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 Sr.Dianne's Earth and Space Science

Visit the


Skyline Caverns Field Trip

RARE Club Website

coming from:  Bishop Denis J. O'Connell High School, Arlington, VA, USA

HEAT ExperimentDJO'sStarshine I, II, III Heat Island Webpage

Weather Activities WEATHER.COM Meteorology  Tutorial USA Today  Weath.Basics Hurricanes
  TopoMap Activities      Eric's Hurricane Tracking Map            Tropical Storm Updates

Some Helpful Links:
  - Glencoe 

Schoolnotes: Part 2

NASA science articles
 - Fire Events
 - View ISS in Sky
 - Current Earth Events
 - Earth Alert
 - AstronomySights
 - Hurricane Images (IR,VIS,WV)- Earthwatch
    1. [El Nino]] 1. Are WE changing our  climate?                               2. What's the most powerful event on earth?  ...more

 3. ...a satellite tethered to the Shuttle?

 4. Solar Storm warning

 5. Are the Arctic, Greenland, and Antartica all MELTING?

 6. What does the Sky in the Northern Hemisphere look like tonight?

  "The energy expended, when Mt.St. Helens blew on May 18, 1980,
was equivalent to 27.000 atomic bombs."

 "The combined nuclear arsenals of the US and the former Soviet Union do NOT contain enough ENERGY to keep a [mature] HURRICANE going for ONE day. " [Exerpt from the book, "The Perfect Storm" by by Sebastian Junger]

Why not visit O'Connell's RARE (Rocketry, Aviation, and Robotics Exploration) Club?

Hey, thanks so much for joining us! Please visit us often, and SHARE WITH US your  activity results or questions! Click HERE to email us.