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The Rants

This page is where I'm putting all of my Rants in Lieu of a live journal. Yeah I'm lazy but I'm working Damn you!

My Rant:


Well this week is starting off with a bang. 9 1/2 hours I worked yesterday and I'm tired and don't want to work today. Oh well I'm just a bit tired and haven't quite fallen asleep yet. This is a good thing due to the need to prepare for the game I am running this weekend. This game takes place in the Dark Tower universe and I've been wanting to run the game for many years now. I'm even developing my own combo character classes for it. I'm about ready to go off and sleep but I will make sure that I finish things up before Saturday. The next hope is that the snow holds off until Sunday. In other news I am home finally for a long amount of time and that is good. What is also good is that I get to start watching "Kingdom Hospital" Tonight and from what I've heard thus far on it I am in for a pleasant surprise. I have also just gotten my slayers music cd so that will also be played today as I write my psych notes. Well seeing as I don't have too much time left I will leave you and hope you enjoyed the Black thunder update. I'm unsure as to the update status for Sunday but I assure you something will be placed there. Have a good day.

Last updated 1/16/05

Hello beautiful people of the world! This is now my second page of the Black Thunder Strip so enjoy its thundery awsomeness! I am home this weekend and thus I have been unable to scan any good stuff but here me it will be good in the end for this time next week will have a Pookle comic coming in late! Why late you ask? because I am to be role playing for much of the weekend. Friday will be the first BESM game run by George and then Saturday will be the premier of my Dark Tower game which will be a monthly event and then Sunday I'll be playing the Warcraft Game under Robbie due to him moving to alternate Sundays. I'm not sure how long I'll be able to do the alternate sunday thing but I'll give it a try. Anycase things are going to be busy and thus the lateness thing. Well that's about all for now I'm heading off in order to work on the finishing touches for my Saturday game.

Last updated 1/12/05

Well I admit it isn't a pookle but I found this going through some of my old suff and couldn't resist it! This is Black Thunder a character that only had one comic and one real appearance. The last of the comics that I had put out as a part of a high school comics collaberation called death...something comics I admit I don't remember and don't really care that much. There were some good ideas in that period but not much good in the way of story and art. Pookle even had a partial role in this but it was conceived about one or two years earlier. Black Thunder was probably the best selling of the comics that we put together making us a grand total of $75 which is amazing for a comic that sold for about $0.05 an issue. Any case over the next few updates I will go through this comic one page at a time and it will show up on the archieves page (unlike the Live-In-Tokyo stuff if you remember that). As far as this week is going well I'm working through Lord of the Rings: The Third Age and I'm pretty much bored. This is an ok game but really I have a feeling that the makers didn't really put all that much work into it. The graphics are good and there are some fair extras but it lacks in story and story is really what drives most RPGs. You follow the fellowship in pretty much a straight line throughout the game. This is FF X without a good storyline and the ability to buy and sell items or talk to people. Anycase it isn't a total loss and playing in evil mode gives a good kick. I mean I loved smashing Gandolf with the Balrog. I am also back in the saddle again with my Slayers d20 game but unfortunately the game started on a surprised note meaning that I didn't know I was to run the players just decided that I'd run last friday instead of trying the normal game. I've sense caught up and plan the next quest to be something really fun. I've also been put on crisis call on every Friday during the day which sucks royally. But what can I do? I can't fight the powers that be or at least not yet. Well this is enough rant today seeing as I gots to hit the kenzerco boards.


Well Sorry for the late update I kind of forgot. My mother came in to visit on the way to her conference in Richmond. I got some help w/ some cooking it looks good so I'm hoping things will turn out well at work where I plan to take out my cooking there for those people to find out. I'm trying to watch the series "Love Hina" and I'm pretty much hooked on it right now. I'm of course not making much sense due to me watching the show so I'll talk more on Wednesday where I have something special planned.


Well I'm back and faster than ever due to me finally just giving in and connecting w/ a higher speed connection. I've been very busy this break but I won't bore you with the details. One thing I have found is that Love Hina is an excellent Anime series and well worth checking out. Connecting through cable has its problems however due to the difficulties I had yesterday w/ instalation (easy my @$$!). Well anycase I'm sorry for not saying more on my return but you can be conforted w/ the fact that I'm going to update Sunday. The comic is at around 45% completion. (50% involves the coloring process which is also a pain) So anyway have fun and enjoy the updates.


What did you think that I'd forget to do my 100th pookle? I did have some trouble with getting to it due to my online capability being shut off for the last two days. And when does it come one? The moment before I have to leave for home the computer starts working again! Currently I'm uploading this from my parent's home. The surprise for the 100th issue is that Pookle is to be produced in color from this point on. Unfortunately due to the holiday season and me being in Covington and far far away from a scanner I won't be doing pookle this Sunday or wednesday. Look for pookle to return about 1/5/05 if thing run slowly which they may do. Anycase best wishes to all in this time.


Things are getting pretty darn close to issue #100! It's even been uploaded onto this site so that even if I decided to try and start home on 12/21/04 I can still post it on 12/22/04 so long as I have a computer w/ an online hookup. For those of you that are really really handy w/ online stuff you'll probably have already managed to sneak a peek at it (shame on you!). Some of you may be pleasantly surprised and some of you may be dissappointed but I'm done with it so you'll just have to cope either way. I'm actually finishing up "Mortal Kombat: Deception" today and as far as games go it makes a 7 out of 10 in my book. This game is pretty darn fun w/ lots of unlockables, a psudo RPG to assist w/ learning the other character's moves as well as a puzzle game and a chess style game. They went all out on this but the controls are a little bit clunky in my thoughts and the fatalities are extremely hard to pull off. Overall it is a good game. Also as far as my role playing is concerned my Spandex Heroes game is officially over at this time and I'm going back to running Slayers d20 weather Joe decides to come back to the game or not. Too many people demanded it and seeing as I won't be able to game the next two fridays due to family obligations and One Eyed Jacques being closed on those days it is a good time to start up w/ something new. Also the Warcraft d20 game that I'm in is being held off and another individual has decided to take the slot w/ a BESM 2nd edition game. If anyone has BESM 2nd ed in PDF format be a kind lad and send me a copy. I've made a rather interesting character and I've got something to look forward to on the first week of January for my return. In bad news...I'm working late tomorrow so please send your well wishes. I'm also making a desert to take to work due to us doing a weird kind of desert exchange thingy. Well that's it enjoy the updates and have fun!


Well it's on time darn it! For those of you still with me the count down to #100 is almost finished and well it looks like things are going good. #100 will probably be on time but keep in mind that it wil be something nice and a good surprise for all. It will also be the conclusion to the Christmas shopping series that I just know you all love so dearly plus something special. Any case I'm back at my little ranty phase and that's good. Well I hope everyone w/ a cell phone did the no call list thing due to telemarketers getting access to our phones January 1st. In good news I've near finished w/ Mortal Kombat Desception and it raises the question: Why do they think that replacing all Cs w/ Ks is a cool or Kool Idea? I mean really? I'm going to sign off now so enjoy.


Sorry about getting the comic up late but I am a little bit out of it lately. The comic was drawn early. Any case you're going to enjoy this indeed. Anycase I hate to run but c'est la vie!

Last updated 12/5/04

Bet you didn't think I'd have #95 up on time did ya? Well I have and it's up! My online problems appear to have been solved as I am no longer being kicked off of the web every 10 minutes. This is good and therefore life is temporarily good. I can't talk long due to me having to finish up my house cleaning so I can decorate for christmas time. I'm not too religious but I do participate in the holiday of worship held dear by my family. Any case I do think it's cool to have a time of year dedicated to peace instead of killing each other. A big news flash! I beat Final Fantasy X-2! It's hard to believe but after almost a year of playing the thing I finally beat it. Unfortunately I was unable to do so with 100% completion so I'll have to come back to it later on after beating other pet peive games. Anycase I guess I've rambled on enough for today. See you on Wednesday!

Last updated 12/1/04

Well my friends I am sorry for the wait but of course the new comic is up. I ended up breaking a bit early due to a little accident I had on Tuesday. You see I was cooking dinner when my pager went off and as I grabbed the pager with my protected hand I ended up grabbing the very VERY hot sheet with my unprotected hand. For the next few days this hand was pretty much useless to me and then of course to follow up this wonderful injury I had to go out on crisis call and have someone tell me for 5 ½ hours how to do my job. I did however have a very relaxing Thanksgiving away from everything that was of home including this site so while I apologize for not making a new pookle I am not fully sorry. Other developments which I will not get into have left me in quite a financial stir so I am quite angry with myself. I’ll pull myself out and probably can do so. Actually with the figures I’ve come out with I will be able to make up what was spent pretty easily and will be in the black next month. No extras for me though. Most of my friends should be pleasantly surprised this year and I’m sure that the gift giving spirit isn’t quite over yet. I have finished my Christmas shopping with the exception of two items which are picked out and shall be ordered on the 1st. I’m planning currently on keeping pookle current and remember #100 is only about 3 weeks away…or more depending on how things work out during the holidays. Any case pookle viewers take heart and enjoy a brand spanking new pookle episode!


Well I’m back and on time and will be later. I’d like to say that most of my down time was spent on the web site but I’d be lying. I’ve become employee of the month and I guess that’s a good thing but again I’m not sure. I’ve also been busy working on Ratchet & Clank 3 as well as my first time playing Fall Out. I’m pretty impressed with the game. Anycase as the thanksgiving countdown continues. I can be fairly sure the Wednesday update will go up but probably the Sunday update will not come up due to no scanner. But one never knows so stay tuned. Also I am doing something for #100 that will change pookle from here on out so definitely stay tuned!


Well I'm sorry for no new pookle but I found this and I thought this would be cool. I used to have access to Adobe Acrobat Picture Editor and could color my work. I eventually hope to do so again one day but unfortunately It will take some time. Either way work has been very brutal and I'm working nights more often than naught. I'm hoping to do some things soon in order to make up for my absence....Abobe Photoshop! That's the name I was looking for! Any case I'm hoping to make it up to you later on. The comic by the way was called Live-in-Tokyo it was kind of an odd comedy about a pair of roomates in Japan trying to eek out a living. I started this before reading MegaTokyo and stopped after I started reading that comic. Anycase my program access is less now and so is my time so farwell!


Well sorry for not really having much this week but time has been a bit hard to find lately. I did manage two new Pookle comics so that's got to ammount for something. Any case I didn't sleep at all on Sunday and therefore I've been paying for it all week. Well lets start with this weekend. The Slayers d20 game was very well received this time round and during hte night I was able to formulate a new quest I just need to transfer my ideas from pencil and paper to CPU. I then went home and watched the Michael Moore film about 9/11 w/ my father (who is an avid democrat) and w/ my grandparants. I then spent the day on Sunday w/ my mother relaxing. Unfortunately for me I decided this would be a good time to take a trip to visit my friend Jacob in Roanoke. We watched "A Day at the Races" and "Saved" then I stayed up the entire night teaching him and his brother how to play D&D 3.0. I think I did a good job of it but the lack of sleep combined with the 5 hour trip back was a bit much. I also got to visit Nina & Rocky on both the trip out and back. It was a good visit and everyone needs to wish her luck on her GED because it is tomorrow night. I also missed one debate but managed to catch the last one. I have yet to understand how Kerry has managed to come out on top of the polls due to his presentation seeming a bit put offish to me but at the same time I am glad. This week I also managed to get the last of the DVDs on off budget spree that are Star Wars: Episode I and Episode II. I have currently filled free time with watching them and have not played Silent Hill 4 once this week. I do plan on beating the game saturday though so that I can go back to FF X-2 before I lose interest. Any case after today I'm headed to richmond where a new ongoing game campaign is going to try and start wish it luck and wish me the luck I'll need in order to enjoy it. Enjoy the Pookle. More on it's way next week.


Well I know I know "Where's the update?" Well I could just lie and say that the scanner is on the fritz again but I'm just being very lazy about it. Though it isn't really an excuse I got the Star Wars trilogy and of course have been busy with that during this week. I'll probably be through this phase by Tuesday so that's when to expect the next update. As far as this weekend, well the game went better than expected. I got several players that were new and lost a few temporarily and not because they disliked my game (or at least that's not what they said). We had a quest that I thought was dull but the group praised it yet again. I really loved being able to spend time with my mother this weekend and really hated to see her go back to Covington Monday. That and my printer at work konking out on me had me in a pretty bad mood this week. Only Star Wars and Final Fantasy X-2 have saved me from this. Now the printer is fixed and I'm feeling a bit better (which is good because when I'm depressed I end up buying stuff that I shouldn't). Also Excel Saga and Hand Maid May came in. This is a feeling of excitement so I will still be busy but not too busy. Tonight you should see an update to the Character summeray and a little teaser comic to go with this Blog. CAIO! ;)


Well it's almost 3:00 and I finally get my lunch break. Well I got to drive about an hour to go to a training that is manditory for only 30 minutes then drive back. The only good thing about this is that one of the Consumers that I had scheduled managed to show up around the time I got back and I now don't have to worry about tracking him down. Anycase I got some great service from

with ordering at "Super saver shipping I got a package mailed on the 21st on the afternoon of the 22nd. Which leaves me far richer than many fan boys that ended up not getting a copy of the holy tilogy on dvd due to trying to buy it at a Wal-mart. I haven't gotten to view it of course but look forward to the honor soon. I also got a book labled "The Dark Tower" the last of the Steven King "Dark Tower Series" that's been going on for at least 20 years if not longer. I'm currently re-reading the series so I'll know what's going on when I read the last books. This is a great series if you don't know of it then snag a copy of "The Gunslinger" an read through it starts a bit slow but the series has really picked up steam and I believe it will be one heck of an ending. Well this weekend is the peanut festival in Emporia and I plan to attend it with my mother so it translates as no sleep until Saturday night for me due to me having to work hard on completing the Slayers d20 quest by friday. Oh well, enjoy the pookle and have a great weekend.


Well I'm sitting in my living room on my lunch break and writing this thingy. I finally beat most of the games on Sonic Collection and am working now on finally beating Final Fantasy X-2. I know I've had it for a while and I've said this before but I plan to really beat the game this time. Any case I'm also working on my Slayers d20 quest due to s very dissappointing last game due to illness. As far as pookle is concerned one can hopfully expect this to stay on scedule but I have to do some heavy cleaning but I am going to try and draw the thing and post it by Thursday. Any case how about some feedback? I mean I have a forum now but I hear nothing from anyone (of course that could be due to me not actually having much of an audience). But anyway good health to you all and I am out of here and back to work.


Well this is an unusual thing me posting a rant on a Wednesday. But in any case I wanted to apologize for my shortness yesterday. I was quite tired and had to take off from work because of it. One the good side I finished the Lord of the Rings and enjoyed it more than I remember enjoying it in high school. But perhapse it's due to the reading I'm used to. A scientific journal it ain't. I'm getting ready to get in on some All Flesh must be eaten action this weekend and I hope that the Zombie Master Comes through. If not I do plan on runnig my Dark Tower game during the times that the guy can't run. Any case I'm almost finished with the pookle but a nasty little thing called work is holding me up. It will be posted eithe tonight or early on Friday. I've got to get back to work now so you keep busy now.


As expected the forum hasn't taken off but at the same time it's good to have one just in case. Well currently I'm taking off from work due to illness. If I'm still feeling the way I am today by tomorrow I'll work towards seeing my PCP (not the drug but the doctor). I had a good visit to Roanoke and unexpectedly visited a historical spot. Anycase my family reunion turned out well and I enjoyed the weekend but was sick this morning. Any case I'm going to go back to sleep which hopfully will trigger me feeling better.


Well Pookle fans we now have a forum within which we can talk Pookle suff. I now believe that this looks like this is a real webcomic in the forefront at this time. I really don't really care much about posting. I'm heading to my family reunion this weekend but I am not going to be deterred so one can expect a comic this tuesday. Enjoy...


