Litany of the Holy Virgin Mary

The Litany of the Holy Virgin Mary

Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.

Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.

God the Father of heaven,
have mercy on us.

God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
have mercy on us.

God the Holy Spirit,
have mercy on us.

Holy Trinity, one God,
have mercy on us.

O Holy Virgin Mary,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, Mother of God,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, Daughter of the Eternal Father,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, Mother of our Redeemer,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, Spouse of the Paraclete,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, glory of the Father,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, glory of the Son,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, glory of the Holy Spirit,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, glory of the Blessed Trinity,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, glory of the Apostles,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, glory of the Evangelists,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, glory of the Patriarchs,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, glory of the Cherubim and Seraphim,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, glory of the Angels and Archangels,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, glory of the saints,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, glory of the martyrs,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, glory of the heavenly host,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, Jewel of Paradise,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, Bright Star of Heaven,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, Star of the Sea,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, Star of the Morning,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, Star of Twilight,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, Light of Truth,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, Lamp of Wisdom,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, Torch of Justice,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, woman clothed with the sun,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, crowned with twelve stars,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, Joy of Israel,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, Glory of Jerusalem,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, Honor of our people,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, most chaste,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, most pure,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, most immaculate,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, most serene,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, most regal,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, most royal,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, most supreme,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, most illustrious,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, most noble,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, most majestic,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, most resplendent,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, most admirable,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, most honorable,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, most esteemed,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, most virtuous,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, most sublime,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, most prudent,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, most humble,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, most fervent,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, most pious,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, most devout,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, most tender,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, most kind,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, most gentle,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, most clement,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, most loving,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, most sweet,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, most compassionate,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, most comforting,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, most consoling,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, most merciful,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, most forgiving,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, most attentive,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, most watchful,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, most patient,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, most faithful,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, most hopeful,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, most charitable,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, most wise,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, most powerful,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin, most venerable,
pray for us.

V. Hear us, O Holy Virgin Mary,
R. And have pity upon us.

O Blessed Virgin, chosen one of God,
pray for us.

O Blessed Virgin, before whom the Archangel bowed low,
pray for us.

O Blessed Virgin, most favored of all women,
pray for us.

O Blessed Virgin, obedient to the Will of God,
pray for us.

O Blessed Virgin, conceiving by the power of the Holy Spirit,
pray for us.

O Blessed Virgin, loving spouse of St. Joseph,
pray for us.

O Blessed Virgin, giving birth to the Savior, without blemish to your virginity,
pray for us.

O Blessed Virgin, tenderly holding your newborn son, Jesus, in your arms,
pray for us.

O Blessed Virgin, receiving the shepherds with joy,
pray for us.

O Blessed Virgin, honored by the visitation of the Wise Men,
pray for us.

O Blessed Virgin, presenting Jesus in the temple,
pray for us.

O Blessed Virgin, fearful in your flight into Egypt,
pray for us.

O Blessed Virgin, trusting in the protection of your faithful husband, St. Joseph,
pray for us.

O Blessed Virgin, mother of tender solicitude,
pray for us.

O Blessed Virgin, by whom Jesus was raised with care and love,
pray for us.

O Blessed Virgin, first disciple of your son, Jesus,
pray for us.

O Blessed Virgin, at whose request Jesus performed his first miracle,
pray for us.

O Blessed Virgin, widow most sorrowful,
pray for us.

O Blessed Virgin, in anguish over the Passion of Jesus, your son,
pray for us.

O Blessed Virgin, wounded at the sight of your son, bruised and battered,
pray for us.

O Blessed Virgin, in agony as Christ was nailed to the Cross,
pray for us.

O Blessed Virgin, at the foot of the Cross of Jesus,
pray for us.

O Blessed Virgin, weeping as you beheld your son breathe his last,
pray for us.

O Blessed Virgin, grieving as you laid Jesus in the tomb,
pray for us.

O Blessed Virgin, believing in the resurrection,
pray for us.

O Blessed Virgin, filled with the Holy Spirit,
pray for us.

O Blessed Virgin, gloriously taken up into heaven, body and soul,
pray for us.

O Blessed Virgin, crowned by the Trinity, Queen of the Universe,
pray for us.

O Blessed Virgin, venerated by angels and saints,
pray for us.

O Blessed Virgin, our loving Mother,
pray for us.

V. Hear us, O Holy Virgin Mary,
R. And have pity upon us.

Virgin of the poor,
pray for us.

Virgin of the oppressed,
pray for us.

Virgin of the outcast,
pray for us.

Virgin of the down-trodden,
pray for us.

Virgin of the homeless,
pray for us.

Virgin of the orphan,
pray for us.

