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Which PPG are you?
OMG...the test proves it...woohoo! :D

.:Content or Something:.
All About Me

.:Flavor of the Month:.
+ Kylie Minogue
+ Tell Me - Smilez
+ 8 Mile Soundtrack

school books

+ digital camera
+ $$$
+ Paul Frank stuff

+ Grandma's yummy Chinese food

+ Milk :D

Hiyeeee! Hehehe..welcome! :)
So this is what happens when my contacts screw me over, and I'm stuck at home because I don't want to go out in my nerdy dorko glasses...and I have absolutely NO schoolwork to do because it's the summer before I enter grad school. LoL :D Anyway, I'll keep this up as long as I don't get bored...or as long as you don't get bored...or whatever. Enjoy! :)

If you want me to post your me with your code :D

HAHA they're baaaaaaaaaaaaack

What Flavour Are You? I taste like Bread.I taste like Bread.

I am a staple in almost everyone's diet. Friends like me are a complement to any other friends I get on with almost everyone, remaining mostly in the background, but providing substance when it would otherwise be lacking. What Flavour Are You?

I taste like BREAD?!??!! LoL!

What Kind of Anime Character Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla
Greeeeat…now the quizzes even say I’m psychotic…

Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?

brought to you by Quizilla
Hahahahaha…proves these quizzes aren’t accurate

Click to take the quiz!
click here to find out which asian action superstar you are!

You are Jackie Chan! you like to take risks. you live for the moment. you are a thrill-seeker. At heart, you're a really nice person.
you funny, charasmatic and full of energy. although sometimes your goofness gets you into trouble, your
drunken boxing skills are fabulous! just bring a pot of rice wine with you.

What Type of Badass Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

Which Street Fighter are you?
Test by Nathan

What Type of Dog are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

Which Annoying Two Towers Character are You?
By Lisa

Which monkey are you?
Another pointless diversion from Bijouriel

What swear word are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

You are Venom!
Take the "Which Marvel Comics Hero are you" quiz!

I'm a Martini, discover your ALcoHoLiC personality!

What faerie personality are -you-??

brought to you by Quizilla

what's YOUR deepest secret?

brought to you by Quizilla

What Color Eyes Should You Have?

brought to you by Quizilla

What Color Eyes Should You Have?

brought to you by Quizilla


-- Click Here To Take The Test --

How dumb are you?

I will leap from a tall building in my superman constume

How will you die? Take the Exotic Cause of Death Test

your fuck.

What swear word are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

:: how nintendo are you? ::

I see the world in Pink
Pink: You see the world in bright pink. The world is a
happy, happy place! You love all people and
things!! Life is great! You're just like a
happy child. Spread the cheer.
*this quiz was made by Sara

What color do you see the world in?
brought to you by Quizilla

Even Superman once worked in a team
Take the Cartoon Hero Quiz?.

12.7.02 more quizzes!

What Element Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH CUTE! I want a stuffed animal of this care bear! hehehehe

Which Sesame Street Muppet's Dark Secret Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla


Has 5 months really gone past?!?! MY GOODNESS! Back to the quizzes we go...going to post most of them here now since people complain about it being in the journal
Which ER character are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

Especially the ones that go off right after you've sat down, and spray your ass. Dont'cha just hate that?

What pisses you off?
Created by ptocheia

You are a modified Civic Si. You can be too concerned about your appearance sometimes; be careful, because this vanity can turn people off and even make you look stupid. You're a good person underneath the forced glamour; it's a shame that your outward appearance can lead others to not take you seriously.

which honda are you? | visit high mileage

What kind of Drug Addict are you?


I took way too many quizzes today...i have a headache now =P

What Jelly Belly flavor are you?
I'm -
Find your flavor here!

If I were a boy band I would be...

Backstreet Boys
This quiz was created by Krazy K. Take it here!

