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Title: All About Us
Author: Holy
Features: Nsync and Wade Robson




Tara and Lance relationship was always on the rocks:

"Come on, Poodles this is our moment in the lime light,"

She said

"More like yours,"

"What is that suppose to be mean?"

Asked Tara

"there’s someone else, isn’t there? But, wait there was always someone else. You are the whore of the school!"

"I can’t believe you said that to me,"

She said

He opened the front door; "Someone had too. Too bad Tara I could have made you fall for me. You screwed that all up,"

He soon stormed out of her house. She trembled in pain by his comment. She knew she had a rep, but never did anyone accuse her without joking that she was a slut. She closed the door and sobbed. Steve walked down the stairs.

"What’s wrong?"
He asked

"Nothing! Just go away!"
She screamed



Call me Steve when you are in town…….Via Las Vegas in my future…..Luv Yah babe!


Steve smiled and placed the note in his wallet.



Chris found out the truth about his and Amber’s so called relationship, she wasn’t just doing drugs and screwing him………..

Chris drove down the street still thinking of all Marlis said. ‘Just remember she was and will always be my girlfriend. Look, and read it’s in black and white. The entries go back to High school. She declares her love for me,’

Chris couldn’t wait to get home to read her journal. He pulled over to the side of the road and opened it.

Entry Aug 2 1996

I am in this maze of lies…….I cant leave. He has me trapped. He hit me once again last night. He said he wouldn’t. How often I want to pick up the baseball bat while he sleeps, and bash his head in.


Chris closed the book up and sat there beyond belief.

"It can’t be…….she,"

He said

He read another:

Aug 4 1996


I live in my sorrow of a place I can not leave. I love him but I love the other too. Chris and I made up which pleased me to the fullest. I need to complete what I am looking for, so Marlis and I can fulfill the promise we have.




No matter how famous Rome(J-Shin)got his still wasn’t happy without that certain person by his side……..Mo……

Rome went into his own little world as visions of Mo dancing in his head. He covered his face with his hands realizing no matter how famous he would get he was nothing with Mo by his side

"Why can’t we be together,"
he mumbled to himself.

During this time of his hidden sorrow…..his rebel without a cause friend 2 Pac was walking on thin ice……..

"I’m going to kill those niggas,"

Grumbled 2 Pac

Rome looked over, "who?"

"Who else, nigga! Bad boy!"

Snapped 2 Pac

Rome gave him a look as 2 Pac was more determined to get BIG and Puffy then he could count on his fingers. He had been shot at and gotten anonymous death threats 24/7. 2 Pac was growing in-patient and everyone that surrounded him sensed that.

"Chill, Pac,"

Said Rome

"Get the fuck away from me!"

He snapped 2 Pac

2 Pac suddenly stormed out of the room as his bodyguard followed.

I DO!……..NO I DON’T!


Joey didn’t want to get married, but he didn’t want to hurt Kelly’s feeling neither….

Joey saw the big – huge smile on her face and he hated to disappoint her.

"Well, let’s get married,"

He lied

She hugged him as he bit his lip. He couldn’t break her heart even if he didn’t want to get married

so he waited until the day of the marriage to say No!

"You knew all this time you didn’t want to? Why did you even ask me to marry you then?"

said Kelly

"Because you were going to move to St. Louis and I didn’t want to loose you,"

She stood up and said, "And now? Now, that I agreed to stay because you loved me so much and you promised me……you asked me……..Now you don’t want to,"

Sobbed Kelly

"I’m sorry,"

"It’s too late,"

He stood up to hug her but, she shoved him away.

"I want to still marry you, but not now. Let’s wait a while,"

he urged

"It’s over,"



Mo and her singing partners went back to the Bad Boy Label to only be turned down…..


‘I was chilling at home and thought I could live a regular life for once and you told me if I didn’t get back here in time I was going to get sued,"

Said Pam

"This is some bogus shit,"

Said Mo

"This isn’t bullshit, it’s the truth. Have you seen your CD sales?"

Asked Puffy

"That’s why you cant close your mouth, ole’ punk ass bitch,"

Snapped Kiesha

"Excuse me?"
Asked Puffy

"You excused!"

The girls snapped



Jc hands Sierra a promise ring…….

"I want you to have it, as a promise,"

"A promise?"


"For what?"

She asked

"That(clear throat)….that one day I will marry you,"

"You have made me the happiest girl alive,"

She cried



Adrea sat at Joey’s gravesite with Neva in her arms………..

"Joel this is your niece Neva. Say hi Neva,"

Said Adrea

Tears came down her face as Justin strolled over to see her. He kneed down and sat next to her.

"Joel, I promise to take good care of them,"

He said

Adrea put her head on his shoulder as he held her tight. Neva suddenly let out a large burp and they laughed.

"That’s my girl!"

Cheered Justin

Neva smiled and cooed at him.



"Read it, people!"

She yelled





Jessica sat in her apartment on her couch writing her cousin Joey a letter. They had promised to keep in touch while she was in school in New York and him and the guys traveling all over the country promoting their first Cd. The Letter went like this:

Dear Joey,

What’s up, my good for nothing cousin? No, kidding! How ya doing? Well, as for me, sucks like usual. All I got is homework. I’m kickin’ back in my own apartment (ha ha, that’s right, daddy loves me!) Men suck, Joe. Even you! I mean, why be so picky with who you date, ya know? Although in your case it would be alot better. That Kelly girl just isn’t good for you. I could tell right away that she was off. I can find a two cent whore around better than that blonde. I don’t mean to be all-judgmental, oh wait, I do, but come on, cuz, look at her? Do you really want to spend the rest of your life with someone with so little class?

Anyway, like I was saying. Wade is so picky. He NEVER dates and when he does he picks out their flaws before he sees the character. All I need is another friend to be gay, right? My best friend Angie turned gay her first year of college because she was so damn picky. Now Wade? God, what has the world come to? He has to have a girl that’s drop dead beautiful and perfect to actually go out with. No one’s perfect, right? Ha! He tried asking me out again...I laughed right in his face! Me and guys around here just don’t work out. Maybe horizontally but relationship wise? Nah! Me and this guy named Kai? Man, he was hot, I tied him to the bed...He went running and screaming mommy. Can’t I be kinky every once in awhile? I think that’s why guys are so scared of me. He went and told them I tie him to the bed. Sucks, yes it does.

This guy named Jerome really got it bad. What a sexy ass. I had fun with him, hee-hee! I can’t wait for him to get back into town. Whew! We’re gonna have some fun, oh yes. Do you know how bad Wade sucks at dancing? Ha! He tries at least. But he has a beautiful ass that will help him out in the long run! He just got into a frat. Goddamn they are so fucking annoying. They bark! They’re the "Q-dawgs"! How gay is that? I’m worried about him. Next time they walk in the Student Union barking I’m going to smack the Q-dawg shit out of them. The only thing I like is his necklace. It’s his Greek letter necklace. It matches really good with one of my out-fits and the little ass won’t let me use it.

Bastard. Anyways, cuz, it’s been awhile since I’ve talked to ya and I just wanted to write ya. I know how busy you are. You know what I hate about your damn group? You don’t even fucking sing! You WHISPER!!!! SING! You don’t take the opportunity, you get hit in the ass. I’ve experienced it. Any-who! Love ya, dude.

Love, Jessica aka. "Jezza" the down ass Bitch……..I thought you knew, Nigga!



Is that Chris friend of yours still single? You think he will let me rub him down with scented oils? Just an idea.


Encouragement thought:

A new beginning, like the breath of an angel, makes the air

a little sweeter and the world seem full of hope.

1OF 10

It was the end of August 1997 and the end of my childhood years. I was leaving so much behind in Orlando, my house, the old high school that made me feel secure, and my friends. I sat in the back seat of my dad’s Lexus as him and mom talked about Todd and Ruthy’s past wedding. Yeah that was a beautiful wedding, as Ruthy promised all her bridesmaids and maid of honor Saige wore Sailor dresses, little sailor hats, and as she said the cute navy boat shaped hand purses. Kelly, Saige, her cousin Gretchen, Adrea, and I all felt stupid in that outfit. Who were we to judge huh? It was the first time for me and Adrea wore designer clothes. All made by Vera Wang including the one of the kind bride dress. The coolest part was when they released the white doves after they kissed.

Right on the ocean, as the sun set, they married. Josh looked so handsome in his tux as did Justin, Joey, and Rome. Our relatives from San Juan and Chicago came up and so did some of the some of the students from the high school. It was a fairy tale wedding that every little girl had always dreamed of. I would have told you more, like how Kelly nearly didn’t show up because of Joey pulling out of their wedding. That was pretty evil and they tried to put J and me in the middle of it. Luckily we were able to avoid the crossfire. One second, my dad is talking.


I asked

"So, Kelly is going to be there already?"

Asked Dad

"Where? Oh, at Colben? Yeah,"

He looked at me and nodded a smile through the rearview mirror. Yeah, New York was the city of choice for me and after all, this city was way bigger than Orlando. It has how many suburbs? I can’t even keep count. For laughs I came up with: Brooklyn, Little Italy, Bronx, Harlem, Queens, Staten Island, Long Island, and let’s not forget Manhattan which actually represents all these places. Joey told me to stop by his Uncle Guido’s Fatoner’s Pizza and tell him ‘Joey sent me’. Joey also gave me the heads up about the New City, like don’t ride the subway at night – alone, don’t tell the homeless when they ask for change to fuck off. The homeless are pretty mean there and they will show me a fuck off. He told me to go to his uncle Sal’s restaurant and order a Ruben and yes tell him ‘Joey sent me’. I also had to keep a look out for Jessica Fatone his cousin. She went to the same University as me. I met her at the high school graduation.

‘New York New York’ By Frank Sinatra

Start spreadin' the news, I'm leavin' today

I want to be a part of it, New York, New York

These vagabond shoes are longing to stray

Right through the very heart of it, New York, New York

I wanna wake up in a city that doesn't sleep And find I'm king of the

hill, top of the heap

Oh, look we are entering the City of hopes and dreams. Look at those fucking high scrapers! Shit, they must be thousand high tall.

"Honey, look at the high scrapers,"

Pointed mom

Didn’t I just say that? Anyway, ooooooh look there’s Broadway! I gotta see a show when I am here. This place is huge and look at all the damn people! How the hell am I going to find my way back to the dorm? Oh gosh, I guess I will just hang out at school grounds until I feel safe to come out of my cave. Look at that homeless guy walking down 3rd avenue. He’s going to get hit by a car and you know what? He doesn’t give a fuck.

"He must be crazy,"

Said dad

Gosh, I miss J. I wonder if he misses me too? I look down at his 14karat gold necklace that once hung around his neck until I gave him that zodiac one for his birthday. I can’t believe he like that damn thing. The minute he opened it and I saw it up close again? I just though ‘What the hell was I thinking?’ He looked at me and hugged me saying he loved it. Wow! You do? Yeah, I look at the 14karat gold around my neck and know that I will see him again. He is always with me you know? That’s what we said about this and the necklace he wore. It was the connection of our whole relationship. Our slogan ‘Until we meet again…very soon, very soon’, but not soon enough for me. The minute I got into the car and we left the Orlando border my eyes watered to the point I couldn’t see until the tears left my eyes. Of course my sadness was official the day before I left, Josh left for Los Angeles with the guys putting their finishing touches on their new CD. Wow! Their new CD? Nsync, don’t! care for the name. Sounds kind of stupid if you ask me. I mean it makes sense but, yew…..Couldn’t come up with a better name?


These little town blues are melting away

I'll make a brand new start of it, in old New York

If I can make it there, I'll make it anywhere

It's up to you , New York, New York



We pulled up in front of the University as my dad put the car in park. Ok, this huge brick building is the enrollment facility. What are we doing here? I was enrolled the minute I sent back the acceptance letter. Is dad going through menopause too?

"Have the address for the dorm?"

Asked dad

"I can’t find it,"

Said mom

Mom went through the glove compartment wildly.

"I gave it to mom,"

I pointed.

Dad sighed, as he looked over at mom all disappointment.

"Well, I don’t know where I put it,"

Said Mom

"Did you leave it at the Super 8 in Virginia?"
Sighed Dad


I sunk in the back seat and shook my head. They are getting old and we will never get to the dorm. I will be trapped in that car with my folks forever! Help me!


New York, New York

I want to wake up in a city that never

sleeps And find I'm A-number-one,

top of the list, King of the hill, A-number-one

"Oh, here it is,"

Smiled mom

Mom handed the crippled up piece of paper with the address on it. I took a sigh of relief, but dad had to let her know he was disappointment in her responsibility. Ouch, my ears! They’re bickering.

"All you had to do was hold on to it,"

He grumbled

"Well, excuse me for living! It’s bad it enough I have to hold on to all the money, credit cards, and whatever else you can’t hold on to,"

She whined

Gees shut up! I am so tired of hearing it! Now I know why Todd left the state of Florida. It was to get away from our folks. Hmmm, Todd still isn’t talking to dad, surprise, and surprise……..Not! Todd like acknowledged him once at the wedding, and Todd then had to get drunk at the reception just to deal with him.

We pulled off and finally we were on our way. This University is huge, I will need a map just to get from the dorm to my classes and then back again. Look, there’s some of the Sorority and Fraternity houses. Should I join a Greek chapter? That’s the question.

"Now, Sierra you have everything right?"

Asked mom

I gave her a look like ‘Duh, isn’t it too late to ask this question?’ I mean we are already here and now she’s going to ask me this?

I said

"Because we can go to the local Walgreen’s and pick up supplies like pens, paper, and maxi pads,"

Ok, see this why I must get away from you and him! You said Maxi Pads like it’s an everyday thing! I buy my paper and pens here like every other college student.

"I’m fine,"

I said

We pulled up to the dorm and I was dying to get out of that car of hell. I looked over at my trailer with all my stuff (hahahha) including the kitchen sink! I did a big stretch (yawn!) and looked over as my mom started nagging at my dad the minute they exited the car. Gees, someone unplug her! I looked at the dorm and it had to be as big as the Midtown Skyscrapers but ok so it wasn’t zillion feet tall. Ok, one second that guy in the Guess Jeans is actually cute. (Gasped!) I’m only here ten minutes and I am looking at other guys? I’m cheating! Sierra think Josh….think Josh!


These little town blues are melting away

I'm gonna make a brand new start of it in old New York

A-a-a-nd if I can make it there, I'm gonna make it anywhere

It's up to you, New York, New York


The cute guy was black too. I would have loved if my shrink from Orlando were here, because I could point in his face and say ‘See I do think black guys are cute!’. Think josh!

"Sierra, come carry your blankets and your pillows,"

Nagged mom

Gosh, will she chill for a minute! I walked over and gasped when one of my pillows fell right in the street. I can’t believe she did that!


I whined

"It’s not my fault you can’t hold on to them,"

She said

See this is what is called menopause! I snatched the pillow up and sighed the black dirt mark on it.

"You have detergent,"

Said mom

"This is the pillow I sleep on,"

I said

She gave me a look. Oh, and this is the pillow J laid his head on the last day. I pressed my nose up against it everyday just so I could smell his hair. Now, it’s ruin! Damn you mom!

"Wash it,"

Said mom

Well, duh! Like I am going to just sleep on a dirty pillow!

We walked inside the dorm and you could hear people talking, music blurring, and students walking all over greeting and meeting with one other. It was a freshmen dorm and the sophomore dorm was next door. We walked up to the floor where my room was and it was wide open indicating Kelly was already there. And of course, Mark her little brother was sitting in the middle of the hallway coloring in his coloring books. We walked in and Cheryl her stepmom and her dad were in there talking. Kelly and I saw each other and squealed. We hugged and knew we were free from parenthood for awhile……until Thanksgiving.


Said my dad as he shook Kelly’s dad’s hand.

Ok, Kelly had already took over the top bunk of the and I get the bottom. That’s ok, because I’m scared of heights anyway.

"Look we have a view of the street!"

Said Kelly

And you’re happy about this why? I think she was just happy to be on her own so if we would have had a view of a gravesite that would have been ok. We unpacked and then it was time to take the folks up to orientation. Meanwhile I will just spare you the boring details…….hmmmmmm….I wonder what the guys are up to?


I'm gonna make a brand new start of it in old New York

A-a-a-nd if I can make it there, I'm gonna make it anywhere

It's up to you, New…….York…….New…….. York…….New York!!!


‘Back and Forth’ by Aaliyah

Verse 1:
It's Friday and I'm ready to swing, (hey)
Pick up my girls and hit the party scene
Tonight, oh oh oh it's alright
So get up and let this funky mellow groove
Get you in the mood
Cause you know it's alright

Hey it’s Justin here! Thought I drop you a line to tell yah what we been up to……..We sat around in RCA recording studios listening to ourselves sing on the play back audio. I started dosing off on Joey’s shoulder until he nudged me off of him.

"Justin, wake up,"

Ordered Pearlman

I yawned and sat up straight. Man, this is boring. I could be at back the Beverly Hills Hilton watching MTV or something. I looked over at Chris he was telling Lance something I only caught on to the tale end of his story.

"So, I said that’s the dog,"

Laughed Chris

Ok, that makes no sense, but like I said I only caught the end of it. Ok, now my butt is falling a sleep and JC is……um…….he tried to play it off slick picking his nose.


I asked

"What Ju?"

Asked Josh.

"I saw that,"

He gave me a look like he had no idea what I was talking about.

"You digging for gold,"

I accused

"Was not,"

He blushed

I snickered as Joey pointed, "He caught you!"

"I wasn’t digging….,"
said Josh

"Did you find it?"

Asked Chris

"Find what?"

Asked Josh

"Your gold,"

Said Chris

We laughed at J who of course didn’t see what was so funny.

So Mr.DJ keep the music groovin (keep on groovin)
Don't stop movin' (don't stop movin)

Let me see you, let me see you go...

Back, back, forth and forth
Back, back, forth and forth

"Ok, guys calm down and JC no more digging for foreign objects,"

Said Pearlman

We laughed again as J turned bright red. Johnny Wright our Manager walked in to the laughter we settled down because he doesn’t smile too much. Matter fact, I never saw him smile. I once thought I saw him laugh with a straight face.

"Rome is here,"

Said Johnny

"Ok, guys time for practice,"

Said Pearlman

Rome, better known as J-Shin who is like a famous singer now, took time out from his busy schedule to help us with our dance steps. He was the only choreographer we could work without walking out of the studio. I mean everyone else just sucked! Rome was the only one! I’m telling you!

We got up slowly and walked out. Joey had a slight limp because he claimed he pulled a muscle. He was fine yesterday night when we watched Monday night football. Funny how pain comes and goes so easily.

Rome is so cool, he thinks he’s more Black than I am. You know I am half Creole. My great, great, great Aunt was…….um…..You know.


Said Rome

He had on a pair of royal blue warm up pants and a white T-shirt. Funny how J had the same shit on. Planned? Are they the double Mint Twins? Hahahaha……gosh I’m funny.

Verse 2:
Now's the time for you to make your move,
To the dancefloor (Woah)
So throw your hands in the air (Yeah)
And wave 'em round like you just don't care (Why?)
Ooh it's the L-I-Y-A-H, rippin' up the stage
I got jazz personality, jeep mentality, beats for soul train

Rome yawned as he had came back from Seattle from the Jam For Peace Tour where there are twelve hundred artists that sing. Ok, so there isn’t twelve hundred, but there are a lot of people. I feel kind of sorry for him and plus we are kind of a burden with his schedule. I mean Fatima would try to schedule with him and well he would be too busy for us because he was doing his next video or some talk show, you know? But, Rome came through for us as much as possible.