Virgin of the unborn,
pray for us.

Virgin of the aborted,
pray for us.

Virgin of captives,
pray for us.

Virgin of the exiled,
pray for us.

Virgin of the unjustly accussed,
pray for us.

Virgin of the imprisoned,
pray for us.

Virgin of the afflicted,
pray for us.

Virgin of the abused,
pray for us.

Virgin of the tortured,
pray for us.

Virgin of the anguished,
pray for us.

Virgin of the tormented,
pray for us.

Virgin of the sorrowful,
pray for us.

Virgin of the heartbroken,
pray for us.

Virgin of the lonely,
pray for us.

Virgin of the sick,
pray for us.

Virgin of the disabled,
pray for us.

Virgin of the dying,
pray for us.

V. Hear us, O Holy Virgin Mary,
R. And have pity upon us.

Holy Virgin of Peace,
pray for us.

Holy Virgin of Charity,
pray for us.

Holy Virgin of Consolation,
pray for us.

Holy Virgin of Divine Providence,
pray for us.

Holy Virgin of Divine Grace,
pray for us.

Holy Virgin of Perpetual Help,
pray for us.

Holy Virgin of Good Counsel,
pray for us.

Holy Virgin of Prompt Succor,
pray for us.

Holy Virgin of Good Success,
pray for us.

Holy Virgin, Mediatrix of All Grace,
pray for us.

Holy Virgin, Co-Redemptrix,
pray for us.

Holy Virgin of Guadalupe,
pray for us.

Holy Virgin of the Miraculous Medal,
pray for us.

Holy Virgin of La Salette,
pray for us.

Holy Virgin of Lourdes,
pray for us.

Holy Virgin of Pontmain,
pray for us.

Holy Virgin of Fatima,
pray for us.

Holy Virgin of Beauraing,
pray for us.

Holy Virgin of Banneux,
pray for us.

Holy Virgin of Czestochowa,
pray for us.

Holy Virgin of Siluva,
pray for us.

Holy Virgin of Pompeii,
pray for us.

Holy Virgin of Victory,
pray for us.

Holy Virgin of Loreto,
pray for us.

Holy Virgin of Mount Carmel,
pray for us.

Holy Virgin of Citeaux,
pray for us.

Holy Virgin of Mercy,
pray for us.

Holy Virgin of the Ransom of Captives,
pray for us.

Holy Virgin of Sorrows,
pray for us.

Holy Virgin of the Rosary,
pray for us.

Holy Virgin of the Blessed Sacrament,
pray for us.

Holy Virgin of the Immaculate Heart,
pray for us.

Holy Virgin of the Sacred Heart,
pray for us.

Holy Virgin of the Immaculate Conception,
pray for us.

Holy Virgin of the Assumption,
pray for us.

Holy Virgin, Queen of Heaven,
pray for us.

Holy Virgin, Queen of the Universe,
pray for us.

Holy Virgin, Queen of All Nations,
pray for us.

Holy Virgin, Mother of the Church Militant,
pray for us.

Holy Virgin, Mother of the Church Suffering,
pray for us.

Holy Virgin, Mother of the Church Triumphant,
pray for us.

V. Hear us, O Holy Virgin Mary,
R. And have pity upon us.

Ever Virgin, Mother of the Son of God,
pray for us.

Ever Virgin, Mother of the Savior,
pray for us.

Ever Virgin, Mother of the Redeemer,
pray for us.

Ever Virgin, Mother of the Messiah,
pray for us.

Ever Virgin, Mother of the Lord,
pray for us.

Ever Virgin, Mother of Emmanuel,
pray for us.

Ever Virgin, Mother of the Son of the Most High,
pray for us.

Ever Virgin, Mother of the King of Kings,
pray for us.

Ever Virgin, Mother of the Lord of Lords,
pray for us.

Ever Virgin, Mother of the King of Heaven,
pray for us.

Ever Virgin, Mother of the Word,
pray for us.

Ever Virgin, Mother of the Creator,
pray for us.

Ever Virgin, Mother of the Holy of Holies,
pray for us.

Ever Virgin, Mother of Christ,
pray for us.

Ever Virgin, Mother of Jesus,
pray for us.

Ever Virgin, Mother of God,
pray for us.

V. Hear us, O Holy Virgin Mary,
R. And have pity upon us.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,
spare us, O Lord.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,
graciously hear us, O Lord.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us.

V. Pray for us, O Most Holy Virgin Mary,
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let Us Pray:

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection, implored your help, or sought your intercession was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, I fly to you, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother; to you do I come; before you I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in your mercy hear and answer me.

Litany of the Holy Virgin Mary
Composed by:
Marc Lindsey