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Q - Can I really Join For Free?

A - YES, you can! You can sign up for FREE and receive a position in The DHS Club's network. As other prospects sign up after you, you will gain downline members in advance of enrolling as a VIP. Then, if and when you do enroll as a VIP, you can have an organization already in place and can begin to develop a Vested Income!

Q - How is this different from a Prelaunch?

A - In a Prelaunch, the company has yet to start doing business and therefore is untested. Considering the failure rates of most MLM start-ups, the odds are pretty good that the company will be out of business within a year or two. The DHS Club decided to first test their marketing and compensation plans, supply sources and business systems, prior to beginning any Internet marketing efforts. The Club has now been in business for over 5 years and has proven the test of time.

Q - What products and services does The Club have?

A - Just about everything. DHS Club has over 200 Stores in the Clubshop Mall. Wal-Mart, Dell Computer, Disney, Staples and many, many more. As a Free Member, you can earn rebates on purchases you make at these stores. As a ClubShop Member you can check everything out at your own pace.

You're able to "Try It Before You Buy It"!

Q - Do I really get an entry for a $100 GIFT CERTIFICATE at the ClubShop Mall for just joining for FREE?

A - Yes. When you join for free, you will also be entered in our monthly drawing for a $100 gift certificate at our ClubShop Mall!

Q - How do I sign up for my FREE ClubShop Membership?

A - Click on link below ---- it will take you to my website where you can then click on the "JOIN FOR FREE" button. We'll then confirm your ID Number by e-mail and direct you to Your Own Personalized Line Report so you can see how your downline network is developing.

Join For Free