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Use and Evaluation of FAO Library Services by FAO Employees - Pretest


My name is Ana Hribar and I come from Slovenia. I am an undergraduate student and I am volunteering at the David Lubin Memorial Library. This survey is a part of my research project.
I would like to invite you to participate in a survey that will help the David Lubin Memorial Library to better understand your information requirements.
Your responses will be used to implement improvements that will provide you with better services in the future. This information is being compiled for internal use only and your participation will be held confidential.

I would like to thank you in advance for taking the time to fill out this Survey.


1. Please indicate whether you are:

P5 and above
Visiting expert

2. Division

3. Type of work

Operational and technical
  Other (please specify):

4. How long have you been working at FAO HQ?

Less than six months
Less than one year
From one to three years
Over three years

5. Age

Under 30

6. Gender


7. Nationality

8. Level of Education

Middle (High School)
Higher (University/ Advanced Degree)

9. When you use the resources of the library do you:
(check all that apply)

Go to the library yourself
Send someone else to the library
Telephone/ e-mail
Use the library resources via intranet/ web
Don’t use library resources

10. How important are library services and resources for your work?

Print: Electronic:

11. How often have you used in person/online library services during the past year?

In person: Online:

12. If you have never used the library, please indicate one or more reasons (first answer then skip to question no. 18)

I am not familiar with library services
I have no time to use library services
I am a skilled web researcher and satisfy my information needs myself
I get job information from my supervisor/ colleagues
I find library staff not professional/ not client oriented
Library collections are not appropriate/out of date
I don’t have the time to read additional documentation
I don’t need additional documentation for my job
  I prefer to use other libraries please specify:
  other reasons
not applicable

13. Which library collections do you use most?

In person Online

None of the above

14. Which of the following libray services do you use?

Book and journal loans
Book and journal acquisitions
Journal circulation
Reference and search assistance
Inter-library loans
Reproduction of FAO documents
Tours and briefing
SDI’s(Selected dissemination of information)
TOC’s (Table of contents)

None of the above

15. How many print subscriptions do you purchase:

Through library Not through library

If none, please comment:

16. How many online subscriptions do you purchase:

Through library Not through library

If none, please comment:

17. When you find that the library lacks the material you need, what do you do?

Request an interlibrary loan
Go to another library
Find on internet
Get it from colleagues
Get material from author
Order the missing material on my own
Request divisional journal subscription/ book acquisition
  Other solutions

18. What is your main subject area?
(check all that apply)

Social science
Sustainable development

19. How well is your main subject area covered by library collections?

Not covered at all

20. What would you like to see more of in your subject area?

Statistical publications
Not applicable
  Other Please specify

21. Which resources/services do you use on the library website ?
(check all that apply)

The Library catalogue
External databases (e.g. CAB Abstract, AGRIS, ASFA…)
Full-text resources(e.g. Science Direct, ProQuest….)
Subscribe to TOC’s
List of library journals
IT learning tools
I don’t use the library website

22. What do you find to be the biggest problem in using the library website?
(check all that apply)

Not being able to find the information I am looking for
Not understanding the results retrieved
Not knowing how or where to start my search
Certain documents not being available for downloading
It takes too long to view/download documents
Finding dead links
Not getting access to certain pages
Not being able to return to a page I once visited
Not applicable

23. Have you participated in FAO library training sessions?

Yes, I have participated during the past two years
Yes, I participated several years ago
No, I have never participated, but I am aware of this service
No, I am not familiar with this service
I don’t have time
I don’t need to participate

24. If yes, did you find the training session useful?

Very useful
Not useful at all
Not applicable

25. Do you receive messages on library news periodically?

Yes, and I find it useful
No, but I would like to receive messages on library news in the future (please contact the library or provide e-mail)

26. How satisfied are you in general with (please rank 1=very satisfied, 5 dissatisfied):

Physical environment (displaced conditions at the moment)
Technical equipment (hardware)
Library resources
Library services
General impression of FAO library


27. Do you have any suggestions and recommendations for the FAO library?

28. Do you have any suggestions and recommendations for the author of survey?