"Ok, guys let’s take it from the top,"
ordered Rome

We all stood in our places as we waited for the song ‘God Must of Spent a Little More time on you’. Ok, before you look at me like a nutcase, yes it’s a slow song, but we need choreography for the music video. I stood in front with Josh, who thinks he sings better than I do. Hahhaha! I let the punk think that. Who’s a better singer? Me! Not him! Hello!

Rome’s eyes were all glassy indicating he was tired as he kneed down in front of us by the full mirror that we could see ourselves perform.

"Justin, you’re not standing in the right place! Lance stop sloughing, you can see everything in the music video,"

Ordered Rome

We did our hardest with the practice run he made us do the seens over and over again. See, you fans only see the only and final cut. Unknown to you, is we have to practice and do the final cut ten millions times. It’s very stressful. I was just thinking about someone…..Someone I miss. I never thought I could get emotional over a phone call, but that all changed the minute Neva came into my life. I call the Cruzs every night to sing Neva to sleep. Gosh, I love her! I never thought I could love someone so much as I do her, but I do. I have her picture in my wallet. Adrea, Neva, and I took a couple of pictures together before we left. I have the others taped on the wall above my bed when we go hotel to hotel so I never forget my girls.

Did I tell you when we walked out of the Hilton Hotel today we had our first fans stalking us? It was scary, cool, and proud feeling that people cared. It’s kind of scary how some chick yelled, "I love you Justin!" I gave her a look and I whispered to Joey, "Do I know her? She loves me?"

That bothered me for about three hours, how someone who listens to your music has established a connection with you and you have never seen them or even met them in your whole life. Look, I will talk to you later, ok? Because Rome is giving me the look of death because I am not concentrating. I gotta stop telling this part of the story because he pulls out the whip and beat me like a slave!


"Oh my gosh, Wade, why?"

Snapped Jessica

Wade was sitting in his bedroom the Fraternity house as Jessica and Kai had come to visit. Wade lay on his bed as Kai sat at his desk as Jessica sat on the floor.

"I just don’t like her, so what?"

Asked Wade

"So, I thought you were going to talk to this chick named Sarah?"

Asked Jessica

"He said he doesn’t like her,"

Said kai


Asked Jessica


"Stay out of this,"

Said Jessica

Kai laughed.

"I don’t care if I date,"

Said Wade

"He just wants the pussy,"
cheered Kai

"Sarah was cute,"

Said Jessica

"Then you go out with her,"

Said Wade

"If I was Angie, I probably would,"

Angie was their gay friend, who had suddenly turned Lesbian their freshman year.

"Kai, talk to Wade. Find out what is wrong,"

Said Jessica

"There is nothing wrong with me,"

Said Wade

"See, the thing with Wade is (Kai gets up), this girl of his dreams must have that look. And you know what look I am talking about, Jess,"

Said Kai

Kai paced back and forth like this was a massive investigation. Wade looked as Kai tried to expect his love life in a matter of words. Malakai known by Kai for short, was a DJ at Club Static and had grown his hair into dreadlocks because he thought they were cool. He meduim skin, was the same height as Wade 6’4" and was known to be a ladies man. Wade on the other had girls that wanted to talk to him, but as Kai will explain they weren’t the ones that were his type.

"Ok, see the girl has to be about 5’4", medium to light skin, long brown or black hair. The hair has to be a least pass her shoulders or even longer, that’s just black women, if the girl is white she has to know how to dance, listen to hip hop and R&B, have the hair thing like the black girl, and at least have some kind of soul in her because our brother Wade has some. Can I get a amen!"
Said Kai

Wade laughed as he Kai had him down to a tee just like his red and black Jordans.

Jessica stood up and yelled, "Amen! Brother Kai!"

"Thank you sister Jessy. Now, Wade has only seen these girls once and awhile……they are rare you know,"

Teased Kai

"Oh, I am about to get the Holy Ghost up in here!"

Teased Jessica

"It’s not like she don’t exist,"

Said Wade

Kai and Jessica looked at each other and snickered.

"I just ain’t looking right now,"

Said Wade

"And when she walks into his life, oh lord help us all, he’s in a trace, watching, making out his stalking blueprints, Bamn! He’s on her ass like flies on shit! Sister Jessica can I get a Woo-woo-hoo!"


Said Jessica



Wade laughed as he through his pillow at them.

"I guess I was one of those girls he saw,"

Said Jessica

"Yeah, but you wouldn’t give Wade the time of day,"
laughed Kai

"Jess, I can believe we never got together,’
said Wade

Kai laughed so hard he fell on the bed.

"Not, that again,"

Said Jessica

"What? I am just saying!"

Said Wade

"You suck!"

Said Kai in his deep voice

"We are too tight,"

Said Jessica

"I’m not your type?"

Asked Wade

"You suck,"

Said Kai again

"Look, Wade if I tie you to the bed and whip you, you would loose your fucking mind,"

Said Jessica

"Yeah, none of us can handle that,"

Said Kai

"Both are weak, look I gotta be out. I am meeting Ang down the student union,"

Said Jessica

Jessica slapped five with the guys and left. Wade and Kai looked at each other.

"She really whipped you that time?"

Asked Wade

"I still got the scars to prove it,"

Said Kai

"Fuck it, Yo,"

"Well, don’t worry it’s a new semester, there has to be a girl out there for you, Kid,"

"I don’t care,"

Said Wade

"Sure you don’t,"
he snickered

"All I care about it getting this dance career under way,"

Said Wade

"More power to you,"

They slapped five.

"Look, let’s go get something to eat,"
said Kai

"I hear yah,"


2 OF 10

Kelly and I sat in our room after our folks left. My mom nearly attached herself to my hip. Luckily she gave in that her baby had grown up and they left. The room was like uncharted territory, it had unexplained things that were ahead for us and it was our independence. We were free!

"So, we have to go get our grants and scholarships tomorrow?"

Asked Kelly

Kelly lay on the top bunk as I lay at the bottom.

"Yeah, then we are off to meet the cheerleading coach,"

I said

"So, did you hear from Adrea yet?"

Asked Kelly

"No, not yet,"

"She’s rooming with someone?"

"Yes, but that’s if she even left the state of Florida. You know she was second guessing school,"

"For the tenth million time,"

Said Kelly

"Well, she wasn’t sure if she could leave Neva,"

"She got this free scholarship, she needs to take advantage of it,"

There suddenly was a knock on our door. Oh, our first visitor. I got up to answer and it was Adrea! We squealed as Kelly ran over to our group hug.

"We were just talking about you!"
I cheered

"Well, if you said anything bad, fuck off!"
Cheered Adrea


Cheered Kelly


Cheered Adrea

I cheered

"We are free!"
Smiled Adrea

"I know isn’t it great!"
I said

"So, what should we do first?"
Asked Kelly

"I’m hungry,"

Said Adrea

"Ok, I thought I saw a Wendy’s down the street let’s go,"
said Kelly

We grabbed our coats and left. It was a breezy fall day as it soon turned into night. We walked into Wendy’s and they were pretty well packed. We stood in line as Wade and Kai walked in. Remember we don’t know them.

Have you ever had that funny feeling like someone is looking at her? Well, that’s what I got the minute they walked in. I saw Wade staring at me, but he quit when he saw me looking. Adrea nudged me.

"He was straight looking,"

Said Adrea

I didn’t care because I was with Josh. I love him and no matter if this Wade guy was hot.

Kai saw Wade looking.

"And bamn it’s happened,"

Said Kai

"What has happened?"

"The girl. I saw you looking. She matches your stats man. Talk to her,"

Said Kai

"I don’t know what you are talking about,"

"The light skinned girl with the hair, she’s with the Spanish and white girl,"

"You talk to her,"

Said Wade

"You the one staring,"

"I ain’t doing shit,"

Said Wade

"Lair, you scared,"

"I ain’t scared of shit,"

We got our food and had to walk pass the guys. Kai smiled and nodded, "Hey, how y’all doing this beautiful night?"

Wade got embarrassed as we said hi to Kai. Wade gave me a quick look and walked up to get waited on. We sat down in a booth as Kelly smiled.

"He’s cute,"

Said Kelly

"Yeah, I like his red highlights,"

Said Adrea

"I mean the guy with the dreads,"

Said Kelly


Said Adrea

"He isn’t an yew!"

Said Kelly


Asked Adrea


I asked

"Is the white boy with the red highlights cuter than the black guy with the dreads?"

Asked Adrea

"I don’t know I wasn’t paying attention,"

I said

"The white boy was looking at you,"

Said Kelly

"Good for him,"
I shrugged

"Wait, she’s in love remember,"

Teased Kelly

teased Adrea batting her eyes.

I laughed but, when Wade and Kai sat in front of us in another booth, I stopped. Wade once again looked at me and this time he blushed as he tried not to smile. He was cute, I had to give the boy credit on his looks, but Josh had my heart.


During the guys’ practice session JC started to get a huge headache. He continued to dance with the guys even if as the headache went into full term and sat over his eyes. They finally got a break and he went inside his duffel bag Justin watched as he wiped the swear from his face as JC dug in his bag like he was crazy.

"You ok?"

Asked Justin

"Yeah, got a headache,"

Said JC

JC closed his eyes tightly as he finally found his medication he was suppose to take three times a day for his migraines.

‘Still got the migraines?"

Asked Justin

"Yeah, ever since you know,"

"The incident at the Mambo Club and you hit your head on the ground?"

"Yeah, the mild concussion,"

Said JC


Jc popped two pills in his mouth and drunk his bottle of water. He sat on the floor with his eyes closed until the pills took affect. Rome looked over at him.

"J? You ok?"

Asked Rome

"Cool, that rhymed,"

Giggled Chris

"I got skillz,"

Smiled Rome

"I’m fine, I just didn’t take my pills this morning like I was suppose to,"

Said Josh

"I thought you were are suppose to take them like ten times a day?"

Asked Justin

"I do, but I forgot. No one here is to remind me,"

Said Josh

"Like yo momma,"

Smiled Joey

"Yeah, and well Sierra always reminded me too,"

Said Josh

"Now, you’re a big boy and you are suppose to take your wheaties on your own,"

Teased Chris


Sighed Josh

He got up from the floor barely able to see as the migraine took over his sight a little.

"Maybe, we should take fifteen minutes instead of five,"

Said Rome

"No, I’m cool,"

Said Josh

"Everyone take fifteen,"

Ordered Rome

Justin, Chris, and Lance walked out of the studio as Joey and Rome stayed behind to tend to Josh.

"You sure you are ok?"

Asked Joey

"Yeah, it just take times for the pills to take affect. I hate taking them too, cuz I always feel tired and like I want to throw up,"

Said Josh

"Well, I remember that one day you had to stay home from school because of your migraine,"

Said Joey

"Sit on the chair and take a break. I’m going to go get a pop. Anyone want anything?"
Asked Rome

"No, thanks,"

Sighed Josh

"I’ll take a Coke,"

Said Joey

Rome left the room as Josh and Joey sat down. Josh put his hands over his eyes and continued to wait for his headache to go away.

"I remember, that day I couldn’t go to school too. Sierra came by afterwards with my schoolwork and hung out for a minute. She was so concern about me and she made me put my head in her lap so she could rub my temples,"

Said Josh

"That Sierra for yeah!"

Giggled Joey

Josh looked over at Joey and said all sincere "I miss her man. I really miss her,"

"Well, I know I shouldn’t miss Kelly but I do. I tried to call her before we left town and she told me to fuck off,"

"Well, I probably would have told you the same,"

Said Josh

"Gees, thanks for being such a good best friend,"

Josh smiled and said, "best friend?"

"Well, yeah….um…..When my friend Anthony died ……I didn’t have a best friend. Actually I only had him as a friend and the rest of my so-called friends were just associates. Then I moved to Orlando and well I met you guys and me and you clicked,"

"I never knew you considered me your best friend,"

"I know that Rome and Todd are your best friends, but I consider you my guy, my best friend,"

"Well, actually Rome and I haven’t been close in a while. I see him when you guys do,"

"What happened?"

"Fame and fortune and well he’s gone a lot,"

Sighed Josh

"Well, J we are together a lot and we are like brothers you know?"

"Yeah, we are,"

They slapped five.

"You’re my best friend too Jo,"

Nodded Josh

Joey blushed as that made his day.


Smiled Joey

"Look let’s not tell the others ok?"

"Yeah, that we are going together,"
joked Joey

"Oh, Joey,"
said Josh

Josh snapped his fingers and blew him a kiss like he was gay. Joey played along, "Don’t be looking at Lance like you do to me, now. I will have to kick your ass girl!"

They started to laugh as the others walked in.

"So, you feeling better?"

Asked Rome

"Yeah, it’s fading fast,"
nodded Josh

"Ok, let’s take it from the top,"

Said Rome

They guys stood up and started their practice again.


We stood in line at the enrollment area, which we knew it was going to be an all day thing. As we had arrived and saw millions of students standing and the line never ended until twelve lecture halls down.

"I told you we should of came at 3am,"

Said Adrea

"Adrea, chill it won’t take that long,"

Said Kelly

A guy in front of us turned around.

"Um, I have been here for four hours and we have only moved twice,"

Said the guy

"How long ago was that?"

I asked

"Two hours ago,"

He said

"Ooooh, I’m going to miss ‘General Hospital’,"

Whined Kelly

"I’m going to miss Justin’s call,"

Said Adrea

I sighed as this was going to be a day from hell. Suddenly I got a moved from the side of my eye as I faced Kelly. I looked down the hall and there was Jessica Fatone waving wildly at us. I waved back as the girls saved my space in line so I could say what’s up to her. I got closer and closer and there was that guy that I saw at the Wendy’s restaurant, better known as Wade Robson. He shied away as he did before but, did he occasion stares here and there.

"Hey, girl! You made it!"
Smiled Jessica

"Yeah, we are going to be here all day and we have to meet the cheerleading coach like by 3pm,"

I said

"Well, you have like three hours before you have to be there,"

"You think I will make it?"


Snickered Jessica

"What am I going to do?"
I asked

Wade nudged Jessica, "I’m going to the venting machine, you want anything Yo?"

"No thanks,"

Said Jessica

Wade gave me a quick glance and walked away.

"So, I see you have her with you?"

Asked Jessica

I followed Jessica’s eyes down the way and she was giving Kelly the evil eye.

"She goes here,"

I replied

"Yeah, I know,"

"Why don’t you like her? I mean if anything you should feel sorry for her. I mean it was your cousin that left her at the altar,"

I said

"I just don’t like her. I declared her a bitch,"

"You don’t know her,"

"I know enough that I don’t like her ass. There is just something about her that I find sneaky. I haven’t figured it out yet. As for my cous? Well, she shouldn’t have tried to make him marry her,"

"She didn’t try to,"

"Please, he was so confused and nervous he was ready to pass out,"

"Well, he hurt her,"

I said

"I’m sure she will get over it. So, how’s going Sierra? How you like New York?"

"It’s so big,"

I said

"Speaking of big…..Here comes biggy,"
she said

She looked over at Kai, the guy with the dreads coming over to us. He smiled my way and hers.

"Wade, went and got himself something to eat,"
said Jessica

"I’m hotter than a hostage in this sweater,"
said Kai

Kai took his sweater off and Jessica pulled out a dollar.

"Whoa! Yeah that’s what we need to livin’ up this enrollment party…..A strip tease,"

Joked Jessica

Kai rolled his eyes and put his hand out towards me.

"Hi, I’m Malakai and you are?"

Asked Kai

"Malakai, like from the bible?"

I asked

"No, actually the disciple spelled his name M-A-L-A-C-H-A-I. My momma decided to spell it the ghetto way,"

Smiled Kai

"Oh, well my name is Sierra,"

"Hmmm, like rugged mountains?"

"Isn’t he a fucking genius!"

Teased Jessica

"Jessy, don’t mess up my game. I think I got this girl almost sprung,"

Joked Kai

"Sprung? Please,"
Jessica rolled her eyes

"So, I saw you at Wendy’s,"
said Kai

"Yeah, I was with my friends,"
I smiled

Wade walked back over and was surprised I was there talking. He looked down as he ate his candy bar so he didn’t have to make eye contact.

"I was at Wendy’s with my guy over here, Wade,"

Said Kai

Wade gave him a look, as he knew Kai knew Wade liked me.

"Wade did you meet Sierra?"
Asked Kai

Wade sighed and said, "Wassup"

I nodded and thought right away this guy never smiled(only that one time at the restruant) and he seemed to have a big time attitude,now. Wade gave me a look and turned his back on me.

"So, you have to be at cheerleading practice?"
Jessica asked

"You’re a cheerleader? Wow, Wade did you know Sierra’s a cheerleader?"
Beamed Kai

Wade looked back at Kai and mumbled, "chill, Kid,"

Kai snickered as he was getting the best of Wade as he turned back around.

"We should let Sierra skip huh?"
Asked Jessica

"Oh, I think that would be ok, don’t you think Wade?"

Smiled Kai

Wade looked back and shrugged.

"Wade thinks it’s ok,"

Said Kai

"I didn’t say shit,"

Grumbled Wade

"Um, maybe I should wait back with my friends,"

I said


Said Kai

"Why would you wanna wait with the wicked witch of the west for?"
Asked Jessica

I asked


Said Jessica

"She’s not wicked,"

"Speak for yourself,"
said Jessica

I declined to skip them plus Wade obviously didn’t want me there. He kept giving me looks like ‘What the fuck’. I walked back over to my friends.

"Isn’t that Jessica?"
Asked Kelly


I said


Said Adrea

Kelly had no idea that Jessica didn’t like her, but I am sure she would find out fast. Meanwhile by Jessica, Kai and Wade…..

"So, Wade likes Sierra,"

Said Kai

Wade gave him a look; "I don’t like anyone,"

"You like Sierra?"

Smiled Jessica


He snapped

"Yes, he does. We were at Wendy’s last night and that fucker was so taken by her he couldn’t eat,"

Kai and Jessica laughed.

"I wasn’t hungry,"
said Wade

"Whoa! Wade we were just talking about you finding someone and there you go baby,"
joked Kai

"Oh, wait,"

Said Jessica

Asked Kai

"Sierra? You like Sierra? Wade, she got a man,"

"What does her man got to do with him?"
Asked Kai

"They be tight,"
said Jessica

"He goes to school here?"

Asked Kai

"No, he’s with like my cous in LA. He’s singing with that group,"

"Well, he ain’t here so, make your move my brotha,"

Said Kai

Kai nudged Wade and he gave Kai a look like he wanted to rip his face off.

"You know you wanna talk to her,"

Said Kai

"How do you know I want to talk to her? I don’t even wanna talk to you,"

Said Wade

"Nigga, salty she got a man. See, Wade this is the time to bust game. You can get to know her and she has to be missing her man. So you can move right in on her and tap that ass,"

Said Kai

"Shut up,"

Grumbled Wade

"Leave Wade alone, before he bitch slaps you,"

Joked Jessica

Wade shook his head at Kai and continued to ignore his jokes.

"You like the black girl,"

Teased Kai

"I think she’s boricua,"

Said Jessica

"She’s black, look her perm,"
said Kai

"She’s mix,"

Mumbled Wade

"Ah-hah! Your ass does like her!"

Cheered Kai

Everyone around them looked on as Wade turned bright red.

"Shut – up!"

Snapped Wade

"You like her,"

Sang Kai

"You fool,"
said Wade

"You guys are so crazy,"

Giggled Jessica

"Get her ass to tap her ass, Son,"

Said Kai


Snapped Wade


Lance waited patiently in the lobby of the Beverly Hills Hilton. He paced back and forth looking at the entrance of the hotel. Just then he heard someone clear their throat behind him. He turned and there were two teenage girls standing there smiling at him.

"Yes, can I help you?"

He asked

"Um, can I ask you a question?"

Asked one

The girl who asked had red curly hair and freckles as the other one had short brown hair.

"Sure,"he said

They giggled a few seconds and the red hair girl continued, "We are here on vacation and well a couple weeks, I mean a month before we were watching The Disney special. So, my question is aren’t you in that one group that sings ‘I want you Back’?"

Lance’s eyes widen, as the girls grew more excited by the minute as they were positive they knew him. He was impressed.

"Wow, yeah I am ……yeah, so you’re fans?"
Asked Lance

"Yeah, I love that song!"

Said the brown hair girl

"I use to watch MMC and Justin and JC were on there. I love JC,"

Said the red hair girl

Lance was so surprised that they knew them and by name.

"So, you’re Lance, right?"
Asked the brown hair girl

said Lance

"Can I have your autograph?"
Giggled the red head

Lance nodded happily and gave them autographs. The girls thanked him and said they loved Nsync.


Said Lance

"When is your next song coming out?"

Asked Red hair

"Um, tomorrow, ‘God Must of Spent A little More Time On You’,"
said lance

"Oh, I love that song. I have the CD at home,"

Said the brown hair girl

"Wow, you like the CD?"

Asked Lance

"We love it, we play it all the time,"

Smiled the red head

"Wow, I mean wow,"

Said Lance

"Well, thanks, Lance,"

Said the girl with the brown hair

"Sure, anytime. Thanks for liking us and listening, keep listening, tell your friends,"
smiled Lance

Lance waved at them as they walked back over to their parents.

"Wow, that’s so cool. That’s the third time in one day now,"
he said to himself

"So, do you always talk to yourself?"
Asked a female voice

He turned and there stood Mo standing behind him.

"Monique, I was just saying…..Well, those girls over there are like diehard Nsync fans. We have enough Nsync fans to fill a small school bus,"

Said Lance

"Um, ok,"

Said Mo

Lance hugged Mo as they had been keeping in touch with each other through out the months.

"So, you only here for a short time period?"

Asked Lance

"Yeah, I am here to finalize the paperwork that I am no longer under the Bad Boy Label. I guess there is a good side to this,"
said Mo

"And what’s that?"

"I got to meet Johnny Cochran,"

"JC Simpson’s lawyer?"

"Now, Sean Combs’. I had to sign agreement saying I couldn’t use the label and whatever else. Like I really want to, you know,"

Snickered Mo

"So, you wanna go to the restaurant for a bite to eat?"
Asked Lance

"Yeah, sounds good,"

She nodded and he suddenly leaned over and gave her a kiss. She was surprised as she blushed.

she said

"Yeah, let’s go get some lunch,"
he giggled

He put his arm around her and they left.

Meanwhile in the hotel room, Lance roomed with Justin……………

Justin tried to call Adrea, but she wasn’t there. He sighed and slammed the phone down as Chris walked in.

"Damn it,"

Sighed Justin

"What do you think of Fuman Skeeto?"

Asked Chris

"She’s not there,"

"No, see Fuman Skeeto is something I got into my hair weave………it was a mosquito and my friend Marcus and I were sitting joking about my hair……said, ‘look Fuman Skeeto’,"

Joked Chris

"Um, that makes no sense,"

Said Justin confused

Chris looked at him and said, "Just forget it. Anyway, so your girl has a new CD out,"

"Adrea doesn’t sing, she’s not even in her dorm room,"

Vented Justin

"You still like Noelia?"

Justin looked up at him and nodded, "Of course she’s hot,"

(‘Noelia’ Pronounced ‘No – Lee – Ah’)

"She has her first CD in Espanol called ‘Donde Estan Los Ladrones?’,"
said Chris

"How do you know?"

"Well, I was watching Telemundo not by choice, because it was either that or watch the Home Shopping Network,"

"Go on,"

"Well, she was on the talk show ‘Christina’ talking about the CD and her man Ricky Martin,"

"Fuck Ricky,"

Grumbled Justin

"Oh, I’m so sure she is,"

Smiled Chris

"She’s so hot, what is she doing with that……that…..Thing,"

"Well, that thing is her man and she and him are like the poster people for the whole island of Puerto Rico. They are like thee couple,"

"No one cares,"

Sighed Justin

"Why are you jealous of someone you can’t have?"

"Me jealous? I’m not jealous,"


Just then Joey walked in and was eating a sandwich.

"What’s up?"

Asked Joey

"Josh still sleeping?"

Asked Chris

"Yeap, headache came back and boom he was down for the count. I’m sure he’s in little Sierra Gonzalez dreamland right now,"
said Joey

"Noelia’s hot, she deserves to be with a man, a man like me,"

Said Justin

"No, see she is with a Man she will choose Ricky over you anytime, Mighty Mouse,"

Said Chris

Joey laughed.

"Well, she hasn’t seen a real man until she has seen me,"

Said Justin

"Actually, a real man would be me,"
smiled Joey

"Just wait, she will fall over in love with me,"

Said Justin

"Because your breath will knock her to her knees,"
laughed Chris

"Chris, you are too funny,"
snickered Joey


"So is that mayo by your lip,"

Pointed Joey

"Oh, I’m saving that for later,"

Said Joey

"We go to that Hollywood party next week right?"
Asked Justin


Said Chris

"You think She will be there?"

Asked Justin

"Justin, let it go. Noelia isnt going to go out with you, the girl posed for Playboy 1994, she was in People En Espanol as the most beautiful, she is a Victoria Secret Model, Supermodel, walks catwalk for Vesase, Ralph Lauren, should I go on?"
Asked Chris

"She poses for Victoria Secret, cool?"
Asked Joey

"Yeah, my sister has the new CD,"

Said Chris

"I have her poster!"

Said Justin

"Ju, she’s not going to go with you, she’s going out with Ricky Martin, Ex Menudo, ex soap hunk, she’s not going to go with you,"
said Chris

"We’ll see about that,"
said Justin

"She’s going to think you’re a loser!"
Said Chris

Teased Joey


Said Chris high pitch and fast


Said Justin

Cheered Joey and Chris

"Her song is called ‘Ojos Asi’,"

Said Chris


Said Justin

"Didn’t know that huh?"
Teased Chris

"How do you know so much?"
Asked Joey

"Well, my father side….my real father, Armando is Cuban and well, my sisters, Gennaeve, and Margaret, Leslie, and me have the same dad. Margaret knows how to speak Spanish and listens to the music,"

Said Chris

"So, wait the guy who is posing as your father now, isn’t your dad?"

Asked Joey

"He’s not posing he is my dad. His my step dad, he’s Sami’s real dad,"

Said Chris


Said Joey

"So, Ju you want to listen to the song,"

asked Chris

Chris dug in his CD case he had with him and pulled out Noelia’s cd. Justin snatched it out is hand.

"Damn, boy slow down,"
laughed Chris

"He’s sweatin her hard, still she won’t show him any play,"

Giggled Joey

"Wanna see her Playboy spread? I mean she really did a spread!"

Giggled Chris

"I have that issue, I got it when we went to Europe,"

Said Justin

"So, Chris you must like Noelia too, huh?"

Asked Joey

"Yeah, she’s hot,"

Winked Chris

"I have dibs on talking to her first,"

Said Justin

"Anyway, the playboy is in my room it was only released to the public in Europe and Spanish speaking countries,"

Said Chris

Chris continued to talk about Noelia as Joey followed to his room to see the playboy. Justin looked at the CD and decided to listen to it.

(Ok, unless you know Spanish….or can try to translate it…here’s some of the lyrics)

Ayer conocí un cielo sin sol
Y un hombre sin suelo
Un santo en prisión
Y una canción triste sin dueño
Ya he ya he ya la he
Y conocí tus ojos negros
Ya he ya he ya la he
Y ahora sí que no
Puedo vivir sin ellos yo

Le pido al cielo sólo un deseo
Que en tus ojos yo pueda vivir
He recorrido ya el mundo entero
Y una cosa te vengo a decir
Viajé de bahrein hasta beirut
Fuí desde el norte hasta el polo sur
Y no encontré ojos así
Como los que tienes tú


3 OF 10

I have to call Justin when I get back to the dorm. I bet my voicemail has like ten calls. I can just hear his whining ass now, "Where are you? Adrea? Hellooooooo! You said you were going to be there! I mean if you weren’t I wouldn’t of called! You know hotel calls aren’t cheap! Ok, love you Papi Chulo!"

Yeap that’s my baby, Justin the whiner. Anyway, we stood in the stands, at the top of the sporting arena. We heard the song ‘Let’s get Ready to Rumble’ playing loudly as the cheerleaders that were already on the teams were doing their dance number on the floor. Sierra and Kelly slipped into the seats next to us. I stood watching as I realized it had finally happened. We were officially college cheerleaders. That dream I had as a child had finally arrived. I remembered being nine years old being subjected to watching the NCAA basketball games with my dad and my brother, Rest in peace Joel, and seeing the cheerleaders letting loose and how excited they were for the team. They were so pro-team and the crowd just loved them.

The coach of Uvn. Of NY who’s name was Morgan Martin was a red hair headed tall woman, who looked like a aerobics instructor in a pair of warm up pants. She was ordering the cheerleaders around making sure they were doing all the right moves. Gosh, that was going to be me, Sierra, And Kelly one day. Whoa! It’s so odd, that feeling I got right now. It was a mad rush, a scary, exciting, happy feeling of finally living our dreams.

After the song finish the coach gave the girls a break as she saw us at the top of the stands. Three other girls walked over to where we were. The coach whistled for us to come down to her level. Can’t help to say for a spilt second I felt like we were a bunch of dogs that just got let out of the pound the way we ran down to her. Those other three girls followed.

"They must have scholarship too,"

Sierra whispered in my ear.

"So, we all get to get on the team together,"

I said

"I guess so,"

"This team is huge, I mean how are we all going to be cheering together,"

Said Kelly

Kelly was right, besides us and the other three new comers the quad had already have six cheerleaders as is, most were Seniors and Juniors. The cheerleaders that were already on the teams gave us newcomers smirks and whispered among themselves about us. We were new and well, we were at the bottom of the cheerleading elite list.

"So, who are you?"

Asked the coach

She pulled out a clipboard and had a pencil in hand. We didn’t even get a ‘How dah do?" or even a smile from Ms. Martin. She was kind of mean and short with us.

"Adrea Cruz,"

I announced

"And you?"
She pointed to Sierra

"Sierra Gonzalez,"

"And you?"

"Kelly Prescott, George W. Bush High School,"
smiled Kelly

Ms. Martin gave her a look. Ok, Kell what did going to Bush High School have to do with being on the team? The minute we left the state of Florida all bets were off and the best four years of our lives didn’t mean shit. This was college; we were in a new ballpark now.

"And you?"

Asked the coach

There were two other white girls, one had blonde hair like Kelly, and was a brunette, the other girl was African American, she looked kind of like that supermodel Niaomi Campbell, she had her lips and long beautiful hair.

"Campbell Scott,"
said the black girl

*Gasped* I made a funny! And didn’t realized I did. I said she looked like that supermodel Campbell chick and bamn! The girl’s name is Campbell! Wow….hahahahah.

"And you?"
Asked the coach

"Stephanie Michaels,"

Smiled the blonde

Gosh, she was too damn happy. She totally cheered her name. Stephanie! Puke! Going to hate her, I see.

"And you?"

Asked the coach

"Taylor Jefferson,"

Said the last

"Well, congratulation on your scholarships,"

Said the coach

"So, are we practicing today?"
Asked Stephanie

The coach shook her head no. Ok, tomorrow?

"You can pick up your uniforms at the athletic department. We will call you when you are needed. There will be three practices during the week, and if you are good enough you can be the alternates,"

Said the coach

Alternates? What the fuck? Excuse me? I’m confused. I wasn’t the only one, as we all stood there with our mouths dropped open.

Asked Kelly

"Yes, alternates if one of my girls get hurt or sick and cant make one of the games you will be one of the stand ins. It will go from best to ok. As for who will be the first to replace, if it happens……it will be Sierra Gonzalez, Stephanie Michaels, Kelly Prescott, Campbell Scott, Adrea Cruz, and Taylor Jefferson,"

Said the coach

"That’s not fair,"

Said Stephanie

So, I’m second to worst? I’m a good cheerleader. I am…..I really am. I bet am I second to worst because I got pregnant last year! They probably think I will be cheerleading one day and oosp! I’m knocked up……again! * Sigh *

"Yeah, we got this scholarship and everything. We came to this school because we thought we were going to be apart of this game,"
said Campbell

"So, we just what? Sit side line?"

Asked Sierra

"Yes, the quad has total of six cheerleaders that officinal perform and that’s all a team needs. Out of those six there are four seniors, one Junior and one sophomore. There will be more room next year,"

Said the coach

"So, until we are, we are just sick or injured stand ins. why bother to learn the steps?"
Asked Kelly

"Well, you have two choices,"

"And they are?"
I asked

"Either be the alternates and wait your turn next year or quit the team and loose your scholarship. What’s the big deal girls? You have free room and board and your schooling is all paid for,"

Said the coach

"We came here to cheer!"
Said Sierra


Said Campbell

"Pick up your uniforms and see you for practice on Wednesday. If you don’t show up for any of practices, you’re off the team. Now, see you later, bye,"

Said the coach

She walked away from us. We were just standing there looking like fucking idiots. That wasn’t the agreement, actually no one told us we may not cheer until our sophomore year. I was hurt, and well…..Hurt.

"I cant fucking believe this,"
I said

"Well, neither can I. I think I need to talk to J,"

Groaned Sierra

We all walked away disappointed. I can’t believe this!


I sat in the dressing room applying my make up. I wasn’t sure what I was really doing anymore. I mean, I came to town to be a showgirl and look what I become? I straighten up my bra with the little sparkles on the outside of it; my breasts have to be almost exposed. I have never wore a bra this tight and that didn’t fit. It’s suppose to be that way though, the less you wear the more money you brought in. Sigh. I looked down at my other piece of my outfit, guarder belt and my thigh highs. For the first time, I started to feel like a piece of meat. Hah! No, sorry it’s been several times since I have performed on stage and felt like that. It depends on who came here and wanted you to do a lap dance for them, or who wanted to just treat you like dirt and wanted to just slap you on your ass, and tell you disgusting things in your ears. They really think you want to do all the things they tell you too.

I once thought I could be a stripper. I mean what was the big deal anyway? I loved to have sex and sex love to have me. I could surely strip down and have men pay me for it. I would have been an idiot not to accept money just so some old nasty man could get their jollies off of me. I didn’t realize these so-called men with all the money had no respect for you. To them you were as you were viewed,a friend, a stranger, a pretty face, a hooker, a stripper, prosecute, a piece of ass, or just a plain slut. It was whatever they decided to call you that night. Sure, we had our usual customers. There was Jerry, forty-five, Lawyer, father of three teenage girls, and lived in the hills. He liked me to do lap dances for him awhile he told me his daily martial problems. He one time slipped me five hundred dollars just because I made him feel special just by sitting down and drinking a beer with him.

There was Gus, sixty years old, widower; multi millionaire whose daily treks to the strip bar was like a major big deal. If he even made it back to his mansion on time for reruns of ‘Barney Miller’ he was happy. He wanted me to sleep with him but he was too wrinkled. I just couldn’t do it; I just couldnt sleep with the raisin even if I got drunk and high.

Other strippers, co-workers who had just got done dancing on stage, interrupted my thoughts. Charlotte, twenty-five year old, crack user, who fucked anything for cash and Melanie who was nineteen, blonde bombshell who her biker boyfriend came to the strip joint four times a week drunk out his mind, just so he could beat the living shit out of her. These girls hated me. I was new on the block; I was fresh meat to all the customers. I was a threat to all the veteran strippers. Melanie nickname on stage ‘Bombshell Beauty’ was the prize cash winner, until I got there. Suddenly I shake my ass and well, men came from all over to see it.

"Well, well, look who is up next,"
said Charlotte

See I told you they are jealous of me. They always want to fuck with me too. Teasing to them was like a national holiday when it came to me. I got up from my chair and walked pass them as they called me ‘Slut’ and ‘Bitch’. I ignored them because as soon as I got my big break in Hollywood I was out of there. This strip job was going to get me a ticket to LA and an acting job. I heard The Price Is Right had an opening for one of Barkers Beauties.

"Hey, Tara,"

Said Melanie

I stopped in my track. I hated even acknowledging them. I turned and looked.

"I hope you break something on stage,"
said Melanie

"Yeah, maybe your trick ass will go back to the gutter where you came from,"

Said Charlotte

In any cases I would have mouthed off, but I didn’t have the guts. See, the first day I started at this place, I mouthed off to Melanie and well on the way home that night I was cornered by her and Charlotte. They had put a knife to my neck and threat to dump my body in the Dumpster somewhere. I hadn’t been so scared in all my life as I was that night. From then on? I was going to make sure I was going to get the hell out of there.

I ignored them because I didn’t want to die; I just wanted to go to Hollywood. I walked on stage and it was dark, black indicating my entrance was about to be introduced.

"Hailing from Orlando Florida, our very own Tigerlilly,"
said the announcer.

I stood by the strip pole as I could hear all the guys shouting for my show to start. I just wanted to get it over and done with. The lights went on and I started to dance to all the whistles and hollers.

"Come on baby!"

Yelled one

"Take you’re fucking clothes off!"
Yelled another

"Come over here, bitch! I got your money for you!"

Yelled another

With my implants I was the talk of the strip joint. I wasn’t huge on top but I was a size 36D – cup. There were other girls bigger than me……..Way bigger than me but they also said I was popular because I was new, young, and beautiful. As long as they were willing to pay. Oh, no college guys! I looked over at them and they were drunk out of their minds hollering at me to come on over. They were so wild and crazy. They liked to grope us until the bouncers tossed them out. I hated them, but they had the money.

After my stage show was over it was time for me to get the hell out of there. I counted my money and put my regular clothes on. I love being covered now, if it was up to me I would wear a turtleneck in Las Vegas even when it was hundred degrees out.

There was a knock on the dressing room door. I opened it cautiously as you never knew if it was one of the bosses or a horny bustard wanting a free show, if you know what I mean. It was the bouncer, he was harmless.

I asked

"There is a gentlemen out here that would like to talk to you,"

"Did you tell him I don’t sleep with my customers?"

"I didn’t ask what he wanted,"

"Frank, I wish you would of,"

"Look, he has a lot of money at least he dresses like it,"

"Well, where is he?"
I asked

I poke my head out and looked around inside the bar area.

"He’s the one with the green leisure suit on,"
said Frank

"He must be a pimp if he came in with that on,"
I laughed

"Or a flashback from the 70’s,"

"Tell, him I am not working for him,"
I said

I closed the dressing door back up and put my coat on. I walked out and was soon stopped by this guy in green. He even had green shoes to match is suit, he reeked of booze and cheep colgone. You could tell he had a receasing hairline and he grew one long piece and combed it over so it appeared to have a full head of hair.

"Excuse I’m late,"
I lied

"I would like to just talk to you for a moment,"

Said the guy

"I don’t fuck my customers,"

"Well, that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about,"

"Then what?"
I asked

"How much do you make a night here?"

"Why? That’s none of your business,"

"I can pay you triple what you make, if not more. You are pretty amazing up there,"

"I’m not doing this very long. I’m packing up next week and moving to LA,"

"Well, Sweetheart you’re in luck that’s where my business head quarters is,"

I tried to move around him but he blocked me.

"I can pay you 45,000 a week,"
he said

My eyes widen, as that was way more than what I was making there.

"You wanna make good money?"

He asked

"I wanna be a star,"

"I can make you a star, if you come and work for me,"

I thought about it, as I was still unsure until he handed me a business card.

"Starbuz INC? Never heard of it,"

I said

"It’s an up and coming movie Production Company,"

"I don’t know,"

"Well, think about and if you are interested when you get to LA call me,"

He blew his cigar smoke in my face and nodded at me. He then walked off. I stared at the business card and then put it in my wallet.


I lay in my hotel room staring at my necklace. I ran my finger over the lionhead symbol. It meant us; it meant Sierra and me. I turned on the lamp on the dresser and lay back down. At least my headache was gone. I heard distant laughing and talking from Chris, Joey, and Justin in the next room. I could go there but I just didn’t feel like it. Peace and quiet doesn’t live very well in show business. I better make the best of it that’s what Mr. Wright said. Unfortunately I seem to be the only one taking any of this serious. The others act like this is one big party. Joey started eating again, again, and again. What else is new? Chris? Well, ever since he got hooked on drugs, girlfriend died went in rehab, and got out of rehab he is a very odd person. I mean he’s a nice guy and all, but very odd. I’m not talking psycho odd, but he’s just plain goofy like the drugs he had taken just fried his brains(he’s all dried out now, though). Well, I can say he’s not as mellow as he was b! efore, he’s more out going. He has these really odd dreams too, but enough of that.

Oh, if I have to hear Justin one more time talk about how he’s going to get Noelia as a girlfriend I will have to hurt him. I mean yes we are young and as Mr. Wright says opportunity has come knocking, but this boy acts like he is willing to dump everything he has with Adrea for some supermodel. I guess if I wasn’t so in love I would do the same. I would care, but why be with someone if you don’t intend to stay. Ok, so Justin cares a lot about Adrea and he loves Neva. I really think he is only with her because of the baby not because he loves her. The more he is away from her the worst he gets.

Joey? He’s my best friend. You heard our pack, but I gotta say that boy is very quiet. I mean he talks, jokes, and whatever else but he is just not the same without Kelly. He’s sad about that and never wants to say anything positive about their past relationship. Yes it’s true he tried to call her and she told him to fuck off. I had to laugh, I didn’t do it in front of him, but that was funny. I had to give him balls for trying.

Anyway, I miss my beautiful. I wonder if she’s in her dorm room? I miss her so much, I swear. I thought being gone away from her was going to be a breeze and well I hate to say it, but it’s not. You can call me pussy whipped believe that is like a regular joke around here with the guys. I use to talk about her a lot out loud but ever since they started to tease me I have been quiet about it. I tell Joey what’s going on in my head and how I miss her in private. He understands and listens, but I can tell by his facial _expression when I talk about me and Sierra’s relationship it reflects on his failed one. I don’t mean to talk about how I love her to hurt him. I mean I told him ‘Jo, if me talking about my relationship bothers you tell me.’ He said no it doesnt. So I do.

I picked up the phone to call. Did I tell you I am not the only one that has jungle fever now? Lance is down in the lobby waiting around for Monique to come. I feel so bad because of how her career went down. I think about how that can happen to us. We are with a good record contract though RCA. We are ok.

Answered Kelly

"Kelly Belly!"

I cheered

"Joshua Chasez,"

She giggled

"Well you’re in a good mood. Wassup?"

"Well, actually I’m not in a good mood. We went down to the cheerleading coach and we are just alternates,"

"Alternates, what’s that?"

"Stand in cheerleaders until next year,"

"So, you can’t cheer this year?"
I asked


"Well, damn. Sorry to hear that,"

"Wanna talk to Sierra?"

"Yeah, is she around?"


"Hey, Kell?"

I asked

"Yeah, J?"

"How you doing? I mean with the break up and all?"

"I’m fine,"

"Well, good. Joey’s doing well,"
I lied

"Oh,…….Well, here’s Sierra,"

"Hey, Carebear!"

Cheered Sierra

"My little bunny rabbit!"
I teased

"I’m Beautiful remember?"

"You sure are. I miss you,"

"Miss you too,"

I bit my bottom lip; "I love you too,"

"I love you more,"

"I don’t think that is possible,"
I giggled

"So, how’s show biz?"

"Good, but it’s lonely at the top. I got my guys but, I miss Orlando, I miss you, my folks,"

"Well, you get to go back home when?"

"In a week, after we go to New York,"

I cheered

I could tell Sierra was smiling at the thought of that. I felt my face getting all warm indicting I was excited about seeing her too.

"So, you going to take me out on the town, Beautiful?"

I asked

"Yeah, of course I am going to take myself out too. I haven’t really ventured out in that big Apple town,"

"Scared you might get lost?"

"Oh, my gosh J this place is so damn big,"

"So, it’s like my dick?"
I laughed

Hahahhahaah! I am so funny.

"You’re sick,""

She said

"Oh, you love my sick jokes. Look, we will do something ok? I have to do this MTV thing and then I am free the rest of the day to be spoiled,"

"So, Joey is going to spoil you,"

She joked

"Yeah, buy me lunch and possibly make passionate love to me in the process,"
I joked

Sierra giggled. Gosh, I missed that laugh. Joey walked in the room and started dug through his stuff. He had thrown all his clothes in a pile on the floor. He was like me, and we wonder why we can’t find anything.

"So, you want me?"

I asked


Snickered Joey

"Dumbass I was talking to Sierra,"

I said

"Tell, Joey hi,"
said Sierra

"How did you know it was Joey?"
I asked

"It was neither him or Justin,"
Said Sierra

"Yeah, you’re right that’s usually Justin’s nickname,"

"Big nose bustard,"

Said Joey

"Hey, enough with the nose jokes. I’m famous now damn it……..At least almost famous. All nose jokes are off plus, annoying Ruthy isn’t here to say shit,"

I said

"Oh, but J nose jokes are on the increase when fame is involved,"

Teased Joey

Joey let out a large fart and said, "There was a special request from my ass to you,"

I gave him the finger as he left the room. I continued me conversation with Beautiful.

"Ok, so when I get there you going to spoil me?"
I asked

"You going to spoil me?"

"Of course,"

"Then I will spoil you,"

"I was thinking we should go to the Apollo Show in Harlem. We did so good on that show for five white boys,"

Sierra laughed. Gosh, I miss that laugh again.

"Don’t let Justin hear you call him white,"

She said

"That fucking wannabee, anyway what do you think?"

"Yeah, that sounds good,"

"Alright, Apollo it is. Joey is talking about us hanging out at his Uncle Guido’s Fatoner Pizza joint too. We will make an appearance in Little Italy where it is and then leave,"

said Sierra

"Well, because hotel calls are not cheap until I make my million I will have to let you go,"


We said our good-byes and we hung up. Gosh, I cant wait to see her………I miss those beautiful hazel eyes of hers.


So, there we were having a mature dinner and conversation. Monique sat like angel in the moonlight. The whole front of the restaurant was all glass where we were sitting and you could see passer byers on the street and I could see Mo’s beautiful brown face light up every time the candlelight flickered at our table. She sure was a beauty and after such a stressful relationship with Tara, Mo was a breath of fresh air. Unfortunately there was so much we didn’t have in common. She liked rap and Hip-Hop and me? I liked country and hard rock.

"So, you don’t like 2 Pac or even Faith Evans?"

She asked

"Well, um Justin listens to 2 Pac all the time and well he just raves about it,"
I said

Mo didn’t answer me as she dabbed her napkin on her mouth to remove any unwanted food particles. Gosh, she was beautiful. Did I mention that already?

"So, um what’s on your list now?"
I asked

"Meaning what?"
She chuckled

"Like are you planning on doing your one woman show down sunset Blvd? Or just going back to Orlando?"

"Uh-huh Orlando is on list. I just need a break and well, I don’t like the show business seen. I thought I would and believe me it was all-good in the beginning. After three months it got very overwhelming with all these people I never met in my whole life before came up to me asking me to sign my name on a piece of paper and run off to their friends to show my handwriting. It was just too much. It was cool though when we went on the Apollo and met Kiki Shepherd and Sandman Sims,"

Said Mo

"And let’s not forget Steve Harvey,"
I chuckled

"Uh-huh him too. So, were y’all surprised you didn’t get booed off?"

"Oh, we were on Amateur night. We were just a musical guest. I was nervous at first because I thought we were going to be the only white people in there, but way, way, way in the back of the audience I saw a white girl and then I knew we were already. Nobody got up and left, and we got a standing ovation. I was so surprised and Johnny Wright said now if they didn’t boo us it’s a good thing,"

"I remember they had a comic on there and he was just a guest star and he was so bad with his jokes they booed him right off,"

"Yeah, it’s sad, but it’s good when they don’t because that’s when you know you have talent,"

What else can we talk about? Think quick Lance. I looked over at a near by waitress for a spilt second I thought she was Tara. I got chills up and down my spine when I thought it was she and then I got this sad and relieved feeling when it wasn’t.

Asked Mo

I asked

I looked back at Mo as she could tell I was deep in thought. Suddenly something strange happened. Actually it wasn’t strange, I guess the guys and I had been ignoring it or playing ‘go with the flow’ method. Mo giggled and pointed towards the window. I looked over and there stood four girls that must have ranged from teen age to about middle twenties waving at us. I thought they had to be waving at Mo but the minute I looked up one mouthed ‘Oh my gosh’. I looked behind me thinking about they saw something amazing but, no they were looking at me with the most happy look. Finally one mouthed ‘Lance’. I don’t know what made me nodded at the girl, but they started to squeal in excitement. They soon took off running.

"Wow, they knew who you were,"

Said Mo

"Uh, I don’t think it was about of Nsync. They were probably from Clinton Mississippi or something. Their folks are probably farmers too, meaning they want to trade poultry tales,"

"Hahahhaha…. Poultry tales,"
she giggled

"I’m serious, my daddy is in the process of writing his our chicken chronicles,"

Mo gave me a look and said, "You’re kidding?"

"Nope, Daddy has worked with live stock all his life. He can tell you ever part of a chicken’s body without even thinking twice,"

"Oh my gosh,"

"I know it’s amazing isn’t it?"
I asked in delight

Mo took a sip of her soda and got her thoughts together to change the subject of live stock and its’ writings.

"He once write an article for the local paper in Clinton. The Article was called, ‘Everything I ever learned………I learned from my cow’. It was a beautiful story; it got first prize at the county fair three years ago. I actually have the prize wining article in my wallet, you wanna see it?"

I started to dig for it.

"Maybe later (Giving me strange looks, trying not to laugh)……..Uh, like I was saying Lance, I think those girls knew who you were because of Nsync,"

"Nah, not possible if anything they knew you before me. I mean you are the star,"
I winked

"Not no more, they were looking at you,"

I shook my head. I mean yes we had about ten encounters with young girls across the country, but it wasn’t that serious. Just then I heard my name lightly mention across the room, as though someone was calling out to me. I looked over at the host’s booth and there stood those young girls that were waving at me outside the window, trying to convince the host to let them in the restaurant. When the girls noticed me looking they waved wildly at me. Just then they squealed and ran the other way.

"Well, that was odd,"

I said

"Maybe Michael Jackson was in the lobby,"
she teased

"Him and his monkey named Bubbles,"


I held her hand and kissed it gently.

"Thank you for coming to see me, I truly appreciate it,"
I said

"It was nice Lance,"

She batted her eyes at me and gave me a grin.

"You have beautiful teeth,"
I said

She laughed a little and said, "Ok, nobody has ever said that to me,"

"I have a thing about facial features, including hands and teeth. I know it’s weird, but you do have beautiful teeth, very white and pearly,"


"You also have a beautiful mouth,"

Monique blushed and nodded, "Thank you again, Lance"

"Beautiful lips,"

Ok, so I was flirting the best way I could. I wasn’t much of a flirt. I left that up to Joey. I had been staring at her face all night and couldn’t help to want to kiss her. I continued to hold her hand until the bill came.


Ch 1 4of 10

Chris walked off the elevators with his CD Walkman listening to whom else? Busta Rhymes. He suddenly felt a panicky presence around him. He looked and four excited girls had surround him squealing to death. He took his headphones off and tried to figure out what was going on?

"Chris Kirkpartick!"

Squealed one


Asked Chris

One didn’t say a word just screamed.

"Can you not do that? You make my ears ring?"
Asked Chris with his finger in his ear.

The girl screamed more.

"Are you Chris or aren’t you?"

Asked one all excited

He looked down at his arm and one girl had attached herself.

"Ok, can you let go of me? I am loosing circulation?"
Asked Chris

"Oh my gosh he just asked me a question!"

The girl screamed

"The screaming, please? It really hurts my ear and still you are holding my arm. Is this a kidnapping?"
Asked Chris

"Are you Chris?"

Asked another

"Um, yeah why?"

"I’m your devoted fan!"

She squealed

Chris looked nervous finally as the girls started to jump up and down in delight more. He suddenly took off running and they followed. He ran quickly into the men’s room and hid in the stall.

"Like my baby sister would say at his moment…….. ‘I scared, Chris’,"

Said Chris to himself.

He sat there for awhile as he thought any move out of the bathroom could cause bodily damage from a Nsync fan.

"It has finally happened………..I can’t walk down a hallway by myself……..Could it be? Could it have finally happened? Am I a household name, like the toaster oven? Nsync ! Nsync! Wait, why I am I sitting on the toilet chanting our group’s name? How odd is that?"

He asked himself

Chris after several minutes got the guts to walk back out of the bathroom. He looked around each and every corner cautiously. He was thrilled that the girls were gone at least they seem to be. Just then security walked over to him.

"Sir, you seem to be lost? Looking for something?"

Asked security

"Actually did you see four girls running around here looking for me?"

"Oh, there were four girls but, they ran back towards the restaurant. Are you one of the guys from that teenybopper group?"

Chris gave him a look; "I am not a teenybopper. I am twenty one years old almost twenty two,"

"Sorry, sir,"

The security guard walked as Chris finally made it to the computer room. He wanted to check his email and was happy everyone that was in there were businessmen that were more interested in stock, bonds, and working. He sat down at the computer and typed in MSN.Com…….he was ready to put in his email address when he gasped. Everyone in the room looked at him and he laughed it off.

"Hah! Internet! Hah! Always an amazing thing, huh?"

He giggled

The business people went about their business as Chris stared at the computer screen and read one of the opening pages of MSN. ‘The New Group on the Block’. He looked at the article and the picture that was attached it. It was Nsync, MSN had them in their Entertainment headline news.

"I can’t believe……..That’s so cool, the guys have to see this,"

He mumbled

He printed the front page about them and went into the email. After he was done he went running to find me. I was still in the restaurant with Mo.

"So the article talks about Bessie,"

I said

Asked Mo

"My cow, remember I had a pet cow named Bessie,"

Her eyes widened as I showed her the article about my cow Bessie my dad wrote and won first place in the county fair.

"Um, Uh, yeah,"

Said Mo Speechless

"You think she looks fat?"

"What? Who?"
Asked Mo confused

"Well, you know how they say the camera always makes you gain twenty pounds. Does Bessie look a little big? I mean her left side is her bad side. I told Daddy if you are going have the newspapers take pictures of her make sure you get her from the right side,"

"I can’t believe you are serious,"
she laughed

I asked Confused

It was the truth. Bessie’s best photo side was the right. I mean the left never did her justice. Remind me to show you guys (the readers) that famous picture of Bessie. She was a beautiful cow (Sigh). Just then Chris raced over and stopped my gloating of my proud cow picture.

"Thank god, for Chris,"

Said Mo

"Lance! Lance!"

Said Chris

Chris looked like he just saw Busta the way he was all in a panic. He pulled a chair over to our table, totally ruining my perfectly cow story, I really think Mo was enjoying this story. Bessie, was sold when we moved to Florida (Sigh) I sure miss the old girl.

"Ok, look what I have,"

Cheered Chris

Chris shoved the printed article that MSN had on us. My eyes widened in shock.

"Yes, it’s us!"

Squealed Chris

"I can’t believe it!"

I gasped

Smiled Mo

Chris grabbed Mo’s hand.

"We are famous, girlfriend. You are sitting with two hot celebrities,"
smiled Chris

I handed Mo the picture, which she totally handed back the beautiful picture of Bessie back to me. Chris got a quick look of the Cow picture and sighed in disappointment.

"Not the story of ‘All the things I learned…….I learned from my proud Holstein’,"

Said Chris

"She’s a beautiful cow, Chris,"
I snapped

"This is so great,"

Said Mo

Mo handed the article of us back to Chris.

"Way better than the Moo-moo cow story, huh?"

Snickered Chris

Mo laughed.


I scolded

"Sorry, didn’t mean to mess up your game, and with that article and proud photo of yours I would like to say you are so impressing Mo,"

He winked

Chris snickered and stood up.

"By the way, I got mobbed by some wild chicks, beware when leaving this place. There are fans in the building looking to cut off circulation to your armpits,"

Said Chris


Scolded Mo

"Ok, so they aren’t going near the armpits, but I couldnt move my forearm for a least ten seconds. Ok, time to show the others the impressive article about us. And Lance?"


I asked

"Put the cow story away, really,"

Nodded Chris

I sighed and rolled my eyes as Chris snickered as he walked away. He then let out a loud cow moo on the way out of the restaurant as customers looked on.

"That Chris, we are going to have to medicate him, I see,"
I sighed


Meanwhile back in New York……….a couple days later

Sierra and Kelly were sitting in their dorm room when there was a knock on their door. Kelly answered it and it was Jessica. Jessica snarled at her as she walked in. Kelly didn’t know what her problem was.

"Hey, Sierra Love how are you?"
Asked Jessica

She sure was nice to Sierra though, thought Kelly.

"Nothing, just getting ready for the first day of college tomorrow,"

Said Sierra

"Well, Sierra wanted to know what you were doing on your last night as a free pre-college student?"
Asked Jessica

"Meaning what?"
Asked Sierra

"Well, I mean don’t you wanna do what the other college kids do before school officially start?"

"What is that?"

"Oh, my gosh you are so lost aren’t you? I am going to have to take you under my wing after all, huh? Joey was right?"

She shook her finger at her.

Kelly wanted to choke Jessica for even mentioning his name. She closed her eyes as the word Joey was mentioned. It was like eating something nasty and you couldn’t get the taste out of her mouth.

"What did Joey say?"

Asked Sierra

"To make sure you were ok,"
said Jessica

"Joey said that?"

