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The Yorkshire Ripper

On May 7, 1975 Anna Rogulskyj was brutally attacked by an unknown attacker armed with a hammer and a knife. She was beaten over the head with the hammer three times and her stomach area was slashed. Though she survived, she was so traumatized by the attack that she was unable to give the police a description of the attacker.The man had apparently been stalking her for some time, and had stalked her for many blocks from a bar that she was drinking at that night.He followed the woman all the way to her boyfriend's house, and as she was approaching the door, the man struck. As he waas about to slash open her stomach, a neighbor heard the commotion and called out scaring off the attacker. Because of that neighbor, Anna survived the attempted murder, but other women wouldn't be so lucky......

Profile of a Serial Killer

Portrait of a Killer: Biography
