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This section here is where i will cover the origins of this game and the people along the way on our progress to here. First off the initial site was based off a mix of a few rpgs mixed with my own ideas. I got into Dragonballz GT rpgs around 2001 when i was a very young lad and quickly found a RPG called Final Battle who went by the tag of Bigdaddy27405 or Bigdaddy27409 and the game was a pretty good one for its time i really enjoyed in and Bigdaddy (Barry i believe it was) and I got along very well and i played many months here.

After playing on Final Battle for a while around a year i say maybe more i came across a few rpgs here and there that looked good and i tried them out but nothing was ever updated consistently (FU&**ng Updaters right..) or its game play sucked ass. Which is why if your out there Barry good job on always updating ALL the time like a true pimp...AND ALWAYS BEING GOKU!!

Next I decided well if no one can keep a site running maybe i can and so i started designing and trying to come up with a decent page and eventually as you can see I did muwahahaha.. At any rate, I had a ol skeezy ass basic rpg with set damages and a crappy system and layouts ect but i got better at coding and designed a good site but the system sucked but had some good points and eventually i lost my internet and got tied up tried to come back a few times but never really had time but hopefully now i can. And then i come back to the internet to play RPGs again...I decided to give all my ideas and info to BIGDADDY and left..

Then i happen to come across what I personally consider the greatest text based dragonballz rpg game of all time the CYBERSAIYJINS RPG. I played on this RPG for a long time about a year or so and had the greatest time playing it i remember it had around One Hundred members and we had the greatest time playin. I started as Kui then when Bardock became available halfway through the game i asked to change to him and got too! I also had a buddy who played as Shin in the RPG i thinkhe changed his character halfway through like me. It was truly awesome and I hope one day Barry and James (CSJ) find this and appreciate that it lives.. Also any CyberSaiyajin players out there?? PLEASE if you are come and join this one we need the throwbacks!!

And now here we are many years after i began roleplaying many years after Final Battle and many years after CyberSaiyajins we find ourselves here on The Saiyan Elite RPG and what happens from here I know not but i do know this wont last forever and like all the other great RPGS before i will one day not be able to keep this thing going but until then PLAY ON