"No, actually to make you feel comfortable,"


"Well, listen enough with the small talk, wanting to know if you want to come to Club Static with me tonight?"

"Club what?"

Asked Kelly

Jessica did her best trying to ignore Kelly even if she was right there in the middle of the conversation. Jessica sighed and explained.

"Club Static the hottest night club in town,"

Said Jessica

"So, what type of music do they play?"

"What? Is this an interview?"
Snarled Jessica

"No, I was just asking,"

Kelly pouted, as Jessica seemed to be so evil.

"Well, I don’t know I have a class at 7am,"

Said Sierra

"So, do I…..So what?"
Asked Jessica

"Well, I,"
started Sierra

"Get your ass ready and let’s go,"

Sierra looked at Kelly unsure. Kelly had a strange vibe she wasn’t invited. She walked over to her small desk area and sat over there.

"I don’t know,"

Said Sierra

"Come on, girlfriend it will be fun. All the latest music and the latest dances,"
smiled Jessica

Jessica did a little dance move and Sierra laughed.

"Come on, follow my vibe, Sierra,"

Said Jessica

"Ok, I guess I can go out for a little bit. What about you Kell?"
Asked Sierra

They looked over at Kelly and she looked so sad as she shrugged. Jessica sighed as she had a strange feeling if she didn’t invite Kelly, Sierra wouldn’t come.

"Wanna come Kell?"

Asked Jessica

Kelly gave her a look and said, "No,"

"Come on, it will be fun. Promise you will like,"

Jessica smiled at her even if it was so hard to do for her. Kelly looked over at Sierra and she nodded.

"Come on, Kell. These four years are suppose to be the time of our lives so let’s live a little,"

Said Sierra

"I know don’t, Si,"

Said Kelly

"Come on, Kelly…..You can do it, it will be fun. Come out of your shell. Sierra wants to so you should too,"

Smiled Jessica

Kelly finally gave in as she smiled back.

"What the hell, right?"

Asked Kelly

nodded Jessica

Jessica sat at Sierra’s desk area was the girls got ready. She realized smiling at Kelly could affect her fun tonight.


Mumbled Jessica

They called Adrea up and she decided to go to. They arrived to the club and saw the line.

"My gosh, Jessica we wont be able to get in,"

Said Sierra

"Don’t worry, Si I gots connections,"

Winked Jessica

Jessica walked over to an African American girl and a white girl and talked for a bit. They all walked over.

"Ok, So this Angie my best girl friend in the whole world, next to Wade,"

Jessica joked

Angie went down the line and shook everyone’s hand and when she got to Kelly she looked her up and down. Kelly felt funny when she did that to her, like out of place.

"This is Sierra, Kelly, and Adrea……This is Angie’s friend Melissa,"
introduced Jessica

"Nice to met yah all,"

Said Melissa

They walked up to the front of the line and immediately were let in because Jessica knew the bouncer. Jessica nudged Sierra, "Told yah I have connections,"

Angie held the door open for Kelly and watched as she walked in. Adrea saw the whole thing and started thinking………………..Gay girl. The club inside completely blew the girl’s minds. It was just like one of those cool clubs in the movies that you only wish you could be invited to. The club where every time you walked inside, you were promised a good time.

"Welcome to your hopes and dreams……….welcome to Club Static……..Our DJ tonight look familiar, girls?"
Asked Jessica

Sierra, Adrea, and Kelly looked over at the DJ booth and Kai waved at them.

"Kai, DJ’s here?"
Asked Sierra

"Yeah, he’s the DJ if you ever wanna throw a party, he’s the man,"

Said Jessica

Jessica took Sierra by the hand as Sierra pulled Adrea’s hand as she pulled Kelly’s. Kelly got another look from Angie, which Melissa finally caught.

"You looking at her?"

Asked Melissa

"Mel, chill…….there isn’t anything to worry about,"

Said Angie

Angie leaned over and kissed Melissa passionately as Kelly looked on. She had seen Lesbian interaction, but never so opened and close up. Adrea pulled Kelly close.

"She’s gay,"

Said Adrea

"No, kidding,"

Chuckled Kelly

"She was so checking you out, yew,"

"No, she wasn’t,"

"Look, she looked at you like Justin looks at me,"


Smiled Kelly


Nodded Adrea

They started to dance on the floor, and in the middle of it someone caught Sierra’s eyes. Someone that was making the performance of a life time on the dance floor, quick on his feet, had a crowd around him as he had grew attention to his skill. Wade was in the circle of the crowd dancing up on some girl.

"He’s so good, believe me. I would never say it to his face though. Don’t ever tell Wade he’s a good dancer, because he gets big headed about it,"

Said Jessica

They looked on, as Wade was absolutely amazing on the floor. No one could out dance him.

"He’s waiting for his big break,"

Said Jessica

"For what?"
Asked Adrea

"Dancing, girlfriend. Dancing is what he lives for; it’s his art, his soul, and his whole life. He’s waiting for a choreography job…..All he needs is one phone call and he’s out of here,"
said Jessica

"But what about college?"
Sierra asked

"What about it? If his gig is up, he’s out of here. Can’t say I blame him. Do you realize what the demand for choreographers are? Stars are dying for new blood, something that will bring a crowd to his feet………and as you see Wade is already doing it and he’s not even getting paid for it,"

Said Jessica

They continued to watch as Wade was in his own little world. Sierra was so impressed by his foot action. She wouldn’t mind dancing with him, but then she remembered his attitude problem.


‘How Long will they Mourn Me?’ by 2 Pac

[Featuring Nate Dogg]
How long will they mourn me
Yeah! This for my nigga Kato
It's still on nigga
Thug Life, Thugs for life
Ha Ha yeah, how long will they mourn me
Yeah nigga
2Pac in this muthafucka


Rome sat in the Luxor hotel in room with 2 Pac in Vegas.

"So this fucking show ain’t about shit,"

Said 2 Pac

2 Pac looked at himself in the mirror.

"Well, you are being nominated for an award,"

Said Rome

"And you,"

"Yeah, but at least you will win, me? I’m the new kid on the block, but you……..You’re a legend in your own time, you’re like fucking Elvis,"

"Fuck you,"

Laughed 2 Pac

Rome got up from the chair he was sitting in and started to walk towards the door.

"Hey, Rome,"

Called Pac


"Look, I wanted tell you some shit, you gotta minute?"

"Well, yeah then I gotta meet Aaliyah down in the lobby,’

"My nigga is sprung!"

Joked Pac


Laughed Rome

Rome sat down across from Pac. Pac grew very serious.

All my homies drinking liquor
Tears in everybody's eyes
Niggas cried to mourn a homies homicide
But I can't cry
instead I'm just a shoulder
Damn, why they take another soldier
I load my clip before my eyes blurry, don't worry


"Last night, I had a dream,"

Started Pac

"Don’t start that Martin Luther King shit,"

"No, nigga I’m serious. You going to listen or what?"

Rome saw how serious Pac was and got quiet.


Asked Rome

"We cool and shit right?"

"Yeah of course,"

‘You will always have my back right? Cuz I shoo got yours,"

"Sho- you right,"

Said Rome

"Aiight, don’t be telling people what I am about to say,"


"Last night, I was sleeping and shit. Which barely ever happens, but I had a dream that I ………I…….I died,"

Rome looked at Pac as his eyes grew glassy.


I'll get them suckas back before your buried (shit)
Retaliate and pull a 187
do real niggas get to go to heaven ?
How long will they mourn me, bury me a muthafuckin 'G'
Bitch don't wanna die
then don't fuck with me
It's kinda hard to be optimistic
When your homies lying dead on the pavement twisted
Y'all don't hear me doe, I'm trying hard to make amends
But I'm losing all my muthafuckin friends (damn)

"You straight? But you always got fucked up dreams about that, Pac,"

"This time it was for real, it wasn’t any of that bullshit………I was standing by the MGM Hotel and I died,"



"Someone shot you? Who?"

"It was like before when I walked into the studio in LA and got shot from behind and shit?"

Rome nodded.

"This time, they got me,"

Said Pac

Pac rubbed his hands together nervously as he soon poured himself a shot of whiskey. He then drank it quickly.

"I just wanted to let you know,"

Nodded Pac

"Pac, it was a dream. Don’t take it so serious,"

"Don’t take it serious! Didn’t I tell you it isn’t like it was before! Rome this is for real, you know them niggas have been after me! They threaten to blast me! That’s why I have to be loaded at all times,"

Pac opened his jacket and showed his nine(a type of gun). Rome sat back in the chair and rubbed his chin studying Pac’s concern.

"So, when do you think this will happen?"
Asked Rome

"Don’t know, that’s the scary part, but soon,"

"Maybe you shouldn’t go to this Billboard Awards,"


Asked Pac

"Because, Nigga they will be there,"

"Fuck Puffy, fuck that fat B.I.G……..fuck all those punk ass bitches!"

"So, you ready to loose your life over this?"

"Nigga, I don’t give a fuck. They can’t touch me,"

"Then why you believing your dream all of sudden?"

Pac shook his head and stood, "I fear no man but, God,"

"I understand that, but,"

‘No, buts about it. All I need to know Rome you got my back at all times. The only niggas I can trusts is you, Stretch, and Suge,"

Said Pac

"Pac, man can I be honest,"

"Not if you are going to insult me,"

I wish it would have been another
How long will they mourn me
How long will they mourn my brother
(Got them niggas all dead and shit)
How long will they mourn me
I wish it would have been another

2 Pac sat back down, pulled out a fat blunt and lit it up. He then took a puff and tilted his head back and exhaled the smoke in the air. A ring of smoke surrounded him.

"I don’t trust Suge,"
said Rome

Pac quickly looked at him give him the most disappointed, insulted, evil and piecing look.

"You don’t trust Suge?"

Snapped Pac

"Pac, now hear me out,"

"Naw, nigga! Naw! Suge has always been there for me! That nigga help me out of jail! That nigga gave me a record contract! Just because your ass in under Eastwest Records dont make you a better man than me! Besides your little ass contract ain’t shit! Most of these niggas out here are under Deathrow! You just mad, Suge didn’t pick your sorry ass up and give you this!"

he pointed at his suit and his riches

Rome snatched his jacket up and stormed out the room.

"I will tell you another thing, nigga! You ain’t nominated tonight! Tell me who’s record sells are better! You or me!"
Snapped Pac

Rome didn’t answer as Pac heard his hotel door slam shut behind him.

‘Yeah you better run nigga,"

Mumbled Pac

How long will they mourn me
Every muthafuckin' day homie
You stayed down when tha other niggas didn't know me
From my heart to the trigga you my fuckin' nigga

Tell me Lord, why you take big Kato ?
So confused not knowing which way to go
I'm goin crazy and runnin' out of fuckin' time
I can't take it, I'm losin' my fuckin' mind
So day after day


"So, the cow……is a very important animal,"

I said

Mo looked at me with a smirk as we stood by the up elevators.

"Well, I better go,"

Said Mo

"Don’t you wanna hear about the development of the cow species?"

"Um, cows……..Yeah um, not really,"

Mo was ready to walk away, when I stopped her. Call me desperate that night. Call me whatever you wanted, but I was attracted to Mo. I had always been, but that night was different. I felt, I don’t know………(sigh)…….I missed it, I missed her. I missed Tara, ok? I said it. I missed the compassion even if she never gave it to me, but I missed the kissing and the feeling of being wanted. I was horny, damn it!

"Mo, um I wanted to show you something,"

I said

She gave me a look, "What?"

"Well, don’t you wanna say hi to the guys?"

"Well, Lance it’s getting late,"

‘I know, I just thought Josh would want to say hi, before he went to bed,"

"Well, it’s nine,"

"Yeah, but Josh is still up,"
I chuckled

Knowing Josh? He was doing one of two things, sleeping or talking to Sierra on the phone. He loved to sleep and it seemed like he was sleeping more often. Justin once teased saying Josh slept his life away because Sierra wasn’t there to keep him busy.

"It’s late,"
said Mo

"I know, but,"

I took Mo by her hand as the elevator doors opened. She smiled as she gave in.

"Ok, I will say bye and then I have to leave,"

Said Mo

"Sure, sounds good,’"

I lied

We went up to the room and JC was sleeping of course. He was always sleeping, Joey was up though. JC slept on one bed as Joey sat on the other with remote control in hand flipping cable channels. Joey saw us and smiled. He opened his arms towards Mo.


Cheered Joey

"I ain’t that nasty singer,"
said Mo

"You can be…..Oh, Mo you hot toasted hardroll you,"

Joked Joey

Mo walked over and he pulled her in his arms and gave her his famous bear hug.

"Cant breath,"

She said

"I know, isn’t it great!"
Squealed Joey

I put my hands in my pocket and patiently waited for Joey to do his song and dance bullshit talk with Mo. Oh, look Willie Nelson’s on Jay Leno! Cool! I sat on edge of Joey’s bed to get a better look at Willie on the TV.

"So, when do you leave?"

Asked Joey

"Tomorrow, why? You kicking me out?"
Asked Mo

"Yeah! Now get out of here!"
Teased Joey

Mo playfully hit Joey in the head.

"Ouch! Lance she’s kicking my ass!"

Laughed Joey

I looked back and grinned.

"Well, at least someone is,"

I said

Joey suddenly pushed me off his bed with his foot. Luckily I didn’t fall on my ass; all I need to do is look like a dork in front of a chick.

"So, Mo as Phat-Tone, the greatest singer of all time,"
started Joey

I snickered at that comment as he gave me a look.

"Anyway, I would like to say just like Janet Jackson does, I will miss yah much!" said Joey

"Oh, Mo as you heard him say …..It’s Fat – Tone!"

I said

Joey tried to kick me again and I moved away from him as I giggled. JC looked over at us all groggy.

"What are you guys doing?"

He yawned

"Yew! Smell that breath! Smells like shit!"
Said Joey

"Shush! That’s your stinky feet Phat –Tone,"

Said JC

Mo walked over to Jc and they hugged.


Asked JC

"Yeah, I’m going home,"

Said Mo

"To my home,"

Snickered Joey

Mo walked over to Joey and started to hit him again.

"Oh, oh, she’s kicking my ass again,"

Laughed Joey

We finally left that room and headed over to my and Justin’s room. It really sucked how we all had to share a room except Chris. It’s not fair, Mr. Wright used the stupid excuse that as long as Chris was older he got his own. Chris was all happy and of course Mr. Wright made the rest of us feel like small children who couldn’t have responsibility. Of course, at one point we were responsible enough to have our rooms, when we were in Atlanta. That all changed the minute Joey and Justin broke into the Maid’s cleaning cart and were playing with her stuff. Justin was trying to vacuum JC up and well, Joey was going to each and every room with a high pitch voice saying ‘House keeping! You need me to fluff pillow?’ Gotta say that was pretty funny, until several guests and Mr. Wright scolded us.

I had to come up with a plan to get Mo alone. I was more determined to have a night of sex. I mean if you could only see Mo too. I mean this girl was hot and sexy and I wanted to know if she tasted as good as your chocolate skin looked. I loved chocolate, I had this new ritual every night at each hotel, before bedtime, I would go down to the restaurant and have a chocolate milk shake. Mmmmmmmm, yummy.

"So, um what time is your flight?"
I asked

"It’s 3pm,"

"So, you can like sleep in?"

She nodded.

Cool! So if I sleep with her, she can like stay all night…..Meaning more sex!!! Oh my god, I am turned into a sex feen like Justin. I don’t wanna be Justin (crying inside). Anyway, what was the plan? We walked into my room and Justin and Chris we watched some video and quickly shut it off. They had the look like they had been up to something that shouldn’t have been watching. Both guys blushed.

"Hey, hey,"

Said Chris all nervous.

Justin had a pillow over his lap and got up with it in the same place. They were watching porn!!!! Damn them, and they didn’t tell me. Justin and his positioned pillow sat on the bed. Justin looked so embarrassed because it was obvious he had a major boner. I hate that feeling especially when you aren’t getting none, when you a guy it like happens six times in one day. You get hard for no apparent reason or you see some hot chick on the street on TV and it’s like BAMN!!!! Then you have to think of things that don’t turn you on like, ….I don’t know……like a milk carton or something. Anyway!

"Hey, Mo right?"

Asked Chris

Chris didn’t have a boner and if he did. He had complete control! He was so grew up! That when you know you are an adult when you can control your own boner. Damn it, her ass is all that, I think I am getting a boner myself. Calm down, my friend, I’m trying to get you some.

"Yeah, uh-huh I remember you Chris. How you doing?"

Asked Mo

Justin couldn’t take it anymore with his boner, he ran pass us so fast with his pillow into the bathroom.

"Hi, Mo……see you later, Mo,"

Said Justin quickly

The bathroom door closed behind him.

"He ok?"

Asked Mo

"Oh, yeah he’s fine,"

Laughed Chris

Wow! Whatever they were watching must have been a real turn on. I’m sorry I missed it. Maybe if things go well tonight I won’t miss it again.

"Well, I gotta go, so,"

Said Mo

Shoot, Lance think! Quick before she leaves! Why is it at this moment all I can think about is my cow Bessie! Gosh, I miss my cow! Now, enough with that Lance! Think sex! Think Mo on top of you with those warm, hot, sexy, and sexy…..Oops! Said that twice……..Hot, sexy thighs. I could see her naked in my mind as I licked my lips. Chris gave me an odd look as even if I staring at him I was envisioning Me and Mo going at it like two funny, farm bunnies going fifth in sin!

asked Chris

I was so into in sex fantasy! I could see myself riding her doggy style…..In ……..Out…….in…….out.

"Lance? Why you looking at me like that, man?"

Asked Chris



Asked Chris

They watched me as I stood there with a smirk on my face deep in thought. Chris walked over and waved his hand in front of me, finally causing me to leave my Playboy world of chocolate syrup, cherries, and being tied to the bed like a wild desperate animal! Gosh, I miss Tara……..(Sigh) Tara? I do miss her……my high of sex thoughts went down slowly as my mind uttered her name………Tara……where did all go wrong?


Asked Chris

I mumbled

"Ok, that was weird you were all cheesing……you were smiling so bad at me I thought your fucking teeth were going to pop out,"
said Chris

"But, now?"

Asked Mo

"He looks like he just lost his cowboy boots in a rodeo contest,"

Said Chris

"I wasn’t looking at you……I was……oh,nothing,"
I uttered

"So, I will see you later, I am sure,"

Said Chris to Mo

Chris gave Mo a hug and she soon walked over to the closed bathroom door and knocked.


Grumbled Justin

"Ju, I’m leaving,"

Justin opened the door a crack and smiled at her nervously.

"You ok, in there?"

She asked

"Oh, yeah I’m……I’m trying a new ……um…….facial cream…..Yeap that’s it,"

Lied Justin

Gosh, that was a horrible lie. I could of did so much better.

"Oh, ok,"

Said Mo

"Yeah, didn’t you hear Mo, Justin is exploring his feminine side,"
joked Chris

Justin slowly walked out giving Chris a look for his comment.

"Well, Mo come see us again,"

Said Justin

Justin hugged Mo and Mo waved at them again. Oh, I got it! I got an idea.

"Mo, just a sec. I have to ask Chris something,"

I said

I grabbed Chris to the side.

"Chris, I need your room,"
I said in urgency

"For what? Oh, wait you and her?"

Nodded Chris

"I don’t know, maybe,"
I shrugged

Chris looked over at Mo who Justin had escorted her out in the hallway talking.


Asked Lance


Chris said that so plainly as he walked over to the VCR and pressed eject.

I asked

"Why? Because I am going over there and going to bed,"


"But, nothing. Look, if you wanna have sex then rent another room…..(Playfully gasped) and look your actually at a hotel….so easy to go down to front desk and book one. Watch out for these unexpected crazed fan walking the hallways,"

"Come on, Chris. Be a friend….be a man….hook me up,"

"Hook you up? What is in it for me?"

"For you? I don’t know,"

I said

"Yeah, I mean I would assume I have to sleep in your bed as Justin snoozes the song track for of ‘The Sound of Music’ all night,"

I dug in my pockets and find nothing to give him. I then got an idea and snapped my fingers.

"What was that about? Going to do a quick entertaining country ho-down for me with your snapping fingers?"

"No, Chris I will buy you what ever you want…..As long as it doesn’t exceed fifty dollars,"

"I don’t want you to buy me anything,"

"Use me!"
I pleaded

"My gosh, now you sound like Justin when he watches the Playboy video of Noelia,"

Chris handed the exclusive Noelia Playboy video they had been watching before me and Mo walked in. That explains why they looked so a shamed when we walked in and why Justin was hard.

"She’s naked in it,"
giggled Chris

"Well, um…..Can I borrow your room or what?"

"To watch the video?"

"Come on, Chris you know why and not for some video,"

I whined

"Gees, I never seen you this desperate,"

"I’m desperate that’s right. I’m lonely, I’m on rebound, I’m horny…….I must fuck…not jack off,"

Chris snickered as he looked over at Mo who was play fighting with Justin in the hallway.

"I don’t know,"

Sighed Chris

"Come on, throw me a bone,"

"T-bone? Or Milk bone,"

"Come on,"

I pleaded

"Gees, ok fine, but only this one time,"

I jumped up and down and tried to hug him, but he shoved me away.

"No, thanks,"

Said Chris

I walked out in the hall and Mo had Justin in a headlock. Too funny. When they stopped playing they finished saying goodbye. Soon here we stood, just me and her.

"So, I better get going,"

Said Mo

It was time for my move. I walked over to her and kissed her. I wasn’t sure if she was going to pull away and she didn’t. Hurrah! I don’t get slapped tonight. We kissed for awhile, her lips were so full and sweet. I tongued and she accepted. I wanted to tongue her insides too besides her mouth. A French kiss is so cool, huh?

"Mo, um,"
I started

"Yes, Lance?"

She wanted it. She was breathless; I did well with the kissing. High five for Lance! She stared me with her sexy brown eyes. I didn’t say a word as I took her by her hand and entered Chris’ room.



I watched as Wade danced with this one chick. Hmm, must be his girlfriend. Jessica watched me stare at him.

"So, you think he’s cute don’t you?"
She asked

I got out of my thought and looked over.

"No, I mean he’s ok. I have a boyfriend,"
I said

That was my defense. I had Josh; I didn’t want anyone else. Yes, Wade was fine ass hell, but I was in love. You know I was. I didn’t have to prove that.

"So, You think Wade is ok, Sierra?"
Asked Jessica

Jessica had that look on her face like she knew that I thought Wade was hot.

‘He’s so mean why?"

I asked

"Who Wade? He’s a pussycat. Yeap, that’s Wade the pussy,"

Jessica laughed at her joked as Adrea and Kelly walked over to the DJ Booth.

"So, Sierra can I ask you something?"

Asked Jessica

"Yeah, what?"

"So, why do you hang out with her?"


"Kelly. She’s a bitch,"

"But, Jess you don’t know her,"

"Don’t want to,"

"Why you invite her?"

"Because I knew you wouldn’t come and I didn’t want any drama out of her. All I need is to kick her ass and ruin my night. I wouldn’t wanna dance or drink if she pisses me off. To tell you the truth I know she might still do it,"

"Meaning what?"

"I mean she is the type of person that pisses people off,"

"But, you don’t know her,"

"I don’t have to,"

Angie and Melissa walked over to us. Angie was still interested in Kelly and was looking around for her. She did it slick though so she wouldn’t piss of Melissa her girlfriend.

"So, everyone looks to be here tonight,"

Said Angie

"Yeah, look at Wade tearing up the floor,"
said Jessica

My focus was on Wade again as he was straight grinding on the girl he was with. She had her butt up again his private area as he held her close.

"So, um that’s his girlfriend right?"

I asked

I was courageous, plus that would stop me from thinking he was cute.


Smiled Jessica

Gosh, I wasn’t trying to find out for my benefit.

"I was just asking,"

I said

‘What if I told you he was my man?"

Jessica gave me an evil smile as though she was testing me.

"I would say, great,"
I nodded

She laughed and said, "No, he’s single for your important. Write that down just in case you get single all of sudden,"

"I wasn’t wondering for me,"


She nodded

"I’m serious, Jessica. I love Josh,"

"I’m not saying anything,"

She stepped back as though I was getting all-defensive. I wasn’t, I swear. Angie meanwhile spotted Kelly in the DJ booth; she focused on Kelly like she was looking to take a bite out her.

"Melissa, you thirsty?"

Asked Angie

said Melissa

Angie nodded to the beat of the music playing and walked off to get her woman a drink. After the song changed Wade walked over to us. He gave me a dirty look. Why was he doing that? What did I do to him to make him give me looks like that? I wanted to slap him. He kissed Jessica on her cheek and put his arms around her hips. He walked in between Jessica and me and basically shoved his back in my face. Whoa, I wanna just kick his ass! He was such an asshole. Jessica laughed as Wade was drunk and he got very kissy with people. She shoved him away and continued to laugh. She looked over at me as he once again gave me looks. I decided to give them back. Hah! He was surprised, as his eyes grew large in, insult. Take that, you fucker!

"Isn’t Wade funny?"

Laughed Jessica

I said

I rolled my eyes and looked the other way. Wade looked me up and down and said,"Pssh,"

I looked over at that comment. He must have wanted to get told off.

"Excuse me?"
I asked

He asked

"My gosh, what is with the attitude between you guys. Too bad you aren’t single. You guys give each other looks like you want fuck,"

Joked Sierra

I stormed away as Wade watched.

"Why you do that? You know you like her,"
said Jessica

He leaned over and whispered in her ear, "I love you,"

"My god you’re drunk and your breath is kickin! Whoa! Wade you nasty tonight,"

"How about you take me back to your place? I will even let you tie me up,"

Jessica laughed hysterically at Wade.

"You fool, cuz if I did it your ass would wake the next morning salty as hell,"

She said

"You wrong, Kid. I’m telling you…..I am ready to be waxed Jezza ‘the down ass bitch’,"
said Wade

Wade stood back like a straight up nigga ready to hold his.

"You pussy,"
she snickered

Melissa had seen the whole thing and laughed along.

"I ain’t no pussy!"

Snapped Wade

Wade staggered a little as he licked his lips at Jessica

"Nigga, yah drunk,"

Said Jessica

"I want you,"

He pointed

"You know what? You want Sierra but you too pussy to bust game. Why I do not know, but you usually up on someone like that. She’s pretty and everything. So what? She has a guy, he’s in California……you have time Playa,"

"I don’t like her stuck up ass. You saw her giving me looks!"

Snapped Wade

"You were giving her looks first,"

Said Melissa

"Thank you! Thank you, Mel!"
Said Jessica

The girls slapped five as Wade rolled his eyes.

"Fuck that bitch!"

Snapped Wade

"Wade, you are so toasted. There are two things that happens when our Wade gets drunk, he gets mad and turns into gangster nerd, or he gets horny,"

Said Jessica

"Funny how he did both,"

Said Melissa

"Wow, she got you that messed up in the head huh?"
Asked Jessica

Wade let out another, "Pssh!" and swung his hand in Jessica’s hand. Jessica grabbed his hand and Wade looked over to where I was. He stared a couple of seconds and looked down at Jessica calmly.

"Go talk to her,"

Urged Jessica

"Dance, with me Son,"

Said Wade

Wade dragged Jessica and Melissa on the dance floor. Completely ignoring Jessica’s conversation about his feelings for me.


Meanwhile, Angie was at the bar getting the drinks as she stared at the DJ booth where Kelly and Adrea were talking to Kai. I walked over to her all pissed off about Wade. I needed a drunk.

"He’s an asshole,"
I said


Asked Angie


"Wade? No he’s coo you just got to get to know him,"

"I don’t wanna know him. He keeps giving me looks,"

Angie looked back up at the DJ booth. I followed her eyes.

"There they are,"
I said

"Yeah, your friends are up there talking to Kai, excuse me,"

Said Angie

Angie walked away with the drinks as I decided after I got my drink I would visit my friends. At least they don’t give me dirty looks for no reason. Wade’s a fucking asshole.


"So you like Dj all over the city?"

Asked Kelly


Said Kai

Adrea could tell Kelly was trying to make a love connection with Kai. Kelly giggled and ran her fingers through her hair. Kai seemed to be falling for her as he undressed her with his eyes. Adrea looked at the DJ sound system and the rest of the equipment.

"My cousin in Miami DJ’s,"

Said Adrea


Asked Kai

"Yeah, his DJ name is Doc B, his real name is Benito,"

Said Adrea

"He any good, Kid?"

Asked Kai

"Yeah, he’s really good,"

Said Adrea

"Can I ask you a question?"

Asked Kelly

"Yeah, what cous,"

Asked Kai

"Like ever since we got to New York everyone uses three slang words, ‘Kid’, ‘Son’, and ‘Cous’,"

Said Kelly

Kai stood there confused like he had no idea what she was talking about.

"It’s a New York thing, Kell,"

Said Adrea

"I kind of figure that,"

Said Kelly

"So, what song to you wanna hear?"

Asked Kai

" ‘Let’s Get Down’ By Toni, Tony, Tone,"

Said Adrea

"Oh, that’s a good one,"

Smiled Kelly

"Aiight, Adrea you mix it in,"

Said Kai

Kai who had headphones on placed them on Adrea’s ears.

"I don’t know how,"

Giggled Adrea

"Time learn, Kid,"
said Kai

"Oh, I love East Coast slang,"

Giggled Kelly

Kelly tossed her blonde locks to the side and Kai smiled her way. Kai stood behind Adrea to help her mix the song in.

"Aiight, Adrea ready to learn how to mix the current song with a new one?"

Asked Kai

"Yes, Kid I am,"

Said Adrea

"Adrea, I know you from the hood, so I need you say it the ghetto way,"

Said Kai

Kai stood back and did his gangster pose and put his hands up and said, "Yes, Kid I am ready to get jiggy,"

The girls laughed as Adrea imitated his pose and mocked it, "Yes, KID I am red….tah….to get jigg….ay,"

Kai and Adrea slapped five and did the secret hand shake and Kai was impressed.

"Look, at this nigga,"

Laughed Kai

Kelly giggled and crossed her legs as she pulled up her mini skit a little. Adrea giggled as Kelly’s flirtation was working as Kai walked over and whispered "We talk later, aiight,"

Kelly nodded and drank her Long Island Iced Tea. Kai went back over to show Adrea how to work the turn tables. He put her song on as the song ‘Loungin’ by LL Cool J was still playing but was on the last verse.

"Now, it is the time to do the mixing. You have to know how the song is going to end and blend in another song that sounds a little like it. Sometimes it don’t matter though cuz if the song is tight and everyone likes it don’t matter if it don’t blends, aiight?"
Asked Kai

"Yeah, that was confusing,"

Laughed Adrea

"You Boricua?"

Asked Kai

"No, Cuban…. Sierra’s Puerto Rican and black,"

Said adrea

"Well, Scarface……because we all know he was Cuban… I will call you Scarface,"

"That was nice and racist,"

"Thanks, that or I can call you Gloria,"

"Who’s Gloria?"

"Gloria Estefan,"

"Haha! Wow, you are so stereo typing me, Bob Marley,"

Said Adrea

Adrea grabbed one of his dread locks and played with it. Kai’s dreads weren’t that long. They were pretty short yet. Kai smiled and they started to mix the music in. Adrea was a real pro. I walked in the booth and Adrea looked over at me.

‘Let’s Get Down’ by Tony, Toni, Tone

(DJ Quick)

YesTony Toni ToneAnd DJ Quick

You didn't think we could flip it on yo ass, huh?

Something for the dance floorIn a real way

It's going down like this forever

And a day

(Tony, Toni, Tone)

The function's on around midnight

What time is it are you inside Available

To come and play give me a clue

So I don't have to look for you

"Si, I just mixed a song! I want to be DJ! I thought my major was going to be Social Welfare, but now I changed my mind! I want to DJ,"

Smiled Adrea

"Adrea, you should have gone to school where Saige went……..Broadcasting and Journalism in Chicago,"

I said

"They have a broadcasting major at New York U,"

Said Kai

"Oh, I want to take the courses! You think it’s too late to change my major,"

Asked Adrea

"Take double major,"

I said

"Yeah, most of the students do that,"

Said Kai

"Hello, I’m not working that hard,"

Sighed Adrea

Kai continued to teach Adrea the skills of being a DJ.


Come on let's get down, let's get down,

let's get down Come on let's get down

In my black Chevrolet Come on let's get down,

let's get down, let's get down Come on let's get

down, let's get down

"I need a Dj name now. What’s your?"
Asked Adrea

"DJ Skeeto Rock,"

Said Kai

"Oh, that’s so cool………….how about for me……Cuban Gangzter,"

We gave her a look as Kai snickered.

"Let’s just start you off slow, ok Playa,"

Giggled Kai

"Sounds good, Son,"

Said Adrea

"Adrea is really getting into that slang stuff huh?"
Asked Kelly


I said

"What’s wrong? You look upset, missing Joshua?"

Kai looked over at she mentioned my man’s name. He then remembered Wade liking me and he listened to see if what the status of Josh and me’s relationship been.

"Yeah, I’m missing Josh,"
I nodded

I missed him so much and seeing people dancing together in each other’s arms, I couldn’t help to miss my carebear. Also bothering me was Wade’s punk ass! That fucker ruined my whole night. Kai looked over at me as he sensed something else bothered me.


Yeah, now we don't need a club

We can do it at my houseMy front door's open

so homey's can bust it outAnd ladies if you're

coming leave your children at the nursery

So you can get slow on the anniversary

Kill me I dip dip da


‘ Down for my Niggas’ by C-Murder

Fuck them other niggas cause I'm down for my niggas,

whatFuck them other niggas, I ride for my niggas, what

I die for my niggas, fuck them other niggas


Bitch I'm down with No Limit, I'll ride for the cause

I'm the nigga on the tank with the big fuckin balls

And if anybody fuck with Snoop Doggy Dogg

I'ma make these niggas put his name on the wall

And everywhere I go I got Mr. Magic here

Because I know that nigga don't care

2 Pac showed up at the Billboard Award show, strapped with his nine (gun) and four bodyguards. His dream the night before was really starting to bother him as things that were currently happening had been going on in his dream down to his White Verse Suit and dress hat. He was dressed to impress but still caution to every person around. His best friend Ron nicknamed ‘Stretch’ because of his 6’2" height was by his side. They had known each other since high school and Stretch had been threatened by unknown sources, which they were pretty sure that was related to the Bad Boy Label. Every phone call, and every harassing anonymous letter had something written in the scriptures about getting shot if they didn’t back down about several threats of violence towards Puffy and his crew.

Snoop doggy walked over with Dr. Dre as 2 Pac had warned them of his dream.

"Em’ punks haven’t shown their faces yet,"

Said Dre

"Well, I’m ready for whatever,"

Said Pac

2 Pac revealed his gun.

He'll have that red shit pouring out your hair

Nigga, any fuckin time nigga, any fuckin where

Make 'em bleed is the motto that, I live by

If you fuck with me it's a must you die

Them niggas might goin run but them niggas can't hide

It's like shootin yourself, it's a – suicide

KLC rock the beat, hittin hard like burt

Niggas in the Nolia know him as Big Hurt

When Security for the event came around the rappers held themselves in a well matter making sure they assumed innocent. Other celebrities arrived including Rome and Aaliyah. Rome spotted his worried friend and decided to see what the rappers in a huddled were planning. Suge walked over to his fellow rap friends and Rome knew it meant they were up to no good.

"Baby, I will be right back,"

Said Rome

"Um, maybe you shouldn’t,"

Said Aaliyah

"It’s ok,"

‘No, what you told me in the Limo really scared me. You know those guys ain’t nothing but trouble,"

Rome kissed Aaliyah’s hand and started to walk over when he saw Tyrese walked in by himself. He remembered how he and Mo had broken up. He approached him first.

"Hey, J-Shin what’s up?"

Smiled Tyrese

"Nuthin, man how’s it hangin?"

Asked Rome

"Just nervous about singing tonight. That’s all,"

"I know the feeling, practice was cool for me too. I’m sorry I missed yah. I heard when I arrived for practice you had just left,"

Said Rome

"Oh yeah? Well, it was nice seeing you,"

"What song are you singing?"

"Take a guess,"

Said Tyrese

" ‘Lately’? We are going head to head for the top spot with our singles huh?"

"Yeah, but you know your shit is tight,"

"Your shit too, though. So you talk to Mo lately?"

"Naw, I fucked that up. I came home drunk one night talking shit and well, she walked out,"

"Sorry, to hear that,"

Nodded Rome


Tyrese was obviously hurt by the break up, as he didn’t want to talk about it anymore.


"Well, it was nice talking to you. I don’t mean to be rude but I see Quincy Jones by the entrance door and I really need to talk to him,"

Said Tyrese

"No, Prob,"

They did the guy hug…..You know that hug? They really don’t do a full one, but bumped one shoulder up against the other’s person’s and one hand behind the back….too cool….too cool….Rome looked over and 2 Pac was waving his hands all around in a drama mood. He was pissed and over reacting again. Suge Knight always cheered 2 Pac on as Rome did the opposite.


Just like Soulja Slim he'll put you in the dirt

And have your picture on front of a t-shirt

And when I make moves I got a hundred niggas with me

Just incase a nigga out there tryin 'a get me

All my niggas is down to squeeze the trigger

That's why I'm down for my motherfuckin niggas

Fuck them other niggas cause I'm down for my niggas, what

Fuck them other niggas cause I'm down for my niggas, what

Fuck them other niggas, I ride for my niggas, what

I die for my niggas, fuck them other niggas

Rome walked over as 2 Pac stopped talking and the memories of telling Rome he sold more records just because Rome didn’t like Suge played over in his head. Rome ignored Suge as he gave Rome dirty looks. Suge knew Rome didn’t like him.

"Look, at this mutherfucker,"

Laughed 2 Pac

Pac pointed at Rome laughing trying to show Suge how hard he was. Stretch, Snoop, and Dre did the opposite and slapped five with Rome.


Asked Snoop

"Nuthin much,"

Said Rome

"Nervous about tonight,"

Asked dre

"A little, but when I get on stage it will be all good,"

Said Pac

Suge nudged Pac to follow him so he could continue to cheer Pac on with his anger. Pac followed Suge like a little puppy as Rome called out to him.

"Pac, can we talk man?"

Asked Rome

Pac turned to him and pointed, "You down?"

"Down wit what?"

