Untitled Squall could see himself through his own eyes as he plunged his mythic gunblade through the heart of his beloved Rinoa, seeing her arch as the polished blade cut through her trim blue gown. he slowly lowered himself, putting his entire weight into the thrust, coming closer to the only love of his life. The blade had gone through her now and had buried itself slowly into the ground, leaving squall's tear streaked face mere inches from Rinoa's dying own. He looked deep into her dying pale eyes, filled with muted shock and untold sorrow. He heard as if it was a recording played in another room, just barely audible, the last desperate gasp, the last call for life issued from his lover's dying lips. "S...squall." A primal scream rent itself through Squall, filling his body with power unimaginable , every limb, every nerve was coursing with the fire of rage, pain and remorse. He leapt to his feet and tore at his face, knowing that he could never again look on it for the shame of this accursed act, for the pain of it, for its finality. His fingers ripped into the flesh and peeled off chunks of a murderers visage, another man's face, not his own. He struggle within, fighting the evil that was himself, his nature. It lashed out at him, and like the child that he always was, was tossed roughly across the space of his consciousness, beaten again, to live in the shadows of his mind. He saw the familiar void that he travelled into, the emptiness, loneliness. He had known it his entire life, nobody lived there with him, not his parents, matron, even sis. Rinoa had banished that terrible gap from his life. The Rinoa he had just killed, the Rinoa who had loved him and rescued him from perils unimaginable in the time compression, The Rinoa whose blood burned his hated hands and soaked his death black clothes. He could only watch helplessly as the Squall he had become was forced back beyond the walls that it had been freed from by a kindred spirit, by his other half, Rinoa. Earlier in his life, the walls had saved him from the others, had sheltered him from the world so cruel. Protected him from those who had abandoned him, who left him for dead or worse. Walls impervious to pain. But not now, he had known better, he had destroyed better than those cursed walls! Like a holy, white light, he exploded outwards, toward the evil the he was, and He slowly reclaimed his body and will! He pulled the blade out of his love's chest and watched with a glad heart as the blood flowed back into her. He stared agape, with unbridled joy, as the life returned to her eyes, and as she blinked and with a smile on her face turned to him and opened her beautiful mouth and quietly said... "Squall, what on earth are you doing, its three in the morning!" Rinoa muttered as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes "Sorry, a bad dream" He said, then he bent over and kissed her softly on the forehead. "I love you, Rinoa, I always will."