TODO: INSERT LOGO HERE    Welcome to the Beast780 headquarters. Files, 3D Models, Examples and more can be
                                                         found here! Enjoy your stay.
<<< Hot New Stuff >>>

Posted By: Beast780 (4-23-03)

New Poetry Corner is opened,
To get there, just
click here!

Posted By: Beast780 (4-22-03)

Top Thrill Dragster to open
May 4th! See the reason people talk
about it Here

::.::.TODAYS NEWS.::.::
Web Site gets greating from the Renewal ferry!
Old Site closes down Permanantly to make room for better future
Cedar Point opens in 12 days.
Poetry Corner is now open, with several candidates lined up for inserts.
::.::.NEW PRODUCTS.::.::
Sony Playstation2
Microsoft X-Box
Nintendo GameCube
Microsoft Windows XP