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Do you want more leads?

Is you company ready to grow. Are you sick of paying for leads that never pan out or make you compete with several other contractors. How much do these leads cost? How much do you get back if you don't get the job or no one calls you back? How would you like to be able to generate you own online leads. Leads e-mailed to you and only you, with all the information about the job before you decide whether or not to pursue it. Let us help.

People search online, all the time for everything. Over 65% of American have internet access and do an astounding amount of shopping online.

There are many companies out there that offer services that provide leads for your business. They take information online and pass it on to you for a price. For many contractors this works, for most it does not. If it is working for you, by all means stick with it. If it does not, let us offer a common sense alternative. What if you took the information on your own site and passed it on to you. Better yet, what if you took your own leads, sorted through the ones you liked, and passes the rest onto your subs. OK, I know you have questions, so lets do a little Q&A to better explain things.

Q: How much will this cost ?

A: This is the first question on everyone's mind. Most places will make you sit through their song and dance before they answer the tough questions. Not here. The cost are this. If you pay all at once the cost is $800.00. If $800.00 is a little steep right now, then you can make payments but the cost goes up a little. If you make payments over a year it will run you $950. This is a one time cost. Once the program is built it is yours to do with as you choose.

Q: What do I get for my money.

A: I am glad you ask. Drum roll please..... You get a fully functional website that takes potential customer information and drops it right in your e-mail box. The information does not go to any other contractors. But wait there is more.. you also have your site listed on all major search engines, and promoted in a monthly newsletter.

Q: What if I don't get any leads ?

A: You get all but $200 of your money back and you get to keep the site up free until you get at least 15 leads. It doesn't matter if that a month or a century.

Q: How does this work ?

A: You submit the information on the left hand side of this page. We will then contact you to work out some design details. Your site will be set up to take the incoming  information from homeowners. Your site will then be submitted to all major search engines.  When someone searches the web for a contractor in your area, they will find you. The job and contact information is then instantly e-mailed to you. This system can be attached to your current website to add dept and efficiency

Q: What if I do not have a website?

A: Shame on you.. Kidding. For $100 extra we will build you a website up to 5 pages and 100 MB. Your site will also be submitted to all major search engines so people can easily find you.

Q: Are there any cost to maintain my site.

A: Only if you want there to be. If you frequently want to change the look of your page there is a $25 per month maintenance fee. We monitor all the lead generating sites for functionality free for a year. While we do charge to make cosmetic changes, making sure your site is constantly running smoothly is part of the initial price.

Q: How many leads will I receive?

A: This is a tough one to answer. A person living in a small rural town will probably not get as many leads as a contractor in New York or Chicago. There is no real way to predict how many leads you will get but remember, if you do not get any leads we will refund most of your money and still promote your site.

The bottom line is that we provide a low risk way to seriously increase your lead flow. If you are looking to promote you company and it's services and are sick of all the hassle from lead generating companies, we are for you. Here is a recap.

▪ Custom designed site that allows you to decide what information about receive.

▪Leads e-mailed to you in real time

▪No per leads fees, no additional fees if you get the job.

▪No maintenance fees, unless you want.

▪No race for leads

▪No addition contractors sent to bid against.

▪No minimum years in business

If you have additional questions please feel free to contact us.