about what had happened to Rinoa. Elly, which was still out there waiting for a suprise attack from the Weapons, was thinking of a way to tell Selphie about what happened to Rinoa and come get her. "Well, if the Weapons donīt show up Iīll go down where Rinoa is, heal her, and then go rescue Quistis," thought Elly, "but if the Weapons attack me, I could die. Well Iīll take that chance. Elly descended slowly where Rinoa was. She reached the place and immediately healed her, but she was too injured to be healed completely, so she picked her up and carried her in her shoulders. Then she proceeded to rescue Quistis, but.... Alpha appeared in front of Quistis. He then used "Absolute Nothing" on Aerith, an attack that is powefull enough to destroy a whole continent. She had to use all her power to create a special chi shield to cover from the attack. Ellyīs power was starting to weaken, and Alphaīs was increasing. Ellyīs power emptied and she received all the terrible attack directly. Rinoa was in her back, so she didnīt receive damage. The lovely Elly was protecting Rinoa from the attack, sacrifing her life for her. The Goddess soon after the attack finished, fell to the ground, face down(remember she is protecting Rinoa) and was there, completely weakened and very injured. With her last ounce of energy, she placed Rinoa under a tree, to hide her from the Weapons. She then tried to get up, and when she did, Diamond appared right behind her. She looked back and Weapon launch some energy balls from his chest. Elly flew 1 kilometer from the forest and landed in the beach. Her bones where all broken and she couldnīt move. "At last I saved her," thought Elly when she lied there in the beach. When she opened her eyes, she saw Emerald directly above her. "REVENGE STOMP!!" was heard in the wind, as Emerald dropped down to crush Elly. Emeraldīs spiky feet crushed Ellyīs body and sank her very deep in the sand. She couldnīt breath and was about to die, but Ruby Weapon came from even deeper in the sand, and with its tentacles, lift her up into the sky. The tentacles gave her poison, blind, and confuse. Elly was almost dead now, but to make things more tragic, Ultima Weapon appeared and used "Meteor" magic on her. She fell to the ground harshly followed by the Meteors that crushed her body and increased the bleeding she had. "What Alpha starts, Omega will end" "Alpha is the beggining of the end, and Omega the end of what has begun" "Alpha is the first, and Omega the last" This strange message was heard all around the world. It did not came from the Weapons, but from the world itself. The echo of this message was travelling through the wind and clouds and lasted for 5 minutes. In her last seconds, Elly said, "No man shall stop, what the Alpha has begun, and what the Omega shall end." Then she died pulverized by "Megido Flame", a technique that has the Weapon of the end, Omega. All the Weapons flew on top of the temple, and dissapeared with it. Before leaving, Omega used earthquake to make the statue(Quistis) fall and leave the temple. Luckily, Quistis fell into the sea, and sank into the depths of it. The Weapons, that had slaughtered Krelian, Squall, Elly and Rinoa, had left leaving no trace of where they went... "I...I....I couldnīt even move. Their power is too impresive. I couldnīt even turn on the engine to rescue them," said Selphie nervously. "I couldnīt move also. The amount of energy was so big I couldnīt do anything but watch", said Zell angrily. "We all had the same feeling of horror. Our fear of the Weapons made us do nothing and watch how Elly was slaughtered. We now should go rescue Rinoa and Quistis," said Irvine. "We can talk later about this." "Letīs go now!" said Selphie. Selphie and the others first rescued Rinoa. Selphie didnīt let Zell or Irvine outside(Rinoa was naked), so she used a towel to cover RInoa first, and then transported her to the Ragnarok. Then they went to look for Quistis, whose stoned body was intact still. It semeed like if it had fallen into an animal, which had softened her fall. Then they returned as fast as the motors of the Ragnarok could. Quistis was being studied by some scientists to try and bring her back to normal and Rinoa was in intensive care(with Squall). END OF CHAPTER #6 ----->Donīt miss the last chapters of Alpha & Omega! Is everything lost? Is this the beggining of the end? Jbond007 email: