THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA Chapter #4 By: Jbond007 E-mail: ICQ #: 9910141 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well people, im back to write another chapter of your favorite ff8 fan fic: The Alpha and The Omega. I hope you like this chapter like the others. Thanks a lot to Roberto for his suggestions and help in this chapter and also a big hug to Angelwing for all the help and time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you all know, Squall and our friends were reunited in Balamb, and fate did unite them again to defeat another enemy, an enemy that is more powerfull than Ultimecia. This time, our heroes had to make a good plan, or else they will get killed. They all gathered in Cidīs office... "Let go of me! He killed Seifer! I canīt believe what that bastard did! I will kill him with my own hands!," Quistis yelled in between sobs and tears. "I understand what you feel, Instructor. He was your brightest student ,but we canīt just go and fight them without a plan. You must understand it wasn't your fault Quistis, we need a very good plan to defeat those powerfull weapons and stop Krelian," Squall said in a firm voice which brooked no argument. "Try to understand Quistis. It wasn't your fault. Squall is right, we are here to discuss a plan, so what will it be?" said Rinoa. "I should have been there. I was his Instructor. He was my responsability. How pitiful I've become' Quistis thought 'He died. He's dead. It is not my fault. Why dont those words comfort me?" thought Quistis. Squall took a piece of chalk and draw a map of the world. He pointed out with an "X" the places where the 4 weapons went, and with an "O", the place where the temple where Krelian, Alpha and Omega were located. "Nice to see youīve changed old Squall...Now you act as a leader," said Irvine almost laughing. "Irvy, donīt distract Squall. Im sure heīs having a hard time trying to explain his plan to us," said Selphie. "Hahaha, Im sure Squall will make a good plan! I trust him," said Zell. "Shhhh. Let my knight explain to us his plan," said Rinoa. "As you all know, two of the revived weapons we have already defeated in the past. I guess this are the ones we should take on first. They are Ultima and Omega. There is a problem though, Omega is in the temple with Alpha and Krelian. If we try to attack Omega, we will have to go through Alpha and Krelian too. I think we should get Ultima and Diamond first. Diamond is on land, so it will be easier to battle him, and we have defeated Ultima before, and we know the layout of the Deep Sea Research Center, making it easier for us to fight," said Squall. "You are right, we should get Diamond and Ultima first," said Quistis. "It would be smart to battle them at the same time, so the other weapons donīt backup em, and if they do, they will lose some time deciding whom they will back up first," said Irvine. "Thatīs right! Letīs go immediately," said Selphie and Zell at the same time. "Wait! First we need to divide our GFīs and decide the party for these missions," said Squall. "I will make the party. I donīt want to be in the party without Squall," said Rinoa. With this comment Rinoa made, everyone laughed, except,of course, Quistis. The love Rinoa had for Squall was very strong. Quistis was very sad at what Rinoa said, and she became more sad when Squall decided to take her on the team... "I will go defeat Ultima. I have some experience battling him. The two other person that will be with me are: Rinoa and Quistis," said Squall. "Alright, the other ones will go fight Diamond," said Rinoa. The new team Squall made disturbed both Rinoa and Quistis. Rinoa was thinking of why Squall selected Quistis. Rinoa knew Squall liked Quistis to be the leader of the secondary teams. Is Squall feeling something for Quistis? was what Rinoa thought continously asked herself. In the other hand, Quistis was a bit happy about this. She wanted to feel close to Squall, and also to help him in whatever way she could. "I will take the GF EDEN for Rinoa and Quistis will take Bahamut. I wonīt use any GF, iīll take Ultima down with my gunblade," said Squall. This arrangement made Rinoa even more sad. She knew Squallīs GF was Bahamut, and he had trusted his GF to Quistis. Rinoa was doubting about Squallīs love now. Again, in the other hand, Quistis was feeling even better by the fact Squall trusted her his GF. "Then Iīll be the leader of the Diamond