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A Little About the Spaz

Real name:Lucas Daniel Stephens Born in Aurora, CO currently living in Denver. Age:20 Likes:Rap and hip-hop (on a side note, I'm listening to the GZA as I'm creating this), movies, video games, reading and writing. Dislikes:Politics, hatred, racisism, world-wide ill problems. // Because of how my page is being set up on templates, I can't seem to get double spaced lines in my text to signify a new paragraph or line. So, when ever I start a new paragraph or line in a poem, I will use the //. Today, I will but in a short story and two poems. If you like what you read, email me with comments or questions. If you would like me to send you some more of my work, feel free to ask. I will try to put up new poems every week or so, so please check back occasionally. Thanks for visiting.

A Dream World

Calvin stares blankly at the wall, bored out of his mind, waiting for the bell to ring. He looks at his teacher, an ironically lifeless creature, lips moving, unable to decipher the language. It comes across to him muffled, distorted. Time is non-existent to this individual. It seems to him he is forever locked in a classroom interrupted in the flow of the continuum. Calvin looks at the frozen clock, intrigued, stunned to find the lazy arms maneuvering backwards, insubordinate to the laws of physics. Uncertain of the unusual events unfolding, Calvin begins to feel himself slipping into a state of unconsciousness. Slowly, surely, Calvin's vision succeeds and fades into blackness, sleeping. Now, he has entered the world of unconscious thought, the dream world. All matters of the real world are now irrelevant. Calvin begins his descention into the world which he unknowingly creates. Colors being to swirl from nothingness and paint the world of emptiness, now beginning to form a spiritual structure. Gently landing upon a freshly created grassy hill, Calvin begins to awaken in this world, unawake in that which he has just recently parted. He wipes his eyes, now open, viewing a freshly generated environment. A breeze brushes by, tickling the hairs on his arms. Sounds emit from behind him, he turns and notices birds chirping in their tree, saluting the day for doing a great job. An odor is passed under his nose, via the breeze returning to do its job. Calvin looks under his nose to witness the birth of a rose, opening before him. He raises himself up, yawns and stretches with unknowing irony, feeling his legs stable, begins his journey to explore his new found environment. He enjoys the peacefulness, the complete balance of nature in this dream world, deer romping by to his left, squirrels playing and dashing up a tree to his right. Lions play with the sheep, not at all hungry for them. Calvin sees a cobra lying, resting itself on a rock. For reasons he knows not, he reaches out and picks up the snake, playing with it, the cobra, not at all needing to warn Calvin of possible harm. He then gently places the snake on the rock, the snake flicking its forked tongue as if smiling to Calvin. He smiles back as if he knew the cobra was smiling. Calvin proceeds with this venture, halting, overlooking a creek flowing with the utmost beauty. Feeling his thirst summoning him, he answers as he walks to the creek, cupping his hands, drinking the cool water. His taste buds are magnificently overwhelmed with an unearthly clean water, more crisp and refreshing than any water he has ever drank. Feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, he resumes his stroll walking down with the creek, leading him. He notices the divine weather, the sun dispensing the perfect temperature, the wind following suit. Calvin pauses when he notices a bridge suddenly appear over the creek. He ponders he should pass it, thinking what could be on the other. He decides and does part over the bridge. As he comes to the other side, a thunderous force strikes him and he’s slammed out of the world he was in back into the world he was before. Calvin jolts awake, at full awareness, the bell ringing. “Class dismissed,” he heard, now able to understand the full of life figure that stood in front of the chalkboard. Calvin leaves, first the classroom, then the school, entering the real world.


I write this poem my mom to say // how thankful I am to have her guide my way. // I thank her dearly for bringing me hear // and when I needed to talk for lending me an ear. // I thank her so much for being my friend // and knowing I can trust her until the end. // I thank her for the love she continues to give // and for showing me reasons to continue to live. // I thank her honestly from the bottom of my heart // for helping me finish by allowing me to start. // I thank her for giving me a roof over my head // and for the blankets that cover me when I’m in bed. // I thank her for showing me the error of my ways // and for letting me know that crime never pays. // I thank her for all of her financial support // and for giving me more time when mine became short. // I thank her for her knowledge she has shared with me // and for how much she unconditionally cared for me. // I thank her for his heart I inherited from her // and for the good times we’ve had every summer. // I thank her for loving, caring and giving, // for understanding, helping, trusting and living. // I just want to say to my mother, “Thank you,” // for everything she has done, does and will do. //


I sit among the rocks, below me, the surf. // I’ve set my worries out to sail // Past the horizon which I stare at. // I clean my lungs, // City pollution being replaced // With fresh ocean air. // The pain my eyes have witnessed // Melts away at the sight of the waves. // I listen to them // Crashing against each other, // The deafening sounds of city traffic // Drowned out now in my mind. // I love the ocean, // So crisp, // So cool, // So natural. // I never want to leave this perch. // I want to stay here watching the ocean, // Waiting for the sun to kiss it good night. // Well, maybe I’ll leave this rock, // Just for a minute. // I want to be one with the ocean // So I take off my clothes, // Naked as the ocean itself. // I dive in and thank the ocean for welcoming me. // I swim, // I relax, // I welcome the taste of water, // In a way, cleaner than the water in the city. // I have to return to the city soon. // But I don’t like it, // So I continue to swim // And thank the ocean for being my friend. //