Answers to traditional "first time questions:

                           Black hair
                           Short curly/wavy hair
                           Deep Blue eyes
                           I wear contact lenses
                           Divorced living alone
                           I reside in a condo
                           I have a private place
                           European car
                           I have my own terminal and can call often
                           Over $100,000
                           Technical, Science / Engineering
                           Red is my favorite color
                           Travel / Sightseeing
                           Rock & Roll
                           I have traveled overseas
                           I love telling jokes and stories
                           my favorite pet would be a Cat
                           I drink socially
                           I do not smoke
                           I am rather fashionable
                           I usually don't get caught by surprises
                           I'm White
                           I have never considered a homosexual experience
                           Very good looks
                           Romantic / Optimistic
                           I am moderately religious
                           I have a half dozen weekly favorites
                           A cottage in the country
                           4 year degree
                           I don't have many of the things I really want
                           I am usually early
                           A romantic dinner in Paris
                           I'd make a date with someone interesting
                           I like to get dressed up
                           In the theater
                           Buy top of the line brand names
                           Daily newspaper
                           American food
                           Hoping to start a relationship

              Essay Question/Answers(count more on the Final(grins):

              Give a detailed description about yourself?

                   I am 6'2" with blue eyes, black hair and a mustache. I weigh 190lbs , and
                   in good shape. I played football in high school and college. Exercise is
                   part of me weekly routine. I resemble Tom Selleck and Omar Sherif. Me in
                   a nutshell:

              1. I always do what I say I will do. 2. Understate my qualities, so the
              situation is better that it seems. 3. Put more energy into the relationship
              than expected. 4. Invent new ways of fulfilling need. 5. Never be afraid to
              compete, never stop. 6. Anticipate minimal. 7. Be ready for the rules to
              change. 8. Reinvent Sizzle at every opportunity. 9. Draw outside the lines.
              10. Don't be afraid to take a shortcut.

              Born during the year of the dragon.


              Try to describe the type of person you might be interested in meeting? (either
              romantically or platonically)

                   Good sense of humor, attractive, independent, and smaller than me.
                   Someone that I can spoil and will not take me for granted. High
                   energy,curios, and sometimes onary(in a good way). Someone that has


              Describe your personality type? What type are you attracted to?

                   Outgoing after I know someone, Shy at first. I am attracted to someone
                   who has energy and a little non-traditional/stereotyped.

              What's the FIRST thing others notice about you?

                   Voice(KC Casum American top 40), Smile, Eyes(naughty), Energy

              What would be a perfect 1st date? Would you take the initiative & pay?

                   A surprise trip to where my date has never been, near the ocean. I would
                   definitely take the initiative and pay.

              Where have you met most of your current friends? If you could choose the ideal
              friend, what would he/she be like?

                   In business and travel.Ideally, have similar like/dislikes. Enjoy
                   coloring outside the lines. On the non-conformist side, but reasonable.

              What type of work do you do and are you enjoying it? For how long?

                   Consulting and training for 24 years.

              Favorite pastime? Hobby? Diversion? Just what goes on Sundays at your place?

                   Time on the beach, dirt bike riding, horses. Also art museums, opera, and
                   plays. On Sundays, wake early, jog when possible, go to church then
                   improvise, and not get into a rut. Invent some excitement before the
                   weekend is over.

              What comedians, TV shows or movies match your sense of humor?

                   Tim Allen, Tom Hanks, Tom Selleck. Rambo, Rocky, and any Arnold S. movies

              List some of your favorite lines from movies / poems / songs.

                   "I'll be back" from the Terminator. The entire Phantom of the Opera.

              Name some of your favorite Actors ? List a few of your all-time favorite

                   Lauren Hutton, Rachel Welch, Barbara Eden, Tina Turner, Mel Gibson, Danny
                   Glover, Joe Peschi, Eddie Murphy

              Name some of your favorite Singers and Bands ? What type of music do you
              enjoy? Do you go to concerts / performances? List performances you have

                   All kinds except twangy C&W.

              What kind of magazines/newspapers/books do you read? Favorite authors?

