Courson Karting











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Thank You for visiting Courson Karting's new site.  Please come back soon for we are still updating it.  Before you leave please sign the guest book. 


I haven't updated in a while because I have been busy.  The site will be undergoing MANY changes of the next few days.  I will finish updating when site is completely rebuilt. 


     Today we had a local race at Jacksonville.  We started the day running stock medium on a bad note.  We had some slow laps times and many other problems.  We finally decided to run our Animal when we blew the head gasket on the stocker.  The day went fine after that.  We were grouped in the back of Super Heavy for our race and we came out with a win.  Here are the photos.

This will be the new look of our new site.  I will be adding more information soon.

-Marshall Courson







 Created, designed, and maintained by Marshall Courson. 2002