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Shorty's Poem page

This poem is dedicated to all of those that I love and care about. Ya'll mean the world to me.

My Angel, My Friend

by:Jolene Ricks

My friend, my angel you mean the world to me. When I am down you lift me up farther than my eyes can see.

When I am hurt you are by my side to comfort me. When I am on my hilltop you are right behind me making sure I cannot fall.

My friend you are my guardian angel one tried and true. Your halo is hidden, your wings drawn back when you walk on this Earth, but when you reach the Heavens they will shine again.

When you are flying low i'm there to push you higher. When your smile is gone I bring it back again.

For you see my friend, you are my angel and I am yours. You lift me up, while I make you smile. We work together you and I, My beautiful angel, my wonderful friend.

Dedicated to all of my friends. I love you guys! I love you Guys Lots, *Muahs!Julie & LynnSusanne & AngieDeonMandy & Jason

Tiffany, Shannon,& Tammy

Bro. AaronKrista