Pac walked up to him and suddenly hugged him tight. Rome was surprised by this affection. Pac sudden as he hugged him he pulled away and just pointed. He walked away with Suge after that. Rome stood there unable to react.

"He’s aiight,"

Assured Stretch


Sighed Rome

Suddenly Puffy, Lil Kim, Notorious BIG, Faith Evans, Mase and other artists under the Bad Boy Label walked in. They all looked over and luckily Pac and Suge had walked into the rest room. Puffy, BIG, Stretch and Rome all exchanged looks.

"With all us in the room….there is going to be some drama tonight,"

Said Stretch

"I hope you are wrong,"

Said Rome


Well, of course there was DRAMA during the show. So bad, they had to stop the show six times because the promoters had sat all the gangster rappers all in the same spot. Puffy would get on stage and well Pac had something to say. He would either yell some stupid comment or give the Bad Boy Artists the finger and when the Bad Boy Artists saw Deathrow Artists go on stage, they did the same back. Rome and Aaliyah sat away from them but Rome during the commercial breaks would go over by Pac to talk some sense into him. The final time Rome walked over, Pac shoved him out of the way and walked out. Rome tried to follow him when Suge stopped him. Ok, Suge Knight isn’t a little man. He eats pretty well and has to be about 300pounds and 6’4". Rome on the other hand was about 200 pounds and 6’1". He wasn’t scared of Suge though; he could hold his own ground.

"Get out of my way,"

Snapped Rome

When Suge wouldn’t he pushed his way through and ran after Pac. Pac had went to the rest room to smoke a cigarette. Rome walked in.

"Get the fuck away from me,"

Ordered Pac

"Naw! Hell naw!"

He snapped

Rome locked the bathroom door so no one could enter. He didn’t want Suge to walk in a continued to urge Pac’s image on.

"Ever since that fucking movie, man!"
Grumbled Rome

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

" ‘Juice’, when you played bad ass Bishop! Everyone thought you should be just like him! Because he was bad as he could be! So you had to prove you were just as hard! Do you realize what type of shit you got yourself into? Huh? Are you fucking crazy!"

"Fuck you!"

Snapped Pac

"No, fuck you!"

Suddenly Pac shoved Rome up against the wall and pointed his gun in Rome’s face. Rome stood there trembling, as he couldn’t believe Pac would do that to him. Was 2 Pac willing to kill one of his only friends?

"I should blow your fucking head off!"
Snapped Pac


Fuck them other niggas cause I'm down for my niggas, what

Fuck them other niggas, I ride for my niggas, what

I die for my niggas, fuck them other niggas


Lance and Mo kissed all the way inside Chris’ room nonstop. Lance had been waiting so long to caress her butt as he had his hands all over it. She sucked on his neck when he suddenly pulled away.


she asked

"No, hickeys…..Mr. Wright said that. Believe me what you did was great but, you know the image thing,"

He said


She said

She looked over at the door of the room and started to get second thoughts. Lance quickly walked over to the door and closed it tightly. He leaned up against it and smiled at her.

"Monique, um look you’re so beautiful and I just,"

He started

"You just what?"

She said breathlessly

"I wanna,"

"You wanna what?"

Lance’s crotch, which was having a damn house party in it ever since, Mo, had rubbed up against him and he had, had mad thoughts of her naked, and wanted to get it on. He adjusted his pants in front of her as she snickered.

You ok?"

She giggled

"I don’t know,"

He blushed

He placed his hand over his private area so she couldn’t see the lump in his pants.

"So, you were saying?"
Asked Mo

"I was saying?"

"You said something about …….you wanna,"

"Oh, yeah, I wanna………can I?"

"Well, you have to tell me what you want?"

Lance nervously pointed, swallowed hard, and uttered "You,"

She bit her bottom lip and nodded.


She asked


Said Lance wiping the drool away from his mouth.

"I think I have to go,"
she said

She tried to open the door but of course Lance was still blocking.

"Mo, god you’re so beautiful and I just wanna…..Make love to you the best way I can,"

He said

"It’s too early,"

"No, it’s never to early for sex!"


She scolded

"Sorry, but I haven’t been the same when I saw you in church last summer….or spring…. Whatever and well I just kept thinking about your thighs and your cute spring dress and well, I just…. Wow,"

He babbled


"Yes, you hot African queen,"

She couldn’t help but to laugh.

"You’re fucking hot and I want a piece of the action!"
He said

She laughed so much she had to go sit down on the bed, which made lance think she was staying. He took his shirt off and she gasped and continued to laugh as she turned bright red. She couldn’t believe he was stripping down for her. He unbuttoned his pants.

"Lance! Lance!"
She scolded

"Oh, Monique baby! Like that one rapper guy say…..I gots to have it!"

"Who said that?"

"I have no idea! I listen to country music and Justin played that one rapper song! I don’t know!"
He pleaded

"Lance calm down!"

"Oh, I know I am making a fool out of myself, but see it’s been done and I cant stop,"

"Stop it!"

"Do you want me too? I mean don’t you want me?"

She shook her head yes. He started to jump up and down like he won the lottery. She started to laugh again.

"Lance! Calm down!"
She ordered

He suddenly jumped on top of her.

"I need bacon!"
Said Lance

"Well, go down to the restaurant and order some,"

She laughed

"No, Hon I need……your bacon!"

"I don’t have any!"

He suddenly put his hand down her pants.

"Oh, that bacon,"

She gasped

He sat up and looked at her in his arms. He stroked her hair and they kissed awhile. It was very intense and very seductive. Lance lifted up her shirt and saw her bra. He ran his hand over her left bra gently as though it was a fragile article. They both had thoughts of curiosity of exploding beyond their race. Neither had dated outside their color and wanted to know what it was like after all. Lance often watched his friends Sierra and Joshua in each other’s arms and wanted to know what it was like to kiss someone other than White. He slowly undid her bra in the front as he kissed the valley of her breasts. His lips felt like violet kisses each and every stroke. It was true her body tasted as good as it looked. Her sucked on her jaunty nipples as she ran her fingers through his blonde, soft, and silky hair. He squeezed her breasts as she kissed her lips. She soon removed her pants as he watched her panties being revealed. He ran has hand from her stomach to and placed it i! n between her legs. He then moved his hand up against her vagina area as it felt so softy and inviting. They continued to kiss as he rubbed her private area with his hand. He soon slipped off her panties and placed his finger inside her. He gave her a couple of strokes and knew it was time to take the remaining article of clothing off.

While he was taking his pants and underwear off. She was taking the bed down; he was still in awe by her body, as she looked so free walking around naked. He waited until she lay in bed and he slipped in next to her. They continued to kiss passionately as he went back to where he left off fingering her vagina. She massaged his penis as they both got a rise out of each other. He continued to sucked on her nipples and caress her breasts.


She uttered

"Yes, Monique,"

"You gotta condom?"

He for a second didn’t think of it, because her breasts were right in his face when she asked that question. He stopped sucking on her nipples and looked up at her with his seductive green eyes. At first he didn’t answer as he sucked on her nipples one last time.

"Do you?"

She asked

He sighed and thought about it. He looked over at her private area as though it could answer for him. He then looked over at her. There she was like a jewel of the Nile waiting to be discovered. He wanted to enter her temple, but had one slight problem.

"No, I don’t,"

He said

He sat up as Mo laid there in silence. He rubbed his forehead and sighed, "I haven’t had sex for a couple of months. So I didn’t think I needed to carry anything around with me,"

She sat up and walked over to her clothes. That was it, she was leaving he was sure. He sat there disappointed as he stared at back end.

"I didn’t think I would……you know,"

He explained

She turned around and waved around a plastic wrapper with content. He smiled happily.

"A girl is always prepared,"

Said Mo

"You do this a lot………I mean you,"

He babbled

"Just put it on. My auntie told me to always be prepare, plus when I was with Tyrese I always had to have one. He never remembered to buy them. So I just carried two in my purse, so……..,"

He thought she was brilliant as he would of never thought about that. He smiled and walked into the bathroom to put it on. Joey told him to go to the bathroom so she wasn’t just staring at him. All that pressure of staring could make the condom to break. Lance had asked Joey about that two weeks prior to Mo’s arrival, so he was prepared……just in case. Good ole’ Joey, with his good ole’ advice. (no Joey wasn’t in the room)

Lance slipped that condom on like a glove and slipped back in the room. Mo had turned off all the lights so Lance could barely see where he was going. He stood there in the dark waiting for her voice to lead him.

"So, where are you?"

Asked Lance

"In bed……..Completely naked…..The way you left me,"

She giggled

Lance let out a goofy and perverted laugh and found her. He lay on top of her and was going to enter her, when she stopped him.

He asked

"Don’t you know?"

"Know what?"

"Baby, you gotta lick it before we kick,"

Lance started to laugh hysterically as no girl has ever told him that, in that way.

"Oh really?"
He giggled

"Uh-huh, because…..I have to be ………satisfied………,"
she laughed

"What about me? You didn’t go down on me,"

"Well, see you done put that condom on so damn fast……….I didn’t get a chance to tell you to slow yo roll’…….you done closed the door befor’ I could say anything,"

Lance sighed and bit his lip. He shook his head and said, "I guess better luck next time huh?"

"I guess, know get to work,"

He laughed again, "I never got ordered to eat coochie before,"

"Well, it’s a first time for everything…….do you need a napkin,"
she laughed

He laughed so bad he had to lay on his back.

"Mo stop it before I loose you know,"

"Oh, no don’t go limp, come on…..I behave,"

He calm down and said, "So I gots to lick it huh?"

She spread her legs wide open and he busted out laughing again. She couldn’t help to laugh too. After their long giggles he finally went between her thighs and licked her inside. He stroked his tongue up and down. He soon entered inside her and they made love.


Wade and Jessica took over the dance floor as they made the best dance partners. Jessica was a tease on the dance floor when it came to him too. She let him touch her so much and then pulled away.

"Why you being that way?"

He asked

"Because you’re my best friend and because you are drunk,"

"Come on, now I am not that drunk,"

"You know you want her,"

"Want who?"

Asked Wade


Jessica pointed over to me at the booth. Wade stopped dancing, as he was tired of her teasing him. Jessica saw one of her sex partners had arrived to the club, named Taye. She slowly danced over to this sexy blonde bombshell and left Wade hanging.

"Fuck it,"

Said Wade

Wade walked over to Angie and Melissa who were kissing each other. Wade got perverted thoughts and smiled.

"Call me drunk…….but that is fucking sexy, Yo,"

He said

Angie and Melissa looked at him and walked away, but he followed. Angie looked up at the DJ booth again and saw Kelly.

"Mel stay with our drunk Wade and I will be right back,"

Meanwhile in the booth…………

"Aiight, you ready Adrea?"

Asked Kai

"I don’t know if I can do this,"

"Yes, you can just do it the way I showed you,"

Adrea shook her head as she continued to be the sidekick DJ as she mixed in the song ‘Touch me, Tease me’ by a group named Case. Kelly and I sat in the booth watching Adrea and Kai. I was getting pretty tipsy as I had three Martinis and Kelly had three beers. We were having such a good time up there just listening.

‘Touch me, Tease me’ by Case

You're the only one for me You're the only one

I need Can't nobody make me feel The way you're

making me feel And girl you know this love is real

Kai grabbed the Microphone and winked at Adrea that it was time. He pointed to the crowd in the club and got them pumped.

"Let me see this crowd put their hands up!!! Put your hands up! Now everybody, somebody ………. scream!"

Said Kai

The crowd on the dance floor put their hands up and let out a scream.

"That’s so cool,"

Said Kelly

"Shush, I’m dancing,"

I said

Which it was true I was dancing by myself in the mirror that was in the booth.

"Come on, now! Hey Ladies…..If you got your own long hair! Say Heyyy!"

Said Kai

Jessica who was on the floor with her new partner let out a Heyy! With the other girls in the club with their own hair. I even did it in the booth.

"Heey! I don’t got weave!"

I cheered

"Let me hear all the sistas in the club with your hair weave, with chat hair weave, with chat hair weave!"

Announced Kai

All the girls with their hair weave cheered.


Touch me, tease me Feel me and caress me

Hold on tight and don't let go Baby I'm about

to explode Cuz all my love you can control


"Where my dawgs at! Yo, where my dawgs at! All my dawgs in the house! All my dawgs in the house! Let me hear you say ‘Make money,money, moneyyyyyy!’"
Announced Kai

Wade grabbed Melissa and jumped up and down with her yelling, "Got my school loans! Make money,money,moneyyyyyy!"

"All my Q-Dawgs in the house! Let me hear you say………Woof-woof!"

Said Kai

Well, of course our famous Frat guy Wade and several other guys in the same Frat Chapter including Kai started barking their Greek calling. Jessica who had, had her fill it walked over and slapped Wade over the head. He stopped barking and looked at her.

"Stop that fucking shit! You’re in the night club, not a pound"!

She said

She did the famous Fatone pointing and walked back over to Taye. Wade mocked her pointing and said, "I’m going to fucking kick your ass!"

Jessica laughed as all of suddenly Wade chased her through the club.


I'll spend the night with you If you promise you will

do All the things to make me scream And you know

just what I mean Cuz tonight you taste like ice cream

Kai put the Mic down and walked over to Kelly and they started to dance together. Adrea put the headphones down as the song continued to play so she could dance up on Kai too. I continued to dance by myself in the mirror as I downed my Martini.

"I’m so fucking fine and J knows it,"

I said

Yes, I was thinking about my man and how fine he was and how fine I was too. Kelly and I soon danced out of the booth leaving Adrea with her new love, the DJ equipment.

"Now, don’t go too far Kelly,"

Winked Kai

Kelly blow him a kiss and nodded, "I’ll be back baby,"

I have to admit I was a pretty good dancer when I was drunk. Wade and Jessica walked pass the booth and well I once again caught his attention as he stood there watching me dancing. He liked the way I danced and wanted to dance with me, but of course didn’t. Jessica saw the whole thing and nudged him.


Asked Wade

"Will you just dance with her,"

She urged

"No, I’m not going to dance with her,"


"Cut it out, ok? Stop trying to make me dance with her,"

"I’m not trying to make you do shit. I just know you like her and if you do…just go for it, Kid,"


I wanna make you fall in love Make you touch

the stars above Please lay low and be my friend

I'll come back and hit it again And again, and

again, and again Don't go away

He shook his head and Jessica gave up and started to walk away, "Suit yourself. Stand there like an idiot and watch her get down…knowing damn well you want to get on that. I brought her here for you,"

He looked at Jessica and she put her hand in his face as she said, "Sucker,"

He continued to look at me and study my dance movements. I was so drunk I didn’t realize he was. He sighed when some guy who was watching me too walked over and started to dance with me.

Kelly turned to walk away when she saw Angie looking at her. Angie had been watching Kelly. Kelly stood there unable to speak.

"You wanna dance?"

Asked Angie

Kelly let out a small laugh, as she couldn’t believe she even asked her that.

"I asked you if you wanna dance?"

Asked Angie

Kelly stopped laughing as Angie started to dance up on her. Kelly had never had a girl try to pick her up before. She watched as Angie touched her thighs and ran her hands up to hips.

"I’ve seen you looking at me,"
said Angie

‘I wasn’t looking,"
trembled Kelly

Angie nodded and pulled her close.


Touch me, tease me Feel me and caress me

Hold on tight and don't let go Baby I'm about

to explode Cuz all my love you can control


(Note to readers: this song…….that 2 Pac rapped wasn’t about his actually girlfriend……..when he talks about ‘his girlfriend’ ………he means his girlfriend was his gun……didn’t know that until a friend explained that……and then the rap made since… would of made sense if it was about a girl though…..i would have had his back……it would have been good to be bad)

Artist: Makaveli (2Pac)

Album: The Don Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory

Song: Me and My Girlfriend


[girl] Sheeit, ju motherfuckin right

I'm the bitch that's keepin it live and

keepin it hot when you punk ass niggaz

don't Nigga Westside, WHAT! Bring it on


Look for me Lost in the whirlwind, ninety-six,

Bonnie and Clyde Me and my girlfriend, do

one-eighty-five when we ride Trapped in this

world of sin, born as a ghetto child Raised in this

whirlwind (c'mon)

2 Pac held the gun to Rome’s head, as he remained motionless. Beads of sweat formed on Rome’s forehead as he waited for 2 Pac to blow his head off. He was pretty sure because Pac was on edge at this moment he was going to do it.

"I could blow your head off with one shot, you know that?"

Asked Pac

"Then why don’t you do it? I mean you are the one that thinks he invincible. And after you do you can then ask yourself why? Because I have always been there for you, always man. I care about what happens to you, but you keep trying to be this all powerful rapper named Tu Pac, and there is no such person,"

2 Pac’s hand trembled as the gun slowly lower from Rome’s face. Rome took a sigh of relief as Pac put the gun away. He walked over to the sink area and stared at himself. Rome walked over.

"I’m your guy, I’m not your enemy,"

Said Rome

"No one can be trusted. I can’t walk out in the light without someone nigga out there trying to start some drama,"

"We can leave right now, Pac. We don’t have to be here. I am done performing and the rap artist of the year has been giving out……..We have no reason to stay,"

Pac looked at Rome and for the first time Pac agreed with him.

"We can go back to the Luxor and just chill. We can watch the Mike Tyson Fight on Pre-preview from Madison Square Gardens and talk shit,"

said Rome

Pac snickered along with Rome from the last comment.

"Talk shit, smoke some blunts,"

Said Pac

"Yea, all of that. Forget everything else,"

Pac nodded and said, "Let’s go do that,"

Pac was ready to go for the door when Rome stopped him.

Asked Pac

"I want the gun,"

Rome held out his hand and waited for Pac to hand over his gun.

"Scared I might use it on you?"

Asked Pac

"Naw, I’m scared you might use it on someone else,"

"Hell naw!"

Pac didn’t hand over the gun as Rome sighed. Pac unlocked the door of the bathroom and walked out. Rome followed as they came across Puffy. Pac put his hand in his jacket pocket where the gun was.

"What’s up?"

Snapped Puffy

Rome walked in front of Pac and pointed at Puffy.

"Step off,"

Snapped Rome

Rome nudged Pac and said, "Come on,"

Rome started out for the door when suddenly he heard a commotion and saw that Puffy had set Pac up. Pac, Puffy, and some other people from the Bad Boy Label were fighting.


Snapped Rome

Rome ran over to help his friend out.


Our childhood years recall the tears heart laced with venom

Smokin sherm, drinkin malt liquor, father forgive her Me and

my girlfriend, hustlin, fell in love with the struggle Hands on

the steering wheel, blush, while she bail out bustin Fuck em all,

watch em fall screamin, automatic gunfire exorcisin all demons

Suddenly as soon as the fight started it ended as security got wind of it and Rome pulled Pac out of the awards hall. They jumped in Suge’s black BMW. Pac called Suge on his cell phone.

"What are you doing? Let’s go!"
Said Rome

"I don’t got the keys,"

Said Pac

"Who are you calling?"

Pac waved Rome’s question away from him. Rome kept looking around for Puffy and his friends to show up.

"Come on man!"

Urged Rome

"Chill nigga, shit!"

"Don’t tell me to fucking chill!"

Pac once again waved away his response. Suge finally answered his cell.

"Those punk ass niggas tried to jack us! Who? J-Shin and me! Yeah, I got something for their asses,"

Said Pac

Pac pulled out his gun and looked at it.

