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More Information on Kristin Kreuk

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Quick Facts

Full name:Kristin Laura Kreuk

Date of Birth: December 30, 1982

Residence: Vancouver, BC, Canada

Ethnicity: half-Chinese and half-Dutch

Parents: Father is Dutch (Peter), Mother is Chinese (Deanna)

Height: 5'4"

School: Eric Hamber High school in Vancouver

TV shows watched: Friends, Third Watch and ER

Siblings: younger sister, 13

Fav colors: purple and yellow

Fav actress: Jodie Foster

Hobbies: watching movies with friends, dancing, reading, writing, gymnastics

Extended Biography

In Edgemont: Kristin Kreuk plays Laurel (age 16), the urbanite from Toronto on the TV series Edgemont. Recently, Kreuk starred in the title role for ABC's television movie Snow White, scheduled to air Spring 2001.

In Smallville: Kristin Kreuk plays a young girl (age 16) who lives with her aunt. She volunteers at the nursing home, and I think she has a little crush on Clark :)!

Did You Know? Kristin...

Landed the role of Laurel at an open casting call.

Was originally planning to go to university for psychology or environmental studies (and still might someday).

Hates cameras.

Has a small, close-knit group of friends she depends on and really values.

Had never worked professionally as an actor until Edgemont (but had done stage work).

Really loves living in Vancouver (but would move to the U.S. for her career).

Is a "terrible" shopper – ("if I like it I’ll buy it, pure impulse shopping").

Loves Granville Island, especially the food.

Was certain that she'd "suck" the first day of rehearsal (she didn't).

Thinks her fellow cast-mates are really good people.

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