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Robert's Blog Pages
Monday, 4 April 2005
I am back!!!!
Mood:  happy
Hello i am back, i was gone for a few days so I did not get a Chance to come in here and put up anything, well here is another picture for you. Its of the Pier in the city where I live, can you guess where? This is where alot of people come to relax and fish, listen to live bands and eat great food, but most come to enjoy the sunset over the Gulf of Mexico.

Posted by MrJones at 1:07 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 30 March 2005
Blogging Again
Mood:  lazy
Ok, today was every good day, the temperature outside was about 80 degrees and very sunny, I spent some time at the beach today and had some wine while I was there.

I went to the store for some groceries that I needed but most of the day I spent at home on my self built computer. I build and repair computers in my spare time, its kinda like a hobby of mine, I am looking to become more serious about it and modify my cases.

I currently have 2 PC's, one in the living room and the other in the bedroom. Well thats it for today, I will be back tomorrow, I have been trying to upload a video clip but have not been able to, I hope soon I can work it out where I can upload some video I have taken with my camera.

Posted by MrJones at 10:35 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 30 March 2005 10:44 PM EST
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My First Blog
Mood:  happy
Hello everyone that reads this blog, this is my first attempt at making a blog, I know alot of people have started and established a blog long time before me. I always wanted to do one but never took the time to create one. So this being my first I will be short and sweet. I found a very nice browser to use instead of using IE, the browser is called Maxthon and it very fast and light. Check it out at: Maxthon Browser

Posted by MrJones at 9:01 AM EST
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