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    11/06- PEOPLE PEOPLE PEOPLE. threr everywhere. kelly comes back tomarrow. yaay. huge spanish test tomarow. Boooooo. weeks gone by fast. yaaayy. weeks been hella hard. boooo. random people are telling me there upsessed with me. UMM????lol. crazy week with so much to do yet it seems like its going by fast. dont understand it. i have better grades than most people. they think im so stupid. but ha. im smarter than them. so pooie on youie. ummm. this weekend. duno. hang with peoples. man we almost have a week off. yyyaaay. thankgiving break. i cant wait. umm. nothin much else. byebye
    11/04- Back to school. errr. english project tomarow. people are coming over i dont even know for dinner. funfunfun. waa when i hit u with the shit do a split take a shit after u eat my shit kungfoo! sry. i stole thps 4 from my mom. yay. its pretty cool. ummm. im bored. hav to film kellys dad. yay. school. yay. life yay. errr. im done.'
    11/02- Homecoming is tonite. im just kinda going to go. going with emily, sara, amanda, n other peoples. kelly is gone to NC to scope out colleges. were going to some resturate beforehand. i duno i think were just guna sit and make fun of people. well i have to go. maybe ill finish later..................................(12 in the morning). just got back. it was alright. emily n caleb were glued to eachother n the dancefloor. me amanda sara, n chris kinda just sat n talked n whatnot. food was good. sara n her old group were late like a motha. lol. but yea it was fun i gues. well im tired. byebye
    10/31- Halloween! everone is gone in my neighborhood n Kelly came over. so it wasnt all bad. we just kinda sat in front of my house and gave people candy, but only if they said trick or treat. there was this like 7 year old with pillows in her ass dressed up as J-lo. chuckle chuckle. We sent out my sister to fetch us some candy n just hung out at the park behind my house. the lights were screwed up though, i gues cus of the time change and all. it got dark sooo fast. like at 6 its already pitch black. thats messed up. n also it got cool all of a sudden, just like WOOOOSSHHH, chilly billy. i mean cold to the point where i was shivering in my hoodie. i hear mike might be coming over some time soon. that will be cool. also i saw marc Dro in mcdonalds n it was wierd cus i hadnt seen him in a loong time. i got a futon in my room. its awsome. tv, phone, futon, refrigerator, geetars, all i need is a computer and an unlimited supply of drinks n food n im set. well i gotsta go. cyas
    10/26- Yesterday was the Zero dying to live premier. it was awsome. it was spot's biggest premier. there were so many people at spot. more than every before smushed into the little street course. the whole foolery crew was there. gleb, mark, taylor, ryan, ME! lol. umm, plus i saw all these kids that i hadnt seen in like almost a year like this kid richard n luke. taht was pretty cool. marc was suposed to come but he didnt. what a bastard. the movie was sick as to be expected. i was waiting to see if thomas would try the leap once more. oh wel. he almost landed a gap i think he tried twice which was a road he ollied off with a two story high tunnel below to the road below it. i cant explain it u hav to see. i wanted to pause it soo many times to just count the steps people like thomas and lindsey and lopez n all were kickflipping. it reminded me of reynolds. there was a product toss and since there was so many people it was like a mosh pit trying to grab a shirt. i just encassed my body in a shirt and fell to the ground bangin my head against hte floor. mark tried to steal it from me. theres 12 premier stops for dying to live. 10 countries. 2 are in the us. and one of those was in tampa. i mean new zealand germany sweeden england. all those and spot it privilaged enough to have a copy. thats awsome. well i duno what im doing tomaorow. i ddint do much today. learned nosemanual shuvit manual (fs). mark style. this kid mark can nose manual till hes just sitting there not moving at all wobbling, then fs shuvit back to regular manual and start moving then balance till he stops. what a bastard huh? well thats it for now
    10/23- had a pretty good week so far i guess. got some B's on some tests adn all is good. kinda. better than usual i gues? umm. going to the dying to live video premier on friday. should be sicksick. besides taht i have no idea what i am to do on da weekendness. i wana film but i dunno, maybe. not at spot newayz. gunna teach sara and emily how to skateboard!! comfy cool couch kory. dont ask. um ::headscratch::. i duno wat else. i gota start writing these newses consistantly. Im out. lol
    10/21- Sill havent been updating lately. actually im grounded rite now but im on newayz. hope me mom dont see this. lol. ive still been really stressed out. ive just been cramming all my thoughts in the back of my head and sooner of later im going to explode. i think i kinda did today but o wel. i dont know wahts wrong with me. ive been having constand blackouts from just sitting there, ive been freeezing and hot at the same time. im just having moodswings like shit. i dont know whats going on. im dying
    10/15- Holy crap. i havent updated in a looonngg time. ive been really stressed out this past week. so much has been going on. school is stressing me out. im lost in history. i have a project in spanish and history due tomarow. life in general isnt going my way. i cant do bs crook but i can fs nose grind nollie pop out. then i try a crook and roll my ankle. i hate me. i dont know what im gunna do. lifes a bitch. well i duno. i just need some kinda miracle rite now.
