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Joy In The Journey
Weight Loss Chronicles

Beginning Weight ~ 240
Current Weight ~ 240
Goal Weight ~ 140
Pounds Lost ~ 0

Latest Updates

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope....Jeremiah 29:11

Welcome to "Joy in the Journey". . . a success story in the making. Here you can read about my journey to a healthier, fitter, thinner body. In many ways I am already a success.

I have:
~decided that being healthy is worth the effort it takes to get there.
~realized that feeling stuffed from overeating is not as comfortable as just feeling satisfied.
~discovered that it is possible to eat a meal and not take second helpings.
~not given up on me.
~given Jesus Christ His place in this journey.

I am so pleased that you came to visit today. Weight loss is a journey - not only of the body but the mind and spirit as well. You don't just snap your fingers and you're done! You have to learn new habits in eating and living. As joyful as the end result will be ~ there is a joy in the learning as well.
Although this site was originally created as a motivation for my efforts, I pray that you will find something here to help you in your journey. We don't have to do this alone!

So. . . get yourself a tall, cold glass of water, sit back and let's begin!

My name is Melanie and I live in sunny Florida. This site as well as the journey has gone through many revisions ~ new beginnings ~ new plans ~ new goals. Its many changes seemed to reflect my attitude about my excess weight and myself. When my original site was created I wanted a Victoria's Secret body. Life was on hold until that image I had in my mind was attained. Then in 2001, I lost my husband of 18 years to cancer. Through the grief and transitions I have come to realize that my life is precious, each day a gift from God, not to be wasted or regretted. Life has taken on a new meaning. Today is what is important - something to be celebrated and enjoyed ~ today, not tomorrow when I reach that magical number on the scale or that certain clothing size. That is why this web site has taken a new direction once again.
Weight has been an issue most of my life. It began in my childhood when I was teased for being fat. I married young, had two beautiful children and later found the strength to leave a very unhappy marriage. I was near a healthy weight when I remarried but when I became pregnant with my third child and weight came back on. Various weight loss attempts brought minor success but eventually I was right back where I started and then some.
Now today I am very aware of the toll physically that this extra 100 pounds has taken on my body. The swollen ankles, hurting knees, and a recent diagnosis of diabetes have gotten my attention. Emotionally, I feel like a stranger in my own body.

But I am so thankful for my relationship with Jesus Christ. He is the lover of my soul. I am finally realizing that in all my weight loss attempts in the past, I had left Him out. So, once again, I begin. Only this time I am not doing it alone. This time my God and Creator is included in the equation. After all - He created me so He certainly know how to fix me!

My food plan is quite simple - healthier eating. More fruits and vegetables, lower fat, smaller portions and more exercise. I am using Weight Watchers Winning Points although I don't attend meetings due to financial constraints. Most importantly, I look to God for help.
Simple to say ~ not so easy to do! But with God's help, I will try.

This time ~ this is for me - Melanie ~ and I am taking my health back!
I'm so glad you have chosen to join me on this journey. Please keep checking back to see my progress. And as I demonstrate success in this venture, I will pass on some tips and inspirations onto you.

My prayer is that if you have found this web site and struggle with the same issues and feelings that I have, that this site will be a blessing to you.
May God bless you abundantly.

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This site created and maintained by
Melanie Cook ~ 2003