Well the storm has passed and it looks like Richmond took the brunt of it. I'm a little worried about relatives in the area but I'm hoping that they are all right. I have found that my local gaming store is good though. I hate the weather here! I managed to beat two games over the weekend and Monday. The first is Resident Evil: Dead Aim actually all things considered this was a fun game well worth renting but not worth buying due to the extremely short nature of it. Most resident evil games take me about 4-6 hours to complete on the first run through but this one was done in 2 1/2 hours which makes it very very short. But again I enjoyed the game and the style was inovative so it's worth a lookout anyway. And of course monday I beat Sonic the Hedgehog off of The Sonic Collection and had fun with that. It took me a few days to master the levels but when I came back to it monday I managed to get through the whole thing all right but I think it would be better with a save option. All of this is of course coming from beating and not putting off La Pucelle Tactics again which is something I am fond of doing. Well I'm doing all of this and at the same time working on finishing Excel Saga after borrowing it from a friend but it's due back Friday and there's a lot to watch. It's all very weird and complicated but at the same time fun to watch but not worth a buy. Anycase I got up the comic as promised and have a forum in the works so I'll bring you more later.


I bet you didn't think I'd be getting back on schedule! Well I am and I'm sticking to it. Or at least I'm trying to anyway... Currently my life is going to get less complecated in well...October mayhaps. I've got to balence out quite a few things and then decide weather or not to go back to school for my doctorate in psychology. Of course with the way that I spell It's definately not in English. I'm ready to definately leave at this time seeing as I'm trying to go over stuff with my insurance agent and get my stuff down right.


For those of you new to the site I welcome you with open arms. I am saying this due to taking up registration on TWC and I am proud to join the ranks of other comic owners who are on the wide lists of unique site domains such as Angelfire but anycsae this means that I am headed back to the TT schedule again. I hope that you like the new comic format I hoping that this will work out well. Any case this is all for now seeing as I need to get back to work.


I know I know you're asking "Where's the pookle?" or maybe I'm still talking to nobody like the individuals I work with on a daily basis. Anycase a pookle is in the works and should be finished up soon. I just want to have a good pen in order to do my drawings and I'm off to Sam's Club to get one seeing as the last ones have been a bit light and I'd rather one to be able to see the drawings I do. Anycase I'm also working on some advertising so keep a look out.


Ain't it nice to know that I'm working on a comic? I know it's a bit slow in response and it isn't in the quality that most usually get but at the same time I'd like to think that I'm moving towards improvement. I'm trying to work on getting my pookles better to read and prettier to look at. The last one's art quality should eventually match with some darker inking when I can get myself some nice darker pens. Oh well. I'm heading home this weekend in order to go to the west virginia state fair. I know it may not be worth it but I like a good tradition. Anycase you can enjoy the new pookle and hopfully I'll have another one up within the week. Who knows, maybe I'll get it solid enough to work towards getting a two per again.


I know what the two of you are thinking..."where's the new pookle" Well It's not done and I will make sure it goes up sometime soon. I've had a whilwind week thus far and haven't really had the energy to do anything. As a matter of fact I won't be writing much more here either. I go on crisis call tonight so this is my usual brainstorming night for Slayers d20 but I've got most of the stuff down so maybe if I don't feel like crashing I'll settle in and do some work on a pookle comic. See you later.


I don't really care much for dentists. I got a 30 minute wait for him to tell me that the reason for the pain was that the teeth were uneven when he finished last time so I had to endure the drill yet again. UGH! On a happier note we had a rahter fun online game last night. I actually took the part of the leader at that point and helped to rescue a character that was imprisoned. We were successful and no one died. Whew! Anycase I've been working and working lately and want to sleep. Taht of course is not a grantable wish for me due to Sunday being my only real sleep day and paperwork mountains waiting at work. What's worse is that the office is going through a medicaid audit and I have to be extra careful (Why couldn't they wait until after I get off of probation). Oh well just 9 more days until I'm off of probation. The New pookle comic is on it's way I just haven't really done much work on it. Should have it scanned and up before Monday. See you all. :0


For what it's worth there were no crisis calls last night. I do so hate that little pager I have to keep with me on Wednesday nights. But if I didnt' have crisis work on Wednesdays I would be tempted to game on wednesday nights and that wouldn't be any better for my Thurday mornings than the crisis calls and it wouldn't pay as well either. I've been doing will with keeping my money in the account this time and have been fighting temptation. I find that the best thing to do is to not go and look. Really the next budget I need to hit is my food. I really spend a lot in this area and it's no wonder that my constant exercising doesn't fully pay off. I'm going to try and limit my food happy days to Friday night and Saturdays. I have also completed my list o common spells from Slayers d20 for a friend of mine. I've been progressing in my level of trust and have managed to lend out the first two Slayers series in order to better educate the group. Note that the series boxes are not out both at once. Well I've been rambling but again I'm a bit nervous about the dentist office today. I hope that he doesn't find anything that needs to be worked on. That would be a pain. Oh well my watch is telling me that lunch is over. See you later all!


I know it's odd being back and writing my blogg to no one now a days but at the same time I just don't really know how to get the news out so I'm not really in a hurry anyway. This project started out as something that would be fun...turned to work and then became impossible to keep up. Well now it's about the fun again and things will be on a more laid back schedule from now on with updates that will take place @ least one time a week but hopefully more. A lot has happened since May but the biggest thing happens on the 15th where not only will I have been in Emporia for a year but I will also be off of probation and considered a full time employee. Whew! I'm almost there and can see the light at the end of the tunnle. I'm currently angry with my dentist due to there now being some pain and sensitivity in my teeth when there was none before (and I had cavities then!) so I have to go back yet again on Thursday so he can have a look see and find out what's going on. So many things to debate so little time in my lunch hour. Anycase last bit of news. My Slayers d20 game is highly amusing w/ the players and I've been trying to get some more. The group is still very much fun to run and I hope I can keep it up. I think I'll be making a poster in which to throw up at the game shop in order to get more players interested. Anycase I'm headed off now see you whenever you come by. ;)


I know it's odd but yes I'm sort of back in business. I'm trying out some new stuff and well my comic is the best thing to experiment with. If any of you are still out there well I'd be welcoming you to check by here around once a week to see what's what. You may be pleasantly surprised.


Well I've been busy lately... This weekend's gaming sessions went fairly well. Our friday game was a little boring but still not too terribly bad. It seems that people are still interested in coming to my game on next friday but I've lost two members. Thankfully the loss doesn't seem to be because of my game. One member seems to have up and disappeared and the other was banned from the store for stealing a leather miniskirt (I know it's strange). Otherwise my core group is doing well though I wouldn't be totally against getting another member just in case. Saturday's game is also struggling with membership and I'm starting to wonder about the game myself....but I blame my low interest on the setting more than the GM. It's just harder for me to get into the Warcraft setting. Either way though I still plan to stick it out to the end I'm sure I'll get into the setting eventually. I also got to watch House of 1000 corpses the other night. That was a fun little movie and I enjoyed it even though most critics think it sucks. Also I've had to spend a ton of money due to many of my quarterly products have run low or run out such as printer cartages and meds, etc. Also the sixth installment of Stephen King's dark tower series is out and I had to obtain a copy. I'm such a wimp when it comes to getting the new product involved with my favorite series much like my mother w/ Harry Potter. I'm going to a conference tomorrow in Richmond that shall be on for tuesday and wednesday. I've gotten clearence from work and it looks good thus far. It's on SSI/SSDI or "disability" to those unfamiliar with the terms. Anyway I've talked long enough. Take care all and see you whenever!

6/11/04 Hello again. Well last night was fun I got home and decided to run just barely getting home in time for my friend's online game. The story isn't much but it isn't too bad and a friend of mine (Scott) has decided to join the group in his own way. Unfortunatley his plans didn't quite work out like he wanted. I'm playing a mobile mountain as one of the players dubed me so It's pretty easy for me to get along with the group seeing as my character has the peronality of a mountain. Which is to say none at all. I can't believe that my grocery bill was $80! That's what happens when runs out of most of those rare items at once but really I guess I can suck it up. I've started on my dinner diet at this time eating only chicken and a green veggie for dinner during the week. Tonight I'm going to try and stop my friday habbit of getting beef jerky and actually get a sandwich for once. I'm still getting used to writing just journal entries but thus far thus good. I've been writing quests for both my slayers game and the richmond trip game of "All flesh must be eaten". Thus far I've done good map wise and need more time. I hope I can get it. In a final note I finished up watching Slayers Next last night and was very happy with the ending. If anyone here likes anime & or fantasy and hasn't seen the slayers should do so right away. I personnally am trying to save up for the last series installment of Slayers TRY. Oh well I got a game tonight and I'm running out of lunch break. Back to paperwork.


Well I'm back! I know it's odd and awkward to start up like this but I have other things to do at home so I figure my first entry in a long time should still have some attention to it. Today I have managed to continue looking for a medical doctor. I've been told by my boss that the only four doctors taking new patients in Emporia are unavailable to me because of a little thing called "duel agency". So thus the closest place I've found thus far is Petersburg and I need to get a perscription on my allergy meds seeing as that's run out. Well more on that soon enough. I'm thinking of trying to draw some of the enemy chracters from my slayers d20 game that I run on every other friday if I have the time. Anycase I have to get back to work so catch you later.


Well it looks like I can't really access the keenspace site and with things at the end of my rope I'm going to have to end this for now. I'm not getting any real readers here or at least if I am no one is responding. With the new job I have working crisis I just don't have the time to keep this up. I've also dropped one of my online games as well. Anycase the site will remain as is for a while but will eventually become a Ranma 1/2 fan site. I can store the comics here though. Anycase I want to say it's been fun and It's been good. I'm hoping that I'll be able to start this up if I can find enough time and/or demand. Anycase it's been good CAIO!


Sorry guys but after Monday night's mess up (which I don't really want to talk about) I've been more or less spending time thinking of a good way to apologize to some of my friends. Any case Pookle is wrapping up on this site and I must say it's been pretty interesting thus far. Pookle's had 74 issues thus far and I can safely say as long as I can get the site up and running on Keenspace I can easily go 74 more. Anycase I think I'll be able to get the last comic up before the weekend is out. Anycase enjoy the comic.


I told ya I'd have one up! I left my old stock at work so this is one of the few originals I've done in the last few years. I'm still working at the site and who knows maybe we'll have a seemless transistion. Any case I'm glad that I won't be traveling this weekend. These travel things really suck you dry. I'm still looking forward to friday and so should we all. Anycase I guess my work is done for the day. CHAO!


Well as stated before all good things come to an end and so does this. Pookle 75 will be the last pookle aired on this site in it's current form as pookle will move. I'm going to force my hard headed self to do this move by shutting off that part. This site will not go off the air however and will be dedicated to Rumiko Takahashi's Ranma 1/2 strip so don't leave if you like that otherwise though you will see a new stip tommorrow. So not worries and with luck I'll have everything ready by the time we hit #75 and won't that be grand!


I bet you thought I was taking time off to work on starting up my comic on Keenspace wern't you? Well you were wrong! I was slacking off and driving from Covington to Emporia in the driving rain and even managed to catch the tail end of a tornado that didn't quite touch down. I got to see the funnel cloud though and I can tell you there is just so much fear that someone can take. Well to make a long story short I unpacked and then did my online game with Nate and the group then didn't want to bother with drawing the thing. This time though I did come through. I'm ready to attempt more reading on how the complex process works with this freaking Keenspace program. Why cant they just use HTML format like they do here and stop trying to make things "easy". If I've learned one thing during my time spent in the mental health field it's that all attempts to make things easier always make them needlessly complecated and longer than the original. Any case I'll keep you posted as to when things change for the site as for now though just stay here and keep up the good reading. 4/8/04

Thursday's just snuck up on me now hasn't it I'm tired I don't really want to speak right now due to me having too many Consumers but I did find the time to do my updates. Here you are.


Has it been this long? Well I don't care much for stalling the move to Keenspace but really it is a new system and I haven't had the proper time to learn it yet. I'll get it soon enough. Anycase I've started on something called OpenRPG and it seems that the online games have moved to it. I'm quite happy with things as they are but I'll not stand in the way of advancement and it kind of blocks cheating. Well I have a staff meeting so I'm going out.


Well I’m ready to fall asleep here. It’s Thursday already and that’s not a good sign. I’ve starting working towards my first work at interviewing someone for a position and paperwork I don’t really need at this time. Even sadder news came to me when I found that someone that I know has died. I can’t say who but for those of you at home reading “you don’t know this person” more or less anyway considering. I’m about ready to go out and pick up a Consumer for their med injection so I’ll have to scoot. Oh as far as the Crazy Gunman story I do believe that it will be ending quite soon. Actually it’s pretty much over. Well take care all!


Web trouble plus confusion is the main reason that I'm not on keenspace right now. First off I have no idea how to work their system. Second the password thingy is having trouble again. Too many bugs in that system! It looks like I'm working on charts today, charts, charts, and more charts. I hate charts! Anycase I want to be the first to morn the death of the webcomic Avalon due to the creator deciding to move on to a new project. I'm not really happy with this seeing as I've actually enjoyed the comic but you can't stop him. I doubt any of you really like pookle enough to say weather you'd care if I moved on. But unluckily for you I'm not tired of the series yet and still plan to keep on trucking. Anycase Best of luck to all and I'm going back to work.


Well I'm close to feeling better. My mother is coming to visit me this weekend and there's still a lot of cleaning to do. I've got a new game that I'm in on the weekends but still need to roll up my character for it so that will take some time as well tonight. So much for playing The Suffering before the weekend starts. I've cleaned up quite a bit yesterday but am tired of it already. Oh well still plenty of work to do. For those of you eagrely awaiting my move to Keenspace well the wait will have to take a little longer seeing as I don't yet have the ability to access my site. They did start me off though as you can see here which is more than a little disturbing well I've talked enough for one day so see ya.


Definately no comic on Saturday due to me being gone. I'm going to be staying in Richmond this weekend and helping a friend of mine move. It will be good to see them again. Due to my friends moving to Cleveland it has made them hard to get ahold of. I'm glad to see them back in Virginia insead of moving to Washington State wich was their other promenant choice. It makes for easier access for them and for us due to charlottsville being the midpoint between friends and family for them. I envy them for being able to live there. Emporia is okay but is a 5 hour drive from the majority of my friends and family. But as promised you'll start to see where this "gunman" storyline is going to Tuesday. As far as the move to Keenspace is concerned...I received the password yesterday but it does not work but I was also told that it won't likely work for possibly 5 more days so I'll keep you posted.


Well in case you're wondering about the gun toting psycho in the comics ever reaching Pookle well the story is going somewhere and I do plan on wrapping up this storyline before I leave the site. I'm not really sure when keenspot will slide me the password but I'm patient and shall wait for it. No worries, things are fine on my side. Got the game "The Suffering" the other day and really have found it fun. So long as you don't mind blood and gore "The Suffering" is a really good survival horror game. It has many aspects from Silent Hill but the main character is a very tough guy. You can feel safe with him at the helm and there's no real bullet shortage. We also had the pirate game last night. This is Nate's new game and thus far it's all right but I reserve judgement for now. Anycase enjoy the pookle goodness.


And thus time rolls along... I must say that things are definately moving. Who would expect that I, the biggest quitter with a super short attention span would make it to 63 Pookle comics and still be continueing onward...oddly enough I'm still content for the time being anyway. Well it is definate, this site will be keenspace! I don't truely know if it will bring more viewers to the page or what but it will provide a larger amount of space than is supplied by angelfire and that makes the move worth it in my book. I'll have to learn a new web script so things will be looking shabbier than usual to start out but I guarentee that things will improve. I'm not totally switching for a while but my comic has been approved and not turned down so thus things are going to be good for a little while. I am hoping to be churning out more of the pookle goodness you lucky few have seen and maybe with the keenspot name attached it will improve the outlook. Anycase that's about all. I'm hoping to have a comic up Saturday so stay tuned. I'm not moving yet and WHEN I do you'll be routed to the right place so stick with it my fabulous friends.