"Put that shit away,"

Snapped Rome

"J-Shin, shut your ass up! Yeah, Suge meet me outside…..We going to settle this right, now!"

Pac hung up the cell and kissed the barrel of his gun and laughed hysterically, "Em niggas ain’t going to want to fuck with me anymore,"


Mafias on the side, my congregation high, ready to die We bail

out to take the jail back, niggaz united Our first date, couldn't wait

to see you naked Touch you in every secret place, I can hardly wait

to bust freely, got you red hot, you so happy to see me Make the

frontpage primetime live on TV

Suge, Snoop, Dre and Stretch walked out and they jumped in the car. Rome was shoved in the back of the car as Suge took over the driving.

"Stop back at the hotel for a minute,"

Said Pac

"What are you doing Pac, man?"

Asked Rome

"Shut your ass up!"

"I thought we were going to squash this shit!"

Pac pointed the gun in Rome’s face again. Rome’s eyes widen as Stretch tried to push the gun away.

"Have you fucking lost your mind!? Stop swinging that shit again!"

Snapped Stretch

"Rome, suck my black……..Dick!"
Said Pac

Pac put the gun on Rome’s lips as he sat there scared out of his mind.

"Suck it! What the hell are you waiting for!?"
Snapped Pac

"Pac, stop fucking playing,"

Said Snoop

"Yeah, Rome’s down don’t worry about it!"

Said Dre

"No, this nigga has always been weak. If it wasn’t for me, he would be nuthin!"

Snapped Pac

Pac pulled back the barrel of the gun indicating it was in shooting ability.

"I didn’t shoot you before but, I will sure do it now!"
Threatened Pac

"Come on, man!"

Urged Stretch

"Who do you fear? Me or God?"

Pac asked Rome

Snoop shoved the gun out of Rome’s face. Pac put it back in his face.

"I asked you a fucking question? Who’s more powerful? Makaveli (2Pac) or the all mighty God!"
Grumbled Pac

Rome shook in fear as he was waiting to die at the hands of his so-called friend. Pac suddenly pulled the gun away.

"Fucking ass pussy,"

Said Pac

Rome took a sigh of relief but didn’t say a word. When they arrived to the Luxor Hotel and Casino they all got out. Rome tried to go to his room but Pac held him by gunpoint again.

"We going to get some shit here and we are then going to find them,"

Said Pac

"Man, I’m out! I ain’t doing shit,"

Said Dre

"Fuck those niggas, Pac,"
said Snoop walking away

"No, fuck all of y’all! You don’t wanna go then fine! Leave! I know who my real friends are!"

Snapped Pac

Pac looked right at Rome when he said that.

"Get it over and done with,"
mumbled Rome

Pac gave him an evil stare



What!! I'm bustin on you punk ass niggaz *automatic gunfire* Run

nigga run! *gunfire* I'm on yo' ass nigga! *gunfire continues* Run

nigga, duck and hide! Nigga I'm bustin all you bitches! Run nigga

, yeah! Westside! Uh uh uh! Die nigga die!

Pac removed the gun from Rome’s face again.

"You saw what they did back at the MGM. You going to stand here and let this happen?"

Rome didn’t answer as Pac looked over at Stretch and Suge for guidance.

"I got your back,"

Said Suge

"Stretch? Come on, let’s get those punk ass bitches,"

Said Pac

Rome looked over at Stretch as he slowly nodded in pride. Pac put his hands up and looked at Rome.

"It’s up to you,"

Said Pac

Rome shook his head no and walked away.

"Fuck you then!"

Snapped Pac

Rome’s heart drop as he felt like he was letting him down. He turned to look and they were gone. Rome walked into his room and paced back and forth. He was starting to get second thoughts. His cell went off.


Asked Rome

"Rome where you at?"

Asked Aaliyah

"Sorry, Baby I had this thing…..I had to do,"

"Where are you?"


He started

He opened his suitcase up and stared at his own gun. He slowly picked it up and placed it in the back of his pants.

"Lee-lee listen……I have to go,"

he said

"Rome, someone said Pac and East Coast people got into it. Were you a part of it?"

"I gotta go, he’s my guy Lee-lee,"

"You don’t have to do this,"

"I do, look I will be ok,"


She pleaded

"I love you, ok?"

"Rome please, don’t!"

She sobbed

He blew a kiss into the cell phone and hung up. He then ran out of the room.

(Tupac was cleaning his gun during this…….but made it sound like he was actually having sex with a chick instead)


I love finger fuckin you, all of a sudden I'm hearin thunder When

you bust a nut, niggaz be duckin or takin numbers Love to watch

you at a block party, beggin for drama While unleashin on the old

timers, that's on my mama I would trade my life for yours, behind


I stood up against the wall at the nightclub, as it was the only thing that was holding my drunken body up. Jessica was standing holding me up so I didn’t slide down the wall or fall forward. I was completely out of it. Kai and Adrea walked over as the final song was being played.

"She ok?"

Asked Adrea

"I think so. Boricua, You ok?"

Jessica asked me

I stood there with my eyes closed and my mouth open slightly. Jessica shrugged and slapped me across my face. I quickly came too, cause that shit hurt.

"Damn did you have to hit her that hard?"
Giggled Adrea

Kai laughed so hard he had to hold on to Adrea’s shoulder. I held my face as I gave Jessica a look.

"You ok, now? I had to slap you to snap you out of it, Boricua,"

Said Jessica

I didn’t answer her, as I still couldn’t believe that she slapped me.

"Hey, where’s Kelly?"
Asked Adrea

"Who gives a damn,"

Said Jessica

"I do! We came together we…. Must leave together,"
said Adrea

Kai leaned over and whispered in Adrea’s ear, "Can I come with you?"

"Where you wanna go?"

"Anyway, where you going my little Cuban black bean,"

"Please, just call me Adrea,"
she laughed

Kai blew her a kiss and hugged her. I continued to stand there, as everything around me was very hazy. The only visions I saw that was clear were Jessica’s cool cross necklace and Wade slowly coming towards us. I had drunk too damn much. Oh, my head.

"I’m for real, where’s Kell?"
Asked Adrea

Kai continued to whisper things in her ear, "You are so fine girl. Oooooh, I just wanna show you how much,"

"Naughty boy……Jessica! I’m for real….where is,"

Giggled Adrea

"Yeah, yeah, where’s the bitch,"

Said Jessica

Jessica took Adrea’s hand and put it on my shoulder.

"I can’t go get your fucking friend unless you hold our little Boricua up,"

Said Jessica


Said Adrea

Kai put his arms around Adrea’s waist from behind, still trying to get a one-night stand out her.

"Come on, girl…arent you wandering what it would be like?"

He asked

"I’ve had sex before,"
she laughed

"Oh, baby I can tell,"

"I thought you like Kelly?"

"I want you, you were so fucking cute on these turn tables,"

Adrea laughed hysterically at him.

"Kai, I have a man,"

"What does your man have to do with me?"

Asked Kai

"Sounds like that one song,"

"What does your man have to do with me? Is he here?"

"No, in Cali,"

"Then fuck it, let’s go play with each other,"

Wade walked over and completely ignored my drunken ass. What else is new?

Meanwhile, Jessica walked up to the VIP room and the door was slightly open. She knocked and no one answered. She didn’t want to walk in but had no choice. She walked in with her eyes closed tightly.

"Um, her friends are looking for her,"

Said Jessica

Jessica opened her eyes and looked down trying not to stare. There sat Kelly and Angie in each other’s arms. Angie amazed Kelly as she kissed her neck.

"And, um Melissa got tired of waiting for you so, she left,"

Said Jessica

"That’s fine I will make it up to her tomorrow,"

Said Angie

"Gosh, I didn’t know, well I knew something wasn’t right about that girl (pointing at Kelly), but being homosexual,"

Kelly was so toasted and taken by Angie she didn’t even notice Jessica was in the room. Jessica snickered and said, "Well, I guess she is over Joey". Jessica soon left the room as Kelly and Angie continued to go at it.


‘Me and my Girlfriend’ By 2 Pac continues.

closed doors the only girl that I adore, everything I'm askin for Talkin

to me beggin me to just, take you around Seventeen like Brandy you

just Wanna Be Down Talkin loud when I tell you be quiet you move the

crowd Bustin rounds, activatin a riot, that's why I love you so No control,

down to roll, unleash

Luxor security cameras caught 2 Pac storming through the casino of the hotel on a mission with Suge and Stretch walking side by side of him. Pac also had his fans (at least twenty people) and supporters following him. That was the last time Pac was caught still alive on live video.

Rome soon was seen running down the casino area after his friends. Suge, Stretch, and Pac were in the black BMW and were ready to pull away, when Rome came running up to them.

"What do you want?"

Asked Suge

Rome showed them his gun. Stretch, who was sitting in the back seat, opened the door. Rome hesitated at first as something in the back of his mind said; ‘It’s not wise to get in this car’. Rome ignored that as he wanted to show his friends he was just as hard as they were. Pac turned and smiled at Rome. He held his hand out to him and Rome shook it.

"I knew you were down,"

Smiled Pac

They drove up and down the Vegas Strip that were lined side by side with the famous theme hotels. Rome looked down at his gun, as his hands that were holding them were all cold and clammy. They suddenly came to a halt and there stood two attractive African American girls. They stood on the passenger side where Pac was. Pac rolled his window down as he and the girls passed pick up lines at each other. One of the girls noticed the all-famous J-Shin sitting in the back.

"Oh, my gosh girl it’s J-Shin! Heyyy!"

She waved

Rome looked at them nervously as his state of mind was strictly violence. He didn’t smile or even speak to these girls. He looked right through them like they weren’t even there. He looked back down at his gun and mumbled the Lord’s Prayer to himself. During it he started to question what he really was doing. Stretch nudged Rome and stopped him from finishing the last line of the prayer.


Asked Rome with his voice cracking.

"Switch sits with me,"

Said Stretch


"Just do it,"

Rome and Stretch switch, as he still didn’t understand why Stretch wanted to. He shrugged at the request as Rome looked out at the night sky. Stars were bright; he rolled the window down as the cool breeze hit his face. It felt so good like it had never did before. The night was so calm as the future was so uncertain for the passengers in the car.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise that sounded like fire crackers going off in the car and a lot of commotion in the car as it came to a halt. Rome then realized what he was hearing wasn’t firecrackers at all, but gunfire. His life flashed in front of his face as he got hit in the arm. Before he could react the impact of the car coming to a stop caused Rome to hit his head violently on the window…the window shattered from the impact as glass went everywhere……he sat there unconscious as blood poured from his head. The car was targeted by a drive by as the unidentified car that fired pulled away. The BMW sat there with riddled with bullet holes. Rome’s body slide down into Stretch’s lap.


Before the shooting, Shakur's car made a U-turn and head West on Flamingo. Police reached the car on the Strip where it was caught in traffic at Harmon Avenue. An ambulance then picked up Shakur, Suge and Rome, the only survivors, taking them to University Medical Center, where Shakur(2 Pac) underwent the first of three operations. His right lung is removed to stop internal bleeding. Shakur had been shot in his right hand, right hip and right chest just under his right arm. After Tupac's arrival at University Medical Center immediately following the shooting, a trauma center surgeon removed one bullet from Tupac's pelvis area.

Rome’s left arm was shattered by one single bullet and doctors had to reconstruct the whole arm. He was soon moved from serious condition to stable. Suge received a slight graze wound to the forehead. Stretch, Pac’s friend died at the seen.

The black BMW, riddled with bullet holes, sat in the police impound lot Sunday, Sept. 8, 1997, in Las Vegas.


Lost in the whirlwind, ninety-six, Bonnie and Clyde Me and my girlfriend

(repeat 2X)





Shakur died in Las Vegas after shots were fired into a car he was riding in on Sept. 13, 1996.

2:30 p.m. - Tupac Shakur arrives by car in Las Vegas.

5:30 p.m. - People start lining up at Club 662, 1700 E. Flaming Road, where Tupac Shakur and Mike Tyson are to appear after the boxing match.

8:30 p.m. - People start leaving the Mike Tyson - Bruce Seldon fight that was held at the MGM Grand. Tupac Shakur attended the fight which started at 8 p.m. Tyson was declared the winner after 109 seconds in the ring with Seldon

8:30 to 9 p.m. - Shakur and his bodyguards are involved in a physical scuffle with a man, later identified as Orlando Anderson of Compton, Calif., near the hotel's Grand Garden. Police do not believe the man was in any way connected to the later shooting of Shakur.

11 p.m. - Suge Knight was stopped on Las Vegas Boulevard by Metro patrol cops for playing his car stereo too loudly and for not having license plates on his rented vehicle. He was not cited and was released a few minutes later

11:15 p.m. - Shakur and Marion "Suge" Knight are shot. Knight is driving and Shakur is in the passenger seat of the 1996 BMW 750 sedan that was eastbound on Flamingo Road. Shakur is shot three times in the chest. Shrapnel grazed Knight's head. A total of 13 shots were fired at the car Shakur was in.

Sunday, Sept. 8
11 a.m. - Knight is released from the University Medical Center.

6:20 p.m. - Shakur undergoes a second operation at UMC to repair damage from the bullet wounds.

Monday, Sept. 9
8 p.m. - Metro Police and about 20 friends and fans of Shakur are in an altercation over what police call a "misunderstanding." Tensions are calmed with help from a female friend of Shakur's and four men originally handcuffed during the scuffle are released. No one was arrested. Police have been patrolling outside the hospital out of concern for retaliation after the shooting.

Wednesday, Sept. 11
6 p.m. - Knight, accompanied by his attorneys speaks about the shooting to Metro Police for about an hour.

Friday, Sept. 13
4:03 p.m. - Shakur dies from his injuries.

7 p.m. - Coroner's medical examiner performs an autopsy on Shakur's body.

9 p.m. - Shakur's body is released to Davis Mortuary, which - at the request of Shakur's mother - cremates his remains

Saturday, Sept. 14
11 a.m. - Shakur's remains are given to his mother, Afeni Shakur, who leaves Las Vegas the same day.

"I interviewed the decedent's mother, Afeni Shakur, and she stated that the decedent was not married and he had no children,"





The next morning……….

I turned the TV on as I drunk my coffee. The Today Show was on with cute Katie Couric. She’s so hot for a chick in her forties. Anyway, I sat on bed in the hotel room as Joey snored away in his bed. I looked over as he sounded like he was a sawing a tree down with his big ass teeth. I snickered, as I had to turn up to the TV just so I could drown his snore of music out. Ann, the chick that did the late breaking news did her skit. I continued to drink my coffee until she said something shocking and coffee went flying out of my mouth. I placed my hand over my chest as I coughed like hell. I took a deep breath and turned the TV up louder to hear what she said:

"Once, again 2 Pac Shakur, gangster rapper, was hospitalized last night at the Las Vegas University Medical center. Witnesses claim there was a blaze of gunfire after the Billboard awards. Also in the car was the CEO of Deathrow Records Suge Knight and up and coming singing artist J-Shin. J-Shin was also shot but is said to be in stable condition. Suge Knight walked away with a minor glaze to his head…….in other news, there was a Ladybug breakout across Missouri on Sunday., three people were hurt when a swarm of ladybugs took over downtown St Louis………one witness was quoted ‘Those suckers bite’,"

Said Ann

I sat there with my mouth open in shock. I couldn’t believe my ears. I flipped to MTV and 2 Pac and Rome’s news was all over the channel. I quickly woke Joey.


Said Joey all groggy

"No, 2 Pac and Rome was shot!"

"What? Did they have sandwiches with them?"

He asked confused

"Joey wake up! We have to go to Las Vegas! I’ll tell the guys!"

I ran out of the room as Joey sat there scratching his balls. He then realized what I was saying was true as he start to listen the news. I knocked like a mad man on Justin and Lance’s door. Finally Justin came to the door with his do-rag on his head.

He asked

Justin rubbed his nose and pulled his underwear out of the crack of his ass and let me in. I rushed to the TV and turned it on. I looked over and saw head of hair weave under Lance’s cover.

"When did Lance get weave?"

I asked

"That’s Chris. Lance stayed in his room…….he got booty last night. Now, why am I up at 8am?"
Whined Justin

"Sit your ass down,"
I ordered

He sat next to me and when he heard the horrible news, he fell off the foot of the bed.


He gasped

Chris sat up with only his eyes and top of his hair weave peaking over the covers.

"What are you doing watching MTV this early?"
He asked

"2 Pac and Rome been shot!"

I said

Justin got off the floor and pointed to the TV.

"Look at it!"

Said Justin

Chris got out of bed and stood in shock like the rest of us. Joey finally walked in and said, "So you think Rome is ok?"

"I don’t know, they said stable condition. That’s good right?"
I asked

"Yeah, I mean he’s not dying……….that’s what that means…..But um, it’s the media so you never know what is true,"

Said Chris

Just then they show the damaged black 96 BMW that they had been shot at. It was loaded with bullet holes. I got another panic attack, as I didn’t know whom to call first, my dad or Rome’s mom? Rome’s mom! Oh my gosh does she know? I walked over to the phone to dial, but there was a block on it.

"What’s wrong with the phone?"
I asked

"Um, that um……..Yeah see I like use up all the phone minutes that Johnny allowed me to have,"
said Justin

‘Oh, yeah you are the one that has the phone attached to your ear at all times,"

"Johnny had to cut me off,"

"Addicted to the phone, isn’t that a shame. If I didn’t know any better Ju, I would say you’re a girl,"

Teased Chris

Justin shoved Chris to shush. Just then Chris remembered something.


Said Chris

"What about her?"
I asked

"Oh, shit Chris you’re right,"

Said Justin

Asked Joey

Justin stormed out of the room and knocked on Chris’ door. Everyone stood out in the hallway as I soon ran back in my room to call Rome’s mom.

Knocked Justin

Chris walked over with the hotel room key.

"I really don’t wanna see the cowboy have sex, but if he doesn’t answer,"

Said Chris waving the keys around.

Knocked Justin

"Wait, Lance fucked Mo? Was she desperate?"
Asked Joey

"Hey, Nerds need love to,"

Snickered Chris

There was no answer as the guys looked at each other.

"Gosh, maybe the pussy was that good and it killed him,"
said Joey

"Step aside let Kirkpatrick the key handler open this baby up,"

Said Chris

He opened the door slightly and turned to his friends.

"You know what would be funny?"

Asked Chris

"If Mo said Lance was really bad in bed?"
Nodded Joey

"Yeah, that but if we busted in like we were the po-lice!"
Smiled Chris

They nodded at each other and Chris counted to five.

"Gosh, I hope she’s naked,"
smiled Joey

They ran in and jumped on the bed waking Lance and Mo up. They sat up in a panic as Lance started yelling.

"What the hell is your fucking problem!"

Snapped Lance

"Damn it, she’s not naked,"
sighed Joey

"Yeah, if my vibes are right, Jo, Mo has Victoria Secret panty set, bra and panties,"

Smiled Chris

They looked at Mo and she had covered herself.

"What are you doing in here?"

Gasped Mo

"Hey, Monique listen just stopping by to see how the sex went?"

Smiled Chris

"Get out,"

Ordered Lance

Chris grabbed the near by hotel notepad and started to take notes on Lance’s performance.

"Now on a scale from one to ten…….ten being the highest mark…..Did Lance