Are you NASTY or NICE?
Quiz made by Angela
Hahaha...this quiz must be rigged :D

I am A Corny Shit

LOL...this has got to be the most disturbing survey to date. :D

Take the Affliction Test Today!
LOLOLOL...oh dear...I need to get Star to take a rabies shot soon....

Just cuz I listen to rap...*sigh* LoL

There is a reason why Nintendo tried to limit my involvement to giving out clues and various other insignificant tasks. That is because I can't last a whole game as the center of attention without smoking up. I am pretty fun to chill with, as long as no one makes snide remarks about my height, but I am not suitable for young children. This doesn't bother me too much. I don't crave the spotlight like others do. I have my friends, my bong, and a constant paycheck. Being Toad rocks muchly.

What Super Mario Bros character are you?


which children's storybook character are you?
this quiz was made by colleen

take the antisocial test.
and go to because laura’s feeling social.

Who's SCREAM Do You Posess?
Quiz by Steph or Steph

Proving the same theme can be echoed endlessly and still make money.
Find out How would you die in a horror movie?

I am a fridge!
what kitchen utensil are YOU?

See which Greek Goddess you are.


i'm a rabbit.what kinda pet are you?
quiz made by muna.

Which Rainbow Brite kid are you? By Growing.

What kind of clothes should I be wearing? by Evelyn

Which Action Star Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty

See what Care Bear you are.

See what Rugrat you are.

Which Friends Character are You?

Take this Quiz Made by eLLeN112.


Back by popular demand! :D
i'm shu lien yu!
Which Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Character are you? Quiz by


I act like I'm 17.
This test was brought to you by James - Part of the David and James phenomenon. Take it here.

Noooooo...not only do people think I look it, but I act it now???? *sobs*


Take the M&M's Test @ Rasberry Rain

Which Season are you?

Click Here To Find Out Which Symbol You Are

Which Toe Are You?
Which Toe Are You?

My DDR song...
Butterfly: Spry, cheeky and flirtatious! You love Asian pop culture and thrive on Pocky and candy colours. You enjoy attention lavished upon your pretty self. You want a partner who knows how to have fun. No wallflowers for you!
What's your DDR theme song?

Ricky's DDR song...
Boom Boom Dollar: Supportive, understanding and the perfect friend! You have an open mind and a compassionate spirit. You've got a great attitude and your friends place a lot of trust in you. Your idea of the perfect relationship would be one that is equal on all grounds.
What's your DDR theme song?
LOL surprised? =P

What Video Game Character Are You? I am Mario.I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.
What Video Game Character Are You?

Oh God, the horror. Seek help, you're "lmfao". You laugh a little too much.
What internet slang are YOU? | by brit

Who's your daddy?? Find out @ blackhole

what's your battle cry?

Take the What Type of Friend are You? quiz, and visit [Me.]

Disney Princesses
Which of the Disney Princesses are you?

Take the What High School Stereotype Are You? quiz, by Angel

Ricky is a

Take the What High School Stereotype Are You? quiz, by Angel

What is YOUR Highschool label?

Find your inner cola.

I'm a Wind Spiriti

Which era in time are you?

129128 people have gotten cavities from this quiz. And 15096 got the result "Candy Necklace" like you. Sweet!
discover what candy you are @


which Episode II character are you?

Queen of Naboo. You could have a split personality - simply to hide who you really are. You are extremely polite and gentle. However, if needs be, you will take action and can be a very good leader. You have the power to make people believe in you - use this power. The one you love could also end up being the one you hate.

Come take the Comprehensive DDR Personality Test!
Created by ptocheia

Which Kiss are You?
Which Kiss Are You?

Find your emotion!

Shinlay                 Ricky
Find out which Garbage Pail Kid you are!

Very cute, very pink, and very feminine. That's you.

Ricky is a

Look at your blue self with your spoon and polka-dotted bib. Are we a little hungry?
Hehehehe...BIG surprise ;)
Find your inner rubber ducky.

Drink me!
Which drink are you?