Yawn! I'm tired today and just want to sleep and my boss has offered the perfect sleeping pill...paperwork. I feel like I'm being buried alive here. It's nasty what one has to go through to get some free services in this place. Nice form that takes about three hours to do then have the Consumer sign a billion others to cover your butt. Today may just be residue from yesterday due to me having to get my taxes taken care of. I'm trying my best now to get my pookles done on time so don't lynch me yet true believer. I even have some changes in the months ahead that may broaden my readership. Either way I'm out of time.


Hello all got the new pookle up. I'm sorry for being late but things just wouldn't fit together regular enough at work. I barely had enough time for luch seeing as I had 8 people to see. I'm headed out now cause time is short see you later.


Sorry about the lack of pookle but the comic should be done before the day is out. I wasted time gaming when I should have been drawing. But that's life. My weekend was ok, I got to see the new mall in Short Pump VA which is pretty neat because I got Grandia II for $15. Can't resist that kind of deal. Any case that's what I've been doing, other than paperwork. I'm still waiting on the big bosses in Emporia to give me the day that they are going to do the training but they of course are silent. Well I'm headed out. Check out the site either late tonight or tomorrow for Today's comic.


I'm sorry about the late update but better late than never. I've been bogged down with paperwork. I'm going to head off now. Sorry about the short blarg.


I'm sorry for copping out on the comic for today. But worry not true believers ther will be a new one on Thursday. As you can see I created a lame little banner for Pookle. If you wish you may place this on your link to pookle that's on your website (I assume you have this linked already! Heh) As you my notice the site has changed a little. I have pretty much fully dedicated this site to Pookle but have left a few sections up and running. The remainder of my pics are in the about me section. The Product section has become the Garland awards and will be updated once and awhile when I find something that impresses me one way or the other. That's why my ratings are still here. I must alas get back to the mounds of paperwork awaiting me here. Bye.


Well the new pookle's up. I'm getting a bit tired lately. I think It's the weather and me not sleeping well. I have been re-reading the dark elf trilogy by R.A. Salvatore and have rediscovered why I got through the three books so quickly. I thought that the interest would have died away but oddly enough I can still barely keep myself from reading at least two hourse and I'm reading at a much faster speed. This series was definately a jewl and to be recommended for any fantasy reader. One should think of it when they can. I'm definately ready to fall asleep now but alas...paperwork calls me from my typing so I must leave you enjoy the pookle.


Sorry about there being no pookle. I've been busy with many things so here's a pic of my new exalted character instead. He's tricked out majorly and I hope that this increases survivability. Anycase I've got a lot of work to do so I'm headed out. Enjoy the pic.


Well this is Valentine's day...well I guess this day's not really ment much to me due to be not being too romantic at this time. Anycase due to this I don't really feel like making much of a rant so there.


Well it's closing in on old valentines Day. The day itself has little meaning for me but I do have a pookle that I've been saving since October for it so I'm looking forward to it. Yes, we have a new character in or midst. Feel free to comment if you like. He'll be around for a while. One of the problems with any comic strip is that usually when a writer starts to run out of ideas they introduce a new character. No problem with that at all but the cast of characters ends up swelling. Arn't you glad that I waited this long to introduce him. Really in the end I believe that there is only one character taht's left from my older pookle days that hasn't been introduced. He'll be coming around much later so no problem there. Anycase, enjoy the show.


Oddly enough the original date this comic was done occured in 1996. I find it interesting that this topic could have been so fresh back then yet we still had such a tragedy on 9/11. I still think that this is an good subject. As the great comedian George Carlin said. "I believe that you can joke about anything" This is true enough I believe that bringing humor to most subjects is a good way of helping things along. Anycase enough of my rant on this subject and on to the regular stuff of the day. Well I'm back at work but not fully healed. I'd say that I'm doing well but still have a temporary hit to my Con score. (Boy isn't that a geeky sentence!) I'm still keeping up the good work and doing stuff on time. My mother is planing to pay me a visit which means that I'm taking up the mop and bucket again for the lovely task of cleaning the house. My cats knocking over everything don't make it easy either. Oh well, I got the first issue to Silent Hill today and I'm pretty well satisfied with it but IDW Publishing seems to let them slip by with a lot of cursing. Though I don't usually complain on this matter I sometimes felt that the words were being used just because they could use them and they were not needed. I felt that part brought down the level of maturity a bit but otherwise I thought it was a good setup and worth a good read. Plus I like supporting a good independant comic group when I can. Well see you Thursday.


I am sick. And I mean physically not mentally this time. I've got a bad illness that's causing me pain but there's too much work to take any time off. Though I did take Wednesday off hoping to get my voice back. I'm ready to go back to bed but I've got to go work. I've watched the Shinesmen this weekend and found that it was still as good as I remember. A funnier show I've yet to see. Anycase I'm heading out. See you some time soon!


Well the weekend was a very rushed event. First I lost my character in deadlands and was pretty dismayed by it. I'm ready to shoot something. I got a total of about 4 hours sleep that weekend due to trying to get together with a friend that will be leaving today for home in Brazil. He will be missed and we had a night to remember. I raise a glass to him and wish him well on his travels. I also in the space of the weekend lost my character in Nate's game fighting a dragon and Josh lost his character in My game due to party disagreements. Again a long debate session with little action. Anycase enjoy the pookle will be starting on the next one today. Oh if you see a pic you like I'd grab it because I'm deleting most of them from my site in able to make room. They're not all going away but only the importatnt ones will be staying.

Last updated 1/29/04

My Rant:


I bet you thought I wasn't going to post today eh? Well I've got the comic all I needed was the time to put it up. Due to the snow days we've had to come in two hours late these last two days. It's been a mad house here with paperwork and Consumers up my butt! I've finally caught up to today's notes so I'm going to do my update now. Yes I am back to drawing pookle and on time as well. I'm looking forward to the Deadlands game and hope to run my old character in it but can't be sure that the GM will let me. I'll have to find out later. Anycase I'm going for now you enjoy the update now.


Yeah! Pookle has hit #50! Yes this isn't my art but the art of someone much better than me. I had a guest comic done in honor of Pookle hitting 50 stips. I apologize for my lateness but alas things stay as they are. I'm 100% sure that as long as I have electricity there will be a pookle thursday as well so this is a good thing I will work towards keeping normal updates as I have in the past. It's been a snowy hell down south with ice and snow and rain and more ice. In fact we've been closed for the last two days. I learn this only after making the trek to the office of course. Friday I discovered that I can get back into the deadlands game and that is just darn cool! I can game weekly and that is fun. I've also been online a lot seeing as I played online with Nate & Josh into the wee hours of the night. For a little info on our guest artist. Nate is a student at Virginia Tech good at furry art and other various D&D related art stuffs he's very much into sci-fi and fantasty and has been a friend of mine since high school his stuff is good though I doubt you'll see his art again. Unless he'd like to return. Unfortunately you will have to make due with my art next comic. See you then!


I know that there's no new pookle but #50 is supposed to be special and I'm playing the waiting game on it. Right now the thing is out of my hands and I've got some yelling to do. Yes I do have #51 ready but it isn't going up till I get my finished version of #50. I watched "Crumb" not too long ago and thought that maybe my art needs some working on so I'm trying to spend longer on my comics though #51 doesn't really show it. I'm planning to improve in my efforts and make pookle even better than before. I'm hoping that I can get adobe photo shop in the future and bring you pookle in color. Unfortunately I don't think that'll happen anytime soon due to the expenses involved. Anyhow check back on Saturday and I'm hoping by then that #50 will be here.


Has it really been 5 days since my last update? I've not got a lot of time as it is. Things are back up and back to work. I stayed up too long in a long game last night and shouldn't have. My weekend was pleasant. Got to see my parents and and watch some movies. I'm tired but ready for work again. Anyhow here's pookle and the updates.


