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This page is dedicated to life long memories of
our Summer girl, who left us to share smiles with
her new family. Summer, you will forever remain
in our hearts, as it was you who shared with us,
the true meaning of "GOD'S UNCONDITIONAL LOVE".
You showed that to us in our other pets...
and how we can share that same "GOD'S LOVE"
with our family.

For that, we owe our family's enduring love and
happiness to you, and we thank God above for the
years he gifted us to spend with you.

May He watch over you and protect you always,
and may HIS LOVE shine in you forever.

"A horse is a vain hope for deliverance,
despite all it's great strength it cannot save.
But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him,
on those whose hope is in HIS unfailing love."

Psalm 33:17 & 18 [PASSAGES Psalm 33:1-22]

We will always love you, and we know in our
hearts there will be a day, where we will

COME SEE our SWA Performing Trickhorses...
FREE Performances to any who just wants to

Summer Singing Praises
In her favorite Gospel Song.
"I'm Back Where I Belong"

"My tootsies are getting all dirty!"

"Awe Shucks! You're making me blush."

"Do I have brocolli in my teeth again?"

Summer, back when she was just learning how
to do the "Ladies Curtsy Bow"

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by - TLB

Copyright © SWA - Seminole Wind Acres, Tanya & Lee Belasky.
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