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Centropolis Zone: The Alternate Universe, Act 1

Welcome to Centropolis Zone! This top of the line Website features:

Sonic Music!

Act Clear!
Angel Island Zone Act 2
Angel Island Zone Super Bad Future
Aquatic Ruin Zone Beta & Final ReMIX
Chao Karate Menu
Egg Golem
Hidden Palace Found
Hidden Palace for the Soul
Hidden Palace for the Soul 2: The Emerald Within
Hidden Palace for the Soul 2: The Emerald Within - REVISED EDITION
Launch Base Zone Act 1
Launch Base Zone Act 2
Mushroom Hill Zone Act 1
Neo Death Egg Zone
Neo Death Egg Zone Beta
Neo Emerald Hill Zone Act 2
OO Battery (Double-O-Battery)
OO Battery 2: Ivory Finger
Onto......Centropolis Zone Act 2!!!! With Pics, Hoaxes, and Links!
More Music!
My 98745873243287432854th Home Page = MORE MUSIC
My 98745873243287432855th Home Page = EVEN MORE MUSIC

5-22-06: I better put more words in here while it's still 2006. Yeah, May 19th 2005, I hit a me a newer car.....why I didn't say this a year ago....idk.

8-30-05: Sleep....i....need

7-18-05: Wow.....a year just flew by. I better savor the time while I CAN! But yes, this site is still around. I linked some more pages of music to this one. I still refuse to pay for a domain/website/thingy, so I have continued my free business with Angelfire....7_7. Too bad a year ago I hadn't heard of yet, cause now I am laughing at 2 of my past selfs. The one that couldn't find the old MusicMatch, and the one who though he was so smart finding the CD. ECKS DEE to the both of yas. I move back to UCF in Lake Claire August 14th! I wonder if anyone has even looked at this site besides myself in the past year...:/

07-07-04: Unbelieveable. Where does time go? It must be stored somewhere during our earthly travels! O_O;;; The fact is....I graduated on May 15th 2004, WITH Honors. Ironically just a few ago I wsa just browsing through some CDs in the computer room, and I FOUND the disk that MMJB was on. About a year ago, I made the mistake of updating it, and my recording ablilities were never the same. Always time limits on the free programs and such. I had no clue this thing was on CD this WHOLE freaking time. I have made a few pieces since then. My "Jan's Magnificent Abaza" and "Toy Factory (just discovered that it should be KINGDOM) Map". I check into the University of Central Florida on August 15th. I need a new website badly, so I don't have to split up all of my work into separate places and such, I guess I should really rotate my music, cause some of this stuff is old. Well, I don't want to bore you any longer XD. I just wanted to inform you that CENTROPOLIS ZONE LIVES!!!!HAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh and BTW today is my dad's birthday ^_^

10-28-03: Wow, has it been this long already? this year has gone by SOOOO fast, I can't believe I'm a senior in High School....this is scary. But anyway, this page is still well and alive, it's just that my computer of slow, and dones't have much HD space, and my favorite recording program----> MusicMatch Jukebox, no longer features mic recording, but now I have Cool Edit 2000 (at least the trial with the crack). I haven't been able to add new stuff in awhile because I am just so busy.....Marching Band, Robotics Club/Team President crap, school, college stuff, and sleep. Well, I hope you all are doing very well. I'm hangin' in there....somehow. Cya for now ;)

1-3-03: WELCOME TO 2003!!!!! The revised version of Hidden Palace for the Soul 2 is here (done awhile ago but just now had the chance to re-upload it since the "Summer AF Crisis"), Launch Base Acts 1 & 2 are up, and my Brand Spankin' NEW Mushroom Hill Zone Act 1 is HERE!!! I did act 2 a year ago (WOW, it was that long ago??? Geez, how time flies...). Toxic Caves is on hold for now because I am going to do a remake of Mushroom Hill Act 2 because my old one sucks REALLY bad & I have improved on my music analization skills :D

12-30-02: Have Happy New Year! Best wishes for all in 2003!!!! & Hidden Palace Found added....

