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Born To Die

By David Williams

Text: Matthew 1:21 - "And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins"

I. Introduction

A. It has been 33 years since Jesus was born in the manger in Bethlehem.

B. For 30 years Jesus learned in silence and was subject to His parents.

C. We find little mention of the years before his showing to Israel as He was presented to them during His public ministry.

D. Now for three years these disciples that he is sharing these words with had been with him.

E. They had known of the ministry of John the Baptist as he preached by the River Jordan and baptized people with the Baptism of Repentance.

F. They had seen him heal the Nobleman's Son by speaking the word and the man's son was healed.

G. They had been with Jesus when John was imprisoned and Jesus comforted many because of this.

H. They were with Him when Jesus called each of them and how that they had left all to follow Jesus.

I. They were with Him when Jesus had caused a miraculous catch of fish when they had caught nothing all night long.

J. They were with Him when the demon possessed man of Gadera healed and in his right mind.

K. They were with Him when Jesus had healed the mother of his wife who had a fever and she ministered to them.

L. They were with Him when lepers were healed.

M. They were with Him when the man with the withered hand was healed.

N. They were with Him when the paralyzed man at the pool was healed.

O. They were with Him when He taught the sermon on the mount.

P. They were with Him when he healed the Centurion's servant.

Q. They were with Him when the widow's son was raised to life.

R. They were with Him when He taught parables.

S. They were with Him when he healed the deaf and dumb demon possessed boy.

T. They were with Him when he healed the woman with the issue.

U. They were with Him when the mind who was blind from birth was healed.

V. They were with Him when Jesus was rejected in His ministry of the rulers.

W. They were with Him when Jesus fed the five thousand and the four thousand.

X. They were with Him when Peter confessed that Jesus was the Christ of God.

Y. They were with Him when Christ was transfigured before them on the mountain with Moses and Elijah.

Z. They were with Him when the adulterous woman was brought to Jesus and he wrote in the sand while they all left because they were not without sin.

AA. They were there at the home of Mary and Martha when Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead.

BB. They were there when Zachaeus invited Jesus to dinner after being saved.

CC. They were there when Jesus foretold of His sufferings.

DD. Now Jesus asks them to eat an early Passover with them, for He was about to die at the same time that Passover lambs were being slain for the Jewish holy day.

EE. Jesus dips his hand in the dish and gives the bread to Judas who leaves the mean with something to do which the disciples were unaware or.

FF. Illustration - The Last Supper

Matthew 26 - " 26 And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body.

27 And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it;

28 For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.

29 But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom.

30 And when they had sung an hymn, they went out into the mount of Olives."

HH. Jesus begins to share promises with them.

II. Illustration - Jesus Last Words

John 14, 15, 16 - Read portions of all to show the last conversations of Jesus with the disciples

JJ. At one point He had told Peter that he would deny Him.

KK. They go to the Garden of Gethsemane (Our Wednesday night, Their Thursday.)

LL. There Jesus prays while the three best disciples of his whole group sleep and Jesus sweats great drops of blood.

MM. Then Judas comes to betray Jesus with the soldiers and uses the kiss of betrayal which is really the kiss of death for His master.

NN. After all this, his beloved disciples flee leaving only John and Peter following afar off.

OO. See Jesus in His illegal and unfair trial.

1. At Annus' house, the father-in-law of Caiaphas in the middle of the night.

2. He is then brought before a hastily assembled group of the Sanhedron at an illegal night time meeting.

3. He goes before Caiaphas the next morning having had no sleep where the trial is really only a mock trial with the decision to have Jesus killed by the Romans.

