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Help Us Find A Home?

Have you ever Had a dream? There is a dream I dream with every beat of my heart, and with every kiss I share with my children. A dream that only kindness and love can make happen. My dream, is to live in a "HOME."

Hi..My name is Rose and thank you for visiting my little corner of the world. I need help. My family moved to Florida from New York 8 years ago because my husband was in a buisness that turned ugly due to a family buisness gone sour. We ran to Florida without anything to call our own.

My husband has been trying for 8 years to find a secure employment without any luck, in turn put us in and out of apartments, and debt that i never knew anyone could be in.

My husbands parents ended up very sick, I had to move in with them to take care of them. Then they passed away and left the house in my name, along with a house in forclosure, and a whole lot of their debts. My family and I have moved more times than the age of my oldest son!

Now we live in their house which is in forclousure and we put up for sale. Hopefully it will sell before the bank takes it.

But now, finally my husband has had a very secure job for 8 months now but now, no one will give us a mortgage,or rent us an apartment/house due to such bad credit through these tough years. That is why I am crying out for help. I am a very sick girl. I have multiple autoimmune diseases and a heriditary blood disorder called Porphyria. I cannot work now, but my husband is doing great at his employment and is moving up. Please I need your help. We need a house that we can finally call "HOME" It is my only dream. A dream for my children.

We are looking for lease with option to buy or any other miriacle will due! We live in New Port Richey, Florida, that is where my children go to school, this is where I hope our dream can begin. Again, thank you for visiting us and may all YOUR dreams come true!

My Beautiful Children's Names!

View My New Homepage Finished 7/30/03

Florida Family-Campisi's
