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Glossary for Word Processing

Richard Nelson




It stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. This is a world wide standard. All computers in the world use this code.



A word to a computer is the characters that make up the word and then a space at the end of the word. A word is not a complete computer word until you put the space at its end. This is probably different from what you learned in grade school, where spaces were put between words. Also a word at the end of a sentence is not a word until you put a period and a space.



This is when you make a copy of your master disk to a backup disk, so if something happens to your master disk; you have not lost all the files that are saved on the master disk.



Commands are operations the computer will perform for you. Examples are Save, Open and Print. With Windows you can select a command by clicking an icon with the mouse on the Tool Bar, or click on File on the menu bar.



For holding CD/ROM disks (Compact Disk/Read Only Memory) commonly called the “D” drive. Many computer programs now come on a CD/ROM disk.



There are several different kinds of computer storage units such as:



The curser is the little blinking vertical line on your screen. The cursor tells you where the next character (letter) will be inserted when you type it in from the keyboard. The cursor has other names like: insertion point and place marker. Actually the cursor marks the insertion point on the text screen.



The screen of your monitor that displays some of your applications software icons...and is called the desktop.



A document is typed in text to a computer monitor screen using word processing software. This text is temporarily residing in the memory (Random Access Memory-RAM) of the computer. To preserve this document, it must be saved to one of several computer storage units such as:

In the process of being saved, the document is given a proper file name that describes the text on the document. After the document is saved it is referred to as a text file or just file.



A file is a text or graphics document that has been saved with a file name to a proper folder in a computer storage unit. A file can be plain text, plain graphics or a combination of text and graphics. Note that music can also be saved to a folder on computer storage units.



The floppy disk drive is where you insert the floppy disk. Commonly called the “A” drive.




A named space on a computer storage unit used to save files. There is one folder that is created when the computer is assembled. It is called My Documents. Computer users create many different folders on different storage units to accommodate their files in an organized manner.



Getting a floppy disk ready to have files (documents) saved to it. You can format a disk by right clicking on the 31/2 floppy icon.



A storage device inside your computer for holding and saving software and the files you create. It is usually identified as the “C” drive.



The I-Beam is the presence of the mouse when it is in the Text area of the word processing screen. Notice when you move the mouse the I-Beam moves around the screen. However if you move the I-Beam up into the top of the word processing screen, notice it turns into an arrow. This is so you can select a command from the many possibilities from the menu or tool bars.



Icons are the small-labeled pictures you see on your desktop. The technical name for icons is desktop objects.



The keyboard is an input device.

Keyboard Keys of Special Importance



The mouse is an input device. It appears on the screen as either an arrow or a beam depending on what part of the screen it is located. If it is out of a text area it appears as an arrow. If it is in a text area it appears as a beam. On browser software the mouse may appear as a pointing hand. Also the mouse has two buttons on the top. When the instructions say click it means click with the left button. Right clicking with the mouse usually brings up a new menu so you can make a selection. The selection is then made by clicking with the left button.





All applications software have a main screen. On this main screen are normally a Title Bar, a Menu Bar, a Tool Bar and a Task bar, and a text area where you prepare your document. Each of these are described below.


RAM (Random Access Memory)

This is temporary storage on a computer. When doing word processing, it stores your file (document). When you turn off the computer all that is in RAM is lost. RAM also stores your applications software (like Microsoft Word) until you turn off the computer. The main permanent storage unit for you all your applications software is on the hard drive.



The contents of what you have typed into a computer applications program and/or saved on a storage device such as a floppy disk or hard drive.



The process of posting a file to a floppy disk or hard disk.