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Hey Kiddies! How's it going!? My site isn't really all that exciting, but I have spent a lot of time putting it up. So you're probably wondering what happened to the new look. I got sick of it. Now you're probably wondering where are the links to get to all the fun. That's the kewl new dealie. It's an image map. Click on each letter of JENUSKBOBUSK. It will take you to the wonderful land of Jenusk. Most of the pages are based on my favorite things. I think you will like the site. If you don't know who I am then well, this site may not be as "fun." If this is you're first time here since I remodeled, please resign the guestbook. I have gotten a new service for it. For those of you who have never been here, sign the Guestbook! I like to know who is viewing my site. So does everyone like the new look? I do! It's fun! Hehe...and mysterious, you don' t know where you're going to go to the first time. If you have any questions or suggestions click on the K in JENUSKBOBUSK up at the top. Enjoy!
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