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People Metioned:GG, EDGE & Rayn Shamrock
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Can you pass the Test!!!

[Scenes open with Pyros going off as the Pre-Show for Raw starts up and all of a sudden lights go out and right after that lights start flashing blue and a voice is heard. "Are you ready to take the Test?" and then Test theme blasts onto the P.A system and Test comes out with a serious face and walks straight down the ramp with a new video showing on the EWL titron. Test walks down the ropes tighning his wrist band and tapes. Test climbs onto the steel steps with the arena only being flashed by bliue lights. Test turns on the steps and lifts his arms up into the air. Test then walks on to the apron and then through the ropes and into the ring. Test then walks straight over to the turnbuckle and climbs it and just looks at the crowd. He then lifts his arms into the air as the crowd start booing him Test smiles, jumps down, and walks to Finkel and takes the microphone. Test looks at Jim Ross and smiles at him. Jim Ross has 5 stiches on his lower lip after being Big Booted by Test. Test then raises his arms and microphone to his mouth and prepares to speak.]

Test: Finally I'm going to put my first man to the Test. Yeah someone has been assigned to face me. And it will also be a Tag-Team Integer match witch will be Me and my girl Gorgeous George will take on the team of Edge and my long time friend Ryan Shamrock. Now have nothing to say to Ryan but all I can say is that GG is going to take you down for me and our future. And remember I know your style of fighting cause don't you forget me and your brother use to be friends and enemies. Now onto Edge. A few hours ago you came out here and proved a point. I know you were all telling what you had on your mind and it was all right and true and will all happen. But exceot for one. The part when you said that you were going to beat me and GG in this match on Raw. Me and GG are ready. I have done all in my power to train GG and I also praticed how to give more power with this rught leg. And Edge you will be the first to take the Test but fail. If you pass then you will move on to the Final Exam when we meet again. You see we are both good athletes and we ae both going after the same title. The Intercontinental Title. Edge I want you to listen carefully right now. After this Tag-Team Integer match let's have our self a match.On Smackdown I challenge you to a Table Match for the IC title. And the rules to the Test are really simple. You will have to put me through a table witch will be very hard for you Edge, Cause that little spear is nothing compared to my "BIG BOOT".

[Test picks up a tank top and ties his hair into a pony tail as he relaxes a little bit. He then gos over to wear Jim Ross is. He lays on the Ropes and start speaking to Jim Ross.]

Test: Know what I really want to know Edge is Can you pass the TEST! Cause in the past in other federations like in the WWF, I use to fail you every time Edge. You haven't past the Test, And you think that you are still, How can I make it sound like your words, Oh yeah you think you the awesomeness of all here in the EWL. Now Edge all I want you to do is over here and show me what you got, Cause I will be in m locker with GG and we will wait for you incase you wanna start the match early, And Edge one more thing. Are you ready for the TEST!!!

[Test music hits as Test drops the microphone and climbs the turnbuckle to recieve a louded bood ever giving to a heel wrestler. Test then rolls out the ring and makes his way up the ramp with a little slick smile on his face. Test then disapears to the back, as all that is left is Test music playing as the show go's to commercials.]