Due to me finding out that none of you saw pookle 48 I'll leave this up and try and post 49 on either friday or tuesday

I know it's been a long time but I do have the comic drawn it just needs to be scanned and posed so please check back around noonish to see the new comic. Due to the spectacular effort around work and Pookle #50 The next Comic may take a while but I will continue to update what's left for what it's worth. I figured my comic review section wouldn't be missed and this saves me a lot of time. I'm heading home this weekend and though this is probably a bad Idea I'm still going through with it. I'm about ready to crack but I'm still hanging in there thanks to South Park, my Cats and Final Fantasy X-2. Anycase I'll see you on Tuesday, enjoy.


Some of you may notice that the Comic and Oddball section to this site have shut down. They were just too hard to keep up. If you actually read this section you're welcome to petition it's return but I'm not going to keep something on this site that isn't read and wastes time. Any case enjoy the new comic.


I know I'm late but better late than never. I've been totally swamped at work. The only down time I've had is at home and drawing pookle isn't really my favorite activities when all I wish to do is watch TV and play FF X-2 but a promise is a promise so here we are. I'm kind of relieved that I'll be role playing tomorrow night it'll be good to get away from the clinicly insane and back to the insanity I am better suited with. Anyhow enjoy the updates cause I worked hard to bring 'em to ya.


As you have probably noticed, there's no pookle for today. I have unfortunately fallen desprately behind for two reasons. The first is depicted above. Final Fantasy X-2 was given to me as a present from a friend and I've been on it this weekend. It's kind of like charlie's angels oddly enough. I also had the pleasure of two friends visiting on Friday which is primarily why there was no Saturday Comic. We ate some chinese food and watched movies as well as playing games. It was a good time for all. Lastly as of Monday we had some major changes at work. Though I no longer have to travel to Prince George County, this hasn't changed the fact that the entire system has been changed so that means more paperwork for me and that is why I have not drawn a new pookle. Expect a new pookle on Thursday.


Truth be told I found that this would either be an update today or Saturday and I'm not doing saturday so you'll have to live with today's dopy update. I'm currently working from my uncle's computer seeing as I spent the night here to celebrate the holidays. I'm luckily off till Monday (Woowhoo!). After which things kick it up a notch and I move up work wise. Either way I'm enjoying this weekend, I got a Dragon Ball Z fighting game and am looking forward to getting back at it so here are your updates I'll see ya tuesday.


As stated on the 23rd I am once again back in the saddle and updating my page. What in the world is going on with the world today. I've looked at a CNN poll and saw that Bush got ranked as the most loved male figure in the world. What's with that! A drug pushing alcoholic deserter & greedy idiot who's only goal is to further his own fortune should not be the world's most popular man. What values are we trying to instill in our sociey?! If I go up to a bum kick him around and drink his wine am I to be praised? Oh well, christmas was a good holiday. I got to see Return of the King which by the way kicked @$$! I also got to see Pirates of the Carribean, Finding Nemo, Daredevil and Mallrats for the first time. I only wished that the holidays would last longer. That's why I have tomorrow through Monday off. Anycase I'm still hoping to put in an update for thursday but don't be surprised if you get nothing this is all dependant on me finishing a comic and scanning it today then getting to an online computer so I can do so. Everything is updated except the overlooked Comic character section which will be updated friday I hope. Anycase enjoy.


Well the christmas season is upon us. Forced on those that want do or don't want it to be there. I personally enjoy christmas time. This is the one time of year that represents the warmth of getting together with families and forgetting old fights and anger. Peace can be made and hopefully will be made. Giving is highlighted and things are good as a whole. I will be leaving Emporia and my scanner behind today so this will be the last update for until next tuesday where I promise something new though maybe not exciting. I have managed to get all shopping done but dread dragging my precious cats all the way to Covington on a 5 hour road trip. Our clinic's psychiatrist Dr. Reddy is taking the staff out to lunch today and this is something to look forward to FREE FOOD! In any case it is the season on happyness and joy and I wish all peoples (even the ones I detest like Leonardo Decapprio) happy hollidays and best wishes. Merry Christmas!


Well I've been a bit sickly lately and light headed. The party yesterday was alright but I feel the time would have been served better seeing my Consumers for the month. I've really gotten into the Comic Avalon lately it is definately a soapy little strip and I'm trying not to get too involved in it. I've secured a special surprise for pookle #50 and I think you will all like it. Speaking of pookle due to my recent sickly nature and lazyness I have no pookle for this weekend but you can enjoy this rough drawing of Caroni my recent D&D character. Oh well lots to do and I don't want to do it. bye!


Yes, there will be a pookle and Comic review today but it will not take place until I am finished with work due to losing my lunch at home because I need to get my car inspected. This is a major annoyance to me because it deviates from my intended path in life. We've been swamped and I'm already behind on work as well as the next pookle comic. They will all be done in due time I just need to take a breather. We have our christmas get together tomorrow so my afternoon is unfortunately blown. I need to get my rent in but my check seemingly hasn't arrived yet. I am getting a little antzy but will make my inspection phone and rent payments today. Anyway I'll be back to post the Pookle and Comic review at arond 6:00 PM EST. Tah Tah.


Sorry about the late post but today I was assisting with the Mental Health Support Services get together in Petersburg so I missed my lunch hour This has been an extremely tiring week and it has just started This will be interesting. Anyhow here's the update I don't want to waste anymore time so CAIO.


Well as anyone will know christmas is expensive. This didn't help that my care required around $200 worth of service due to finding out what turned my check engine light on. I seem to not be able to keep a character alive in Nate's campaign but hey guess I can just stay level 1 forever. Oh well I'm currently happy I got the pookle up enjoy.


Oddly enough I'm back on Disgaea again. I can't explain the compulsion to play that game it's amazing. Sorry if you don't see the comic it is coming believe me. I just forgot to upload the thing but It won't matter after a while. After putting up 40 pookles one doesn't really understand the triviality of the whole business especially when one's audience is as small as mine. I'd like to think that it's growing but can't fully be guarenteed about that. Anyhow I've worked on it this week so enjoy the humor. I guess I'm going to stop yapping and go one to the punch.


Sorry for the late update! I'm tying to make everything come up during lunch. I'm currently trying to make sure everything comes together so no one's left out for December. Anyhow enjoy your look I've spent time to update.


Wow! I'm updating on a Saturday! I've been busy at home lately with the new Zelda Collectors eddition. Old school zelda is where it's at! Anyway I'm here to update the page so look below even my overlooked comic character's section is up."


Look I know if you check this site out early you will see no comic up but believe me it is done and all it needs is a good scanning and upload. It will be up by this afternoon I swear! Tonight I have to spend time at Poplar Springs hospital for their annual get together mainly because I have no excuse to get out of it. I dislike big gatherings and people for the most part which makes my vocation an odd choice indeed. I've finally gotten my bills paid though together they have amounted to over $1,000 thus far. I do not like it but they are paid and it is a good feeling to have that overwith. I wish Nintendo Power would hurry up and send me my copy of Zelda. I'm eagre for some retro gaming action. Speaking of Gaming I have put my IRC campaign on hold until I get a campaign setting that I like. Nate has volunteered a game himself so I'm playing a Gnomish rogue which is a switch from my regular characters it will be good to play D&D again even if it's online. Oh well have to wait until sunday for that. Just heard that the new Lord of the Rings movie is going to be out on the 17th and I can't wait. I'll be in Richmond that day or around that day to be sure. Anyhow enjoy the show.


Well I'm back! I traveled many hours and arrived on Monday Morning at 3:00 then went to work. It is cool having a new TV and also getting to watch season 2 of "King of the Hill" on DVD which shall be one of my few self motivated purchases this month. I have college debt and credit debt to pay off this month and that will be nasty. Also my vet bills aren't pleasant either. Bills, bills, bills.... Oh well some things are worth it in the end and I believe this will be a good month oh well I got the new pookle up as promised and am already starting #37 so be on the lookout Thursday. CAIO!