4. He goes to Pilate who sends Jesus to Herod who was in town at the time.

5. He goes to Herod who wanted to see a miracle but Jesus only stood with out speaking.

6. He is sent back to Pilate again who decides to examine Jesus by a cat of nine tails since Jesus will not speak.

a. They strip Jesus.

b. They Beat Him.

c. They then put on Him a purple robe.

d. They beat a crown of thorns in his head with the thorns going deep into the flesh.

e. They put a reed in His right hand to represent a scepter.

f. They bow and mock Him, showing no respect for God's Son.

g. They spit on Him and pluck out his beard and beat him while blind folded.

h. When the sentence is finally issued by Pilate as he washes his hands saying he finds no fault in Jesus, it is 9:00 AM.

i. It is Thursday morning and Jesus is lead away to be crucified, bearing the heavy cross.

j. Because of His weakened condition, they ask one Simon to bear the cross.

PP. They finally come to the place of the skull where they nailed our Savior to the Old Rugged Cross.

QQ. Jesus had been mostly quiet because he was the one that was "Born To Die" for my sins and for yours.

RR. Jesus was the Passover Lamb, slain for our substitute.

SS. I want to look at some of the things that Jesus, who was BORN TO DIE, said while he hung on that cross.

II. Body

A. "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do."

1. Luke 23-34 - "Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots."

2. He forgave the false witnesses that testified against Him.

3. He forgave the accusations that were hurled at him during the trial.

4. He forgave the laughter of the crowd as they mocked Him to scorn.

5. He forgave the denial of Peter who had sworn that He did not know Christ.

6. He forgave the one that gave Him the stripes on His back.

7. He forgave the one that spit on Him;.

8. He forgave the one that beat the crown of thorns into His head.

9. He forgave the soldiers that cast lots for His garment.

10. He forgave the one that drove the nails into His hands and into His feat.

11. He forgave the one that beat Him with a reed.

12. He forgave the ones that put the purple robe on Him and made the others mock the Kind of Kings.

13. He forgave the lies that were told.

14. He forgave the illegal trial.

15. He forgave the Roman Procurator who sentenced an innocent man because of shouts from the crowd.

16. He forgave them for releasing a murder in His place, Barabas.

17. He forgave them for consorting with Judas to take Him in the Garden where He was praying.

18. He forgave them for scattering the disciples.

19. He forgave Peter's denial and the lack of loyalty of the others.

20. He can forgive us just like He did them.

a. He can forgive our sins of the tongue.

b. He can forgive our sins of thought.

c. He can forgive our sins of treatment of others in an unchristian way.

d. He can forgive our sins of worry and fretting about things in life.

e. He can forgive our pride.

f. He can forgive our omissions of the right kinds of things from our lives.

g. He can forgive our neglect of spiritual exercises.

h. He can forgive our sins of Negative thoughts.

21. Illustration - The Lord's Answer

A man once said to a servant of the Lord: "I am such a helpless, miserable sinner; there is no hope for me. I have prayed, and resolved and tried, and vowed until I am sick of my unavailing efforts."

"Do you believe that Christ died for our sins, and rose again?" was the reply.

"Of course I do."

"If He were here on earth in bodily and visible form, what would you do?"

"I would go to Him at once."

"What would you say to Him?"

"I would tell Him that I am a lost sinner."

"What would you ask Him?"

"I would ask Him to forgive and save me.

"What would He answer?"

The man was silent.

"What would he answer?" came another question.

At last the light came into his eyes and a smile of peace stole over his face as he whispered, "He would answer, "'I will.'"

This man went away believing, rejoicing "with joy unspeakable and full of glory." Jesus had heard his prayer and had forgiven his sins. Since then this man has been working faithfully for Christ who saved him for nothing that he had done only because he came to God by faith.

B. "Today thou shalt be with me in paradise."

1. Luke 23 - " 39 And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us. 40 But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation? 41 And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss. 42 And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom. 43 And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise."

2. Both thieves were dying for crimes that they had done.

3. Both thieves knew about Jesus being the Christ and that He was not guilty like they were.

4. Both thieves knew that they were guilty.

5. Both thieves asked Jesus for salvation, one from selfish motives and the other from a faint hope that Jesus would remember him.

6. One thief mocked Jesus asked Jesus to get him out of his predicament and to deliver him from the punishment of sins without seeing his sins as God did.

