THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA By: Jbond007 E-mail: ICQ #: 9910141 All the characters in this fan fiction are owned by Square, except the one and only character that I introduce. The first chapter of this fan fiction is short, so you get used to the new characters and also send me critics and opinions about my fan fiction. I am open to advice and all type of critics. I hope you like it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This story takes place 1 year after Ultimeciaīs death. Everyone is peacefull and there are no problems between continents/gardens. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER #1 Who could have guessed it? Zell going out with Quistis? In the mind of many, that was something that would only happen in dreams, and even some people though that even in a dream that couldnīt happen, but for the surprise of many, it did happen. Everyone sat quietly in the newly opened "Garden Café" in Balamb, watching this new couple talk and apparently get along. "So Quistis, how are Squall and Rinoa doing?," asked Zell. "Well, I really donīt know, since I gave them vacations 4 months ago, they havenīt even called me to tell me they are OK, I guess they are having a good time, " said Quistis sadly. Yes, although Quistis had dated Zell, she still couldnīt forget about Squall. She though that by going out with Zell(a funny and distractive guy) she could at least forget Squall, but she couldnīt. Why havenīt they called,? kept asking Quistis to herself. Everything was so lonely for her. At least Irvine and Selphie had called her once every while to say they were OK and having fun. She was so sad, so lonely, so miserable. "What are you thinking about Quistis,?" said Zell while ordering another hot dog. "Nothing, I was just thinking of how nice it would be for everyone to gather in one place and chat." "I know you are not feeling OK Quistis, and it because of Squall. I know it. Letīs do something, ill rent a car right away and go Deling City and find them and tell them to come for a party in this new restaurant. Iīll also contact Irvine and Selphie to come by and party with us". "You are very sweet Zell. But I donīt know, they might get mad we interrupting their vacations." "Donīt worry about it. I will tell them It was my idea. Itīs made up. Im going now. Iīll be back in 3 days. You just hold on baby." "Thanks Zell, I really appreciate it." "C ya Quistis!" "Bye Zell" Was Quistis happy or not by Zellīs help? She felt guilty in one way, because she thought she was gonna interupt them. In the other way, she wanted to see them again, especially Squall and was very happy. The next day, a transfer student came from "Madison Square Garden". Quistis toured with her the Garden and she soon was very used to finding her way around Balamb Garden. Her name was Aerith. That same day, another student, this time from "Centra Garden". His name was Krelian. He also toured Balamb Garden, but he did it with Seifer. Seifer was very nice with him and showed him the way to the dormitory. "Well Kid, this are the dorms. You better get some sleep now, its pretty late," said Seifer. "For the eleventh time, my name is Krelian. Bah, you will never learn my name. Well, thanks for the tour, I hope I donīt get lost anymore. Well OK, im going to sleep now. Good night," said Krelian. Krelian unpacked all the things he carried in his Jansport. He looked at the window and saw some things moving in a far distant forest inside the Balamb. He then remembered that Seifer had told him there was a training center open 24 hrs a day and got interested in seeing which enemies where there. "Very nice place Balamb Garden is. Too bad it will have to suffer the wrath of my soon subordinate monsters, but, maybe ill make this place my HeadQuarters. Oops, I only have 2 days to gather the info I need or I will not fulfill my dream. The library ainīt open until tomorrow, so I think iīll go kill some time in the training center," said Krelian with an unsane voice. The training center had just received a "package" of new enemies from all over the world. Now, you could find Malboros, Snow Lions, Hexadragons and even Ruby Dragons. The training center now was a true challenge for some, and a bad place to be for newbies in Garden. As soon as Krelian opened the doors leading to the forest in the training center, he heared a screen comming from inside. It was a loud girl shout. Krelian knew he couldnīt just be there and do nothing, so he wenīt inside to see what was happening. When he reached the place where he heard the scream come from, he saw a girl in the floor, with some injuries and in shock. He tried to assist her, but when he moved her to carry her, he saw a very huge shadow. He turned back and saw a... "A Hexadragon?. Are you the one that gave this girl a hard time? Iīll show you what fun is all about!" Another person heard the girl scream from inside the training center, and that was Seifer. He also ran as fast as he could to see what was happening. When he arrived at the place, he saw the new student Krelian about to unleash a fierce offensive movement and a girl in the floor. "You will feel part of my power lame Hexadragon! Feel the power of my gunblade!, said Krelian with fierce voice and added "OMNISLASH"!!!! Krelian stroke the Hexadragon 20 times, doing the maximum amount of damage to the dragon. The power he unleashed was so incredible, that the hexadragon dissapeared without leaving any blood. Krelian had killed an enemy that took at least 2 Squalls Renzokukenīs to kill. Seifer was so surprised at the power "the kid" had. He even felt fear of him. Seifer hid behind a tree to see what Krelian was gonna do. Krelian approached the girl and used the magic "cure" to heal her and for her to gain conciousness. "Where am I? What happened to me? Whereīs that big animal that was gonna eat me?," said the girl puzzled. "You donīt need to worry about him. I just took care of him. He wonīt bother you again. What is your name pretty girl?", said Krelian with such a passionate voice, he couldnīt even believe he said it that way. "Aerith. That is my name, and your names is?" "Krelian." "Nice to meet you Krelian. You saved me from that monster. You are very sweet. Thank you very much." said Aerith with romantic voice. "Hey it was nothing. I came to get some training, and I found you with problems, so I had the chance to train in the process while I saved you," said Krelian. "Thanks again cute boy. I think ill return to the dorms now." Aerith tried to stand up, but she had a leg injury. She fell into the arms of Krelian. Krelian felt so good while holding a beautifull girl like Aerith. But why was he feeling this? He is supposed to carry an evil mission, but this girl started to build inside of him a feeling of.... Love? They both saw each other, eye to eye, heart to heart, soul to soul. Both felt this feeling of... of... Love and curiosity. They both had this feeling that their lives will cross sometime. Aerith was in love with Krelian, but Krelian tried to deny the feeling of love he felt for her. Why would an evil person like me feel love,? asked Krelian to himself. "You have an injury in your leg Aerith. Iīll take you to the dorms," said Krelian. "Than you my hero," said Aerith. Aerith hugged Krelian so hard and yet softly that he felt he was in heaven. Krelian felt that he had his princess in his hands and that he somehow had the responsability of protecting her. Aerith felt soo warm while in the hands of Krelian, that she asked the stars to stop time and let Krelian carry her for eternity. Seifer was so in shock of the power he had seen, a power comming from a 16 year old boy, that he didnīt pay attention to their lovely scene. He was so afraid of him, and also confused. He asked himself how he could have get so much power. He then decided to go to sleep and talk to Quistis the next day to know if she knows something. "Well, here we are. This is your room, and your bed," said Krelian. "Thank you my hero," said the lovely Aerith. Krelian laid Aerith in her bed. Both of them looked at each other for a long time. They didnīt speak, but their eyes said it all. They were in love. "Well, I better go now. If someone finds me in your room, I will be punished, "said Krelian. "Good Bye my hero. I hope I see you again tomorrow. I lov...,"said Aerith. Krelian didnīt heard the last part(the "I lov..." because he left kind of in a hurry from Aerith room. He returned to him room and started thinking.... END of CHAPTER #1 ----> Donīt miss the next chapter. It will be comming shortly. Remember, you can e-mail me with your opinions and critics. e-mail: