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A Message From Your Board of Directors

Bonnie Dietz - Chairman - 697-3415
Betty Roberts - Secretary - 697-3506
Bob Benson - Treasurer - 697-2402
Gary Mueller - Governor - 697-2520
Bee Godburn - Governor 697-4539
George Briesacker - Governor - 697-9442
Christine Hinton - Governor - 697-2551

Our January meeting was held Monday, Jan. 3rd at 7pm. The meeting was well attended by approximately 47 members. Our new Sheriff Mike Mock and Fonda Davis with the County Land Fill were on hand to answer questions and concerns relating to the recycling center and the trash problem we have in the village. Mike and Fonda spent a good 30 - 40 minutes answering questions and taking comments from the members present.

Bee Godburn reported we had 107 members paid for 2005 and by the end of the meeting that number increased to 127. If you have not paid your 2005 dues yet, please do so at your earliest convenience.

George Briesacker has taken over management of the Storage Yard. We have 16 spaces that have not yet sent in their 2005 rent. Second Notice letters will be mailed out on January 15th. We currently have (2) spaces vacant for rent. The board is looking into replacing the space number signs that are missing. The two lots in the center of the yard are being removed to facilitate easier access for those that rent spaces.

The board is checking into getting a new microphone to use at the hall. The membership voted and approved the purchase at the December meeting. We would like to get a cordless microphone that could easier be passed to anyone wishing to make a statement at our meetings.

Please visit our Schedule of Upcoming Events There is really a lot going on for the next 3 months. The Association will be having a Ham Dinner on February 19th 5:30pm $7 will get you ham, sweet potato casserole, cole slaw, baked beans, dessert and a beverage. March 13th - Sunday - The Association will be having an Ice Cream Social - FREE for our members. Non members are welcome and can indulge for $2.50.

In 2006 we will celebrate our 50th Anniversary. We are already starting to talk up ideas for the celebration, which we plan to hold probably in March 2006 so more members will be in the area to enjoy it. Some ideas that have already been suggested would be a street dance on Heffernan Drive with music provided by Tallahassee Swing Orchestra. So please email your suggestions and ideas to us at Lets really do it up right.

The membership approved having the floor at Chillas Hall stripped and waxed professionally at a cost of $425.00. The work will be done before Februrary 1st and J & K Cleaning Service in Carrabelle have been awarded the job.

Betty Roberts has agreed to chair the committee to do another Lanark Directory. Its a big job and anyone who would like to help, please contact Betty.

There were Seven of us that went Caroling through the Village on Dec 19th. We had a grand time, and we are now world renowned!!! Erwin O'Connor had us sing Christmas Carols and he put us on the radio over the internet. It was pretty exciting.

The next day The World Renowned Lanark Carolers (Betty Roberts, Betty Cahill, Bonnie Dietz, Marie Buster and Bee Godburn)help with the Christmas Program put on by the Lanark Scottish Fiddlers. A good time was had by all.

Christmas Eve the Annual Candle Light Service at the Community Church was well attended and there were wonderful refreshments afterwards.

Christmas Morning Bob & Carol Dietz put on quite a spread during coffee hour including smoked turkey on rye or pumpernickel as well as pickled herring.

New Year Eve we had over 50 celebrants at Chillas Hall. The fun started at 7:30pm and there were at least 15 brave souls who made it to Midnight. Grace Prosser won the 50/50 raffle.

Bob & Carol Dietz, Gary Mueller and Bill Peterson put on a boiled shrimp breakfast at Chillas Hall New Years Day. A big thanks to all that volunteered throughout last year. Lets all make an effort to help out and make 2005 an even better year!!!.

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