team. PLz Squall choose me as the leader," shouted Selphie. "OK Selphie. Take care of Irvine and Zell for me. Also, you take the remaining GFīs for your battle," said Squall. "Yes Sir," said Selphie happily. "OK, everything is already made. Guys, please come back victorious. Im trusting you this mission," said Squall preocupied. "Well Iīd be dammed. Youīve changed a lot Squall," said Zell. "Yes he has, and he has done it with my love," said Rinoa trying to make Quistis jealous. As you may be asking yourselfs, Aerith was also in Cidīs office, but she was seated quietly. When our heroes had packed up all the things, she stood up and approached Squall... "What will happen if Krelian decides to attack Balmab when you are gone? His temple is only a mile away from here," said Aerith. "OH damn, I forgot about the temple being so close," said Squall dissapointed. "Donīt worry about it," said Nida as she came down from the bridge to Cidīs office. "What news do you have?", said Squall. "Krelian is moving away from us. Heīs heading south right now," said Nida. "Well little girl, thereīs nothing to worry about. Nida, try to hide the garden somewhere near here, so when we come back, we wonīt have trouble finding it," said Squall. "Thanks Mr. Squall," said Aerith. "Roger that," said Nida. All our friends were ready now... "Squall, how are we going there?," said Quistis. "Donīt tell me you have forgotten our aircraft so quickly," said Squall. "Aircraft?" said Quistis deep in thought. "RAGNAROK!!. I will pilot it!! I will leave Squall and his party in the dea sea research center, and when our team kills Diamond, I will come back to pick you up," said Selphie happily. "OK, we are ready now, said Zell." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nida hid Garden near some Islands near Balamb. Squall and the others where heading the sea reaearch center. They arrived very quickly. This was because Ragnarok had an equipment upgrade(donīt you guys felt it was slow in ff8?). "OK guys, come back for us when u finish Diamond. Im counting on you!" said Squall very confident on Selphie and her team. "You take care also Squall, Rinoa and Quistis. When we come back, if we come back, wait for us outside," said Irvine with some negativism. "Donīt say that Irvy. We are gonna make it back," said Selphie smiling trying to cheer up Irvine. "Donīt be sad Irvine. You will be victorious as well as we will be," said Rinoa smiling. "Well guys, u need to move. PLease, be careful," said Squall. "We will win," shouted Selphie, Irvine(now more positive) and Zell. Squall and our friends took that long and tedious way down to where Ultima was. The enemies were the same in this research center. The battle through the floors was pretty easy for our friends. When they finally arrived where Ultima was, something was not right. The walls were broken and it seemed like if a huge battle had taken place after they defeated Ultima the first time. The walls were marked by sword cuts and also my staff ones. "What is this? I donīt think the Ruby Dragons could have done this to this place," said Rinoa. "I feel like if we are being watched," said Squall. "I donīt think so Squall. Everything is very quiet, too quiet," said Quistis while seeing all the arounds. Suddenly, a shadow appeared in front of them... "Ultima. Show yourself! We came down here to beat you again," said Squall while drawing out his gunblade. Ultima showed himself, and for the suprise of Squall, Rinoa and Quistis, Krelian was with him... "HAHAHA. I knew youīd come first for Ultima," said Krelian laughing. "What are you doing here? You are supposed to be in your temple with the other two weapons," shouted Squall. "Donīt be so surprised. With this staff, I can transport to any place where my weapons are in seconds," said Krelian. "What are you doing here? Are you here to battle with us," said Squall. "No, actually I came here before you. I read Ultimaīs mind, and I see you have stolen him a GF,EDEN.", said Krelian with angry voice. "SOO? What are you going to do about it," said Rinoa. "HMM, I see you have EDEN in your hands Rinoa. But donīt worry, I wonīt take it from you," said Krelian. "Letīs begin the battle. I want to avenge Seifer," said Quistis while attempting an attack. "Not so fast Instructor. One question, You wonder why this place is so destroyed?" asked Krelian. "Tell us what happened here," said Squall. "HAHAH. Ultima will show you. Ultima,please use the GF I