Gaelic Litany of Our Lady

The Gaelic Litany of Our Lady

O Great Mary,
pray for us.

O Mary, greatest of Maries,
pray for us.

O Greatest of women,
pray for us.

O Queen of angels,
pray for us.

O Mistress of the heavens,
pray for us.

O Woman full and replete with the grace of the Holy Spirit,
pray for us.

O Blessed and most blessed,
pray for us.

O Mother of Eternal Glory,
pray for us.

O Mother of the heavenly and earthly Church,
pray for us.

O Mother of Love and Indulgence,
pray for us.

O Mother of the Golden Heights,
pray for us.

O Honor of the sky,
pray for us.

O Sign of tranquillity,
pray for us.

O Gate of Heaven,
pray for us.

O Golden Vessel,
pray for us.

O Couch of Love and Mercy,
pray for us.

O Temple of Divinity,
pray for us.

O Beauty of virgins,
pray for us.

O Mistress of the tribes,
pray for us.

O Fountain of gardens,
pray for us.

O Cleansing of sins,
pray for us.

O Purifying of souls,
pray for us.

O Mother of orphans,
pray for us.

O Breast of infants,
pray for us.

O Solace of the wretched,
pray for us.

O Star of the sea,
pray for us.

O Handmaid of the Lord,
pray for us.

O Mother of Christ,
pray for us.

O Resort of the Lord,
pray for us.

O Graceful like the dove,
pray for us.

O Serene like the moon,
pray for us.

O Resplendent like the sun,
pray for us.

O Cancelling Eve's disgrace,
pray for us.

O Regeneration of life,
pray for us.

O Beauty of women,
pray for us.

O Leader of virgins,
pray for us.

O Garden Enclosed,
pray for us.

O Fountain sealed up,
pray for us.

O Mother of God,
pray for us.

O Perpetual Virgin,
pray for us.

O Holy Virgin,
pray for us.

O Prudent Virgin,
pray for us.

O Serene Vigin,
pray for us.

O Chaste Virgin,
pray for us.

O Temple of the Living God,
pray for us.

O Royal Throne of the Eternal King,
pray for us.

O Sanctuary of the Holy Spirit,
pray for us.

O Virgin of the Root of Jesse,
pray for us.

O Cedar of Mount Lebanon,
pray for us.

O Cypress of Mount Sion,
pray for us.

O Crimson Rose of the Land of Jacob,
pray for us.

O Blooming like the palm tree,
pray for us.

O Fruitful like the olive tree,
pray for us.

O Glorious Son-bearer,
pray for us.

O Light of Nazareth,
pray for us.

O Glory of Jerusalem,
pray for us.

O Beauty of the world,
pray for us.

O Noblest-Born of the Christian flock,
pray for us.

O Queen of Life,
pray for us.

O Ladder of Heaven,
pray for us.


Text Source:
Catholic Youth Networking
The Gaelic Litany to Our Lady