                   Wall Street Journal, Time, USA Today L.Ron Hubbard, William Shatner,

              Which radio stations do you most often listen to? Any favorite DJ's?

                   102.9, the edge

              What's printed on your favorite T-shirt?



              What were your favorite toys as a child?

                   Stick Horse, Shoots and Ladders, Electric Train

              When you were a child what did you hope you would grow up to be?

                   TV repairman, Tarzan

              Do you collect anything? (e.g. stamps, coins, dust, losers)

                   Watches and Neck Ties. 55,56,57 Chevies

              What were your favorite subjects in school? Where did you attend High School
              and / or College?

                   Math in H.S. Computers in college.

              If you have any pets, what are they and what are their names?

                   none, now, but would like to have 2 cats and a dog.

              What personal habits of others really irritate you?

                   yawning in public, wasting resources and liaing

              What *is* 'SEXY'?

                   Intelligence, Spontanity, Sensitivity, Gentle touching, Slow dancing,
                   Slender Fingers, Firm Calves in high heels, and a soft voice

              Slow dancing is very sexy.


              Which virtues give you most of your self confidence?


              What do you think caused your previous relationship / marriage to fail?

                   Greed and youth

              If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

                   Age, I would like to stop the aging process.

              What would you like for your birthday?

                   A Carrot Cake, and a miracle for a special friend undergoing surgey

              You have just won a state lottery for $115 million. (It could happen!) What
              would you do with it? And where?

                   Hire an Investment Counseler, determine the net, plan, plan,plan.
                   Contribute to chuch, relatives,and pay all bills. Finally, get on the
                   Concord and travel overseas until the news wears off.

              What's your dream car and its color?

                   My Red 944 Prosche

              If you could pick one super-human power (such as comic-book characters have)
              what would you choose?

                   Wonder Woman or Betty Boop

             Where were you born? List some of the places you have lived.

                   Kansas, Oklahoma, Connecticut, California, Texas, Australia, and Florida

              Where on earth have you never been to that you would like to visit?

                   Jackson Hole, Wyoming 

              What is your ethnic origin or ancestry?


              What cologne/perfume gets your attention the quickest?

                   Amerage, Dune

              Have you ever accomplished anything that got your name on television, radio,
              in a magazine or newspaper? What was it you did?

                   Founded a training company in 1982 that grew to 66 people, then sold it
                   to a New York Company!

              Do you belong to any organizations/clubs/teams? Special interests groups?

                   Human survival

              How would you characterize your political leanings? (e.g. Democrat,
              Republican, Libertarian, Independent, radically left/right, don't give a ...)

                   need a joke here===> why do politicians have 2 more brain cells than a
                   horse? answer===> will tell you if we talk.

              Which sports do you enjoy participating in or watching?

                   Baseball and Football

              Write your own personal ad as it would appear in the personal section of a

                   SWM looking for someone very special that is romantic, independent and
                   knows what she wants.

              Physical appearence is important, only after you know what is in a person's

              Would like to share my time with a lady as priority #1. If we connect, nothing
              else will take priority as I have learned to cherish a great relationship. A
              relationship should be one of giving, not taking. Life is to short to waste
              time in bars, superfical bed-hoppers, grazers, or liars. \

              Volume daters/"friend" seekers/pen-pals..sorry, but I don't have a lot of time
              and can't type very fast.

              Old fashioned values including commitment, manogomey, and respect. Electricity
              can happen when all the elements exist.

              What are some of your lifelong goals? Where would you like to be tomorrow?
              Where would you like to be in 2 years? In 5 years?

                   Return to the basics and cut through the ..... Also, to figure out why so
                   many think that working out many times a week is special, these days that
                   is normal.

              What do you have hiding under your bed ?

                   Board Games

              If you could 'Do Lunch' with anyone, list a few.

                   Someone reading this essay , that is my twin flame.

              Do you (or did you) play any musical instruments? List them. What level?

                   Did piano in grade school, and Trumpet in High School, hope this gives me
                   some EXTRA CREDIT(whatever that means)

              Any additional comments? 

                   What is magic to you?