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    360fingerflip footplant
    Kory doing a smith on a green electrical box thingy
    Koro breaking his board on his head
    Some of my broken boards
    Bum in NYC
    My autographs of Andrew Reynolds and Mike V
    50-50 to tail 180 revert out
    Boneless Fastplant
    Casper to fakie
    Crook to fakie on quarterpipe
    FS 180 No Comply off a ledge
    Kickflip varial off a ramp with a snapped board
    Treflip on a blank deck
    Hippiejump over a kiddy table
    FS 180 a 3 step
    Flipping a Kickflip down the 3 step
    Catching a Kickflip down the 3 step
    Jason Adam's Autograph
    Little video clip of me with my cast
    NeXt PaGe

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