    10/02-06/02- Nothing too special happened all this week until Friday. Its halloween horror nights. it was pretty fun. we went on all the roller coasters at night so it was awsome. we went on that dr. doom thingy twice adn got on the very last ride of the night. we were talking to some employee that was stealing things off the walls of the haunted houses and got caught. and then michael was holding a pennecillin on his hand so that it would float above his hand on top but there was a camera that was watchin him and this announcer thing was like "PLEASE REMOVE ANYTHING IN YOUR HANDS THAT MIGHT DESTRACT THE RIDE NUMBER 3" or smthin like that. it was hilarious. so we were sitting there flicking off the camera. these chain saw guys in the streets like set up stephanie sooo good. this one guy freaked the hell out of her so shes staring at him behind her so he dosent do anything again, then a guy comes up behind her and like does it 10 times worse. i felt so bad for her. lol. but um yea we were running around in bubbles. if uve eever seen the commercials for those clubs with the bubble machines u know what im tlaking about. head-high bubbles. they get ur pants soaking wet. but oh well. theres these little 2-faced dudes running around in the bubbles. stephanie tried to pull down ur pants. lol. i kept running up behind them and jumping on their shoulders really quick so that gis could take a picture with this disposable camera she bought. the bill and ted show was hilarious as usual. i thought i have seen better but it was still good. we snuck through the weave polls from bill and ted to spider man with this stupid rent-a-cop like guy yelling at us to come back. there was a 30 minute wait for spiderman, then we went on the single riders line and there was this opening for 4 people. it was like a miracle. things never work out that way. ummm. the park closed early cus it wasnt a "peek" night or somethign like that. so it closed at 12:00. but i dont think my legs wouldve made it until 2:00. but we were in the park until like 12:45. cus we were eating cinabons adn whatnot. food was expensive but i guess taht wat u expect. i have a lot of homework and its sunday and i dont want to do it. i have a history test thats humongus and i dont know anything. omg. well until later.
    10/01/02- Halloween Horror Nights is but a little more than 2 days away. Thats gunna be so much fun. But there was confusion in the ticket-getting things. so now im the only one who still dosent have a ticket. woooo. well no worrys. thats where my mom comes in handy. lol. umm. i took mark's advice (taylor said was a bad idea but o well) and got something called Epsom salt which u add to warm water adn soak swolen things in. ive been icing my ankle 3 times a day for 20 minutse. pouring asprocream on it. and doing this new epsom salt stuff. also ive been laying off of it. it seems like for weeks but its only been a couple of days. arrrg. i hope its better in like 2 or 3 weeks. im getting tired of it. i swear im just gunna cut it off if i hurt it one more time. im serious too. ill get a prosthetic. then iff i roll it it can fall off. a pro skater (vert actually) named Jon Comer has an entire leg thats prosthetic and he's pro. im just gunna get a new foot. so yea. ummm. i dunno this week just seemed to be looongg. yet the days are going by fast. i guess cus i havent done anything interseting afterschool. i just feel like its me and then everything around me is just.......i dunno. im not good at........ saying what i feet. but oh well. any who. i was talking to this girl that i met in miami like in 6th grade. it was funny cus she didnt know who i was on AIM so i was messing with her mind. but ummmm. nothing really all too special has happened lately. soo um yea......
    9/29/02- Headache. arrg. long night. taylor, nick, and mark came over my house and did some trampoline skateboarding action. it was fun. only i rolled my ankle again on my trampoline. when i lay off skateboarding cus my ankle i hurt it some other way. taylor was busting out benihanas adn backfooted flips. i was bustin out impossibles, and quad-kickflips. then they left for publix. mark was trying to nosemanual the entire longlonglong like 200 foot ledge. today (sunday). i did nothing. it was soooooo boring. no ones emailing me. no ones signing the guestbook. no ones home. no ones calling me. no ones anything. i dunno. im just........ arrg.
    9/27/02- Havent updated in awhile. umm school is too hard. im sick of it. um. on friday (today) i went to the park with taylor, gleb, bj (energy ghetto backlip man), and some others. i rolled my ankle AGAIN on a switch front board. it sucks. i hate my foot. or ankle. this guy at the park was like woah! ive seen u on the internet. arent u that guy from that saos team? that was wierd. this guy pj can back-footed kickflip like everytime its crazy. he even did one on the bank to fakie. ummmm. tomarow im going to that show. sunday. i dunno. oh yea i got the scariest chain letter of my life. omg its soo freaky.

    heres the letter. theres some bull about a haunted house and how theres a ghost and whatnot. really though its just one of those optical illusions. but once u find it it stands out so much that it just seems like it senses that uve found it. i cant explain it. it explains it in the background words. but its not loud at all so u have to turn your speakers way way up. im serious if you dont do taht it wont make sense. but when ur ready click below. HINT: look near the windows.