Well it looks like we've arrived safe and sound. I'll never drive to Daniel's again the traffic was horrindous. We ate at Golden Corral and it was one of the best meals I've had in a while. I mean Steak on the buffet as much as you could eat! And it was good steak too! I still remember the meal it was something! Anyway I've done my updates so enjoy that I'm not doing any Saturday update so I apologize but I got no pookle for that day and I'm not about to try and take up the pen here. Anyhow the new Pookle's about 50% done. Well have a good one everybody!


Well I saw that they were doing a Marx Brothers thing for the Thanksgiving parade in New York so I thought about doing a quote. I apologize for the lame update on the Overlooked Comic Characters section but thought that those who might really read it would like to know what issue this freak is in. Next update will be a new one I swear! I beat Disgaea last night and got the sad ending. I might be tempted to play it again and try and get the happy one for now however I don't feel like that and want some action so I'm doing a resident evil playover until the Zelda thing arrives. I've got two lazy clients left on my list to see this month with only one and 1/2 days to go I'm not sure I'll make it but I'll try. Anyhow tomorrow I start out for my parent's home for thanksgiveing taking the longer route by about 2 hours through NC and picking up Daniel. This will be the last time I'll do this seeing as it is shorter to just have him meet me and then go. I'll be bringing my cats along as well which makes things that much more complicated. Oh well I'm going to give it that good old college try. See you in two.


Well the third and final part of the Carpy kidnapping is up. Don't really know what was going through my mind at the time but in a since seeing as I'm salvaging comics from High School I can see how bitter I was then. Oh well bitter humor can be quite amazing in quality. I'm currently watching the appendix of the Two Towers. Great stuff I'd recommend it be done. Calis has had her operation. I've got to keep her away from Carpy for 5 days, no easy task I tell you. The final fantasy game is doing well but I'm most impressed by the new offer that Nintendo is making. For a year subscription to Nintendo Power you get a Game Cube game that has 4 zelda games it is hard to resist. Anyway enjoy the changes they are beginning.


Well I got my copy of Two Towers today and am going to be busy with that for awhile. I'm not here for much today but hope to improve. The pookle this week is a three parter this is part 2 I'm not sure how this will look but we'll see If I get a reaction. Anyway enjoy.


What a day to be around. I've finally finished the Batman: Dark Victory series and I can tell you its been hard to get that #8 who would have thought that one part of a limited series would sell out much more than the others. I picture several people with just their nice new #8 saying "I got the part with the Joker I don't need the rest". Anyhow with the series complete I am going to read it then finally return it to it's originaly owner seeing as I borrowed it over 2 months ago. Anyway the new pookle is up and I barely got it out on time enjoy the fun I got to run!


Not much up for today Had an interesting night last night. But I'll be ready to put up my site work as usual. Anyhow here you are.


Well I've managed to update and behold! I have reopened my comic reviews page! I'm happy to say that I'm working hard and I'm typing this at home. I've had quite a time trying to work and then tryin to run this online game. It's tough but it isn't impossible and it seems quite fun. Oh well anyhow I'm going off now enjoy the site.


Happy veterans day all! I would like to say that even though I'm politically opposed to the president and his pet project in Iraq, that I am in support of our militay men and women all over the world. This isn't their war but they have to fight it anyway. So I want to wish them all luck and hope that they all return home safely. Anyway I wish them well. Pookle is up and seeing as I'm off of work today I'll be updating my usual weekend stuff. My grandparent's visit went off well, the house was clean and they enjoyed the visit. The first thing we did was assemple my other guest bed so now I have two guest beds and my mother's office is now free of it. We went to the Squire House, a wonderful restaurant in Emporia and enjoyed a nice day around the town. Then it was time to say goodbye but I will be back to visit on Thanksgiving. Well enough of my raveing lets get going!


I really should be working but I've decided to go ahead and update my site whilst waiting for a consumer to come in for counseling. My grandparents are coming up this weekend and part 1 of "operation cleanup" went off with out a hitch. Next is the hidious part 2 which involves moping vacuming and other verious cleaning activities. I can only hope taht my cats arn't quite as rambunctious tonight. Anyhow enjoy the pookle and I probably won't be updating this weekend so hang in there.


Not too much time to do the rant this tuesday. My comics came in and I spent most of my lunch break working on my order so I apologize for not appearing. Pookle and everything is set up currently and I'm working on getting ready for my grandparents visit. I'll be calling them tonight as the first step to confirm the visit. Trash will then be tommorrow's chore and then Thursday will be the deep clean. So wish me luck eh?


Well it's been a long week and an even longer day! I went to our game last night and spent most of it talking to the guy at the counter while one guy rolled up a backup character so we played from 10:00-12:30. This is ok but I'd like more game time. Anyhow people were running around breaking the law for halloween so it was just me Tom and George. The next day I closed my First Market Bank account which had a pleasant feeling and started looking for the illusive batman: dark victory, #8. I scanned through 5 comic shops and have been unable to find it. Some guy must have a run on the @#$% things. Well I made it to Sam's club and waited in line for 30 min but I am now a member. I then went to best buy and purchased the new alice cooper cd. which is very nice but will be reviewed later when I feel I've had the proper time to think on it. Any case I feel up to watching a long thriller staying up late and sleeping in. Night!


Well, new pookle is up. I've decided to continue doing my updates from home instead of at work due to me washing dishes at the same time as this. I'm ready to game for the weekend but unfortunately I still have tommorrow to contend with. It seems that Case Management is 20% Client time and 80% paperwork. I'm happy to say that I have gotten a head start on November's paperwork but it's hard to say how long I'll be ahead. Either way I just finished pookle #28 and it will be scanned soon enough. Enjoy!


Well the less tastful pookle is gone to the archive page where it can bask in happy land. I apologize for those I offended with the last strip but many of these are strips that I salvaged from my 4 year high school run and those that have been completed recently are a little more mature (= boring :( ) A friend of mine's father suffered a nasty accident this weekend so she was unable to visit me this monday. No worries the guy's going to be alright but she needed to stay home and keep him company while he took off from work. My hat is off to them (when I wear it that is). At work we are losing one of our case managers and the position will not be filled for around 15-30 days. Unfortunately the CM's last day is friday. While she is on to bigger and better things that leaves us with her case load to be divided amungst ourselves. Ain't life fun! The Computer at work it working nicely but may turn out to be keeping me occupied because I have to transferre much info to it. I have been recently enjoying the game Disgea (a sort of Final Fantasy tactics game that takes place in the underworld) it is a fun and funny game but I have to wonder sometimes because it takes a long time to progress. That's why I bought it I guess...anyway if you're looking for major updates I'm pushing most permanently to the weekend. The rest is reserved for my rant and pookle time!


Well I'm back and this time I've brought in updates! No foolin! I've even changed my quote believe it or not! Yes this is one of those weekends that I have some time to myself and am able to do such mindless activities as this. I've started christmas shopping today and have knocked out the majority of my list already with only five people left to go! I am in a cheery mood because my computer arrived at work! I am very happy about this and have been quite busy working on getting things straight. I may end up taking lunch at work from now on in order to start updating my site better. Anyhow I've done that and you'll be glad to know that in future pookles you will be seeing more backgrounds added in. and for those who have found the recent pookles disturbing it will be slightly toned down I believe after this comic. Anyhow enjoy the site there are lots of things to do!


I apologize up front for not updating my other sections that regularly. I promise new updates this weekend until then though I have no time, sorries. This week has been kind of dull but one never knows what will happen. I may even have time this weekend to update my Role playing section "gasp!" nothing much going on with me right now so I'll let ya'll go.


Well my parents came up for a visit and things went well this weekend. I managed to catch up on rest and do well. Unfortunately I have not been running but plan to jump start myself sometime soon much to my dismay I must be going. Bye.


Well,today was a nasty one. I've still got to vaccuum a bit and clean up so that my parents won't come here and see a messy house. I think that this will be interesting. I am glad to see them after such a long time and I will be glad to role play tomorrow night as well. Enjoy the pookle today.


