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Welcome to the Adventures of Cub Scout Pack 308

We feel that it's extremely important to keep the Adventures in the scouting experience.
In order that we do that, we have an outdoor chairperson who coordinates and organizes
our events giving careful thought and planning to each and every activity. Each year we offer
our scouts the opportunity to participate in a sleep away adventure at some type of themed park.
2001 took us to the Kennedy Space Center for an overnight and 2002 will take us to the Miami
Seaquarium (March 9th). We also try to camp monthly to give the kids a real outdoors
experience. There's nothing like going to sleep under the stars and listening the sounds of
nature (even if it is the raccoons digging in the trash). Below we've given you an opportunity
to share with us our adventures. Our kids love camping and can't wait until the next time we
go.......which is never more than a few weeks away! Enjoy! We'd appreciate any comments by
signing our guest book!