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I normally don't spend my time on anything unless I know it's worth it. Once again I've been prompted to update something in particular so yes. Here I am, awake and not dead! Bwahaha! Matsuwara lives!

If you really think you could pull it off without looking at a direct picture then by all means grab a tissue or some other clothy material then pull it across some shape and start practicing drawing its folds around that object.

If you can't, I won't hold it against you (I don't get paid to do this either way) so you can go ahead and continue looking at my tutorial. You my student( s), make me feel loved!


First of all, note how certain places where the cloth is pulled over the tightest, has no folds, only folds around it or near it rather.

You see, your clothes are made a certain way. Who's ever heard of a shirt with the sleeves made to point up? They rest downwards, so while your arms are in them and also down, there will be little change about it. However, if you move it in some other direction there shall be folds! You notice that right? Bend your arm all the way inside a sleeve and where it bends, it creases a lot!

The less you bend, the less folds there will be. Folds and creases occur when there is some kind of pressure (the taut thing) going on underneath. Like say a size 40 guy squeezing into size 30 pants. Might be so tight, that the taut point is where it rips apart in whatnot directions! Ouch...

Notice how the part where it is tight at the exposed arm doesn't really have any creases.


Well, it depends of a variety of things. I'm going to use the simplest of examples. Don't take me for perverted now, I'm just an artist and eventually some of you will want to draw women wearing tight shirts. Who knows? Some company could paid you to draw a tiny t-shirt advertisement someday!

Yes, that's right. Breasts. Not all of them are solidly pressed together, so most likely there is usually a gap between them, between their taut points and sufaces. So, depending on how taut the shirt or bodice is, there might be creases in this "valley" I shall say.


The size of a fold or crease depends on the thickness of the material the clothes are made of.

Doesn't have to be perfect mind you, you just have to try after consider how this and that works. I know the lines on the enlarged jeans are brief, but they kind of disappeared a little in the scan. You know what I meant to interpret though right?

Stiff or thick cloth often make big folds. Thinner material like linen either stretches out smooth (taut/tight) or creases with many lines away from the taut point.

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