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HDTV production, independent digital film, genetics, gravity, Tequan, Urtanu, Enjoining Life, Project Pandora, Preserving the Union, Romance, Science fiction.

The above are key words for search engines.
With that out of the way;

Three New Novels/Movies

This site provides information about three novels: "Enjoining Life" and "Project Pandora", and "Preserving the Union".

These are not typical hollywood production fodder. They are NOT the "pro forma" junk entertainment people have gotten used to.

You can read an entertaining synopsis of each novel by clicking on the appropriate field below.

If you'd like more information, or would just like to comment, please note and use the email adr below.

Synopsese: (Select a work)

Enjoining Life
Project Pandora
Preserving the Union

This little beauty below COULD be she, but ain't.

We ocassionally reset the counter below. If you see it go down, that is why.
