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The lives of three girls just doing their thing.

Our rugged pal Drewbe, and his drug-free life.

"The Message."

"Hey Elyse. This is Drew. I can't come to Superior(a local resturant) because Robert can't come. Robert can't come so I don't have a ride. Which means; I can't come because I don't have a ride because Robert can't come. I don't know why Robert can't come. He just can't. Which means I can't because I dont have a ride. So call me back, maybe you can pick me up or something, because I dont have a ride because Robert can't come. To Superior, that is. Call me back, this is Drew calling about a ride."-Drew on the cell message machine.

....At Superior....
We(Pat, Drew,and the Undomesticated girls)went to Superior for Thanmaya's Birthday that night. Towards the end of the dinner, I whisper to Sumati about going to tell the waiter it's Thanmaya's Birthday and they need to come sing "Happy Birthday" to her. As we're getting up Thanmaya tells us, "NOOOO You can't tell the waiter its my Happy Birthday." So we opt for a different plan: Telling the waiter itis Drews Birthday. The chance arrives as we go to "the bathroom." We tell the waiters. We're sitting at the table getting the money together for the bill when a caravan of waiters arrives surrounding the table. Thanmaya glances at us giving us a menacing look. Sumati and I smirking continuously.(SP) Then the waiters place a sopapia(mexican dessert) infront of Drew. Drew stares in amazement and questions his life. Happy Birthday in Mexican/Spanish begins. Questions arrive in Thanmaya's little brain, are they singing to me? do they know its my birthday? did they tell the waiters after I said not to??Of course they dont. The waiters assume it's Drew's Birthday, why? Because we told them. The waiters push Drew, people continuously cheer, and wish Happy Birthday. Thanmaya finially catches on, her being in gateway and all, to the fact that they pulled a funny. Of course they pulled a funny. Elyse, the funny one, was there. Thanmaya has the best birthday ever, because of her two Undomesticated Sisters: Elyse and Sumati. Thats the end. Not really though....
......At Lunch The Next Day

"Hey Drew, I can't come because Robert can't come...... could you repeat yourself anymore?"-Elyse
"Call me back, this is Drew."-Sumati
(to myself wondering: "Is the zipper supposed to be at the bottom of the hole?"-Elyse)
"Call me back ,this is Drew."-Sumati
"Shut up you guys, you guys suck. I can't leave messages."-Drew
"Call me back ,this is Drew."-Sumati
"Drew, is you're zipper supposed to be all the way down like that?"-Elyse
Now that's the end.

Drew, at lunch.

Picture this: We're sitting at our bench, a lovely sunny day at Magnet High, and on the bench there is Taylor, Sumati, Julie, Blaine, and Andrew. Then there is Drew, kind of. Drew is standing up with one leg up on the bench. Right by Andrew's head, those of you that saw, you KNOW what I'm talking about... all around.


Drew decided he was going to wear his favorite shirt to school one day, this is the result(I cut out all the people behind him on the floor laughing).I'm speechless. We (the UD girls) are all sad and deeply confused.

Quotes from Drew.....

Drew:"Dude, Elyse everyone at like school saw the website."
Elyse:"Really, like how many people??"
Drew:" Just our friends."
Drew:"I'm cool now, everyones like, Drew? Why can't you go to Superior again?"
Drew:" Its a happy thing. People love me now."

Drew on getting beat up if he went to Byrd:
"There's a time a to be gay and a time not to be. There's a time and place for everything."

Elyse: It starts with a "b", ends with an "n" and has an "e" in the middle.
Drew (thinks, then answers): Andy?
T lets out her "she should kick herself" laugh and then:
Drew: Oh wait ....can i take that back?

Aren't you excited? It's coming soon. Not that soon though. Kind of soon. Ok, badger me.

"Nos Casa"