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Mandy is my best friend, my prayer partner, my psychiatrist(at times ,lol, "Paging Dr. Mandy"), and the most awesome person i've ever met. She's helped me through things that no one else knew about. I just wanted to say Thank You Mandy, and I love you my big sister. You know that you mean more to me than just about anything else except God. He tops you chick and that's it.

Sis. Rhonda is my "other mommy". She keeps me inline (most of the time), and helps me out a whole lot. She is also one of the greatest mom's in the world, and one of the most wonderful examples of an Godly Woman that i have ever met. I love ya Sis. Rhonda (just please don't have a cow for me putting you on my page.)

Lynn and Julie, two of the most precious and sweetest young ladies in the world(sorry guys both of them are happily taken). Julie is my guardian angel, and source of help. Lynn is a true and faithfull sweet friend. I love you both very much.

Suzanne is my encourager, my faithfull friend, and my big sister when i need advice. She's always there when I need a hug or a helpful piece of advice. Thanks for always singing loud enough so I could get the note in choir. You mean alot to me and, I just wanted to say thank you, and I love you.

Angie, my cousin, my friend, my encourager, my example of what I want to be, she's always there for me even when she was a couple hundred miles away in Scotland. Angie, I just wanted to let you know that I love you, appreciate you, and admire you for all you have done for me and others, and what you are did while you were in Scotland. You are in my prayers always, I love you.