7. The second rebuked the other because he knew that Jesus was innocent and they were guilty.

8. He saw his sins the way God looks at them.

9. He placed all that was left of his life into the hands of Jesus, trusting Him alone for his salvation.;

a. He did not need baptism to save him.

b. He did not need good works to save him.

c. He did not need a special service at a church to save him.

d. He did not need a special prayer to save him.

e. He did not need to do some good works to be saved.

f. He did not need a priest to sprinkle holy water on him.

g. He did not need a rosary to hold in his hour of torture.

h. He did not need to repeat a prayer with meaningless words.

i. He did not need to pay money to the church.

j. He did not need indulgences.

k. He did not need holy communion.

l. He did not need to give money to the poor.

m. He did not need to join a certain church.

n. He did not need to go on a Mormon missionary trip for two years.

o. He did not need to pass out the Watch Tower literature.

p. He did not need to pray so many hail Mary's.

q. He did not need to hold on fast to the end.

r. He did not need to live a life of works.

s. He did not need to win souls.

t. He did not need to teach a class.

u. He did not need to be on a board.

v. He did not need to serve on a committee.

w. He did not need to be a mighty man of prayer.

x. He did not need to be an example in the community.

y. He did not need to get a Bible education.

z. He did not need to be sprinkled by the priest.

aa. He did not need to do his first communion.

bb. He did not need to even get last rights.

cc. He did not need any of what most false religions teach.

10. All he needed was to see sin as God saw it.

11. All he needed was to trust God with a life that was in the process of dying.

12. All he needed was to lose his pride and call on Jesus the Lord.

13. All he had to do was to realize that being saved is a real privilege.

14. All he had to do is to submit all he had to the arms of Jesus who can raise the dead.

15. Illustration - Doubt or Sin?

Dr. John Sutherland Bonnell tells about receiving a telephone call from an officer of the military who had just arrived at the Pennsylvania Station. The officer had only two days leave, being on his way to the Pacific, but instead of spending that time with his family he had come all the way to New York for an interview.

Dr. Bonnell put aside his other plans and told him to come over. Across the desk the military officer told that he felt he could not go into the battle in his present state of mind. He had lost his faith. He was upset by his doubts. He had ceased to pray.

Dr. Bonnell interrupted and said, "I am not the slightest but interested in your doubts. I am not going to waste my time or yours going into them. Tell me about your sins."

A full minute of silence passed without a word. The silence was broken shortly after Dr. Bonnell asked the military officer if he had pictures in his wallet of his family

He did! The pictures were put on the desk where both could see them and the truth came out in a burst of tears as the military officer confessed what he had done. He went to God with his sins and began to confess through the tears and when he was done, he had gotten back his assurance and was ready to go into battle.

Repentance was what had been needed. Repentance is also what this neurotic generation needs!

C. "Woman behold thy son."

1. John 19 - " 26 When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by, whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy son! 27 Then saith he to the disciple, Behold thy mother! And from that hour that disciple took her unto his own home."

2. Do you see how Jesus cared for others even in His death?

3. He said that his mother, sister, brother, etc. were those that do the will of God.

4. There are two commands in the Old Testament that embody the whole of the laws of the Bible.

a. Love God with all our heart and soul and mind.

b. Love our neighbor as our selves.

5. In the Old Testament it was hard to do this because they had never seen anyone that lived what the law required.

6. Now Jesus has come and man can finally see in this Godly Holy Life what God had been talking about all along.

7. As we see Jesus dying, we see Him living out what the law had said all along.

8. The simple act of providing for his mother by having John become the adopted son showed what a man who was born to die could do in living for others.

9. In fact, the whole death of Jesus had nothing to do with serving self, but in serving God the Father and saving the souls of those that had nailed Him to the cross.

