D a m a g e I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o r p o r a t i o n 187

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Welcome to Damage Inc.
Welcome to Damage Inc. This website consists of step-by-step Tricks & Tips, Pictures of Professional Skateboarders and the DAMAGE INC. Team. Also I have Poser of the Month, which has posers from anywhere in the USA, Professional Videos of some skaters like Jamie Thomas or Bam, Articles, Skate spots, which you send me photos of places that you skate,  and finally Ramp Plans. As the site grows, so will the links. Which means there will be more links in the future in the Misc. section, or in the other links.
In the misc. section of the site, there will be Downloads of programs and many others things that have nothing to do with skateboarding and some that do. This site was made for people who are involved in skateboarding, and have nothing to do while they are online. So enjoy your visit.