Well I went on to Cleveland this weekend with my friends Anna and Jacob. We took a long journey that lasted 12 hours in a car on the worst maintained road I've ever been on (Interstate 76 with 180 miles worth of construction). We arrived at Nina & Rocky's place at around 6:30 and spent the night playing soul calibur 2. During the second day we went to the botanical gardens and went to see one of the great lakes(an experience to remember I assure you. The ride home took a hour longer due to leaving later and catching DC evening rush hour traffic. All in all it was a good trip and it was fun seeing my friends together once more. Oddly enough alcohol was not involved in this one. Perhapse this is a fortunate thing. Anyway I hope this is good enough for your need to know attitudes.


Well first off I apologize for those of you that like the Overlooked comic character section it is moving to one time a week. I have however gotten the new pookle up. I found out yesterday that they decided to delay getting me my computer for about a month. It should have been expected I guess. This weekend will be very tireing I have an all day conference tommorrow on adolescent behavior to go to and after that I may yet have to go to greensboro pick up Daniel and come back then I will have to make the 9 hour treck to cleveland tommorrow. I will be tired but hopefully the visit will be good all in all. I will probably be back by Monday evening. Got to clean house today. Ugh!


As you may have noticed I am not doing a pookle for today. As of 5:15 AM on the morning of 10/7/03 my German Sheperd Dechan has passed away. I have known this dog since she was a puppy, the pick of the litter for being the first to figure out how to get out of the box. When growing up she had a wonderful childhood of romping in the woods around our house and doing the things dogs love to do. Dechan was awarded a certificate of training and got an award for most improved pet when she went through dog school. Dechan was not the bravest of animals and would sometimes hid from dogs that were much smaller than she was but she would stick up for her family and that is what always counted. As she grew older she had many problems with her legs including knee surgery and arthritis. These problems thought increasing with age did't seem to bother her too much. Dechan was one of the smartest dogs I've known, she knew how to get people to do what she wanted and relied on it. When we got our other less intelligent dog Sagan she was very patient with the younger dog and rarely took issue with him unless it would involve food. Unfortunately it seems that her problems got the best of her and I can truely say that with my father and mother's constant attention that she passed peacfully and is no longer in pain.


Well I just got back from a wedding, though I'm not obliged to say who's. I've had better times but it is always a special thing to see two people so sure of themselves and ready to settle in for the rest of their lives. I can only hope I can find someone like that one day. Otherwise this weekend I've worked on the new pookle comic and as you see have gotten it up. I've fixed the product section so you may all now see the pic of the gamers. I'm happy to also have gamed this weekend and you'll find a summery in my book. Also to the cat's and my wallet's dismay got my cats to the vet for their shots. So they're all shot up now. I'm writing this with a cat in my lap now so I'm letting go for the day.


What a day! Doctor's days at the clinic are relly hectic. I finally have gotten back on my allergy meds and I've actually been able to sleep at night. I watched an awsome movie this time called "The Gamers" see my product section I'm sure that that any who watch it will enjoy it. Well enjoy the site I'm off.


Let us take some time to examin the peanut. Is this little thing well worth an entire two week celebration? Did I say two week? I meant too weak. They had a parade and a small car show but other than Mr. peanut dancing around throwing peanuts at the kids there wasn't much going on. This has been a nasty week. I'll be going to a Laundramat soon because I doubt I'll be getting the washer and dryer fixed and because we missed so much work during the storm we had to fit in two weeks worth of consumers in a two day period. I now have my full case load of 28 consumers with the final two being dumped off on the other new worker. I don't feel sorry for her though, because she has many more years of experience and only about 10 consumers. Well I've updated the pookle and have added a new feature to the site enjoy.


Nothing new today not enough time sorry.


I'm here at my computer and enjoying the end of yet another day. I'm ready to keel over. I drew three pookle comics today during break and also discovered that I do not like beef nuggets snacks as well as beef jerky. My cats are now loved at work and people enjoy the pics that I bring in. I have included more pics on the site today so enjoy. I also fixed a few broken links so take a look.


Well it has been a few days now and I have once again gained power. I have been asked repeatedly what I went through so I'm going to give you the summery: On Thursday after 5:00 we lost power in the city of Emporia. The wind was extremely loud and I had to bolt my door in order to keep it closed. During this time I could do little but give company to my cats and read. Later on that evening I visited with my land lady Ms. Lifsey to see if she was alright, she was fine and seeing as she was smart enought not to stick her water in the refregerator, I managed to get some so that I might have something with my dinner that night (potato chips and an oatmeal cookie.) After around 8:00 I called most of the friends and family that I knew in the storm's path to make sure they were OK. Luckily none of them turned out to be hurt. Friday morning I woke up and drove to work. There was water and fallen trees everywhere. My place of work, (as depicted in the Hurricane pictures) was a mess but still standing. I figured at that time that there was no work that day. I went back and then started the long process of cleaning. I did not have any means of calling out with my cell phone because the signal was out. This process included raking and cleaning up branches and took till about 2:30. Ms. Lifsey (my 97 year-old landlord) much to my protest also assisted in this effort. After this I called Virginia power and was told that I would be out of power for at least a week. This was the last straw for me so I took off back west to wait it out with my parents. I called the next morning and found that the electric came back on that night. So I am now back and much flustered. That is the story for this time.


Yes, I'm still alive. For those of you who don't know I'm in the middle of a hurricane named Isabel and this is not too pleasant but it could and will be worse. I thought I'd try and get this updated before the power fails. I'll also attempt to get the Bio page updated later on but now I'm going to just update and run. Enjoy.


That's right, there's a hurricane headed my way. The storm is definately going right through my area. I'm hoping that things won't be so bad. Either way Thursday will be landfall and it will be quite an experience. I'll keep you posted later. I took a trip to good old roanoke and got together with several of my friends to hang out. It was a pleasant experience but it did rain the whole time. I'm hoping that we can all be together in the future but who knows. Anycase enjoy the pookle and the updates. Pictures should be up by thursday night barring the storm and power outages.


It's 9/11 once again and I really don't care too much. I am a bit saddened by the whole mess and maybe a bit angry by the way a certian politician has used it to his advantage but otherwise these feelings arn't strong or much to worry about. I felt good this morning because for once I wasn't bored at work. I worked hard and still have work for the afternoon. I hope that this lasts. I am of course going back to the mountains this weekends to celebrate old salem days with a few old friends. This will last the weekend so I'm glad that my land lady can look in on the cats for me. Today is a day of cleaning dealing with garbage and with laundry and with many many empty boxes being stacked back into my mother's car. I'm very happy to be getting my old car back just as I'm sure she's quite happy to get her's. Well I've talked for long enough. Enjoy the day.


Well, I've got a new one up. Not much to see here but you can enjoy this lovely little update. I'm a little rushed so I'll be going now. Enjoy the new stuff.


Well it's Sunday and as promised Pookle is back in business. I've also updated several places on my site. I'm looking forward to the future and hope it to be a bright one. I am now in a group that meets fairly consistantly hope it will last, and plus I am no longer super poor! I am just in the below average spot now. Life in Emporia is interesting and lots of things are going on. I am nearing the final weeks of my initial trianing and am not sure what to think about in that respect. In about 1 year I'll be totally out of my probation and a full fledged case manager. (Man that's a long ways away) My cats (Callisto and Carpy) are doing will and I will have pictures of them on here soon. CAIO!


Well I'm working on catching this site up and making it workable once again. Hopefully Come tomorrow I'll have the new pookle up plus later this week I'll have a surprise in store for you. Any case stick around and you'll enjoy it. Again I apologize for the long trip into nothing but it's been a hard time. I'm doing a little mechanical work on the site today but should have it updated by tomorrow.


I am reminded today why I am not still in real estate. After wakeing up early I have been thrown into the real estate world from morning to early afternoon trying to get a listing done. It was done and I'm glad it is over. I've also got two more interviews for next week in Lovingston and in Alexandria. More set-ups for turn downs I guess. I've updated my site once more with a copy of my rants in lieu of a live journal. Enjoy all.


What is life but a series of boreing set backs and being put on hold. I have to wait once again in order to take some of the garbage in the back of my house to the dump I feel like trying to rent a truck myself. But as promised pookle #2 is up. What can I do I guess I'll actually try and advertise this page again by issue three.
