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William Shakespeare
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William Shakespeare Biography

Born at Stratford on Avon, (baptized April 26th 1564) William Shakespeare spent a great deal of his time in London and retired back in Stratford where he died in April 1616. There are many legends regarding Shakespeare’s life and of course there is the legacy of his works. The facts however, are quite limited mainly through what was recorded in Parish records. Shakespeare’s father was a glove maker and trader in various other goods, including wool and leather. John Shakespeare married Mary Arden the daughter of substantial landowner around 1557. He was also involved in local Government, obtaining the town's highest political office in 1568. By the time of William's teens his father's fortunes had somewhat subsided. William Shakespeare was their third child and the eldest surviving son of eight children. At the time of Shakespeare’s birth the plague was at full force. The eldest daughter died with plague, the second eldest child (another daughter) died at one year. It is very likely that Shakespeare attended the local Grammar school (which had an excellent reputation) and that here he obtained sound education in Latin and some Greek. By the time of his early teens, the decrease in his father's fortunes meant that Shakespeare had to leave the school. There has been much conjecture regarding his life at this time, including suggestions that he worked with his father as a butcher! Also that he fell in with a bad crowd and took up poaching.

At 18, (in 1582) he married Anne Hathaway, who was 8 years older than him and pregnant. Anne was the daughter of a fairly prosperous farmer. They had three children: Susanna born in 1583, Hamlet and Judith (twins) born in 1585. This was a very small family for the times. The indications are that their marriage was not overly happy, although they appeared to be committed and Shakespeare gave Anne firm material support.

When the children were still small Shakespeare had already taken to his career in London. It is thought that at first he took lowly jobs around the theatres in London (holding the horses outside etc) whilst writing his first works of poetry which were published in 1593. He somehow progressed and secured two important patrons: the Earls of Southampton and Pembroke. By 1595 he was a senior member of Lord Chamberlains Men, an acting company which enjoyed the protection of the Queen. He also made a number of successful business deals and land acquisitions. All of this time he was increasingly successful in his playwriting.

In 1596 his only son, Hamlet, died at the age of 11. This was the same year that he wrote King John. Both his daughters outlived him. In 1597 he purchased the most prestigious house in Stratford 'New House' and in 1599 he became a joint owner in the highly successful Globe Theatre. By 1610 he retired back to Stratford where he was buried in the Holy Trinity Church in 1616, aged 51.

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William Shakespeare Quotes

"Though I am not naturally honest, I am so sometimes by chance."
William Shakespeare

"I dote on his very absence."
William Shakespeare

"Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie."
William Shakespeare

"Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice."
William Shakespeare

"Go to your bosom; Knock there, and ask your heart what it doth know."
William Shakespeare

"The better part of valor is discretion, in the which better part I have saved my life."
William Shakespeare

"If all the year were playing holidays; To sport would be as tedious as to work."
William Shakespeare

"We know what we are, but know not what we may be."
William Shakespeare

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