10. He was showing how we could be if we will follow Jesus every step of the way in our lives.

11. As He suffered long, so we should suffer long.

12. As He envied not, even so we should envy not.

13. As He was kind, even so we should be kind.

14. As He lifted not Himself up, so we should not lift ourselves up.

15. As He was not constantly seeking His own way, so we should not seek our own way.

16. As He was not easily provoked, so we should not be easily provoked.

17. As He was unfailing, so we should be unfailing.

18. When we follow Jesus to the cross, we follow him in all the qualities that made him the lover of our souls.

19. Following Jesus makes our lives filled with love.

20. Following Jesus makes our lives filled with peace.

21. Following Jesus makes our lives filled with longsuffering.

22. Following Jesus makes our lives filled gentleness.

23. Following Jesus makes our lives filled with Goodness.

24. Following Jesus makes our lives filled with faith.

25. Following Jesus makes our lives filled with meekness.

26. Following Jesus makes our lives filled temperance.

27. Following Jesus makes our lives filled with no ill toward our neighbor.

28. Following Jesus makes us fulfill the law of God because our desires change.

29. Following Jesus makes us love without dissimulation.

30. Following Jesus makes us abhor that which is evil.

31. Following Jesus makes us cleave to that which is good.

32. Following Jesus makes us be kindly affectioned to one another in brotherly love.

33. Following Jesus makes us in honor prefer one another.

34. Following Jesus makes us not be slothful in business.

35. Following Jesus makes us fervent in spirit.

36. Following Jesus makes serve the Lord.

37. Following Jesus makes us rejoice in hope.

38. Following Jesus makes us patient in tribulation.

39. Following Jesus makes us continuing instant in prayer.

40. Following Jesus makes us distribute to the necessity of saints.

41. Following Jesus makes us given to hospitality.

42. Following Jesus makes us bless them which persecute us, to bless and curse not.

43. Following Jesus makes us rejoice with them that do rejoice.

44. Following Jesus makes us weep with them that weep.

45. Following Jesus makes us be of the same mind one toward another.

46. Following Jesus makes mind not high things but condescend to men of low estate.

47. Following Jesus makes not be wise in our own conceits.

48. Following Jesus makes us not recompense any man evil for evil.

49. Following Jesus makes us provide things honest in the sight of all men.

50. Following Jesus makes us if it be possible live peaceably with all men.

51. Following Jesus makes us not avenge ourselves.

52. Following Jesus makes us give place to wrath.

53. Following Jesus makes us if our enemy hunger, give him to eat or if he thirst give him to drink.

54. Following Jesus makes us not be overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.

55. But the only way to do this is to go to the cross with Jesus and to be crucified with Christ.

56. As Paul said, we have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts if we are truly saved.

57. If that is not your experience, you need to check it out and see if you are really in the faith.

58. Illustration - Can You Qualify?

Charles Fox writes of "'God's five-ranked army of decreasing human weakness.' Concerning this army, many of us can qualify if we are:

Foolish enough to depend on Him for wisdom;

Weak enough to be empowered with His strength;

Base enough to be kept in the dust at His feet;

Nothing enough for God to be everything."

59. It takes the cross to make us willing to be what we should be.

60. Illustration - Others

Lord let me live from day to day

In such a self forgetful way

That even when I kneel to pray

My prayer shall be for others.

Others, Lord! Yes, others!

Let this my motto be!

Lord let me live for others,

That I may be like thee.

Have I done My Best For Jesus?

I wonder, have I done my best for Jesus,

Who died upon the cruel tree?

To think of His great sacrifice at Calv'ry

I know my Lord expects the best from me.

How many are the lost that I have lifted?

How many are the chained I've helped to free?

I wonder have I done my best for Jesus

When He has done so much for me.

The days that I have wasted are so many

The hours I've spent for Christ so few;

Because of all my lack of love for Jesus,

I wonder if His heart is breaking too.

How many are the lost that I have lifted?

How many are the chained I've helped to free?

I wonder have I done my best for Jesus

When He has done so much for me.

I wonder, have I cared enough for others,

Or have I let them die alone?

I might have helped a wand'rer to the Saviour,

The seed of precious Life I might have sown.

How many are the lost that I have lifted?

How many are the chained I've helped to free?

I wonder have I done my best for Jesus

When He has done so much for me.