    9/22/02- Didn't do that much today. Just kinda sat around... got a CD with the MORTAL KOMBAT!!! song. its great. but what pissed me off is that Taylor said he lost his camera. he dosent know if people are just messing with his head or not. he had better find it. u dont know how much that thing is. its worth more than me. lol. tomarow is school. wooo. i forgot my spanish but luckily my spanish teacher has a site with the homework on it. i printed out this thing its like my sign with my site on it. im gunna put it on my locker. um besides that i guess sometime during the week ill probably do something with stephanie and go get halloween horror night tickets again .
    9/21/02- Went over to that senior Taylors house today. It was fun. i couldnt really skate but oh well. i pulled a couple back blunts, almost back lip, ummmm. i was skating on a bones brigade board or something with negative concave and totally flat, like rodney mullen in rubbish heap. i didnt bring my deck cus i didnt think i could skate. we went to some spots. skated till like 4 in the morning. saw tons of footage. some guy named gleb did a run where he crooked a semi-high ledge then ollied a super humongus double 3 set. like this was a 3 then a 6 foot flatness, then a 3. it was so incredibly huge. yet he says he can barely kickflip. skated cooker's and some other stuff. THERE ARE NUMBEROUS CONVENTIONS GOING ON HERE. got kicked out of this place. it was fun. oh yea gleb also ollied off a 4 set with a bench 2 feet passed the last step. crazyness. we just set up the camera and filmed us skating his rail for hours. today..... um i dunno what im doing. im still wearing taylors baker shirt. lol. and yea tomarow. dont know either. spanish homework. yay. well thats it
    9/20/02- Im getting my halloween horror night tickets today. we got coke bottles cus they give you 20 bucks off. that awsome. cus that like......yea. ummm. stephanie is over here now and were getting ready to go to the mall. taylor sent me all these pics of him when he was a baby. there hilarious..... wooo good times good times. what else what else. ummmmm. i kept on air humping this girl sam. it was great. she kept getting all freaked out...... um i gave out my site like it was a drug today. like to everyone i was like GO HERE. itll be funnnnnnnnn. lol yay. um well i dunno what else so yea.

    9/19/02- Damn, i havent updated this section all week. too much work. ive had tests like boom everyday. ummm. chris is now goin out with this chick giselle (i think i spelled it rite). hey now ur in the news giselle! neways i dont know much about her but o well. yea every time i feel like im understanding spanish class, i get something new laid on me and i feel like an ass....... oh yea i retore the ligament in my ankle.......::sigh::. sucks. im not going back to the doctor. hell no. im not going thru that again. screw it. id rather die. I HOPE YOU DIE. i love that song. wow that was way off subject. umm. in 2 weeks were going to halloween horror nights. its gunna be so much fun. this guy is taking us in his old crappy caravan. the van is demented and posessed. everytime u go past 15 miles an hour the lights go on and off and the door lockers start going crazy. yea were gunna fit 8 people into that thing i think. they took out the back seats so its just like floor. it makes me feel like an indian. i dont know why. but yea itll be much fun. yeayea. then were going to all cram into a 2 bed hotel. yeayea. i just hope my ankle gets semi-better so i can walk without having a damn limp. today sucked. its thursday. and now instead of looking forward to friday i have to worry about all this homework and 2 tests. fun. no. this weekend im going to the mall and getting the tickets with stephanie. JUICEBOX. thats it.......
    9/15/02- AH weekend. goodness. yay. friday i took stephanie to see the tom green movie. ummmm. stealing harvard. yaya. i forgot my history book to study so we snuck into the school and got yelled at by mexicans construction workers. it was all mission impossible style. i have a spanish test on monday as well as a world history test. omg it all happened so fast. then tuesday, a biology test, and a math test. good times good times. well SAMANTHA MACAVOY. (shut up i probably spelt it wrong) told me to put her in the news so i am. shes this chick at our school whos pretty cool b/c she gives us drinks of her smoothies. and u dont understand the smoothie till uve tasted THE SMOOTHE. its so good. OMG. its just like ::heavenly:: AHHHHHHH. its gone before u get ur first sip. but yea thanx for the sippies, or gulps sam. blah. lol. ummmmm. im sore as balls. b/c yesterday i went to the skatepark and u know ive only exercised like once since i started exercising....or moving again. yea oh well. um. school tomarrow. nooooooooooooooo. well until then

    9/12/02- ARRG. This week went by pretty fast. Last week seemed to go by faster and there wasnt school monday. but i gots a packed weekend ahead of me. um. i got the 3flip and the double flip footage. ill add them sooner or later. spanish test tomarrow. spanish is hard. i dont like it. there making us learn about the countries in south america and there capitals. how the hell does that help us learn spanish????? then i have a world history test on monday. god its the second week. i sliced my finger open with a safety pin. it cut deep. hurts like a mother. oh well. ummm. nothing much else to talk about until tomarrow.