have taught you to use," said Krelian. Ultima moved a little closer to Squall and his team. Then Krelian shouted: ULTIMA, use the GF I have given you, KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Squall, Rinoa and Quistis got paralyzed. The 12 Knights of the round made their appareance, and one by one hit Squallīs team doing a huge amount of damage. Lancelot, Tristan and finally King Arthur finished the attack on our friends. The damage was incredible, a phoenix aroused and revived our friends that had fainted. Even with that phoenix, our friends were left almost without energy. "HAHAHAHAHA. Thatīs why this place is so destroyed. I was teaching Ultima how to use this GF," said Krelian laughing. "Argg, can you guys move? I canīt, " said Squall struggling to stand up. "We canīt," said Rinoa and Quistis also trying to stand up. "HAHAHAHAAH. Now I know you want to trade EDEN for Knights of the Round, but I donīt think Ultima would agree. Worst of all, you canīt draw such a powerfull GF from Ultima now, because I sealed the draw commands when fighting the weapons," said Krelian. "Rinoa,please summon EDEN . Eden takes long time to make his hit,so we will use that time to try and escape," whispered Squall. "Ok my love," said Rinoa quietly. Rinoa summoned EDEN . Quistis casted float on everyone and they tried to fly out and escape. EDEN appeared but...Krelian used his staff to release a huge black energy ball right into EDEN. EDEN couldnīt resist that amount of power and fainted. When Eden fainted, Squall and his team where not in the floor... "Ultima, go find them and bring me Quistis. You can do whatever you want to the others..HMm, better kill them, but bring me Quistis alive," said Krelian. Ultima flew up through the floors of the deep sea research center. Ultimaīs flying skills were better than the float magic Squall and his team were using to escape, and thats why Ultima caught on them... "Damn, he found us," cried Quistis. "I donīt have energy to fight," said Squall. "Iīll cast Eden again...what?? Eden has fainted!" shouted Rinoa. There was a long silence after that. Then Ultima broke the silence and shouted: "Light Pillar" That 9999 damage attack was not unleashed into Rinoa or Squall but Quistis. But why Quistis, if Krelian has ordered Ultima not to do anything to Quistis? What was Ultima thinking? After Ultima finished the attack, Ultima took Quistis and started to descend to where Krelian was... Why didnīt Ultima obey Krelianīs order to kill the other two? "Give Quistis back!!!!" shouted Squall trying to attack the descending Weapon. "If you attack Ultima you will fall," cried Rinoa while pulling Squalls right arm. "That monster killed her and took her body!!! Damn that monster, I have to go back," shouted Squall very desperately. "If you go down you will get killed, and you wont be able to help her," said Rinoa. Rinoa was using extra strenght holding Squall back in trying to save Quistis. Squall had almost tears in his eyes... "DAMN DAMN DAMN. That monster killed her!!! He killed my instructor, my friend," said the upset Squall. "We better go up and wait for the others to come back. Then we can make a plan," said Rinoa. "I canīt go back. If she still is alive, I can save her," said Squall. "Squall, you canīt battle him. I donīt think Quistis is dead. That light pillar was not as strong as the ones he used in the past battle. Besides, we are very weak and injured," said Rinoa. "I hope you are right. If something happens to her, it will be your fault," said Squall. Squall was making Rinoa resposible for Quistis. He felt so responsible for Quistis he couldnīt handle the pressure alone, so he laid some resposability on Rinoa. Rinoa was very sad too, but not as sad as Squall. Rinoa saw and felt all the sadness Squall had in his soul. She felt something else now: she was jealous. Rinoa thought if Squall would be like this if it was Rinoa who had been killed and kidnapped. She thought if Squall felt something for Quistis. He was so upset when he was walking up the floors. Squall punched everything on his way and even kicked the stairs. When they reached the top, they went outside and patiently waited for Selphie to come back for them. "I hope they come victorious," said Rinoa. "I donīt care if they come back or not. The only thing I want to do is save Quistis, and if they donīt come back, iīll still go save her." said Squall. Rinoa was surprised at what Squall said. He didnīt care