12-26-02: MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY KWANZAA, HAPPY HAUNAKAH, and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!! I am SO happy that school is over and so sad that Xmas is over :( ....but Xmas vacation isn't XD. More of my classic songs have been added to the song list. ALL These songs were made by me. And you can obviously hear how I have improved over time. My first songs obviously sounded like crap, but my newer ones actually sound like something XD....Enjoy! Expect more classic songs too, and a Toxic Cave Mix by me sometime in the future...

12-6-02: Behold the Power of CHEESE!!!....Erm...I mean Chronological order!!!

12-5-02: SUPER DUPER MAJOR UPDATE!!!!!! Centropolis Zone Act 2 is up and running with pics hoaxes and links AND the Original Centropolis Zone features musical hits made by ME!

10-25-02: Well, well, well.....Look who UPDATED!!!! Wow, has it been 3 months already? I just realised I can add another page! WHOOO!!!!!!!!! Marching Band festival tomorrow! We have had practice EVERY FRICKEN DAY....even today, this week. It is usually just Tues. & Thurs for 6-8:30pm.

7-19-02: CENTROPOLIS ZONE IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I finally figured out how to log back on & get to my webshell!!!!!!! A LOT has happened since I last updated..... STHA51 IKON went dead, I had to finally put A51 EzBread (inside joke) to rest... REST IN PEACE EzBREAD! I WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER J00!!!!! I had to delete a lot of my songs off of my webshell space because AngelFire got cheap all of a sudden & went from 50 megs to 20 megs *Prays that it won't get limited even further*. I LOVE YOU Angelfire!!! Here, I Will give you a surprise..... You know how the Electoria Song is different from the one in Sonic Crackers? I have put BOTH songs together...& they seem to go quite WELL with each other I might add...

3-28-02:00 Battery 2: Ivory Finger-Actually, it is just the original, but it is improved. Also, expect the Crackers Chaotix Circus soon.

3-13-02: W00T?!?!?!?, wow I haven't added anything since Valentine's day!!!, Well I FINNALY made my Flying Battery Zone song. But I KNOW I have some cleaning up to do. But it mostly sounds ok. Try to find the mistakes!!!

2-14-02: HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!!!!!! I added the Major DE Crash pic...

2-7-02: NOW I have to add Sliders stuff..........

2-1-02: NEW Background (I asked about it, no response, so I said what the 4311 *type it into a calcutator backwards to understand*) And Bon Voyage to that unsightly red X.....NEW PIC!!!

1-29-02:Launch Base Zone Act 2 song I made is here now!!!!

1-28-02: *Throws computer down stairs*

12-18-01: I got my GCZ dream drawing up, & am trying to upload my GCZ/CPZ-DE crash drawing.......

1-20-01: Oops, was it a month all ready?????Well I FINALLY DID IT. I recorded & uploaded some songs I MADE!!!!! Mushroom Hill Zone act 2 and Launch Base Zone from Sonic & Knuckles Collection.

12-17-01: Hope you had a happy Ramadon, & are having a happy Haunakah. I am still waiting for X-mas to get here!!!! One more week of school left!!!!! YIPPEKYOKYAY!!!! Anyway, I JUST put up that Master Emerald lookalike Nick Gooozes with Mega Metalic Formula.

12-11-01: I added my FIRST EVER edited pic!!! I know I sound stupid but I am SO HAPPY!!! THIS IS SO COOL!!!!!

12-10-01: New Name!!!! The other one sounded kind of corny. I got the new one from that movie company I saw at the beginning of "Tha Patriot". I saw it on DVD yesterday......

12-9-01: Thank You for being SUPER Patient with me. I'm just starting this whole web page trend thing up. I am still figuring out how to work this #$%@. More to follow........maybe ^_^