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Our Baby

Hello and thank you for visiting our baby's website. We want our friends and family to enjoy watching our baby grow as we do. The baby is due on December 3 2002. Presently I have been diagnosed with placenta previa and gestational diabetes. I have been taking it easy since. Our other child, Justine is extremley excited to be a big sister. UPDATE: July 13 2002: Placenta Previa has cleared and all tests have come back normal. The baby is healthy so far. Still have the diabetes and I am on insulin for it. On July 17 2002 I will be having an anatomy ultrasound to determine the babys sex. I will let ya'll know what it is soon as I find out!! Check back next week! P.S. A few of the ultra sound pictures are larger than the others my scanner scanned them to big I apologize! UPDATE: July 17 2002: ITS A BOY! We found out today the baby is a boy. We do need help with something though. We need to decide on a name. We are debating on 2 names right now. Either Todd Neil which will be after the babys father Todd or Keith Allen which will be in memory & honor of Todds best friend who passed away in a car accident a few years ago. Please let us know your opinion we will leave the poll up for three weeks and make a decision then. Also I put the new ultrasound pictures up. Thanks everyone!!!August 2 2002: Ok the name we chose for the baby was Keith Allen. The doctor said he is doing very well and growing at the right speed. Unfortunatly I have developed an allergy to our family cat because of the pregnancy but thats supposed to go away after lil Keith is born. I will put up the new ultrasound picture somtime tonight. UPDATE!! 31 Weeks: Well new ultrasound pics are up. Keith is head down and WAYY down. I will be having ultrasounds and Non- Stress tests every week now till he is born so more to come!!!UPDATE!!! Well on Tuesday November 26th I will be delivering Keith Allen by C-Section at 9:30am Central time......... Next pictures you see of the lil guy will be his birth pics!!!! Well Keith was born on November 26th at 10:25am 9lbs 12oz 23 inches long. I have the page with pics in works right now but its not showing the pics i gotta fiddle with it a little then I will post the link. stay tuned!!! December 22 2002: Well the picture link is working..... Everyone have a great Holiday!!!!!

Ultra Sound Pictures
Keiths Family
Newborn Pictures
Recent Pictures


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