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FAU Course Information

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Site Contents & Other Links

Course Information

Class Schedule and Assignments

Chapter Outlines and Questions

NAI/Merin Hunter Codman, Inc.

FAU Website

Palm Beach County Property Appraiser Office

Exam Project 4 Grades

Tucker Road Project & Cash Flow Worksheets

*Tucker Road Worksheet Answers*


Palm Beach Shopping Center Occupany Article


**Welcome to Principles of Real Estate**

Chapter 1 - 20 Outlines are Now Available!
(click on link to Chapters Outlines & Questions above)

Answers to the Chapter Questions are posted on the site the 24-48 hrs following your class in which they are covered!
(unless otherwise noted)

You will need GREEN scantron sheets for the Exam.
They can be purchased at the bookstore.

Don't forget a #2 pencil!



Homework assignments must be TYPEWRITTEN
and are due the day those Chapters are discussed in class.

Homework will be collected during the class period at the instructor's discretion.

Missing a class does not excuse you from submitting your homework on time.

If you will be, or are absent from class,
you must forward your homework to the instructor by alternative means
(i.e. via e-mail @ or fax to 561-640-7844)
and your assignemnt must be received within 24 hours of the class in which it was due!

Next Class 11/09/04

***EXAM Project***

Chapter 18 - Commercial and Industrial Development
Questions - 1, 3, 4, 12


Following Class 11/16/04

Chapter 20 - Home Purchase Decision
Questions - 1, 2

Begin Final Project


Following Class 11/23/04

***NO CLASS***

Happy Thanksgiving!


Following Class 11/30/04

***Final Project Review***


Following Class 12/07/04

***Final Project Due/Presentation***

No Makeups Available


Assignment Schedule is subject to change.
Website information prevails over syllabus.
