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Subject: Extreme Priority – The echo Objet: Priorité Extrême – l’écho URL: (ENCODED - different) ****FIRSTLY, I MUST SAY THAT THERE ARE SOME SUSPICIOUS LOOKING PEOPLE THAT MAY TRY TO ARREST ME OR SPY ON ME IN THIS ENVIRONMENT, AGAINST WHO I WILL RESIST AS MY KIFE IS READY AND I HAVE SOME OTHER THINGS TOO, WITH A LIGHTER AND SOME FIREWORKS SIMILR STUFF AS WELL. AS I AM TRIED TO BE RETRIED AND AS I AM GROWING RESTLESS EVERYDAY, FAILING TO COMPLETE MY STUDIES AS I PLAN TO, IN ORDER TO CLAIM MY TITLE. I DECIDED TO PROPOSE SOMETHING THAT I WANT IT TO BE REGARDED AS A REPETITION, A RETURN; AN ECHO OF THE EVENTS THAT HAPPEN TO ME. IF YOU REMEMBER, MORE THAN FIVE YEARS AGO THE NUMBER ONE SEPARATIST GROUP FIGHTING AGAINST THE COUNTRY THAT I LIVE IN HAS BEEN ACQUIRED AND DETAINED BY THE LOCAL AUTHORITIES AND THIS FIGURE WAS TRIED AND RECEIVED A LIFE SENTENCE. THE ORGANIZATION HE HEADED IS A TERROR ORGANIZATION; WHAT IS TRUE IS TRUE. BUT THE COUNTRY THAT I LIVE IN COOPERATES WITH MY CAPTORS IN SUCH WAYS THAT IT’S NOT QUITE POSSIBLE TO NAME THE WAY SHE TREATS ME IN ANY PHRASE BUT TERROR. I LIVED EVERYDAY IN FEAR AFTER HAVING BEEN IN A JAIL FOR 24 HOURS, HAVING HAD COMMITTED SUICIDE A FEW TIMES THEN FOR ALLEGEDLY BULLYING THE FORMER LAND CHAIR. I WAS SHOCKED IN SUCH A WAY THAT I COULDN’T PSYCHOLOGICALLY RECOVER. EACH DAY THAT PASSED WITHOUT ANY SOLUTION EVEN THOUGH HAVING PREFERRED NOT TO DEPEND ON THE MERCY AND THE COMPASSION OF THE FORMER LAND, BUT INSTEAD THAT OF GOD AND MY QUEST OF ALTERNATIVES, MY SEARCH HASN’T BEEN FINALIZED SO I WAS STUCK HERE. I FACED AN IDENTITY CRISIS AND THE YEARS I SPENT TRYING TO FIND OUT WHO I WAS AND HOW I CAME TO DEVELOP GESTURES AND FEATURES THAT I HAVE NEVER BEEN EQUIPPED WITHIN THIS LIFE THAT I LIVED IN, SOMEBODY PULLED THE WHOLE PLUGS AND CONVICTED ME TO DARK DAYS AND I HAD LIVED THE FEAR, THE ANXIETY, THE DREAD OF HAVING BEEN A STRANGER IN THE MIDDLE OF EVERYONE AND HAVING HAD LOST MY MOTHER, MY FOSTER GRANDMOTHER, AND HAVING BEEN ALIENATED IN A TERRITORY I ONCE REGARDED AS HOME WITH HOME MEMBERS EITHER SHOWING THEIR REAL FACES OR GETTING OUT OF MY LIFE, SUCH AS DEATH, I DECIDED TO TEACH A LESSON AGAINST THE PEOPLE OF THE COUNTRY THAT I LIVED IN FOR HAVING HELPED MY CAPTORS KEEPING ME IN DANGER, SHOCK AND PANIC, AND I WANTED TO MAKE THEM FEEL HOW I FELT EVERYDAY IN ORDER TO GET SOME RESPECT I WASN’T GIVEN IN OTHER WAY ROUND, TRYING TO TEACH THOSE DEMANDING PATIENCE FROM ME TO PAY FOR IT THE WAY I HAD TO. AND AS A RESULT THE POLICE SET UP A PLOT AGAINST ME AND TRIED TO CAPTURE ME WITH HELP OF SOME TRAITORS AGAINST THE HONOR OF HUMANITY AND I AM IN PRACTICE TO BE RE-TRIED. SO, AS THE VERY TOP FIGURE OF AN ORGANIZATION THAT COMMITTED TERROR IN THE PAST WAS CAPTURED AND TRIED IS ABOUT TO FACE A RETRIAL DEMAND FROM A KEY INTERNATIONAL COURT, WHICH IS UNWANTED BY THE COUNTRY THAT I LIVE IN, WHO DIDN’T HESITATE RE-TRYING ME HELPING THOSE TRYING TO SHUT ME UP. AND THIS MAN’S DESTINY WILL BE ASCERTAINED WHEN THAT KEY COURT WOULD DECLARE ITS VERDICT WHETHER TO ASK FOR THE COUNTRY THAT I LIVE IN TO TRY HIM AGAIN OR NOT; OBVIOUSLY NOT TO SUGGEST THAT THE LIFE SENTENCE IS LENIENT BUT THAT IT’S VERY MUCH EXCESSIVE. SO I WANT AN ECHO OF MY RE-TRIAL TO TAKE PLACE, DEMANDING THAT MAN TO BE RE-TRIED BY THE COUNTRY THAT I LIVE IN BECAUSE THE LOCAL POLICE TREATED ME UNDER CUSTODY WITH THE SECTION OF THE PRECINCT INVOLVED IN TERROR CRIMES AND SINCE THIS MAN IS REGARDED AS A TERRORIST, I WANT THE DEMAND THAT I HAVE UTTERED HERE TO BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT, TRYING TO GET A CONCRETE ASSURANCE FROM THE COUNTRY THAT I LIVE IN TO WITHDRAW ALL ALLEGATIONS AND FOCUS ON THOSE TRYING TO SET THAT PLOT AGAINST ME. I WANT A CONCRETE DOCUMENT TO SHOW THAT I WILL NOT BE APPEARING ON TRIAL WITH ALL CASES AGAINST ME WITHDRAWN AND THAT I WILL NO MORE NEED TO BE PART OF ANY MESS THAT REQUIRES ME TO BE ARRESTED IF I WILL NOT GO ON TRIAL. OF COURSE I ALSO WANT A DOCUMENT OFFICIALLY ABOLISHING MY REQUIREMENT OF DRAFT SERVICE, EXEMPTING ME; WITH BOTH INDICATORS TO BE SCANNED BY ME AS I DONOT WANT TO BE FURTHER HUMILIATED BEING PART OF THE FEELING AS IF I AM GOING SOME DEATH ROW OR SIMILAR AS I WOULD WALK TO THAT COURT. I MADE THIS DECISION BECAUSE THEY TRIED TO KEEP ME IN CUSTODY WITHIN THE PRECINCT’S SECTION WITH “TEM” SIGN OVER THE OFFICE, WHICH IS THE ABBREVIATION OF TERROR CRIME PREVENTION IN THIS COUNTRY’S OFFICIAL LANGUAGE. THE CASE I AM FACING AGAIN IS AN ISSUE OF ASSIMILATION, DEFYING MY LIBERTY TO FREELY EXPRESS AND PROVE MY IDENTITY AND SUPPRESS IT BLAMING ON THE PRETEXTS THE COUNTRY THAT I LIVE IN HAS FOUND, WHICH IS IN FACT A PRACTICAL REENACTMENT OF A CRIME SCENE, WHICH IS VERY MUCH SIMILAR TO A MASS IMMIGRATION PUSH AND EXPOSING A COMMUNITY TO DISADVANTAGES OF WAR AND HEALTH AND LIVING CIRCUMSTANCES OF NEGATIVE NATURE, PERISHING THEM AND KILLING THEM IN MASS EXECUTIONS TO MAKE A REVOLT FOR FREEDOM TO BE INTIMIDATED BECAUSE THEY HAD LIVED ON REGIONS CRUCIAL TO THE PASSAGE OF ENERGY ROADS OF OUR DAYS, AND I AM DETAINED IN A SIMILAR INTENT AND THE COUNTRY THAT I WISH TO LIVE IN REGARDS HERSELF AS AN EXEMPLAR NATION, WHICH DOESN’T DEMONSTRATE EXEMPLAR MANNERS, HENCE I DEMAND THE COUNTRY THAT I LIVE IN TO FEEL A PARADOX, WHETHER TO RE-TRY ME AGAIN OR GIVE IT OFFICIALLY UP AND NOT EVER CALLING ME TO BECOME A MILITARY DRAFTEE AND CREATE ALL CONDITIONS FOR ME TO REACH OUT FOR WHO I WISH TO BE AND HOW I WISH TO LIVE, ALSO LIFTING FINANCIAL EMBARGO AND ENABLE ME FRESH MONEY RESOURCES OR FACE PRESSURE OF RETRYING THEIR MOST IMPORTANT LIFE SENTENCE WITHOUT PAROLE PRISONER, ALONGSIDE OFFICIAL RECOGNITION OF A MASS SLAUGHTER THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR IN HISTORY; AND AS THEIR CRIME TOOK PLACE ON THE ROADS, I DO NOT WISH TO BE ON THE ROADS EVER AGAIN AND BE FORCED TO TRAVEL LONG DISTANCES SUCH AS INTERCITY MOVES TO CLAIM MEANS MARKING WHO I WISH TO BE, AS I WILL BE VERY CAUTIOUS IF THEY ARE NOT SETTING TRAPS AGAINST ME WHEN THEY SAY I WILL HAVE A PASSPORT, SO IN ISSUE OF MY MOTHER’S COUNTRY, I CAN ONLY BE RELIEVED IF MY REAL MOTHER WOULD BE EXISTENT AROUND ME WHEN I WOULD BE GIVEN SOMETHING SUCH. ***** The former land in these conditions seem hardly persuasive and sincere for me to accept her bid to be one of their people and keep living here as though nothing has happened because there are several hidden dangerous behind their penetration and audition of several vital technologies and giant corporations that are operating in entertainment and visual arts business. If you want to deceive somebody that you benefit more when he is inside than out, within a limited isolated scenery and away from true friends to stand side by side to guide him rather than forcing him to understand the differences between the facts and the lies, possession of such capabilities pose very much as a point marking that the former land is no more credible than a fiction movie. How can I come to believe that the messages they plan to give are NOT