No longer will I stay in the valley

I'll climb to mountain heights above;

The world is dying now for want of someone

To tell them of the Saviour's matchless love.

How many are the lost that I have lifted?

How many are the chained I've helped to free?

I wonder have I done my best for Jesus

When He has done so much for me.

III. Conclusion

A. Now comes the end for Jesus on the cross.

1. Matthew 27:46 - "And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"

2. John 19:28 - "After this, Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the scripture might be fulfilled, saith, I thirst."

3. John 19:30 - "When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost."

4. Luke 23:46 - "And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost."

5. Then it follows fast and furious.

a. An earthquake tears the temple veil from top to bottom.

b. The graves open and many appear in the city.

c. A Soldier confessed that this was the Son of God.

d. People began to smite their chests because Jesus was truly righteous and had died.

e. They came to break the legs of the thieves.

f. Since Jesus was dead, they pierced his side and out came blood and water from a broken heart for sinners.

On the night Christ was born just before break of morn

As the stars in the sky were fading

O'er the place where He lay fell a shadow cold and grey

Of a cross that would humble a king.

Born to die upon Calvary, Jesus suffered my sin to forgive.

Born to die upon Calvary, He was wounded that I might live.

Jesus knew when He came, He would suffer in shame

He could feel every pain and sorrow.

But he left Paradise with His blood He paid the price

My redemption to Jesus I owe.

Born to die upon Calvary, Jesus suffered my sin to forgive.

Born to die upon Calvary, He was wounded that I might live.

From His throne Jesus came,; Laid aside Heaven's fame

In exchange for the cross of Calvary.

For my gain suffered loss, For my sin he bore the cross

He was wounded and I was set free

Born to die upon Calvary, Jesus suffered my sin to forgive.

Born to die upon Calvary, He was wounded that I might live.

Dearest Lord ever more May thy Cross I adore

As I follow the path to Calvary.

Of thy death I partake; My ambition I forsake,

All my will I surrender to thee.

Born to die upon Calvary, Jesus suffered my sin to forgive.

Born to die upon Calvary, He was wounded that I might live.

B. Thank God Jesus Was Born to Die.

1. Because He was born to die, I can be owned by God.

2. Because He was born to die, I can have Christ as Lord.

3. Because He was born to die, I can be In Christ.

4. Because He was born to die, I can be a servant of Righteousness.

5. Because He was born to die I can walk in the Spirit.

6. Because He was born to die I can be saved by the power of God.

7. Because He was born to die, I can have eternal life.

8. Because He was born to die, I can have heaven as my home.

9. Because He was born to die, my spirit can be alive by the power of the Holy Spirit.

10. Because He was born to die, I can enter into His rest.

11. Because He was born to die I can live for others.

12. Because He was born to die I can have spiritual vision.

13. Because He was born to die I can believe in my heart and be born again.

14. Because He was born to die, I have made Him the end and scope of my life.

15. Because He was born to die, I have sought God with my whole heart.

16. Because He was born to die, I have decided to obey unto righteousness.

17. Because He was born to die, I have decided to love God with all my heart.

18. Because He was born to die, I want to love others to tell them about Him.

19. Because He was born to die, I will hold the truth in the Word of God.

20. Because He was born to die, I don't care about the sins I used to commit.

21. Because He was born to die I don't care about the Old Man, let him be crucified.

22. Because He was born to die, I can be free from sin.

23. Because He was born to die, I don't care if I lose my life because I will spend eternity with Him.

24. Because He was born to die, I will repent of all my sins and give them up for the lover of my soul.

25. Because He was born to die, I now see my sin and how awful it was to nail Jesus to the cross and how vile and corrupt I am.

26. Because Jesus was born to die, I will accept Jesus with all that he is, it does not matter, Savior, Lord, Master, my all in all.

27. Because Jesus was born to die, I want to have that type of love for others as I follow Him to the cross.

28. Because Jesus was born to die, I don't care if I lose the World.

29. Because Jesus was born to die, I will be saved and live forever with Him in Heaven.

Let's Pray!