for his friends(or even Rinoa or at least that was what she was thinking). He only wanted to rescue Quistis. Rinoa felt miserable and unloved by Squall. Rinoa stood up and moved a bit away from Squall to cry, while Squall was standing seeing the horizon. Meanwhile, Ultima returned with Quistis very injured... "Damn u Ultima! I told you not to do anything to Quistis. Let me see,hmmm, she still has pulse. Iīll take her to my temple and cure her. I guess you killed the other two right?? NExt time you disobey my orders, you will be eliminated," said Krelian. Krelian warped to his temple. Ultima went to the place he always stayed and sat quietly. Why is Ultima behaving like this? What is it the Weapons are thinking? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Selphie, Irvine and Zell landed on Island Closest to Hell. For their surprise, Diamond was being protected by all, and I mean all, of the monsters that lived in there. Hexadragons,Ruby Dragons, and even Malboros where protecting Diamond. Our friends fought the enemies protecting Diamond, but as they moved forward, they were also getting tired. By the time they were near Diamond, they had only about 10 curagas and the phoenixīs they had had been already been used by them. Also, they were very exhausted and their GF were very used up also. "Irvy, I think its better we come back later. If we fight Diamond, we will get killed," said the exhausted Selphie. "You are right Sephie, lets go back for Squall and the others. If we all six come, we will kill Diamond," said Irvine. "Squall and the others must have killed Ultima already. Letīs go back now," shouted Zell. The monsters tried to fight Selphie and the others when they were running towards the Ragnarok, but our friends were faster. Diamond also didnīt try to stop them. They activated the Ragnarok and headed south to the sea deep research center. They arrived to the research center in 5 minutes. "Wohoo Squall. You beat Ultima! Where is Quistis?" said Selphie. "She was injured and kidnapped by Ultima. We didnīt beat Ultima. Rinoa here told me to wait for you, to help Quistis, because we are weak right now," said Squall. Squall talked of Rinoa like if she was a stranger. Rinoa then stood up, looked at Selphie and hugged her crying like if she had never cried before. Selphie hugged her back and tried to comfort her. "Rinoa was right," said Zell. "Yes Squall. Look at you, you are tired," said Irvine. "Maybe, but I could have returned back there and save her. If she dies because I obeyed Rinoa, it will be all her fault," said Squall with such an fierce voice. "Donīt say that! Rinoa cares about you, and she didnīt want you to die down there. Come on, letīs go back to the plain, use a Tent and save Quistis," said Irvine. "That is if she still lives," said Squall. Selphie and Rinoa were the first ones to get in the Ragnarok, then followed Squall and the others. They used a Tent and had a little chat in the cockpit. Selphie told Squall about the fight with the monsters in Island Closest to Hell and that they came back for help. Squall agreed to help them kill Diamond after they rescue Quistis and kill Ultima. Then they were all ready to leave... "Squall, I donīt think Rinoa will be able to return. She is too weak, even after that tent, and canīt battle," said Selphie. "She just fears what she has done was not right. Let her rest here and leave us the hard part to us," said Squall seeing Rinoa. "That is not right! She looks very tired and besides, its better for someone to stay back if something happens down there," said Zell. "I c--a--n go," said Rinoa. "No Rinoa, you need rest. Lets us do the job, it will be easy, trust us," said Irvine. "Please take care and Squ...," said Rinoa being interrupted by Squall. "Donīt talk to me. I have this bad feeling that something bad happened to her because of your desicion," said Squall angry. "We donīt have any time to waste, letīs go," said the impatient Zell. Squall, Irvine, Zell and Selphie started the long way down again to meet Ultima and rescue Quistis, while Rinoa stayed in the Ragnarok, not resting but crying. Rinoa knew Squall hated her and that he didnīt love her anymore. She had her heart broken... END OF CHAPTER #4 --->Donīt miss next chapter. Why is it the Weapons donīt obey Krelian? What will happen to the love between Rinoa and Squall? What will happen with Quistis? Find out in the next chapter! Jbond007 email: For comments and critics.