fictional, if the intimacy had not in time expressed with concrete possession of documents, which could have been well hidden inside somebody’s jacket and handed out to me as a small envelope in secrecy, as I am not talking about hiding a gun or a similar material such as a grenade, man thinks there is a severe lack of sincerity when the former land declares that she is “doing everything” she could in order to provide my relief and enable me with rights. Quite obviously she benefits from the established system pro-them and con-me and they do not feel like seeing it changed into a balance of equals. Therefore, the former land is not a credible party and does not deserve the heed at all because there is an inconsistency attached to it. As I am living in some place where I am not at all free and not at all able to express myself and have free access to worldwide career market to compete with my talent and qualifications and having been forced to be part of visa rows here, I hardly come to think that the former land is a sincere figure that can provide me with genuine solace. In fact, to be more honest, I believe they are more likely to be obstacles than assistants in my campaign to be a non-negotiable free man and I do not wish to be their part at all, and even though if there should be the end of the world and this would be the last place I could live, I wouldn’t like the idea of living here but at least if I had indicators of my citizenship and complete identity in the way I wish to be known as provided through nations I feel more at home within than I’d be when I would remain as I am or turn out to be a former land citizen, then I would be more relieved, less anxious and would have a “merry-go-lucky” kind of a mood, would have been stronger come what may. But especially thinking I’d be less at home here but being forced to live in this mess being forced to be on hold for somebody who was a failure in terms of enabling me a family, each year passing turning more pessimistic and less relaxing, I come to think that I am on hold for the damned baby killer to be having a school holiday or semester end, I feel to be more righteous to be hating the baby killer, who is to me like a statute of Lenin or like a Swastika associated with the regimes that they represent, just as her existence represents the abuse and deprivation of rights all in poverty here. So as you appreciate here, there is no way else but to take mine as I have demanded to get out of here and be part of the nations that will be more of a home to me altogether; the former land is not preferred because the delayed justice is no justice, as in this case the justice is not just delayed but also obstructed with other injustices. And now, about what I am going to hear: The tape for today starts. This was recorded approximately 11 PM by local time yesterday and one of the lines belongs to a building not far from the police headquarters I was taken into custody and the other belongs to a supermarket. 1: We are now obliged to stop her effectively, and it must be a hands-on thing. What do we do about this? 2: Firstly, we will remain calm and act as though it will be the final move against him, if we lack self-confidence we will be screwed. I have men ready in town and the first thing is to find her based on an occasion to get him detained. We will find it out; we are trying but Tuesday is going to be a very hot day. 1: Alright, I check it and expect news from you. Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!