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My mom needs your help...

a mother with terminal breast cancer

Help Toms Mom, 7019B Gwinnett Ct. Ft Stewart, Ga 31315


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Mom and grandson, Thomas William Carsley.

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                         Mom w/Douglas     w/Doug                Ashley                   Jim and Amber


Mom Passed Away.  29DEC02 at Good Shepard Hospice in Lakeland, Fl.   (Obituary)

Please still help w/the funeral costs.  Over $5,000.  She had no insurance.  Friends and Family paid for it, I would like to pay them back.  Doug and Douglas are still in a financial bind.  Ashley had to go to some relatives we had never even met before, until I return from this war.  Please help us out.


     My name is Tom Carsley.  My mom, Diana Fields, is going through her second round with breast cancer within a years time.  The docs said she was done after the first treatment but she now had a new tumor and it was spread to her lymph nodes.  She had her breast removed with the lymph nodes.  3 days later she was in the emergency room not able to breath.  Further tests show moms breast cancer has spread all over both lungs and into her spine, ribs, hip and shoulder bones.  She is expected to live no more than 4 months.  But we are not giving up.  She is enrolled in Hospice as a fail-safe to make what may be her last days comfortable, but we are trying to fight it on our own using nutrition.   Mom refuses after one battle with chemo to use it again, she wants to spend her time with us, not laying sick in the hospital. 

   We have contacted several major charities and they all send us to see someone else.  They all want donations, not to give them out.  So far only the Hospice has been good for anything.  They have been the most professional of all the medical care we have seen so far.  If you donate money to major charities, make this one of them.

   Anyway, mom needs help paying bills, mortgage, clothes, food, transportation, everything.  They have a junky car that may or may not work tomorrow.  So any help would be appreciated, even if it is referring some organization that can give her some help.  She is no longer able to work. If they are unable to pay the mortgage they will be faced with foreclosure and then homeless. 


   It seems like mom has all but faded away.  In just 3 weeks time, from a regular person to one that cannot even hold a conversation on the phone.  She did not even know it was me on the phone last night.  Ever see a grown man cry?  Try 2, me and Doug both were.   I cannot believe it is happening.  All this while trying to prepare to go over to Iraq because of a bunch of political goofballs.  I'd like to see the Bush kids enlist, show their support.  Politicians are a bunch of cowards that hide behind other peoples children. 


    She is the mother of 6 kids.  Me the oldest at 31, two sons in jail, Glen 30, Nick 22. A minor son, Douglas 11, and daughter, Ashley 14 still at home and a 17 year old daughter, Amber, married with a new baby.  Mom is married to Doug Fields, who also has failing health and recently underwent triple by-pass surgery and has not been able to work for several years. He gets a very small monthly SSI check. They all live in the poor town of Wahneta in Florida.   I'm stationed at Ft Stewart, Ga.  On the little money I get paid I am not able to do much for the family, no where near as much as is needed. 

    The Social Security Office said from the first that she was not eligible because she would not have the cancer for 1 year, guess they were wrong, huh?  So far they are dragging their feet on getting her any SSI to pay the bills.


Please send Donations, Kind words, cards, books, and referrals to organizations that can help to:

Help Toms Mom, 7019B Gwinnett Ct. Ft Stewart, Ga 31315

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Email us and I will start a letters page

Thank you

Updated: 5JAN03